Friday, August 19, 2011

I get by…

With a little help from my friends.

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Remember that Beatles song?  Well today it really struck a chord with me.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~

One of the things that I know best about myself is that patience is NOT one of my most redeeming qualities.  I was feeling kind of frustrated and overwhelmed this morning and became a little teary-eyed as a result.   I’m finding it so hard to deal with the unknown and the waiting is starting to play on my nerves.  Forgive me for venting but I’m so anxious to move forward.

~  *  ~  * ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~ 

Then just when it felt like I was really going to lose it, guess what happened?  The mail lady stopped at our road side mail box, opened the lid and flipped the red flag up, indicating that there was mail inside.  I was debating as to whether to go out and see what bills she left or to put it off until later.  Well, I’m happy that I decided to get it over with right away because I didn’t find any bills but two large envelopes addressed to me instead!  I couldn’t wait to get back inside.


Paulette graciously allowed her friend Claire to host a giveaway on her blog because Claire doesn’t have a blog of her own.  To make a long story short, the giveaway had to do with W-O-O-L and by now you probably all know about my love affair with wool. 

Well, I didn’t win the giveaway but Claire decided to thank me for my First Friday Freebies and Raggedy & Friends BOM by gifting me with three fat quarters of wool.


Aren’t they awesome?  They will be put to use very soon!  Thank you so much Claire and Paulette. 

I’m definitely getting by with a little help from my friends.

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The second package came as a complete surprise.

Cathi and I have been blogging friends for about two years now.  When I opened the envelope and found this inside…


I became all choked up and the tears really began to flow freely. 

Isn’t it gorgeous?  And I knew exactly where it was going as soon as I laid eyes upon it.


It was as though it was made for and always belonged on the pine bedside table in our guest bedroom.  Thank you sooooooo much, Cathi.  I absolutely love it!

I really am getting by with a little help from my friends.

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Yesterday, I went blueberry picking at my friend Diane’s house.  She and her husband moved here from Oregon five years ago and inherited 160 varieties of blueberry bushes on their property.  They have been giving them a lot of TLC since then and the ‘sea of blue’ was amazing.


The soil in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia is ideal for blueberries.


In thirty minutes, I had picked 4.5 pounds of mouth-watering blueberries.


I’ve already made a blueberry pie and plan to freeze the rest because next week, Mr. Painted Quilt and I are going back to pick a whole lot more.


All we need now is a bigger freezer…and it’s being delivered next week!



  1. I love that little quilt! And look at those yummy, health blueberries. Have fun baking.

  2. What wonderful gifts!! Lucky you. That little quilt is adorable. YUM on the blueberries!! Thinking of you.

  3. I'd seen the little stars on Cathi's blog as she stitched them, and the little quilt looks perfect in the guest BR. I love having fresh blueberries in the freezer. Then I can bake muffins whenever the mood strikes, or make my own blueberry jam. Yummy!

  4. Hello Kaaren!

    What beautiful gifts from friends! You deserve every bit of it of LOVE coming your way.

    Your blog posts continue to be gorgeous and inviting... and YUMMY Peach Cobbler!

    I have 2 blueberry bushes. It took 4 to 5 years before they started giving us fruit... I think I looked at them cross-eyed and startled them! They finally started producing. Such a healthy little fruit!

    Arms wrapped around you...sending LOVE.

  5. The wool found a perfect home and the little table topper looks absolutely perfect!! Your heart must be full :) Thank you for sharing th pictures with us. AND the blueberries looks SO YUMMY!! Beautiful pictures once again - thank you!!

  6. I have an excellent recipe for fresh blueberry pie that is so easy and fast. If you're interested let me know.
    Your friends are wonderful to gift you such lovely things! You are blessed to have them to help lift your spirits. :)

  7. What a happy blog. Tears are good. Gifts in the post are very good. Love that quilt. Blueberries....yummy. Bless you Kaaren. Hope your wait for results is not too long.

