Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Raggedy & Friends BOM – Block #1 – The Beginning

The 20th has arrived!  Today is the start of our ten month journey as we create this fun quilt together.  I know you’ve heard this before but I’m going to say it again…if I could do it then you certainly can too!  It’s not difficult, I promise.  It’s scrappy, colorful, whimsical and stirs up a bit of nostalgia as well.

So let’s get this show on the road!

raggedy ann and andy - 2

Just as a reminder, nine of the twelve blocks have two stitcheries each except for blocks 7, 8 and 9 which have one each.  On the 20th day of each month I will post a new block, up to and including April 2011.  In the month of January, I will release blocks 7, 8 and 9 together, due to the fact that there is only one small stitchery in each of those blocks so it shouldn’t take too long to complete them. 


This month’s file contains not only the introduction, but all the instructions, photos and line drawings for the first block as well.  When you are downloading the PDF file, be sure to click on the BLUE download button on the left and not the little green one to the right of it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Here’s a close up of Block 1.


So without further ado, you may download the PDF file by clicking here.

If you haven’t already done so, please feel free to add the Raggedy & Friends button to your sidebar .


I’m still having problems with the sizing of my line drawings but everything is fine this month because of a lot of eleventh hour hard work by Robyn at Daisy Quilts.  Without her bailing me out once again, I would be up that same old creek without a paddle…for the umpteenth time.  Thanks a million, Robs.

raggedy ann photo

See you next month…but feel free to drop by any time.  Oh, and don’t forget to come back on the 6th of August, the First Friday of the month, for my most favorite FFF yet…really!

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Kaaren, thank you this is going to be just perfect to stitch while I recover.

  2. Hello Karen,
    Thank you very much, I'm going to try to found the fabric.
    Have a great day

  3. Wohoo!
    Thanks so much Kaaren-I have been watching for this coming and I am looking forward to using up some of my stash,
    Once again,thanks for sharing,
    Blessings, Shazy x

  4. I think this is going to be fun to see everyones versions. I won't be doing it but it's a gorgeous pattern and I'll be cheering on the sidelines. Robyn's a sweetie to help out, as you say, bloggers are the best.

  5. Thankyou Karen this is just so adorable. I have been waiting patiently for today to arrive!

  6. Thanks Kaaren, time to start getting organised..

  7. Kaaren!!! Thanks!!!
    The document is perfect! It has a great "step by step"!! I have an urge to start now! ...

    Thanks again!


  8. Thanks Kaaren...I'm sure we are all going to enjoy it :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  9. Oh, Kaaren -- this is adorable!!! This is definitely something I'll be starting before the week is out!
    Thank you for sharing a fabulous quilt design!

  10. Thanl you very much for your lovely bom.

    Greeting Guilitta from Germany

  11. Kaaren, Thanks!!!
    Las explicaciones son clarísimas, muchas gracias, estoy deseando empezarlo.
    Un saludo

  12. ¡¡Gracias, Kaaren!!.
    ¡Es precioso!.
    Un beso.

  13. Thanks for this first block, I just love this pattern.
    Hugs Anneke ^..^

  14. Kaaren, this is going to be so much fun! Thanks a million. Now to find the time. ~karen

  15. Thanks Kaaren, I have now to choose fabrics for your beautiful design.

  16. Thank you, Kaaren! This will be a lovely project.

  17. Kaaren thank you very much for this beautiful pattern !

  18. so cute! thank you for allowing us to share in your talents. This will be fun to do!!

  19. WooHoo - it's time! I've been waiting on pins and needles for this day. Thank you, thank you, Kaaren for sharing your talent.

  20. I think hundreds of bloggers will be making this darling quilt. Robyn is terrific.

  21. Thanks for the fun BOM. I hope to get started on this project soon. I am off to select my fabric. I love your BLOG

  22. I printed out the pattern. You have spent a lot of time preparing the drawings and directions for us. Very kind of you. I have been looking forward to this BOM for a good while. Thank you!

  23. Oh, thank you Karen!! I love Raggedy and her friends also. I was director of a day care ministry for several years and one of my favorite series of books to read to the children was Raggedy Ann. I'm looking forward to doing this quilt. Don't know where I'll find the time but at least it will be on my to do list. Thanks so much for sharing "freely". Love your Friday Freebies too.

    Have a God Filled Day

  24. YEA!!!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your talents.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, B

  25. Thank you again, Kaaren for sharing your creative talent with us. Can't wait to get it started. Have a great day.

  26. I can't wait to get started! Thanks again Kaaren.

  27. So cute Kaaren. I'm going to add the button to my sidebar and download the instructions, thanks so much for this fun pattern.

  28. This is *darling*! And it just so happens I _just_ started my first redwork piece, and I love it! Combine that with my daughter is a HUGE Raggedy Ann fan and just found out she's pregnant, and she wants to do the nursery in Raggedy Ann if it's a girl! Awesome timing! :)

  29. Thank you for sharing this, I just found you thru another blog.
    what is the code to put your raggedy button on my blog? thanks

  30. What can I say, but "Thank You". This is going to be fun! I think I've fallen in love with these little people. Is this my second childhood? I can hope!!!

