Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Few Things to Share...

First, I'd like to share with you all the best ever, early Christmas present that I've ever received.

Two and a half months ago, the results from the second follow up CT scan were not the greatest.  Without going into the sordid details, there was some increased activity in the lymph nodes in and around the area where I received my radiation treatments.  Not a good sign.  After consulting with the radiation oncologists, my oncologist decided that a PET scan was not the answer but instead would bump up the next scheduled CT scan to two and a half months instead of the usual six months and depending on the results, would decide upon which course to take at that time.

Needless to say, both Mr. Painted Quilt and myself have been a little down in the dumps lately with a lot on our minds.  I had the CT scan last Wednesday and met with my oncologist yesterday for the results.  


The lymph nodes had returned to their normal size which means that the activity was NOT cancer-related. It was explained to me that if it was, they would have either stayed the same or increased in size.  So I've been given a clean bill of health and my next CT scan will be six months from now...the normal time allowed for follow up with most cancer patients.

Now how's that for an early Christmas present?  It's the best one ever and Merry Christmas to me!

Now, I'd like to share with you something that we made at the first anniversary party of the Fundy Tide Quilting Guild last month.  

Our very own sunflower pincushion!  

We had an awesome time at the party and Gail, one of the guild members, prepped enough kits for each of the members in attendance to make their own.

How would you like to make your own version of this too cool and very useful sunflower pincushion?

They are easy-peasy to make and take very little time.  Just follow along and I'll walk you through it, step-by-step.

First, gather together all the supplies.  

You'll need three colors of for the leaves, yellow for the petals and brown for the center.

A 4" clay saucer, the kind that sits under a flower pot.  I bought mine at the Dollar Store and they were 3 for $1.

Heavy duty thread, like hand quilting thread.

A compass, scissors and a hot glue gun.  You'll also need some polyester fiberfil stuffing for the center.

So without further ado, lets get started.

Using your compass and either a piece of plastic or cardboard, trace then cut out a 5 1/2" circle and a 7" circle.  The 5 1/2" circle will be the template for the petals and leaves and the 7" circle will be the template for the center.

On the reverse side of the fabric using the 5 1/2" template, trace then cut out three circles from the green fabric for the leaves and seven circles from the yellow fabric for the petals.

Then cut one circle from the brown fabric using the 7" template for the center.

For each of the green leaves and yellow petals, fold the fabric in half and press.

Then fold the fabric in half once again and press.

Repeat for the yellow petals.

You'll then have 3 green folded leaves, 7 yellow folded petals and a flat brown center.

With doubled thread, chain stitch each of the three petals about 1/4" down from the raw edge. 

Gather then fasten off.

Hot glue the leaves to the inside of the clay dish.  Try to space them evenly.

Repeat this step for the petals only this time...

do not break the thread between petals but continue with each of the remaining petals to form a continuous circle, then fasten off.

Hot glue the petals to the inside of the clay dish, distributing them evenly.

With the brown circle, sew a running stitch around the entire perimeter about 1/4" in from the raw edge.  Leave enough thread at either end to use for gathering the circle.

Gather then stuff with polyester fiberfil.  Tie the two ends of the thread together to fasten off.

Hot glue to the center of the clay dish and voila!  Your very own sunflower pincushion!

Or two...

Or three!  

It's just as easy to make two or three at the same time while you're at it.

If you need a quick gift for one of your sewing friends, these would be perfect.

Or how about a hostess gift during the holidays? 

They look much more complicated than they actually are and everyone will be asking how you made them.

If you'd like to win one, just let me know in your comment and I will ship internationally.  

Please ensure that your settings include your email address and that you are NOT set as a "no reply" blogger.  If I cannot reach you by email then you will automatically be excluded from the draw.

I will draw two winners on Saturday, December 15th.



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Nanette Merrill said...

The sunflower is darling. But truly the message of health is to be the good news for the holiday. My heart rejoices with you.

B J Elder said...

What a wonderful and perfect gift you have been given. I'm so happy for you. Another friend of mine is going through chemo right now and we're praying once it is done and her surgery at the end of the month that she too will get a clean bill of health.

Betsy said...

Congratulations Kaaren. I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy for you!!!!

Terry said...

That's wonderful news Kaaren! Congratulations! And thanks for the sunflower pincushion tutorial! I love sunflowers! Merry Christmas! :0)

Stitches said...

I loved hearing your good news, that's wonderful...and you are so clever with the pincushion, they are so neat..

jackiescrafts said...

