Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Digging Out!

This is certainly been a winter for the record keepers!

On Sunday, a third nor'easter made it's way up the eastern seaboard and blew through the Atlantic provinces dropping 1' - 2' of snow.  In some places the snow turned to rain which was followed by a flash freeze resulting in serious flooding in some areas because of the storm drains being covered with snow. We were "lucky" enough to get a mere 18" of snow.

Because of the storm, I had to cancel my doctor's appointment yesterday because we couldn't get out.  It took almost two days before our road was plowed.  Thank goodness for neighbors with tractors or we might have been housebound until July!

The snowbanks on the side of the road are over 6' high!

And while Frankie and Ollie were chilling by the fire this morning...

I continued to work on the blocks for my version of Leanne Beasley's Down in the Garden quilt.

Only one more to go after this next one.

Then I can start to cut and piece the patchwork soon as I'm given the go ahead that I'm able to climb the stairs to my studio.  I can't believe that it's been almost two months since I've been up there and boy do I miss it!  

My "to do" list keeps on growing, probably because I've had so much free time on my hands and as a result, have spent too much time surfing and shopping on the internet!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your day.

Happy stitching!


  1. We are getting hammered in Maine as well. Just wanted to let you know how much I love your little Noah and Friends quilt in the Spring issue of Primitive Quilts and Projects. Stay Warm!

  2. Hang in there...before you know it you will be up and down those stairs. Stay warm and safe....

  3. We're having a record breaking winter too here in Utah, but because there is NO snow! Not a good situation at all. Glad you're surviving the storms & have good neighbors....

  4. OHHHH NO!! Enough of the white stuff...bring on that sunshine! Go over to my blog and pull up a lawn chair and sit in the sunshine for awhile...:o))

  5. Your stitching is so very pretty!
    Thankful you have a fire to warm your furry friends, and good tractor neighbors. Rest as you can until you get to see your doctor. Blessings to you!

  6. Wow! that's a lot of snow! And I know, what you mean with too much time for new ideas. It's always the same with me if I am ill. Wish you all the best and hope you can be upstairs as soon as possible!
    Greetings from Germany, Rike

  7. OMG! We had here only a bit of snow in the last three weeks. But the remembers me to the winter two years aho. We had so much snow and 4 month no sun. Really!
    But today it's sunny and ait becomes warmer.
    Be careful with yourself and all the best wishes

  8. Sorry to hear that you had to miss your doctors appointment, but better to be safe inside.

    Frankie's eyes are an amazing colour of blue!

    Our local mountains have either suspended or closed for the season due to all the rain we've had. Since Saturday we've had some lovely blue skies and even some cherry blossoms to join the spring bulbs popping up!

  9. I've been thinking of you as I watch the news stories about your winter storms. You're having an old fashioned Manitoba winter!

  10. WOW! That is some serious snow. Music City got pelted with sleet freezing rain and ice! We are wimps and ice storms are not fun

    Can't wait until you can return to your upstairs--it will be like Christmas and your birthday rolled into one

  11. Brr! Looks so very cold. I would be parked in front of the fire stitching away.

  12. The view where you live is still incredibly beautiful even with 6' high snow banks. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  13. I think we are all ready for some warmer weather. It seems like the shortest month of the year always feels like the longest. Love the picture of the kids in front of the stove. Take care, keep warm.

  14. Stay warm and safe! Prayers your doctor appointment will be great news.
    The snow banks here are barely two feet high unless he plows pack it in one place. It feels like there's a band of don't snow much here across the local area, except for the higher elevations. The cold, on the other had, has not missed us.

  15. It seems this month is one big, never ending snowstorm, lol. We ended up getting a snow blower, way too much and we are getting too old for shoveling;)


  16. As Gayle mentioned above, Utah is having Spring instead of Winter, it seems. You folks in the east are getting our winter, too, I suspect. Glad you are safe and comfy and I hope you get up to that studio soon!

  17. We don't get snow here and after reading this I am very grateful.
    I am enjoying seeing the changes that you are making to this project.

  18. 18" of snow considered 'lucky'...WOW! Who would have thought? The weather gets more and more strange each year.

    It's always nice to see your little furries enjoying the fire.

    I love your stitchery.

  19. Take care of you, still love your stove

  20. That amount of snow is unreal, I can't imagine the cold. I love your stitchery and when you can get up those stairs, they'll be no stopping you.

  21. Qué maravilla de bordado!!! Me encanta. Que listos los animales, no se separan de la chimenea. Besitos

  22. We have had a very mild winter here in Northwestern USA. What fun you will have when you are able to use the stairs and get to all of the projects you have planned. Your embroidery is lovely, I look forward to seeing it completed.

  23. Take care of your self kaaren! Kind of nice to be "cooped" up with so much snow outside!!

  24. The weather sure has been something. We've had snow and very cold temps here. The woodstove is my favorite thing these days. Take care and stay warm!


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