Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Wool Crazy Christmas Layout Photo

With the upcoming move, our world is a little upside down at the moment.  I don’t know how I stumbled upon this photo…heck, I don’t even remember taking it…but here’s a photo of the layout I used when making A Wool Crazy Christmas, this month’s First Friday Freebie.


This is a suggestion only.  Of course you may use whatever  layout, wool and colors that suit your fancy.  I used scraps from my stash and if I ever decide to make another one, it would look entirely different as a result.  Because of the Christmas theme, I tried to stay within the red, green and white palette but once again, any colors would do.


My world is in a state of chaos and it gets worse with every new box I pack.  I’m running out of room!!!  I now know the true meaning of being BOXED IN!


We’re surrounded by a wall boxes…


And in every room!


And just when I think we’re making some headway, more boxes appear!


They’re multiplying…just like rabbits!


The above photo shows SOME of our things that will be going to auction…and this is not all of it.  I think this is the part of the move that I’m enjoying the most…the purging.  My motto for the new house will be “less is more”.


On Friday we will be leaving for Nova Scotia to be there for the closing on Monday, the 15th.  We are planning to stay down for a couple of days while the telephone, cable and internet are installed, do some cleaning and then make our way back sometime before the weekend. 

Three weeks today we’ll be on our way back to begin a whole new chapter in our lives.

Peace Now


Piece’ be with you!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Woooooh - that's alot of boxes lol !!

    Hope you have a productive couple of days away :0)

  2. I am so excited for you for the closing!! Enjoy your time in your new home!!

  3. Have a safe trip. You're almost there! The unpacking was always enjoyable for me (we've move alot in 28 years of marriage). I enjoyed finding new places for things and rearranging my new home. Good luck and enjoy the journey!

  4. That looks like the scene at our house four years ago! I am just finally getting to some of the last of the boxes, mostly craft and fabric items. Family health issues kind of sidetracked us so our unpacking took longer than expected. I probably should have done more purging before we moved and I wouldn't have to do it now. LOL! I'll be thinking of you. It's all hard work but worth it!!

  5. Oh Kaaren I am so excited for you!! hang in there; as you said a new life will soon be here!

  6. A Wool Crazy Christmas is fantastic! I only have one question on the move. Do you have a good pair of Wellingtons for all that rain? This will probably be the longest 3 weeks of all but well worth the wait and anticipation of a new home and all of the special touches you will give as you decorate. I can't wait to see some photos.
    Be always in stitches.

  7. Ouch, this looks familiar, we moved last summer so this is still fresh in my memory. Purging is a very good idea, I did too (drastically) and ended up with a tidy sewing room, tidy closets and so on (which are getting filled with new stuff at an alarming rate....)
    Good luck with your move!

  8. I was beginning to wonder where the cat was but saw him in a box in the last photo. Don't miss him and have to look in all those boxes!

    Can't wait to see the new house.

  9. Such a lot of work to be done when moving. HOWEVER... I must say that you are moving to a most beautiful place in our Nova Scotia. I welcome you & your family to my home province. Take care. Dianne

  10. I can feel your pain. I'm doing the same thing. We are building a new home in a town about an hour away and should be moving the second week of December. Can't wait until the chaos is over. Stressful, but also exciting. Good luck with your move. Can't wait to see pictures of your "new" home.

  11. Oh nightmare, it's 7 years since we moved to France and I remember it well!! Especially the 3 nights spent on a mattress on the floor while we waited for our furniture to be delivered. LOL. Enjoy your trip. Linda

  12. I didn't see Mac!?!?!?!?!!? You didn't pack him, did you? I'm worried. :-)

  13. What a daunting task. Hope everything goes well with the move. Beautiful Wool Crazy Christmas too.

  14. Wow, the boxes! We were fortunate when we moved, since it was part of a relocation for the government job I hold, they actually hired movers, they came in packed all our things into boxes and moved everything. We just stood there and watched. They even were going to unpack us when we got to our new house, but we chose to do that ourselves. It was like a surprise to see what was in each box. I hope you enjoy your new home as much as we are enjoying ours.

  15. I have lots of sympathy for you! We are a military family and move every two years on average. It's not always a fun thing to do...hopefully something better is waiting for you on the other end! Best wishes!

  16. We used to move around A LOT, but have been in one house now for 11 or 12 yrs. All your boxes bring back many memories ... good ones. You are a fast worker to have so much done already. Hugs and cheers ....

  17. Boy it's hard to live like that but it's only for the moment....it won't be long til you're settled, hon. I wish I could move, purging would be so awesome, lol!

  18. it sounds very exciting, but I realise it's very exhausting too... good luck with everything there is to do.

  19. Exciting and crazy all at the same time! Good luck.

  20. Wow how time has flown by. It seems like yesterday you mentioned your move. I'm getting excited for you..

  21. I think it will be nice to leave your house of boxes for a couple of days. You are getting so much done!!

  22. Oh goodness....Is that what's in store for me? I've already order 2 boxes of boxes from Costco. Don't plan to get packing till after the first of the year, but I'm right there with you on "less is more". Can't wait to hear and see the new place. Congrats!

  23. Oh, bless your heart, that IS a lot of boxes, but hey - you're blessed with abundance. LOL This too shall pass. It will all be worth it in the end.

  24. You are so organized! It is so exciting for you I"m sure, but boy what a lot of work!

  25. Dear Karen, I am with you in mind. They manage by me thou LG

  26. Hang in there!!! Almost done. And then the fun begins :-D

  27. found you..lol..I thought for a sec she moved with her blog, or her blog with her..but you are still here...hon that is a lot of boxes...
    how many days left?>

  28. It is amazing how we tend to amass stuff and don't realize how much we have until we need to move it!
    The end is in sight though, so not much longer before it will just be a memory.

  29. This is a new and exciting time but I don't envy the boxes!

  30. I do not envey you in the move... I did the same thing 2 years ago... but, with all the purging you still end up with a lot of boxes... I want to wish you well in your move and hope you enjoy your new home...It will be wonderful to put all away in the new house and make it yours.. My best wishes are with you and yours... :)

  31. Wish you all the luck with the move.. .I both envy you and dont ... Pheeww.. all those boxes... but all the joy too.. Big hugs and THANKYOU for the wonderful Friday Freebie!!! :o))

  32. Hi Kaaren: Before you know it, the rough part will be over and you will be settling into your new home - what a lucky lady you are.
    Take it slow - try to get one or two rooms comfortable and then take it slow and easy with the rest of it. You will be settled in before you know it!!
    Welcome to Nova Scotia!! and take a moment sometime this month to enter my giveaway at FunkyBabyuMine, which is my sister site.
    Ciad Mile Failte! A thousand welcomes!

  33. Even though you feel chaos among your moving, when I look at your photos I see organization. Boxes are neatly stacked or boxes folded inside others. So I guess what I'm saying is 'you're doing good Kaaren & mr. hubby'!
    Bless you during the final move, may you all stay safe & healthy. And I am looking forward to reading about your new other side :)

  34. I understand totally what you are going through with this move. I have done it numerous times, purging also. It is a good feeling to get rid of things but sooner or later you may be looking for that item. Good luck and safe journey.

  35. The house you are moving into is so unique and the setting is incredible!! I can't imagine living in such a setting!! Nova Scotia sounds so exotic to me!! I can't wait to see before & after pictures so take lots. I live in the Deep South with huge fields of cotton, corn & soybeans. I originally hail from West Virginia with all the beautiful mountains. Enjoy your new home!
    Gmama Jane


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