That's fantastic news on your scan result
I love your sunflowers too and would love to win one

Happy Christmas
Jackie x

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaaren,

So pleased to hear your good news. It certainly is the best Christmas present going.

I sure would love to win one of your pincushions. That is a wonderful tutorial you have pulished for us.

I'm am busy making my Christmas ornaments for my grandchildren. The weather here has been great for December. Hope it continues.

Enjoy your day.


Painting 4 Him said...

I would love to win one!

Kaaren, I am so thrilled for you that your news is so good. I have been following your blog for a while now and check just about everyday to see how you are doing and of course the wonderful quilting you do.

I am wondering if you ever lived near or visited Lancaster, Pa? There is a painting studio down there that I had been to a couple of times for classes. I paint Maxine Thomas style pieces, and the piece you have on your front page reminds me alot of that style. I think I saw that you taught classes as well and thought maybe you had been to that studio. I can't remember the name of the studio, but it was so nice. (It has been about 10 yrs since I was there)I live near Rochester, NY now, so I never get down there anymore.
I continue to pray for you, I too have recently been through cancer-clean for a year now! Praise God!!
Thanks for your blog, it is always a great read.

celkalee said...

You hear of so many blessings at this time of year, they seem to offset the negativity that is all too present. Your news, is that kind of gift. Being preoccupied with serious health concerns can be so difficult. I am so glad that this has been clarified for you and that you can enjoy the season.

Your pin cushions are adorable. I am thinking my weekly group might want to do this project. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...


Brenda said...

The pin cushion are very cute. Thanks for sharing. I would love to win one.

Lesley said...

What a wonderful Christmas present you received! You deserve to be happy and healthy, so this is just such a great way to start this festive season. And your pin cushions are just so cute with an exceptional tutorial! Definitely put my name in the hat, please, and thanks for the chance!

Joan said...

I am so happy for you. This is indeed a special Christmas gift for you and your husband. Thanks for sharing the lovely pattern. I'd love to win your pincushion.
Take care. XX

Robin C said...

What wonderful news. I am so glad to great this great news. I know you and your husband will sleep better tonight and each day will be a little sweeter.

Robin C said...

What wonderful news. I am so glad to great this great news. I know you and your husband will sleep better tonight and each day will be a little sweeter.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

What a blessed Christmas present for you - love hearing this! I excuse myself from the draw - I want to make these - how cute and thank you for sharing!!

Kimme said...

The pincushion is so cute but your news of good health is better. So glad you will be having a happy Christmas.

Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

HI Kaaren.

So glad to hear this news. I am so happy for you. The pincusion is so lovely.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.


Anne-Marie said...

Oh, what a wonderful gift! I know EXACTLY how you are my "all Clear" a couple of months ago....woohoo! Your pincushion is sooo sweet....thank you for the chance to it!

Janet O. said...

I am thrilled about your latest test results, Kaaren! What a lovely Christmas gift to you.
That is such a cute pincushion idea. Thanks for the directions!

Marsha B said...

I'm so happy to hear your scan had really good results, Merry Christmas to you! ! ! And many, many happy' healthy years ahead! The pin cushion is darling, thank you for the tutorial and a chance to win one.

MoeWest said...

I'm so happy about your good news! Now you can relax and enjoy the holidays. I wish you continued good health and a Merry Christmas. Thanks for the pincushion tutorial. It's very cute.

Abby and Stephanie said...

A very Merry Christmas present. I'm thrilled for you.

Amy R said...

The best Christmas present ever! So happy for your good news~ And, the pincushions are adorable!

Mama Bell said...

Best news ever!! You are a good example of patience, perseverance and a positive attitude. You are blessed and we are blessed as well! Congrats!

julieQ said...

I am so very glad for your wonderful news!! Merry, merry Christmas!

Betty said...

You have received a wonderful Christmas gift. So happy for you. Thanks for the tut for the pin cushion.

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

YEA!!! Sooooo happy for your GOOD, good news!! Have a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happier New Year!

Kathryn said...

So glad to hear of the positive test results!! What a blessing. May your new year be just as full of joy.

Kathy MacKie said...

Blessings from a higher power! Three close family members are dealing with Cancer right now so we also pray for their health. I would love to win a handmade gift so count me in!

Darlene D said...

Such wonderful news Kaaren! It'll be two years for me in February. So very relieved for you! Love your tutorial, I'm gonna post it on the guild's Facebook site. Thanks, cya soon, D

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

So happy to hear that you got good news! Merry Christmas!
And those little pin cushions are just too cute! I would love to win one...and might make a few too!

