Sunday, May 25, 2014

She purrs just like Frankie!

Here she is, all shiny and new...and she purrs just like Frankie!
I got her all set up and played with her for a while after dinner yesterday. I know I'm partial and realize that it all comes down to personal preference but from what I've experienced, there's nothing that sews like a Bernina.

Baby Bernie 330 is going to be doing most of the "grunt" work and my 750QE will be used for everything else. I'm sure I could even teach her how to cook dinner because there's not too much she can't do...I only wish!  

I finally took the plunge and taught myself how to use the BSR (Bernina Stitch Regulator), a feature that is unique to some of the Bernina domestic machines.
This computerized attachment allows you to perform evenly regulated stitches throughout the entire free motion quilting process.  I was quite intimidated to even give it a try but once I did and learned how easy it was to use and give me the professional results I was looking for, I could kick myself for not having experimented with it sooner.  

So this afternoon I'll be doing some free motion quilting on this quarter's First Friday Freebie which is scheduled for release on the 6th of June.
Yesterday I also treated myself to some of the new fabric that came into my friend Darlene's "A Needle Pulling Thread Quilt Shop". True blacks that don't read as navy are difficult to find and if you need some to add to your stash, now's the time to get some before she sells out...and probably to me!  

Oh and did I mention that her prices are hard to beat?

As you can see, I also got some of the new dark browns and awesome cheddars.  These are destined to be used in a new quilt design that I'm working on.

Guess I'd better get the rest of my housework done because then I can play in my studio without feeling guilty. 

Yup, I'm anal...and that's only ONE of my many shortcomings! *wink*

Happy stitching!


  1. Enjoy your shiny new machine!! Pretty fabrics....yum! Hope you are feeling great and have a fun day today.

  2. Oh, Kaaren - Your new Bernina is gorgeous!! I am hoping one day to get another one!! And that regulator sounds heavenly!! I love your new fabrics!!

  3. I am so envious! I must be tight with my money, or I'd go buy my own. You will have so much fun with that new machine.

    The new fabric is so beautiful. I think I need some of that, too!

  4. Does Frankie know how much you like this new "purring" friend?

  5. A new toy! I've heard really positive things about the stitch regulator... that was a smart move by Bernina! As soon as you figure out how to get that baby to put meals on the table, let me know!

  6. Yes, your right, nothing sews like a Bernina. I also have a Husqvarna Ruby Deluxe which is is for repair and I'm sewing on my Bernina 830 and I thought just how much I really like this machine. Have fun!

  7. Sounds like you're very happy with your Berninas! Looking forward to seeing some FMQ on your FFF. Love those fabrics...Darlene sure brings in some pretty stuff and you are so lucky to live close by!

  8. Is there a reason you aren't going to be using the big Bernina for every day sewing? I would love to have the big one but I don't think it is in my future. I use my stitch regulator on my Bernina and like it. The case cracked on it at one point, and Bernina replaced it under warranty. It is an expensive thing to have to replace at your own cost.

  9. What lovely, rich looking fabrics!
    The only Bernina I own is over 60 years old--don't think they have a BSR for that model! : )

  10. interested in the BSR does it work on all berninas i have a 1230. Love the fabric you have there

  11. I'm glad im not the only one who names there sewing machine! mines called Gary

  12. Hi Kaaren,
    Lynn here from Sew'n Wild Oaks. I want to thank you for your wonderful comment and kinds words you posted on my blog regarding the passing of our dog. I was unable to email you directly but I wanted you to know how much I appreciated hearing from you.
    Take care,

  13. Have fun getting to know your new toy.

  14. Hi Kaaren, So happy for you to have a new machine! Did you purchase it in Nova Scotia? I would love to try a Bernina. Love those fabrics too!

  15. I think these sewing patterns are pretty cool. My grandma would love to look at these patterns. She quilts all the time and is always trying to find new patterns and things to quilt.


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