Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Having Fun!

I just came back from the post office...again. Usually I go only twice a week but I've been waiting for some orders to arrive and as you've probably gathered, I'm not the most patient person in the world. We live in a small town with a population of about 1,200 people and because we live "in town", we don't have mail delivery to the door but have to go to the post office to collect it. Hense my trip to the post office two days in a row.

I think I'm driving the two gals who work in the post office crazy because today there were two packages "from the states"! One was a fabric and pattern order from Homestead Hearth and the other from Keepsake Quilting. I knew what I was getting so I didn't have to speed...I mean hurry...home today.

The pattern I ordered from Homestead Hearth is called "Heartland" by Pearl P. Pereira and Susan Prioleau. It's an American sampler applique quilt with the blocks centered around a medallion. I can just imagine the beautiful job that Carrie would do on this quilt. When I saw the pattern I just had to have it and it's as spectacular as I thought it would be. This might be next line after the redwork quilt.

I ordered a few things from Keepsake Quilting, including 4 yards of white muslin for the redwork quilt that is next on my agenda. Well, instead of sending me the white they sent natural by mistake. I called as soon as I realized the error and do you know what they said? Keep what we sent you for the inconvenience and we'll send out the white this afternoon at no charge. I'm so impressed not only with the way they package and ship the goods but especially with their customer service.

I also ordered 3 yards of of this incredible Civil War-y toile fabric called "Winterthur Museum" by Andover Fabrics which was a must-have when I saw it in their catalog. It's spectacular in person.

I was planning on starting my redwork quilt as soon as the white muslin arrived and in the interim, I've been having fun doing little projects like my pin keep and some goodies for my Easter swaps. The latest is this little guy that I cut out last night and finished this morning.

Isn't he a cutie? It's a little birdie pin cushion bringing home a strawberry. He's made out of Civil War fabric and I glued him to an antique glass candlestick. Pincushions are really my things these days.

I wonder how many others I can make til my white muslin arrives next week? (wink)


  1. Is your little birdie a pattern or your own design? If it's yours, you should sell the patterns because he's just beautiful!
    Have a great day, Kimberly

  2. That little birdie pincushion is so cute! I love the way you have the strawberry hanging from his mouth!
    Have a Blessed Day,

  3. Ooo nice things in the mail! I love the pillar print and the pattern is going to one gorgeous quilt! Love the pincushion too.

  4. Kaaren - what a sweet pincusion! Do share if this is a purchased pattern or your own design? You always have such wonderful eye candy on your blog!
    Regards, Suzanne

  5. Heartland is beautiful and love the toile fabric. The birdie pincushion is so sweet. I love pincushions. You can never have too many.

  6. kaaren your little birdie pin cushion is truly adorable!
    you've been making me laugh with your stories of 'speeding' home from the post office. it's exciting receiving parcels. your purchases look wonderful - you're sure to have lots of fun!
    julie :)

  7. Your "Heartland" quilt is going to be gorgeous!!! And your bird pincushion is sooo cute! I'm also wondering if it is from a pattern or of your own design?!

  8. the birdie is so cute if you whipped it up that fast you will have one for every room by the time you get your order..LOL
    K..my BOM with stitch'n heaven starting in Mar is the exact same pattern!! I know what you mean about Carrie and her gorgeous work.. but don't sell yourself to short your just as amazing!!

  9. So many goodies but the bird pinkeep is just to die for! On my ever growing list of things to make, a bird pinkeep is near the top! He is wonderful!!

  10. Love, love, love the pinkeep! and I love the name for it too! much more impressive than pincushion.

    Don't you just love Keepsake Quilting! I will be going to the shop for the first time in April when I visit New England for a quilting retreat! I cant wait!

  11. My first time visiting and you have a give a way on the go. I found your name from the comments on "sew many ways"
    I love your little birdie pattern.
    Your blog too.

  12. Oh I just bought the Homestead pattern yesterday because there is just something about it that just "pulls" at me. It will be a fun one to make.

  13. I love that little bird pincushion. So cute. And thanks for mentioning my name. I know you are going to do a fabulous job on that applique. Look forward to seeing the blocks as you do them. Have fun.


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