Paula said...

You have recieved the most precious gift. Congrats. Nothing is as special as our health.
Loving the sunflower pincushion.
Merry Christmas! Happy healthy New Year also!!!

Grandma M said...

Oh Kaaren, that's wonderful news. The best!

The pincushions are beautiful and I'd love to win one. Thanks.

Sheila said...

With your great news, Christmas will be one of the best! Take care.

Sharon said...

I got goose bumps reading your post today, that is by far, THE best gift. I just got my gift as well, clean mammo on Monday morning! I'm now on "once a year" and soon you will be too!

Mary said...

Congratulations! You have so much to be happy about. Cancer free is wonderful!
I love, love the sunflower. What a cute idea. You are right, it looks more complicated then it is. Again, Congratulations. I am so happy for you.

Judy B. said...

What wonderful news for you and your husband at this special time of year. I love your pincushion and had never seen one attached to a flower pot before. Hope I win one.

Carin said...

Thats wonderful news. Congrats !! What a great Christmas this will be for you and your family.
I'm still waiting to hear about my test results. Hope to get the news by the end of the week.

The pincushion is beautiful, love how you made it !! Thanks for this amazing give away.

linny said...

So pleased to hear your wonderful Christmas news.Love the sunflower pincushion tutorial, & thanks for the chance to win one.

JudyCinNC said...

The greatest gift for sure and we are all so very happy about this news from you. The pincushion would be a wonderful giftie and thank you for this wonderful opportunity and tutorial. Judy c

grann616 said...

Oh boy, what great news for you! I love the pincushion and your fabric is prettier than mine, so I would love to win one!! Thank you for the give-a-way. Sharon Lozano

Mary Ellen said...

Congratulations on your early Christmas Gift .God is the sunflower.Thanks for the FFF hope too start it in the New Year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too you and Mr Paint.

antique quilter said...

I am so thrilled for you! What an amazing Christmas present.

KaHolly said...

Kaaren, I am just delighted for you both. What wonderful news, especially at Christmastime! Wow!! I just love the sunflower pincushion. I intend to make one, (thank you very much for including the instructions!) so please don't include me in the draw! I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you! ~karen

Cathi said...

Kaaren, I am so thrilled for you -- that is indeed the best of gifts! Have a very merry Christmas!

Patty said...

How wonderful! I am so happy for you. Getting a wonderful gift like that is beyond compare. I love the sunflower pincushion. I am going to try to make a few. Living in Kansas,USA, I really need to do that,as sunflowers are our state flower. Of course, winning one would be great. Thanks.

Teresa @ said...

What a wonderful Christmas blessing! Wishing a very Merry Christmas Kaaren. I love the sunflower. I may just have to make one for a dear friend of mine. Thanks for sharing the instructions.

Meg said...

Wonderful news!!! What a joyous Christmas all of you will share with each other. Merry, Merry Christmas and a New Year Filled with happy surprises! Meg

Meg said...

Wonderful news!!! What a joyous Christmas all of you will share with each other. Merry, Merry Christmas and a New Year Filled with happy surprises! Meg

Christina said...


So happy for you and Mr PQ. Lifts one's heart to hear your good news.

Love the pin cushions. Going to keep on file as a project to make with the granddaughters this summer on a afternoon when it is too hot to be outside in the heartland of BC.

A very heartfelt Merry Christmas to you both.

Deborah from Valparaiso said...

The best news ever. Congrats and best wishes for continued good health

Sandra said...

So very happy that the news was good. I have a very good idea of what you and your husband were going through. I am currently in chemo and will be doing radiation afterwards.

gracie said...

I am so glad that I crossed my toes as well as my fingers for you! What a wonderful Christmas present ....I can not wait to make this pincushion. Thank you for sharing.You're the best. Hugs to Ollie.

JollyWorkerAlice said...

Thank you so much for the tutorial. It's on my"to do" list for sure. Your news was wonderful, to say the least. Enjoy your Christmas! Where is
the guild that you mentioned?

Angie said...

Oh Kaaren that is just such wonderful news----THE perfect Christmas gift. :D Thank you so much for the tutorial. Merry Christmas, girl!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Wonderful health news! Best gift ever!!!

Thanks for sharing the sunflower would be wonderful any time of the year

SueB said...

Your present is the best in the world. You could not have asked for anything better than that. Your pin cushion is darling also but the news is over the top.

KarenQ said...

These are so-o-o cute! So happy to hear of your clean bill of health.

Dianne Mitzel said...