  8. I am so glad you had such a nice day after all, full of surprises. Just before reading your post I got an e mail from a friend telling me that today she was feeling a bit sad this morning when she got up...later in the day she got two packages in the mail just like you did!!!!!!!! I am glad to see that good things happen to good people.
    I won´t say a word about the blueberries...I am so envious!!!!!

  9. What wonderful surprises and definitely a great way to cheer you up while you wait. I love fresh blueberries. We bought bushes, then my husband ran into them, one by one, so I gave up, lol.


  10. Keep your chin up girl. The postie brought you some lovely gift there and that small quilt looks lovely on your bedside table. Wish I could go and pick blueberries.

  11. What sweet gifts for you Kaaren! Blueberry picking sounds like a great distraction with yummy side effects!

  12. What thoughtful gifts you received. Isn't it wonderful how things like that can change the direction of our day. It helps to be reminded that we could all be a blessing to someone every day. The blueberries look soo yummy.

  13. How sweet of your blogging friends to surprise you with such nice gifts!! I have blueberries on my property, too, but they are low to the ground. It is a race between me and the starlings to see who gets them! ~karen

  14. Friends are always the best - whether in person or on-line. Chin up sweetie - I know, easy for me to say but try oh, and keep watching for a Bluebird of Happiness heading your way.

  15. Your little quilt is wonderful and then the wool that was also shared. The blueberries look yummy. No photo of the pie?

  16. You have been blessed with wonderful friends! Little surprises are so much fun and so uplifting. Hang in there and OH, those berries look so yummy!

  17. What gorgeous gifts, and just when you needed them! How perfect, both of them!!!
    Isn't it nice to pick your own fruit? makes it all the more special when you get them home and prepare them! Continued thoughts and prayers for your results!

  18. Surely, you should know something by Monday. Keep your chin up, Kaaren. It is the only way to go.

    Isn't it wonderful to have endearing friends? The wool is beautiful, the quilt is fabulous and the berries look..oh, so darn good!


  19. Beautiful little quilt! I love it and it looks so beautiful under your lamp. It was meant to go there. The blueberries look yummy too! I love this time of year, I love the harvested fruits and vegetables.

  20. Oh, those blueberries look amazing!! The blueberries here this summer haven't been great -- I guess it was too cool in May and too hot in July and they just didn't have a chance!
    I am so glad Canada Post delivered the little quilt today! They had perfect timing! Love where you've placed it!

  21. You are such a lucky lady to have such thoughtful friends. Both the wool and the little quilt are beautiful. I didn't know there were so many different varieties of blueberries! Have fun picking and baking!

  22. Your day just got better and better. Those blueberries look spectacular. And such wonderful gift to arrive from special friends. Take care.......

  23. What lovely parcels. The little quilt looks perfect on the side table. I am so jealous of you being able to pick blueberries. They are one of my favourite fruits but it is way to hot here to grow them. Even the tropical variety didn't grow. Have fun eating them :)

  24. See? when you're feeling down, God's going to put something in your life's path, something to lift your spirits. Not always material (no pun intended) things, but there's always something.
    You're very deserving of your recent gifts; you give so much of your self with your blog. Blessings.

  25. Arent you lucky. Nice green wool, a lovely quilted star gift, and blueberries.
    How about blue berry muffins and coffee in the am. What a way to wake up in the morning.

    I so understand the limited patients. Once I know this is broken or needs fixing, well then lets get on it.
    Make a plan, and lets get to it.

    Hang in there, it'l come.

  26. Such wonderful surprises! That is what friends are for - to surprise you when you least expect it and to make your day!
    Lovely berries!!!

