Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Painting and Quilting

At the outset, please allow me to thank you all for your wonderful comments on the painted lamp that will be given away on the day of my 50th post. It's looking forward to finding a new home.

I've received a few emails asking about my painting and more specifically about my header and if I painted it. I did, waaaay back in 2005.

Sandy Kuczyk, who was the editor at the time of the decorative painting magazine "Painting", asked me if I could design something sewing-related for their Mother's Day issue.

My sewing experience at the time was very limited, so I had to call on friends for help in the "props" department in order to come up with a setup for a line drawing. Sandy provided me with the unprimed, galvanized tin sewing box as the surface on which to paint my design.

This is what I came up with, and the current header for my blog "The Painted Quilt" is a cropped part of that design.

My painting career involved designing, publishing and travel teaching to places as far away as Japan and lasted twenty-five wonderful years. I made many friends from many different walks of life, parts of the world and from varied and diverse backgrounds. The common thread that brought us together was the joy of painting.

I am now finding that the same spirit also lives within quilters and bloggers. The hearts are as big, the world just as small and the people just as giving of their time and expertise. I thank you all for adding something special to my life each and every day.

The tin sewing box now sits on top of the antique treadle machine right next to my computer desk in my studio as a constant reminder of the two things in life that have brought and continue to bring me so much pleasure...painting and sewing/quilting.

Thanks for asking and thanks for allowing me to share. And as always...

Happy stitching!


  1. I am in awe of you...such a unbelievable talent. Your painting is so beautiful. What also amazes me is the statement you made, "my sewing experience at the time was very limited". What??? You've only been sewing a short time? Your quilting and applique work is wonderful, I thought you've been sewing forever.
    I feel the same as you about what blogging has brought into my life, so many wonderful friendships and I'm glad you are one of them!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your story! I love your sewing tin and it's delightful in it's perfect perch in your home! You've obviously carried your painting talent right over to your quilting talent - a terrific merge!

  3. hi kaaren,
    you are an amazingly talented lady! your painting is as beautiful as your stitching. thank you so much for sharing a peek into your past.
    i dappled in folk art painting for a few years quite some time ago. all i have left with me is a stool i painted (should post it on my blog one day). sometimes i think i'd like to pick up a brush again, but no longer have my supplies. perhaps one day.
    julie :)

  4. I too have a Singer treadle - from my mom. I have not used it since I got it (a couple of years now) but it sits in my upstairs hall. I really should use it so knows that it is loved.
    You put the same caring, effort and love into your sewing as you do/did in your painting. I would like to thank you for sharing your talents with us.

  5. Kaaren, you are amazing! Your painting is just beautiful... and your quilting, too! I've painted for about 11 years now and I still love, but now that I've become a quilter of sorts, it's kind of taken over. I mostly paint for my annual Christmas Open Houses.
    Have a fantastic day! Kimberly

  6. Kaaren, thank you so much for the wonderful insight into your amazing talents! Your painting is so full of life as is your quilting and sewing!

  7. Just love the tin sewing box. I wish I could paint like that. Have you thought of combining quilting and painting? You could make an Art Quilt or two.

  8. Dear Kaaren,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story and talent with us all. Your painting is a great talent and how great that you got to share it with others. Now you share your quilting talent with more people. The sewing tin is so great.

  9. I loved your story. Thanks for sharing it with us. Your sewing tin is a beautiful treasure. I used to paint quite a bit. But not for a long time now. I've traded a paint brush for needle and thread and can still feel artistic.

  10. Thanks for sharing your painting, it's so wonderful. I love the tin, oh to have that!

  11. What a wonderful story!! Your talent is amazing. I bet I am speaking for other bloggers too who would love to read more stories about your past painting adventures around the world!!


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