So very happy for your wonderful news! What a gift from God..I ask that you remember me in your prayers, I lost my only son a month ago. We are having such a hard time with his sudden passing, he was 44, a wonderful man, father of 2 and had 2 grandbabies..I can't imagine how we will get through Christmas without him, he loved it so..but I know God's grace will be with us and His peace will surround us. I love the precious pincushions, I will make some for my sweet sewing friend. Have a wonderful Christmas, I'm so glad you have your little dog baby this year, they are such a perfect example of unconditional love..

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

So happy for you that you received such wonderful news Kaaren!!!

Your pincushions are just adorable...thanks for the tutorial!!

Merry Christmas!!!! :o)

Radka said...

Wonderful Christmas present, Kaaren! Hurrah!!!!

luv2quilt2 said...

What a pretty little pincushion. If I don't win, I know I'll be making at least one, probably more. Congratulations on your wondeful Christmas gift. Such good news!

Bonnie58 said...

Love the pincushions. Thanks for the opportunity on the draw and you have a very merry Christmas with your good health news.

Marge said...

What a lovely gift. I will be off to my local nursery to get my clay saucers. Thanks Kaaren and congratulations on your early Christmas present.

bairdmtn said...

Your wonderful news is the best Christmas present that you could have received! I am so happy that your doctor visit turned out so well! You are such a giving person and now the good things are coming your way! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

tpott said...

Kaaren, I'm so happy to hear your wonderful news. I can't think of a better Christmas blessing. You've brighten my day with your news. Merry Christmas to you and your family. ;->

Sandy said...

First of all, Kaaren, congrats on your wonderful news!! Prayers answered! Thank you so much for another great tutorial gifty to simple and yet so darling. A wonderful Merry Christmas to you!

Kate/Massachusetts said...

I'm thrilled for your news! I'm sure it is the best Christmas present ever! Blessings to you!

Please include me in the sunflower pincushion draw! Thanks for the chance to win one! They are lovely!

Jane said...

I am so happy you got fantastic results Kaaren!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! And Merry Christmas!!! ( I would love one of your pincushions if I'm lucky enough to have my name drawn. )

Jane S. said...

Oh that IS the best Christmas present ever! So happy to hear your results were normal after the other CT scan. What a relief. :)

Yes, I'd love a little sunflower, it's a very cute pincushion. Thank you for the chance to win.

Colleen said...

Kaaren, I am so happy for you and the wonderful early Christmas present! I know that many people out here pray for you and all of our internet quilting friends daily and hearing such great news brightens my heart!
The Sunflower pincushions are darling. I would love to have something crafted by you!

Quiltgal said...

I just wanted to congratulate you on your fabulous news. Merry Christmas.

Cyndi said...

A clean bill of health is the best gift from so very happy for you! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

A sigh of relief here in the hollow with big smiles for you! Don't enter me...just wanted to chime in how happy I am to hear this.

Seams So Right said...

wonderful news and i wish you nothing but good health and success for always. p.s. love the pincushion.

Noela said...

So glad you received good results. My daughter had bowel cancer and we had a scare this year. Such a relief when the tests results are okay. Love your pincushion tutorial. Will definitely be making one or two of them. Have a wonderful Xmas. Hugs....

Terri in BC said...

Congratulations! That is the best gift ever and such a worry off your minds. Have a wonderful Christmas (and thanks for the great tutorial!)

Wanda said...

Oh Kaaren I am so excited to hear the news. I've been waiting since your test.

I love the pincushion and will make several as gifts but would love to have one you made.

Another cancer survivor,

Phyllis said...

Oh, what wonderful news. So happy for you and Mr. Painted Quilt.

Darlene said...

I'm beyond thrilled with your awesome news. Answered prayers - woohoo!!!!

The sunflower is adorable.

hennies.pennies said...

Kaaren, God is good...that is just the best Christmas present ever! All that waiting anxiously is now over; what a wonderful holiday you'll have!! Thank you for the sweet little tutorial. It's now on my To Do list! Be especially blessed (as you already have), Kathy

Bev said...

I can only be incredibly happy for you and Mr. P. what a tough year and you are well again. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

Merry Christmas Kaaren , and again, thank you for your generosity with the the newest pin cushion. The sun flower is adorable. Most of all, here is to good health.......Enjoy!

Sherill said...

This is the season for Miracles! Merry Christmas! I will be making the sunflower pincushion. Thank you for the tutorial and the chance to win one.

Sherill said...

This is the season for Miracles! Merry Christmas! I will be making the sunflower pincushion. Thank you for the tutorial and the chance to win one.

