Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Raggedy & Friends – Block 4

40 days until the B-I-G move…but who’s counting?  *wink*

uvl truck

But that’s not why you’re here today, right?  You’re here because it’s the 20th of the month and you’d like me to get down to business and link you to the PDF file for Block 4. 

Well, let me show you the photo first.


Click HERE and the cyber faeries will magically transport you to the PDF file.  Please remember to click the blue download button in order for the file to open.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

And now Ann & Andy are telling me to stay focused, get my hiney in gear and to get back to the task at hand.

moving boxes

I’m sure looking forward to the time when things will return to ‘normal’.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Hopefully it won't rain for 40 days. lol
    Now, can you PLEASE define NORMAL...
    Be always in stitches.

  2. Thanks for the new block. Btw your house looks really gorgeous and I am looking forward to see lots of pictures from the inside and outside:-)
    Hugs Anneke ^..^

  3. Thanks so much for the Raggedy block. Hope the move goes well, the house looks super.

  4. Thanks for the new Block Kaaren.

  5. Good luck on your big move. Thanks for the Ragggedy and Friends this month. I so look forward to the 20 each month. This one snuck up on me. It has been a busy month. Have a great day Kaaren.

  6. Thank you Karen for another cute block. Good luck on the move.

  7. Thanks so much for the cute Raggedy blocks. I make quilts for children in hospitals through Project Linus and have been using 1 Raggedy block in the center of the quilt. This Raggedy is a little "busty" so will just need to give her beautiful shoulders! Thanks for sharing your talent.
    Have a great move - pack the sewing machine last and unpack it first.............

  8. Good luck with your move..My SIL's boss love there and really like it. My daughter visited and talked about what a great place it was. Will look forward to your future posts.

  9. Oh but the fun you will have setting things up and decorating for the "normal". Can't wait to see your new home.

  10. Kaaren Hi .... thanks for taking it upon us ...... keep your new home is beautiful .. and looking at the sea even more spectacular .... and they have chosen to wait several months to see what changes make it ... is a very good idea .... I'll be waiting for new photos of the process of change .... a big hug and kisses Lily

  11. Thank you so much for the 4th block...I am having so much fun with this...this is also giving me the practice that I need on my hand embroidery...good luck on the move...

  12. Thank you for the new block - especially since you are so (or sew) busy with your move!

  13. Hola Kaare,gracias de nuevo por permitirme participar en esta bello proyecto ,cada mes espero con impaciencia el nuevo bloque par ver como sera.Un Abrazo

  14. Unfortunately, the cyber fairies took me to an error page, telling me the connection was reset. The most probably reason is The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments .

    I'd love to continue to download the patterns, but I'm afraid that the 4shared site is having growth problems ... since I haven't been able to get through to a page there in some time.


  15. That will be nice though, getting everything done and into your new home.


  16. Plenty of excitement at yours!! I'll be needing the new address!!

  17. Thank you for the new block and sharing your talents. Best wishes for the move. It is a big job with many rewards. We are currently in the process of downsizing.

    Have a super great day.

  18. Good luck with your move. Moving bites. But at least you get to clean out and organize all your crap! ha ha.

  19. 40 days!!! Hope you have a packing routine figured out. Best of luck with that, and the move itself. I will be hard and stressful, but it is exciting and adventurous at the same time.
    Thanks for block #4. Can't wait to get started.

  20. Hola recien te mande un mail con una foto de los bloques ya que hasta ahora no lo habia hecho, pero queria felicitarte por tu nueva casa! es hermosa!!! y seguro va a quedar maravillosa con tu buen gusto y tus trabajos tan lindos! un abrazo desde la patagonia Argentina!

  21. Those 40 days will FLY, Kaaren - and you'll have your first Christmas in your beautiful new home, yay!

    I love the new block, just adorable, thank you so much!

  22. Thank you, Karen. I'm having so much fun doing these blocks.

    Good luck with packing. I've lived in one place for 30 years. I'd hate to think of how long it would take me to move somewhere. It looks like you have a beautiful place to look forward to.

  23. Hi Kaaren: I'm SO looking forward to more pictures of your lovely new home. You are wise to live with it for a wile before doing anything major. BTW are you overlooking Digby Gut or are you still on the Annapolis River side?
    Hard to know which would be nicer. I once stayed for a few days in a small housekeeping cottage - Joe Casey's - at Victoria Beach - what a wonderful spot!

  24. Gracias por el nuevo bloque, está lindo al igual que los anteriores.

  25. Kaaren I don`t know how you can be so bubbly with packing it all away..the only incentive is the wonderful house you get to move you are going to be much much further away...though I would have a chance to visit you...but what good fortune for you

  26. OH your new home looks beautiful. I am going to be looking forward to pictures of the way it is and the way you change it. This is so exciting for you and thanks for letting us share in the excitement. The surroundings look charming.

  27. Muito obrigada Kaaren, o bloco está lindo.

  28. Thank you for the new block. Really love this quilt. Congratulations on the new home. Can't wait for pictures you will share. You are so talented.

  29. Kaaren:
    When we began our friendship, you distinctly told me you were not normal. Do not disappoint me now! Ha!
    I'm here to give you a boost along on your move!!! I wish I was I am a great packer!
    40 days.............WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO. I am so excited for you and Mr. PQ. This will be a wonderful adventure!

  30. I think there is something a little screwy with this months file. It's only 4 pages and normally they've been 5 pages but I noticed that there is the color drawing that sometimes appears as I scroll from the bottom towards the top. When I print though it never shows up. I like the page that won't print though.
    It reminds me of times when I have scanned 2 pages and they kind of overlap while scanning.

  31. Thank you for the new block, Kaaren! The coloured diagram is not there, but I'll use the photo for the placement of the pieces.

  32. Your calendar is very likely to be very full at the moment. Many thanks for posting this. I'm sure we all would have understood and waited if you had post-poned :) Good luck with everything, Jenny

  33. Sorry Kaaren, me again.....unfortunately when I tried to get to the download, I kept getting an error message! I won't panic, as you no doubt will look into this when you get a chance. Best wishes, Jenny

  34. Thank you for designing and sharing a beautiful block again.

  35. It' lovely of you to keep up with this when you are so busy....

  36. I was very excited to read of your "new house" and the move.

    Blessings, strength and stamina to you both as you pack and move.

    Thanks again for Raggedy!!!

    I've now finished the needle case roll you did as a FFF, just need to take the photos then blog about it!!


  37. I don't know how I got here but somehow I did and I have enjoyed reading your blog. I have downloaded blocks 1, 2, and 4 but for some reason can't get block 3. Has anyone else had a problem? I do love the blocks and thanks for sharing them with us.


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