Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Happy times!

What a week and a half it's been.  I think I've experienced every emotion imaginable, from low to high to extremely high.

I always seem to go into a mini funk whenever I finish a large project and in this case, I'm referring to my "man quilt".  I like to compare it to coming to the end of a great book.  I want it to be over so I can see how it ends but after I read the final "The End"...or in this case, the last stitch...I feel somewhat melancholy because after enjoying it so much, I want it to continue.  

We all give so much of ourselves with every quilt or hand made project we make, don't we?  Because of that, I personally like to take a little "me" time between each.  

One of the positive things that happened during our four day loss of power following tropical storm Arthur was that I came up with a new design that I had hoped to start last week.  Well, I didn't.  My head just wasn't there.  So rather than talk or guilt myself into it, I did a bit more organization in my studio, read a bit and spent more time in the kitchen preparing home-cooked meals.

And then the good things started happening!

First, my friend Lucie and her husband decided that they are going to take a "little" detour and will be paying us a visit for two days in August before making their way to PEI to attend a wedding.  I can't tell you how excited I am about their impending visit.  We haven't seen each other in almost five LONG years. 

Not too long ago, Lucie asked me to design a Fall themed mini quilt and that's the design I worked on and came up with during our power outage.  Now I have the incentive to get the sample done before she arrives!  So tomorrow, the sewing begins!

Then yesterday, look what arrived in my mailbox...

A box of my favorite threads from Aurifil!

Don't they look good enough to eat?  The colors are so rich and yummy!

Good things happen in threes, right?

On Monday of this week, I put the finishing touches on yet another new design that crept into my head over the weekend.  I started the initial sketches on Sunday but stalled about half way through.  Then on Monday morning, the proverbial light bulb came on and I was able to finish the design.

Yesterday, by coincidence, I heard from Jeni, the Editor and Creative Director of Primitive Quilts & Projects magazine.  She was writing to tell me that my latest project for the Spring 2015 issue had arrived safely, that they had just finished shooting my project for the Winter 2014 issue and that they would be sending me a photo just before the magazine was ready to go to print.  I'm over-the-moon excited to see it because her words were, "It's stunning!"    

While we were "talking", I told her that I had just came up with another new design and to make a long story short, it is now scheduled for the Spring 2016 issue. No hurried deadlines with this one!  Whew!

So that's been my last week and a half.  My funks never last long because it doesn't take too much to make me happy.

I have SOOOOOOOO much to be thankful for!

Happy stitching!


  1. You so wonderful work. Can't wait to see your designs in print. Perhaps our paths will cross in Digby someday.

  2. Congratulations, all exciting things happening over at your place, I'm thrilled for you.

  3. Fabulous news all around! So excited for you about everything wonderful that is happening...and won't you have fun with your friend! Great threads too!

  4. What wonderful news on all fronts! I was wondering if you use Aurafil thread for piecing? I've been having a bit of trouble finding good thread around here lately since our local store quit carrying what I like.

  5. So glad to hear things have been going well for you! i am looking forward to seeing your designs. Glad you are back online after your power loss. Keep up the beautiful designs. K-

  6. so many snippets of good news, mind you needed some after the storm and being without electric for 4 days.

  7. Kaaren, felicitaciones!!!
    un gran abrazo!!!

  8. so happy for you!~ congrats….
    glad your going to have a visit with your friend…

  9. I would take even just one of those things as a Good News day! Glad you could make creative time while the power was out. Happy for you to see your Friend!

  10. It's wonderful to "hear" your happiness. After the last year or so you deserve it more than ever. Can't wait to your designs in PQ&P my favorite mag of all. Enjoy your visit with your friend.

  11. Wonderful. Sorry you were out of power for 4 days though. Hopefully it wasn't beastly hot there. Keep those creative juices flowing -- we all enjoy them so much.

  12. Way to go! When the creative juices flow, there is no stopping them.

  13. Yea, you so have so much to be thankful for.You know what? You get in a funk and it is not very long and you are so excited that you are on to the next project. Me? I have ideas but it just takes me much longer to get started. I think it is the Fibromyalgia! You never know from day to day.

    Well, I am so happy you are getting so many interesting things accomplished. Good for you.


  14. Kaaren, What wonderful things are happening to you are deserved because you are always giving-whether it be a new pattern or an awesome blog! Thank you! And Congratulations!

  15. All so exciting. Can,t wait to see your work in Primative Quilts. Your work is beautiful. Also, your furtile mind is always working. Sorry, that Arthur gave you such a hard time. Best wishes to even happier future events. Thanks for all you have give to the quilting community. You are very generous. Take care and be well. Bev

  16. Can't wait to see your new works of art. Congratulations.


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