Patti L. said...

OHHHH I am so happy for your wonderful Christmas news!!!!!! Thank you for the tutorial and I would love to win one!!!

Lynn said...

I'm so happy for you! Thank you for sharing this good news with us. You are such a lovely and generous person, it really makes my heart glad for you. It's like a new beginning for you and Mr. Painted Quilt and Ollie (oops Frankie too!).
Thanks too for sharing the sunflower tutorial, I love it!

Sewfine Quilts said...

Wonderful news about your clean bill of health!
I love the sunflower pincushions - they are very cute!

Sara said...

Karen, I rejoiced at your great news!
Thank you for sharing the cute pattern, and for all the others you so generously share.

Unknown said...

Great to hear that you got such wonderful news.
Cute pin cushions, I would love to win one.


ashiecat1954 said...

Congrats and thank you for sharing the good news with us. I know it is a heavy load off to know that it was a false alarm. And thankyou for sharing the directions for the pin cushion - so cute! Love to win it, but I know my luck - I'd better get busy & make one! ;)


Karen said...

You got the absolute BEST NEWS EVER!! We are sooooo very HAPPY for you both.
Welcome to the “you get a break club” My husband has been in the club for 10 years. I wish you 10 years and many more.

This Christmas ought to be a very happy one for you both.

PS.. I like the flower pincushion, and would appreciate a chance to win something made by you.

Best wishes from us both...Karen & Luis

PJ said...

I'm so happy that your test results were very good news. You've been in my prayers.

I'd love one of the Sunflower Pin Cushions if I were lucky enough to win.

Merry Christmas

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

What a fabulous Christmas present Kaaren! I am very happy for you.

marie said...

Wonderful news----it's the greatest present of all. The pincusion is too cute.

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Kaaren -- What a blessing! Thank you for sharing this most wonderful news with us... Sending hugs and energy your way.


Ginette said...

Kaaren I am so happy for you! That truly is the best Christmas present ever! I wish you a very Merry Christmas and thanks for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful pin cushions!

paulette said...

Kaaren...I just did a happy dance on the other side of Canada!! Did you feel the earth move under your feet? I sure did! Congratulations and the best ever Christmas!!

grandmarockton said...

Wonderful news Prayers are answered! Yes, would love a little Sunflower made by you to join my collection. THANKS

Cfrosty said...

What a wonderful Christmas gift. God Bless and have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year.

Cfrosty said...

What a wonderful Christmas gift. God Bless and have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year.

Karen said...

I am thrilled with your test results!

Melanie said...

Prayers answered.... Merry Christmas.

ShirleyC said...

Praising God for such great news! I also know how that feels.

Kris said...

Oh, Kaaren - That is such excting news!!! A big Woo! Hoo! to you and to Mr. Painted Quilt!! You will truly have a sacred Christmas this year!! And your little pincushions are darling!! I would to be a winner of one of those little cuties!!

Allie said...

Kaaren, I'm so very happy to be able to rejoice with you on this good news - hoorah! And the pincushion is just darling, thank you so much for the tutorial!

Anonymous said...

Kaaren, What a fantastic medical result - I am so pleased for you both!!!! Love the cute pincushion, would you please put me in the draw for it.???


Shebandowan said...

So glad that your health issues are on the upswing. Those pincushions are adorable.


Janet said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the cute pincushion tutorial.

Nancy in IN said...

PTL for your wonderful news. A wonderful news. So far I have been getting the same news. I'd love the pincushion.

Chris said...

Oh Kaaren.....a very Merry Christmas to you and your hubby. Frankie and Ollie must be just hopping with joy!

ytsmom said...

So glad to hear you news! I love the little sunflower, one of my favorite flowers.

MamaT said...

I was so happy to read about your good news! Thanks be to God! Your pin cushion is adorable. I might give it a try.

Lorene Holbrook said...

Doing the happy dance for you! What a miracle! And yes i would love to win one of the sunflower pincushions. Sunflowers are one of my favs

Sunnybec said...

What fabulous news, I can only imagine how relieved you feel. Happy Happy Christmas! Thanks for the chance to win one of your pin cushions. Linda x

Janice said...

what a great early christmas present you got. Congratulations. I love the sunflower pincushions, I would love to win one.

Christine said...

Blessed news for you!!!! Have a wonderful Christmas!

GerryART said...

FANTASTIC news, Kaaren!

Best news EVER !

Hugs and more hugs,

Jane said...

