Monday, April 16, 2012

Whew, it’s done!

A place for everything and everything in it’s place.  That’s my new motto and I’m sticking to it!

After spending what seems to be an eternity de-cluttering and reorganizing my studio and fabric stash, I can finally say that as of late yesterday afternoon, it’s done!  Whew!

Before I reveal my ‘new and improved’ studio, let me show you our bedroom with the fresh and clean Dresden plate quilt on the bed. 

Measuring 108” x 108”, it covers our queen size bed quite nicely allowing for ample drop on either side.


Because I hung it on the clothesline to dry, the aroma of the fresh outdoors that permeates our bedroom is heavenly…and Frankie thinks so too!


Now, back to the studio.

Look what I ‘found’ in the last bin I opened…5 yards of white Kona cotton…exactly what I ran out of a couple of weeks ago when I was making my granny squares quilt which prompted a 65 mile drive to my not-so-local quilt shop.  This bin was the last one that I pulled out of the closet and it’s actually the one that contained most of my ‘favorite-but-forgot-I-had’ fabric including…


all this authentic turkey red fabric.  How could I have forgotten about these?


No more chaos or disorganization.  I did a lot of de-cluttering which makes the room appear so much larger.  Frankie thinks so too!


The Hoosier cupboard is not only home to a lot of my quilting supplies but it also provides me with additional space to display some of my collectibles.


My Dad made this wooden shelf for me over twenty years ago and I now use it to display many of the pincushions that have been gifted to me since I started blogging.  Look closely because you’ll probably see one of yours there!


Below the shelf are more pincushions and ‘some’ of my scissors collection.


More of my favorite things in the corner next to the Hoosier cupboard.


On this wall is a shelving unit where I keep my quilting books, magazines and patterns.  To the right of it are the crates holding some of my most recent fabric purchases, folded neatly and grouped together by color family.


The little shelf above the pine desk has a lot of antique and vintage sewing memorabilia that I’ve collected over the years.  The white bin on the desk is home to my needle case obsession collection.  I’m feeling the need to make another one in the near future because in addition to pincushions, one can never have too many needle cases…right?  * wink*


The cart on wheels is the new home to my fat quarter stash and behind the green curtains is where the bins containing my newly folded and organized fabric stash reside. 

I now know what I fabric have and where it is because each bin is properly sorted, folded and labeled.


Mac and I are absolutely thrilled that this huge undertaking is over and that we can finally move on to what we love best and that is designing and creating.


A short week ago I felt completely overwhelmed with the task at hand.  Today I feel both liberated and exhilarated…not to mention exhausted.

All I can say is that if you’ve been thinking about doing some organizing and de-cluttering of your own, I recommend that you take the plunge.  I feel like an immense burden has been lifted from my shoulders and I’m really looking forward to spending some quality time in my studio…now that I know what’s in there and where I can find it!



  1. You did a fine job of organizing. Everything looks so perfect.

  2. Thanks for sharing, your recent decision to reorganise prompted some serious work in my sewing space today! Happy quilting, Sue.

  3. You work space looks amazing I think I need to get myself organized. Since my son moved into my sewing room nothing has a place. I have been inspired . Thank you Melanie

  4. love you're bedroom and the dresden plate beautiful !!! And you're working space amazing !!!!!

  5. This is fabulous! Not only did you organize, but you created a studio space that is bright and cozy and has everything in place! I didn't want your post to end. It was like being in a quilt shop or a candy store! Love the way you set up your studio and love the way that it is such an attractive and practical room with all your treasures. Well done!

  6. You have made your studio look amazing and inviting and ready for the next project - will you come and do the same for me?!! I find fabric days after I have hunted hours for it, why did I miss it the first time round?! Love the Dresden Plate quilt, and all your sewing keepsakes. What a lovely positive and encouraging blog! Angie

  7. Wow, thats pretty amazing is SO nice to see you blogging regularly again...

  8. It looks wonderful Kaaren, and Frankie is definitely in agreement. I love all of that turkey red fabric and I just love your hoosier. I have a cupboard coming for my sewing room, so as soon as it arrives, I will be organizing too. I can't wait. You have given me some inspiration. I especially need more space for my new fabric from the Quilters' Shop tour.
    Have a wonderful week.

  9. Everything looks great! I need to get myself organized--with such little closet space in this house, I have resorted to putting things under sofas and under my bed, etc. LOL

    My friends from Halifax are visiting this week--I was telling them all about your new home, etc. :)

  10. It's like Christmas when you find something you forgot you had!! What lovely fabrics, displays and organization!! Yeah for you!!

