Friday, September 2, 2011

First Friday Freebie #20

At long last…another First  Friday Freebie!  Woo hoo!

I don’t know for how long but I’m happy to say that for as long as I’m able, I’m hoping to be back here on the First Friday of every month with a new design for you to enjoy.

To celebrate the month of September and the anticipation of autumn, this month’s FFF is called…

September Song


Click HERE to download the printable PDF file which includes a photo, instructions and line drawing. 


Here’s a closer look…


Enjoy, have fun and as always, happy stitching!



  1. OH, I like this, Kaaren!! Thank you for sharing your talents!!

  2. Oh ! Very cute, Kaaren ! Thanks a lot for sharing it with us ! :-)
    Hugs from France,

  3. I love sunflowers Kaaren , thanks so much for this FF , I really appreciate your sharing your wonderful talents . Thinking about you and wishing you well .hugs Sheila

  4. Love it Kaaren!! Another wonderful FFF....thank you for sharing. ♥

  5. Thanks so much. I have missed your designs. Glad you are feeling up to doing them again. Enjoy the fall weather.

  6. Kaaren, You have so generously shared your gift with many of your past designs. They are all wonderful. But this one, September Song, is by far your greatest achievement in more ways than one. I wasted no time printing a copy so that I could get right to work. Originally, preparing block #5 of Raggedy and Friends was at the top of my weekend to-do list. I've just moved it down to task #2. Thank you very much. ~karen

  7. Thank you so much, lovely design and a lovely song...memories !

  8. Woo Hoo FFF is back, thank you Kaaren, another item added to my "to do list" Hugs Linda

  9. Thanks for sharing the sunflower design, but now I have that song stuck in my head (lol)...Off to do some stitching and humming.
    Hugs from South Carolina,

  10. Thank you so much Kaaren. I love sunflowers.

  11. Hi Kaaren,

    What a lovely FFF. I have a friend who just loves sunflowers. I will hurry and make it up for her. It was so good to look forward to the first Friday with a great surprise from you. Glad your feeling up to it.
    Thinking of you always. Have a great holiday weekend.

  12. So it!!! It feels good to see FFF again....glad you felt up to it!!

  13. Kaaren, this is delightful! Thank you.

  14. Thanks Kaaren! What a fun project for fall..

  15. Thank you, Kaaren! It was great to see your last post with some good news from the medical front. :)
    Thanks for this FFF - I always love sunflowers. :)
    Blessings to you!

  16. Love the sunflower! Thanks Karren.

  17. It's needless to say we are all delighted that your able to share with us, and we love everything you take time to do for all of us! Best wishes for good health

  18. It's beautiful, Kaaren! Thanks so much, I do love sunflowers. I hope Nova Scotia is getting good weather for the long weekend.{{hugs}}

  19. Love, love, love it! The fact that you are back with FFF, and wishing you all the best, and also the fact that you are sharing sunflowers, my favorite!! Hugs to ya, and welcome back, Kaaren!!



  20. It's a hit! Thanks ever so much, Kaaren. Can't wait to get started on it. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  21. Just beautiful Kaaren!!! Thank you and.... Welcome back \o/
    XXX sugary hugs
    Wendy :O)

  22. I am looking forward to many, many FFF....thank you for a beautiful design...stay well....

  23. Thank you Kaaren. It is lovely and perfect for September.

    I continue to keep you in my prayers.

  24. Love this stitchery and have down loaded. Thanks Kaaren for your wonderful FFF. Judy C in NC

  25. Sunflowers is a favorit, and this is so beautiful. I wish you a lovely september. :)
    Thank you for sharing, take care!

    Karin på Ösäter

  26. Adorable - thank you for sharing this with us. Keeping you in my thoughts :)

    Hugs - Karen

  27. Thank you, Karen. It's nice to see you picking up some of your projects again. Keep well......

  28. Kaaren -
    I just love it! Thanks so very much~

  29. Kaaren, what a wonderful piece you have designed to share with us.

    Thanks you so much, glad you are feeling so much better!

    Can't wait to download it when I get home from work tonight.

  30. Thank you so much for this lovely design. This is my first FFF and i know i will enjoy working this one. God bless you.

  31. Thank you for the FFF pattern. I love it! I have already printed it and will work on it tonight. Great to see you back!!

  32. Fantasticks!! It sooo adds to the new found fall feeling this week! Thank you!

  33. Oh, Kaaren; I love this. I have always loved that song, too. Thank you for sharing.

  34. You are amazing Kaaren. Thank you so much for sharing with the entire world your talent. It is beautiful and I have the perfect fabric for it.I will think of you whenever I hear this beautiful song.

  35. Thank you Kaaren! Your FFF is gorgeous! I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  36. Kaaren,

    Thank you for all the lovely patterns that you allow us to share.

    I am a technophobe and don't really have much in the way of computer skills. I put your name on a prayer request list on the site of Father Fernando, a healer. I am so happy that you are feeling better.