Great news, it must be such a relief to you both.
These pin cushions are so much easier than the ones I've done. The glue gun solution is so much easier than sewing them all in. They look stunning

Elke said...

What a lovely flower! And lovely news for you. Congratulations!

Fiona said...

wonderful, wonderful news Kaaren... merry christmas and thanks for this delightful tutorial...

Jenny's Place Online said...

Congratulations, Kaaren. I am so happy for you (and Mr. PQ). :) Your gorgeous sunfowers seem very appropriate.... bright and cheerful. Best wishes, and happy crafting, Jenny

Ter'e said...

I am THRILLED to hear your wonderful Christmas news. Thank the Lord! THANK THE LORD. Best gift ever, right?

Please add my name to your drawing. I have the perfect spot for a little sunflower.


Cattinka said...

Thanks for sharing how you do them, so I can make one myself if I don´t win one!

barb's creations said...

So happy to hear the results from your test came back clear....what a relief not to worry about it over Christmas!
Thanks for the chance to win one of your lovely sunflower pincushions you're very generous in your giving :) Barb.

Unknown said...

I'm happy to read good news about your health. And I'll be happy to receive a gift from you. thanks a lot.

Barbara in TN said...

Kaaren - So very happy you received such great test results - think of you often and please know you are in my prayers. Happy Days! Merry Christmas, too!
Barbara in TN
P.S.Thanks for the cute pincushion tutorial - would love to win one!
P.S.S. Also thank you for the FFF!

Wendy said...

Oh Kaaren, that's wonderful news. I had early stage cervical cancer almost 10 years ago now. They were able to get rid of it pretty quickly but I remember being terrified each 6 month check up. I only have to go for check ups 3-yearly now but the wait for the results is the pits. Luckily, our health services seems to have some kind of system as I generally get my results within a week or 2, most people get them in 6 weeks. 6 weeks of worry is too much!

sara said...

Yuppy!I'm so happy for you!!
The sunflower is pretty,Thanks for the tutorial!

moosecraft said...

That is some fantabulously wonderful news!!!! Hugs & Smiles!

Joy Burkhart said...

Oh, Kaaren! That is such wonderful news! I'm so thankful for your miracle at Christmastime! God works wonders, doesn't He!?! Thank you for the super tutorial on making the sunflower pincushion, too. It's so cute!!! Gotta make one for both my sister and myself now. :)

Ronda said...

So Happy for your CT results!!!! The pin cushions are so cute. I would love one. Thanks

Barb said...

glad to hear your good news!the sunflowers are so cute!

Me and My Stitches said...

Love the sunflowers but not nearly as much as I love your AWESOME news! I was doing the happy dance as I read your post. So, so happy for you!

June said...

So glad to hear that your CT scan turned out good...a true gift from God. I've been praying for you. I love your pin cushions! So cute, and I'd love to have one! Merry Christmas!

Missie of Traditional Primitives said...

First of all, Congratulations on your good test results! That's so wonderful! We have been through this with my mother in the past. She is s 16 year survivor of pancreatic cancer! Keep the hope alive for a healthy future! I would love the chance to win one one of your sunflowers. They are so cute! Thanks for the chance and again...congratulations!

Stitched With Prayer said...

Oh Kaaren, what a wonderful Christmas Gift your clean bill of health is. There really isn't anything better than that. I'm so glad to hear this news as you have been in my thoughts and prayers. God is truly awesome.

I love this Sunflower pincushion. Thanks so very much for the great tutorial!!! I know you will be having a most blessed Christmas! Big Hugs...

Rita said...

Wonderful news!

Jane said...

Your news is great!! I would love to win a sunflower pincushion, especially since our state flower is the sunflower!

moollin said...

Fantastic news Kaaren......Have a wonderful Christmas.

Diane H said...

God Bless, Kaaren. That's wonderful news. Thanks for the great tutorial these are so cute.
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas.

marygabriella said...

Ciao, il tuo puntaspilli è davvero una meraviglia!
Magari potessi vincerlo.
Congratulazioni per la tua salute, mi fa davvero piacere sapere che la tua salute è migliorata, in bocca al lupo per la prossima tac!
Grazie per il bellissimo modello del quilt natalizio, un grande abbraccio.

Pat said...

Congratulations what a great Christmas gift!!

Wilma said...

Lovely flowers, Thanks ***Happy Christmas Season to You and Your Family, with Good Health. Bless You*** With Love from Venezuela***

Libby said...