  11. Loved the tour of your studio - a warm and inviting place to create! I followed your lead and used the method you showed to organize my yardage. So much better! No more digging through my bins. Love your dresden plate quilt - so much the better that it is hand quilted - quite a feat on such a large quilt. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  12. The dresden plate quilt it marvellous and I just want to thankyou for showing us inside your studio. Lovely.

  13. Oh Kaaren come to France and do mine will you!! I only have a fraction of what you have but my sewing room still looks a mess and disorganised. Maybe I will get mine done now.... but then..maybe not LOL.

  14. Your sewing looks great! I always feel so good after I've's very freeing.

  15. The dresden is beautiful, Kaaren. And that sewing space, oh, my goodness, but I am envious!!! I'll be home next Sunday and am so anxious to be back among my (unorganized) sewing space!!

  16. Well done!! I would love to come and wander around your studio and see all your things. What a creative environment - happy creating.

  17. WOW! You inspired me! After seeing your progress and great tip on folding fabric, I started organizing my own fabric stash! I am so glad I did! Now, instead of wasting time searching for fabric, I know where to look. I will also be gifting some fabric, because I know I will never use it and it is taking up unnecessary space which someone else can use. Thank you for inspiring me!

  18. Your dresden quilt is awesome and love your working space

  19. I am inspired! Your room is awesome!

  20. Congratulations on finishing the job in such a short time, and thank you for setting a good example for lazy girls like me!

  21. Well done you! Forgive me if I go all Goldilocks on you and you come home to find me curled up in your oh so inviting bed. I think I can almost smell the fresh air coming from the Dresden Plates.

  22. Your studio looks amazing. Your Dresden Plate quilt is beautiful!

  23. I have GOT to do this!! Thanks for the inspiration!! Your NEW sewing room looks wonderful...and you have such treasures!! Loved seeing everything!
    Take care!

  24. Your Dresden Plate quilt looks like it was made to go in that room. Not many of us could be proud to have our first quilt gracing our bed--well, maybe I should just speak for myself. You did such an incredible job!
    Oh, to be so organized--first I need all of the cool storage and display units you have!
    Okay, this is corny, but I couldn't resist. When out fabric shopping you just need to tell yourself, "Pay no attention to the fabric behind the curtain" (think Wizard of Oz). I told you it was corny. : )

  25. Great job. It looks so nice and organized. You are right time to get busy with the project.

  26. CONGRATS! ! !
    Kaaren, everything looks marvelous! !
    To be fair with yourself, admit it, it really has not been that long since to moved into your NS house.
    Most of the clutter and dis-organization was leftover from the move. Yes? No?
    However, you've had the energy and stamina to complete your GREAT PROJECT and that's what counts.
    Love you,

  27. I'm super impressed. It is all so beautiful. I love that feeling when you know a room is perfect. Or nearly perfect. I even remember as a kid when my toys were all put away and I had clean sheets and my bed was made perfectly that I had a feeling like the world was at peace. You must feel like that now. Good for you. I love a good before and after, too. That quilt on your bed is beautiful.

  28. What an amazing job you've done. It must feel wonderful walking into your studio now that everything is in its place. And finding that Kona white is the icing on the cake. Love the little quilt under your scissor collection.

  29. I love the room, the quilt and the way you decorate, you make everything feel and look, warm and inviting.


  30. OK, it's all clean, tidy and organized ------ time for me to come play and mess it up. LOL applause for accomplishing such a huge task. Way to go!

    You already know I love your dresden plate quilt and looks wonderful on the bed.

  31. It is so great to 'hear' you exhilerated! Tired - we are all that. But so wonderful for you to share your organizational skills with us all. The dresden looks fantastic.

  32. Love your sewing/craft room! It all looks so wonderfully neat and organized. Last week I also cleaned and reorganized all of my things and it's a pleasure to be back in a nice clean room again. THIS TIME, after I've finished with one thing, it goes back where it belongs. No more messes! Until next time..... lol

  33. What an incredibly inviting home you have created and what an inspiring area for all your many projects. Thank you so much for sharing...time for spring cleaning!!

  34. You are amazing! The new quilt is so beautiful. I love it on your bed! pretty. You did a marvelous job. And the sewing room? Well, I want it!!!!!! So inviting...makes you want to sew. Love hearing about all of it, Kaaren. You are having fun..and that is so good.

  35. Way to go, Kaaren! It sure makes a difference in how we work - I know from personal experience! I can't wait to see all that designing that is I'm sure taking place at this very moment in your neat and tidy sewing space!