  27. Blueberries make my mouth water. Gifts coming right on time surely are gifts of love. They are lovely and I hope you are feeling better today. Cheers

  28. Claire and I are thrilled that you like the wool and that you received it when you needed it the most!! Nothing like receiving a little thinking of you parcel when you are feeling we were happy to hear that you received TWO...a double boost to lift your spirits! Cathi's quilt is gorgeous and looks perfect on your night table!! Enjoy the blueberries..they look yummy!
    Paulette and Clairexo

  29. Beautiful wool, a heart-stopping little quilt and blueberries - what a difference these little blessings make!!

  30. what wonderful friends...I love that little is so pretty with all of the lovely colors....oh, my, we love blueberries...we eat them up so quickly especially with our cereal...I am praying for you....

  31. Oh I am so happy for you - friends are wonderful and the gifties were just perfect. Those blueberries do look good Yummy - Pie - what an idea. Judy C in NC

  32. what a great gifts!
    We're harvesting too right now, in our garden: apples, pears, blackberries etc. Lovely!

    Enjoy your gifts and nature and good luck with everything.

  33. Glad the cute gifts were able to lift your spirits Kaaren. The waiting is the hard part but hang in there. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Those blueberries are looking wonderful...I can almost taste them. YUM!

  34. It is so nice to have friends support when we are down. What lovely gifts.
    The blueberries look delicious!

  35. Such wonderful gifts you received. Your a wonderful and giving person - and we know that. Bloggy friends are the best :). Love that little quilt and it's perfect where you put it. Oh my those blueberries make my mouth water - yummmm. What a great treat they will be when it's winter outside and fresh blueberries in something warm from the over :).

    Hugs - Karen

  36. Quilty friends are amazing! So glad you are having tears of joy mixed in with your tears of frustration--Limbo is a very hard place to live.

  37. Sounds like you are staying busy. Hope you get your answer soon
    Take care

  38. Again, getting caught up with blog reading. Such great gifties to you on such a blue day! I am glad your PET scan is over and hopefully you will get your much needed answers. I have never seen how blueberries grow...that is amazing!

  39. Your surprise gifts look lovely, and as you say, so 'right' on the bedside table. As for the blueberries, they look absolutely delicious :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  40. My what wonderful friends you have, Kaaren - and how lovely that they came in such a timely manner! Those blueberries are making my mouth water....yum!
    I think waiting is impossibly hard sometimes, I am praying you get answers SOON and that they are good ones.

  41. Sending a hug - waiting is hard - sending prayers in hopes to lift your thoughts and feelings. You are a Can Do Woman and you can do this - with a little help from your friends. HUGS!

  42. Others have said it all about your wonderful gifts, I was intrigued that the mail lady put the flag up when she left you mail. We have always put the flag up when we leave mail for the postman to pick up but they have never raised the flag when they leave it. Now that would be very handy!! It would save walking out to check on those days when you aren't sending outgoing mail. P.S. I'm happy that your friends are so good to you! What a blessing!

  43. Oh what a sweet quilt from your friend Diane. And you certainly found the perfect place for it. Love that trio of green wool from Claire. Her wool work is gorgeous. And how wonderful to have a place close by to pick fresh blueberries. They're great in a healthful breakfast smoothie. It's a "good thing" to have blogger friends that cheer you when you need it most.

  44. Sorry, I meant your friend Cathi. I was just typing too fast.

  45. Gifts of love, they are wonderful and yummy! Thinking of you often and praying for you nightly.

  46. yummy looking blueberries and very nice presents. Friendly surprises do seem to come sometimes just at the right moments.

  47. sweet friends sending sweet gifts. So nice.
    We pick blueberries every year and freeze them. So good.

  48. Waiting for answers is toughest thing to do. So glad your gifts arrived when they did. They are wonderful. The wool is beautiful and that star quilt gorgeous. Enjoy the blueberries they look yummy.Keep a big smile on your beautiful face because we are all cheering for you.

  49. Wondering how you're making out with the weather right now??

  50. I have enjoyed catching up with you and your lovely surroundings! That Cathi is sooooo sweet....i watched her make this on her blog, but did not know the recipient until i was scrolling through your lovely blog. I recognized those little stars as soon as i saw them. It is so pretty in your home. I adore where you live.


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