I am so glad to hear of your good news on your health. What wonderful news at this Christmas Season. Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Painted Quilt and of course Little Ollie and Frankie.
Love the Sunflower pincushion. And thanks for all the inspiration you give. I really need it now! Again, Merry Christmas to all ~

Needled Mom said...

There could not be a better Christmas gift, Kaaren. I am so thrilled to hear the news. You must have been on needles and pins all this time. Now you can really enjoy Christmas and all the blessings you have.

Your sunflowers are simply darling. I think I am going to have to make one (or more) if I don't win one.

jayne said...

I am so happy to hear your worry is over, and test results were good. I also thank you for your gift to us of the Christmas wall hanging. Since I have done many of your generous FFF's in red , I may do this in greens. Have a very Merry Christmas in your beautiful house in Nova Scotia.

And this would be . . . . said...

Super cute sunflowers! Great news about your scan!

mayme said...

Kaaren, What wonderful news. A gift from God. The pin cushion is really cute. mayme

Beverley said...

Congratulations on the scan result. I would love to win you pretty pin cushion. Bev.

Karin på Ösäter said...

Yes you really have the best gift this christmas, I am so happy for you.
I love the pincushion and would be happy to win.

Hugs Karin

Maxine said...

How simple and cute. Plus, it's something we can really use. Thanks for the tutorial.

Stina Blomgren said...

Hugs hugs hugs!!!

I'm so happy for you...the best ever news...and as you Christmas gift ever!!
Lots of love from me!!:0)

Ranch Wife said...

Praise God! That IS the best news and another reason to celebrate! I'm completely thrilled for you both!
What a darling pincushion! Aren't sunflowers the happiest flowers - I would love one, but if ,my name is not drawn, I WILL be making one. Thank you for sharing and showing us how to do that!

Heartsdesire said...

So happy to hear about your test results, Kaaren. Definitely the best Christmas gift ever. Love the cute pincushion. Thanks for the tutorial, you make it seem so easy.

Pat said...

A sweet pincushion and an excellent tutorial!

What wonderful news for you and your family - the holidays will be extra bright for all of you...enjoy each moment!

Betsy said...

What a blessing from above...the best Christmas gift for you!! The sunflower is darling...I will definitely be making some of these. But how much fun to win one also! ;)

Betty said...

What a wonderful blessing your early Christmas gift is! PTL
Those sunflowers are so cute, Kaaren...I would love to win one!

City Krafters said...

Karren I am so so pleased with your good news re your health now is the time to plan for next year and have fun.
Love your pincushion and enjoy Christmas and the new year.

Verna G said...

That is great news Kaaren! Now you can relax and truly enjoy your Christmas! Love the pincushion. Wouldn't mind winning it!

Verna G said...

That is great news Kaaren! Now you can relax and truly enjoy your Christmas! Love the pincushion. Wouldn't mind winning it!

Laura said...

Fantastic News!! I am so happy for you!

Nina said...

That is fabulous news to receive at anytime. It is sure to make the season brighter for sure. Your pin cushion is awfully fun and adorable. That is something I'd love to have in my sewing room or to give to my daughter who's a brand new quilter.

Rosa said...

That`s an awesome news an gift on your scan result.I`m very happy for you!!

Thanks for the tutorial.

Quilting Queen said...

The best news of all...good wishes to you. May you get bored hearing the same good news over and over after each visit...

Bonnie said...

Wonderful news!!! Thanks for the turorial and the chance to win a sunflower.

barcord said...

That is the best news Kaaren. Thanking God for answered prayer. Love your sunflower pincushion. Your instructions are very clear. Must pay a visit to my local garden centre for a few saucers. It's called The Wilderness, which I think is a great name. Best wishes to you and Mr PQ for a Happy Christmas celebration. xx

wendy@iqlt said...

I am so happy for you. I hope I win the pincushion as right now I am sitting on the couch for a few days recovering from surgery and I love that pincushion.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

BEST ever news is right!

Janet said...

Oh Kaaren, what wonderful news. I've wanted to ask but was afraid too.
I would love to win something made by you (pin cushion), would be extra special.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Janet said...

Oops me again forget to open the email for response just in case I win.

Angella said...

Great news!! You are in my thoughts. As for that adorable pin Momma would love it!!

QuiltinGram said...

Kaaren, That is the bestest news ever! Now you can really enjoy the holiday season.
The pincushion is adorable and I will have to make one..or two..or three..have a few friends that would surely love to get one.

Elyte said...

Wonderful news. x

Lorrie said...

What a wonderful gift you've received! The pin cushion is too cute!

Quiltingmama said...