  36. So pretty I went my room up in my attic now so i have the little nooks just like yours not fair WINK.. I have a room downstairs at the back of my house been trying to get it remodel and decluttered but omg didnt think I had this much stuff. some days i dont even know what bin to open and where to put it all lol

  37. Everything looks wonderful but you better get busy sewing or hide some of that fabric so you can go shopping again. It is so wonderful to have you back!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. That dresden quilt is just gorgeous - and it looks perfect on your bed! So glad your huge job is done, your room looks lovely and all ready for some brilliant creating. WTG, Kaaren!

  39. Your quilt looks perfect on the bed!! Such a beautiful quilt.

    And I'm lusting after your sewing room. So many wonderful things to look at and you look like you have a wonderful amount of space! I know that it's so calming to work in that room!!

  40. La tua coperta Dresda è magnifica...
    il tuo studio perfetto!!
    un abbraccio

  41. Looks wonderfulKaaren. So glad you are having such creative energies.

  42. You did a wonderful job on your studio. I am inspired to do the same. Glad you are feeling up to the task. Such a lot of work to refold and reorganize.

  43. Great job Kaaren! It feel so good to be organized. Your dresden plate looks beautiful on your bed!

  44. your room is absolutely amazing! congrats on finding the fabric. love the quilt you made.

  45. It looks wonderful! Your quilt is so beautiful on the bed! I'm inspired to get moving!

  46. I absolutely loved the sewing room tour! It appears that your space is similar to mine...slanted ceiling, wood plank floor, a door to an attic storage space I presume, even the curtained space! The difference is in the color. My space is painted bright yellow (I even painted my floor yellow), but I am hankering to repaint it an apple green and white. Of course, this would mean that I would be forced to organize! LOL!

  47. Well done! Your studio looks fabulous. And with the help of Mac and Frankie, I am sure it went well all the way...
    The quilt on your bed is just beautiful. Well done on hand quilting it.

  48. Whoop Whoop!! You did it!! I need to do the same thing but I'm waiting till summer when I'm not babysitting. I'm amazed at the strength you've regained after all your treatments which is a testament to your "inner mojo" and lots of prayers from all over the quilting world. Godd to see you working in your studio!
    Gmama Jane

  49. It is so much easier to be creative when the studio is clean!! It looks fantastic!!

  50. Wow organizing your room must have been a hard task, it does look fabulous. Love the way you folded the fabric in your previous post, have learned something there:))

  51. Hi Kaaren,
    Your quilting room is just the perfect place to create in.I love all your fabric, you have an amazing collection of all colors.
    I want to come over and quilt with you!
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  52. Wow Kaaren your work space is the best. You are inspiring me to get off my butt and clean mine up ~ mine looks like a bomb went off in there and it is very unorganized.
    Thanks for sharing!!!
    Your quilt turned out great ~ so beautiful!!!
    Prim Blessings

  53. Your large quilt is absolutely BEAUTFuL! I hung some pillowcases on the line the other day and I know what you are speaking of with that incredible clean, fresh air smell. Your studio looks wonderful! Hope you can rest and sew now... Hey, I purchased those exact Turkey red fabrics from Sandy McKay a few years back. I need to see what she is up to. She is a nice lady. Great to come catch up with you. I'm off to a retreat this weekend and can not wait!

  54. Your Desden quilt is beautiful Kaaren, congratulations on the finish. I am so pleased you have shown us pics of your studio, it looks so lovely and inviting and i think this means you are feeling a whole lot better by getting stuck into the reorganising. Yay.

  55. One fine job Kaaren. Now when are you open for business. lol
    My fabric came lickety split and I am so thankful for the info.
    Since organizing my sewing studio last year this is the first lot of fabric that I have purchased. Making sure I use up what I have.
    Take care, Linda

  56. Hi!
    Look here, there's a gift for you!

  57. Your bed is beautiful.
    Your sewing room is beautiful.
    Your organization makes me ill. LOL
    Come to Florida and help me. Now.

    (I didn't know about your scissor obcession)

    In case I forget to tell you.......the turkey red fabric is beautiful.

    So thankful you are feeling so much better and blogging your smiles. I love "hearing" your happy voice!!!!!!!!

  58. That Dresden quilt looks just divine on your bed!!! I love it! Your sewing space is a wonderful room, messy or orderly I wish I had such a room, mine is long and doesn't have great light, and is always in disarray!! It gives me hives just thinking about even attempting to get stuck into it LOL!!!! Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow........

  59. good for you cleaning and organizing your sewing room. Keeps us on top of what we really do have and also inspires us to work on new projects finding those fabrics we love so much! I love seeing your special things in your sewing room , thanks for the tour.
    I love those turkey reds :)
    The dresden plate on your bed is just beautiful.....
    another one that must go on my list to make

  60. You so fine made everything! Personally it was always difficult to me to make something creative and well-groomed of chaos. Respect to you)


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