We picked the warmest Spring weekend on record when we went on our shopping excursion to Syracuse, NY over the Easter weekend. On Friday afternoon the temperatures skyrocketed to 87F… the day I picked to visit my very first ever needlework shop. Yikes!

A Stitcher’s Garden is located in Fayetteville, NY, a suburb of Syracuse. The shop is located in the Canal Barn across the street from part of the old Erie Canal. While I was inside doing major damage at the cash register, Mr. PQ took Mac, our Westie, for a long walk on the scenic footpaths that line the canal.
*Insert…my apologies for having forgotten my camera at home, hence no photos.

When I walked into the shop, I think I was overwhelmed in the same way as when I experienced my first “real” quilt shop. I didn’t know where to look first. I had made a list of some of the things I wanted before I left home but of course the list went by the wayside as soon as I stepped over the threshold.
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First, I started with the gazillions of stitching patterns. I ♥ samplers and thought that I had stumbled upon sampler heaven. After getting a taste of some of the Adam and Eve themed samplers on some of my favorite stitching blogs, I decided that I too must have one. My only problem is that one is a word that doesn’t seem to exist in my vocabulary. *sigh*

This was the first one I found. Since I was already there, I of course had to purchase the linen and silk threads with which to complete the project.
The second “must-have” was of Eve by herself. Adam must have been elsewhere ‘sampling’ apples. The gal offered to kit this one for me as well. How could I refuse?

The third and final chart was a primitive style sampler that I kept returning to so I guess it wanted to come home with me. You now know the drill.

I now have lots of choices to keep both my hands and mind busy.
My BBD needle case was stitched using Crescent Colors floss which I absolutely loved. I decided that for my next project, I’d like to try silk. Just the feel of the silk was absolutely divine and I can’t wait to start my next project. After experiencing the ease and beauty of stitching with the CC floss, I think it’s going to be difficult for me to use DMC again. I’m wondering what will happen after stitching with silk?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
While the gal was kitting the three projects for me, I of course had the opportunity to browse. Oh my…big mistake!
My scissor addiction hadn’t received a “fix” in a while so I definitely needed some new ones. Besides, I didn’t have a black pair.
Then there was a cute silver magnetic needle minder…
And a strawberry mother-of-pearl thread keeper…
And some scissor tip protectors…
And some #26 John James stitching needles…all carried home in a plastic zippered project envelope.

Apart from some mini quilts that I’m really looking forward to and my on-going FFF designs, I think I’m going to be content with working on smaller, hand-held projects for the next little while. At the present time, I feel ‘quilted out’.
Have you ever felt that way? I absolutely ♥ all the quilts I’ve made over the past couple of years but the desire to dive into another one right now just isn’t happening. I have enough fabric to last a lifetime but does that mean I won’t purchase any more? I doubt it. Will I ever make another full sized quilt? Positively…but not in the immediate future.

Do you know what showed up in my mail box the other day? A flyer listing all the summer courses being offered at a local community college.
And do you know what one of the week long courses is?
Rug hooking!
I’ll leave you guessing…*wink*
Happy stitching!
Kaaren ♥