Your Christmas present is one of the all time great ones. Keep up the good health!

Pam in IL said...

I have prayed and prayed for good results when you saw the dr this month. I am so happy to hear your wonderful news!!!!!

Your pincushion is adorable.

Merry Merry Christmsas!

Jacky said...

IT's wonderful to hear that your scare was nothing more than that. Congratulations on your clean bill of health, what a blessing!
Love your tutorial and the chance to win one. I am sure I will be making some for a couple of friends as well and for myself if I don't win. I love pincushions and love sunflowers, so how great is that?!

Barbara said...

Happy dance and grateful prayers here for your wonderful Christmas present! love the sunflower too!
Hugs, B

Nancy said...

Thank You so much for the directions to make this lovely pincushion. Nancy P.

Daffodil said...

I am so happy you got good news from the doctors. I had been thinking that you were scheduled for more testing in Dec. and was relieved that the results were good. I so look forward to seeing all your beautiful decorating and quilting ideas. You are an inspiration. Have a joyful holiday season.

Joan said...

Wonderful to hear that news, it will be a great Christmas!!

Marilyn said...

Great news, nothing better to celebrate the holidays

Patty Nordahl said...

That's exactly what I have been looking for. I have many of the tops from the large jar candles and just knew there was a way to turn them into pincushions. I would just have to do some math to make them a little smaller. Thank you.

So glad to hear about your early Christmas present have a wonderful holiday.

Michelle in NH said...

Your news is an answer to my prayers! Merry Christmas to you, Mr PQ, Ollie & Frankie!

Lori said...

I am thrilled to no end about your good news!! What a great Christmas gift for all of us!!!

Sue SA said...

Thanks for the mini tutorial, I will be putting this on my to do list in the new years when I claw back some sewing time!

Just Ducky said...

Sunflowers are my favorite flower. Thanks for the great tutorial.

And congratulations on the great news. Merry Christmas1

Merilyn said...

This is just wonderful news Kaaren!!!! What a load off, now you can relax and enjoy your Christmas without anything to distract you!!! You deserved some good news after all you have been through!!!
Loved your tutorial for the Sunflower Pincushion, what a fun project, quite unique and a clever construction! I'll keep my fingers crossed for a win! Take care, hoping you have a wonderful Christmas, all the more sweet now!!!!!

Robin said...

Love this idea. Would love to share this with me stitching guild as a meeting project. Cool. Thank you for sharing.

Karen said...

Oh I agree the pincushion is adorable - but the news you received is on your health is by far the best gift you could have ever received. I am truly so happy for you and your hubby - YAHOOOOOO

Hugs - Karen

Carole Y. said...

Hi Kaaren,

I am happy for the good news regarding your health.

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

Carole Y. from Hudson guild

Carole Y. said...

Hi Kaaren,

I am happy for the good news regarding your health.

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

Carole Y. from Hudson guild

Hands Sew Full said...

Kaaren, I am so thrilled for you! Congratulations and Merry Christmas!
I hope things just go up from here.
Love the little pincushions, they are adorable!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

What an excellent Christmas present. I'm so happy to hear your wonderful results!!!

Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year!

Sandra Henderson said...

Oh, what WONDERFUL news! It's a Christmas miracle. I am so, so happy for you Kaaren. I just read this. whew. What a relief it must be. Praise God. He is so amazing and wonderful.

I LOVE This little pincushion! Thank you for sharing the details on how to make it. It is SURELY on my TO DO list. So unique and once you break it down, not too difficult.

I use to read a lady's blog who lived near the Bay of Fundy. Janet or Jane? Gosh, I wish I could remember her blog now... She sells antique linens and things and her quilts. What a pretty area you live in.

Your Christmas decorations look so pretty, your home is beautiful! I am enjoying my Christmas goose wallhanging... :) Very special to me.


Darlene B said...

I am so happy for you and your husband, Kaaren! Praying that God blesses you with continued good health and many more years!!

Thanks for the sunflower pincushion tutorial - it is adorable!

Densews said...

I am so happy for you with the test results. That is great.
Thank You for the instructions on the pin cushion. Love sunflowers.
Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

Merry Christmas and the best of New Years.

stitchersanon said...

That has to be the best present ever, followed closely by the sunflower! I know exactly how you feel: on the plus side we know we are being looked after and watched but sometimes they find things which turn out to be nothing and we spend days trying not to worry. Still: all over now. Congratulations xxx

Katie said...

Fabulous news and a fabulous tutorial. Congratulations! And thanks! :-)

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