  37. How sweet is that - thank you Kaaren!! I hope you're feeling well, hon, you're in my prayers!!!

  38. Hola Kaaren!!!!
    precioso el girasol para este me; me encanta como se van moviendo buscando el sol...
    Un gran abrazo y todo mi amor para ti...

  39. Hi Kaaren, Guess I know what song I am going to be singing all day today now!!! Thank goodness it is a lovely song. Thanks for this FFF. Nice to have you doing these again for so many reasons. Glad to hear that you are moving along with whatever needs to be done. We are all out here pulling, praying for, and thinking of you.

  40. Thanks so much, Kaaren! I was humming along as I read the verse.

  41. I remember that song as well. I used to sing it alot. Too bad I can't carry a tune.

    How you are doing well.

  42. FFF back- thank you-) I have missed them and hope they will stay long:-)))
    Hugs from Norway!!!

  43. It's wonderful, Thank you Kaaren!

  44. Awesome... sunflowers next to gerbra's and roses are my favorites... thank you for sharing once again Karren xxx

  45. Kaaren, As always, such a nice FFF. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  46. Thank you so much. So glad I stopped by. I am a wantto be quilter. I am going to try this one. I absolutely fell in LOVE with your Raggedy Ann Quilt. I so wish I could have got in on that one.

    I do hope you are feeling well as I see you have not been .

    Thanks again and wish me luck.

  47. Thank you, Kaaren. You are always so generous. I love your work. Nice of you to do this when you have had so much on your mind.

  48. This is a lovely little stitchery Kaaren, thankyou for sharing this! Thoughts and prayers your way!

  49. Thank you so much for this design. It's so appropriate for those of us enduring this Texas heat and water restrictions. Haven't seen green grass all summer.

  50. The FFF is just wonderful. I have all ready begun stitching it. Thanks for the great pattern. Hugs and best wishes.

  51. Kaaren, Freebie or no Freebie, I hope you have many more First Fridays to come. Best wishes and happy crafting, Jenny

  52. I LOVE this...thanks so much!! I printed it off and put it into the 'TO DO' File!! Don't want to forget or loose this one!! :o) Thanks so much for are so talented!!

  53. Thanks so much for this lovely stitchery. It will go along well with the Fall one you gave us a while ago. I'm so glad you're feeling well enough to try this again. We have missed you.

  54. ¡Feliz Septiembre también para tí, Kaaren!.
    Precioso diseño, y gracias por el detalle.
    Un abrazo gigante.

  55. Very nice Kaaren, you didn't disappoint.

  56. I have the song running through my mind as my printer is humming! Thank you, Kaaren - this is so lovely!

  57. That is the sweetest verse! I was actually singing the tune in my head as I read it. Thank you so much for another FFF....appreciated as always. Hugs from Ohio.

  58. Kaaren! Please send me your new snail mail address!!! Thank you!

  59. Thank you Kaaren... don't you think Sunflowers are the friendliest flowers??
    I just printed off the instructions and will start tomorrow... Blessings to you!

  60. What a lovely stitchery! You so amaze me! With every thing that is going on in your life, you make time to give to others! I'm in awe! You are so sweet! Thank you! Gentle hug!

  61. Thanks, Kaaren! This is a great design from one of my very favoritest musicals. Love it.

  62. I love this pattern, and plan to trace it soon. So glad you are feeling better, and how lucky we are that you still want to share your talent.

    I have a question, when the pattern was printed out, there is a disclaimer about how we can used this pattern. It is normal and I completely understand the need for it. What I do not understand is how you can use the word (someone else wrote) from a song and not give credit to the writer? I would think that this is "borrowed" and that writer deserves the same consideration that you do? Just wondering how it all works.

  63. I just stumbled across your blog last night and wanted to say hello! Your blog is just wonderful I'm so glad to have found it :)

  64. Thanks so much for another beautiful FFF! You are so kind to share with us.
    Glad you're feeling better and those good thoughts are still be sent your way.
    Take care!

  65. Hi Kaaren,
    It was so nice to meet u, and have u visit my shop. Your Blog is great!
    Hope to keep in touch.
    Tina Wood
    Steepleview Quilt Shop
    Face Book

  66. Thank you Kaaren. Love the sunflower.

  67. Thank you so much, Kaaren! That is so cute.

  68. What a sweet pattern, Kaaren.
    Love it!

    Sending Good Wishes for you and hubby!

  69. Thanks for a great pattern. The Fantastiks has long been one of my favorites, and I've seen it performed all over the country in the years since it first was written.

  70. Thank you very much for sharing. Be well.
    Hugs from NB

  71. My first from you as it cought my eye from stumbles and stitches site! You seem to have quit a lot of people rootint for your health and cheering your talent! I am a new fan!Thank you and "I hope you are feeling better soon" from what ever was wrong!I just wish I could have stumbles onto your work sooner!You are an insperation!I think I'm going to stitch this up ritght away! Thank you. ;D


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