  31. Ok...I'm going to have some time~managemant issues! Thanks Kaaren :)

  32. What a delightful quilt! Your clever talents are showing! I wonder what I can give up to find time to stitch along...housework would be my first vote! ;-)

  33. Hello Kaaren,thank you and a special thanks to Robyn for helping you.Happy days.

  34. Thank you Kaaren!!!!
    I've just downloaded the pdf file, the first issue it's very very beautilful.....I know I'll do it, but not now because I'm packaging, my summer holidays have began two hours ago and i
    I'm leaving tomorrow!!!yahooooooooooooooo.
    Kisses from Spain.

  35. Thanks Karen, for this gift so special, and start this fun adventure and I'm sure I'll enjoy super.


  36. Let the game's begin...it will be fun to see these all over blogland this next year!!

  37. Karen, Thank you for the BOM. Who doesn't love and feel comforted by the nostalgia of Raggedy Ann. I'm sure we'll all get great enjoyment. Thanks again for the work you've put into the project.

  38. Hi Kaaren!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful BOM!! I just love it and can wait to whip it up!!
    Can't believe it's the 20th already!! Yikes~ the summer is whizzing by!!
    Thanks again!

  39. Kaaren, this is a refreshing project that I will look forward to. Thanks for the stitcheries and the fun ahead as we all quilt together.

  40. Thank you so much Kaaren. This is great! Laura

  41. Danke, This is going to be a cute quilt to make with my Mary Englebreit fabrics...

  42. gracias voy a intentar hacerlo con el bordado no es problema nunca hice molintes solo tiras y cuadrados, veremos, cariños

  43. Kaaren, thank you so much, i can't wait to start! i did some redwork last year, a little christmas wall hanging, and loved it.....thank you SO much!
    xox chantal

  44. Kaaren, you are so generous to share your talent. It is a darling quilt.

  45. Hi Karen,
    How sweet of you to offer this to us!! I can't wait to make it! Thank you so much!!

  46. What fun - I am going to enjoy doing these stitcheries..... Thanks again for sharing this wonderful design...... Hugz

  47. Kaaren - thank you so much. I am looking forward to this. I think my daughter is going to stitch it and I will piece and quilt it.

    Hugs - Marie

  48. Love this quilt. Really enjoyed looking at the quilting--the feathers in the border and the stippling round Raggedy Ann and Andy.

  49. Thank you for sharing the Raggedy Ann and Andy BOM with us. It is really wonderful. I can't wait to see the next one.

  50. Thanks so much for the adorable pattern...it is going to be fun to make and probably will have to give it to one of my grand-daughters! You are so talented!

  51. Amazing and generous Kaaren - thank you!

  52. Cutest Ever - oh Kaaren thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! Got the button on my blog!

  53. Kaaren, this is looking so fantastic, well done!!Thanks so much for sharing!

  54. Thanks so much for sharing and its gorgeous :)

  55. Wow, thank you Kaaren. My DGD just loves Raggedy Ann.

  56. Kaaren!!! Holy Moly how darling!! Here we go!!!

  57. Thank you Kaaren. I'm thinking of making it and keeping it for my 1st grandchild.

  58. Ohh.. Kaaren ..you are making this one as a free BOM... so so generous of you and SWEET..:o)
    Absolutely fantastic..:o))

  59. Thanks Kaaren for all your hard work in posting your design. A thank you to Robyn also for her help. I love Raggedy Ann & Andy and this will be a nice quilt to accompany my Ann & Andy collection.
    So very generous of you to share!

  60. THis looks like fun, might do mine differently of course, but I am thinking it would make a nice charity quilt.


  61. Can't pass on this one. It's too cute. Thank you, Karen. I've added a button to my sidebar and will be stitching away with you.

  62. Hello Kaaren:

    This is my firts BOM. I like it very much.

    The instructions are perfect!!



  63. Hi Kaaren.
    I'm finding your blog today and looking at your BOM, lovely BOM. I'm going to try to do it, because, my little girl will thank me on the future, sure....
    Thanks so much for sharing your designs.
    ah! I'm taking your button design to my blog.

  64. Karen, I love your Raggedy and Friends BOM. I am just re-teaching myself to embroidery (due to health issues I have problems with the feeling in my hands). Anyway, I have an old persnickity computer and I can't get PDF files from the 4 shared site. Tried others and it just won't load the program. Is there any other way to get these darling BOM patterns? I'm really wanting to do a quilt with Stitchery blocks in it and oh how I love Anne and Andy, after all, at 60 years old, you know I carried them around with me for years, LOL. When they got to ragged to sleep with my mom mended them and I sat them on my dresser until I was 20 and married, sadly lost them in a move. BUT, the memories are there. Darling pattern, if it can't be done, no problem...I just thought it would be worth asking. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pattern.

  65. Oh Kaaren,
    Love your work :-) ..and you!!
    ..and was and am very happy to help you my friend.
    Rob xx

  66. I just found your blog through another, I happy that I did! Love the style of work you do and wonderful projects. I will visit you again---soon! Carolyn from Des Moines, Iowa

  67. Have been so looking forward to the start....got back from school camp yesterday and guess what the first thing I did was???....you betcha.....it's printed and ready to go! Thanks Kaaren, can't wait to start the journey with you!
    Sugary hugs XX Wendy :O)

  68. What a darling quilt and your Blog is fantastic. I could never do this. If it didn't line up perfect like yours is I would have to take it all apart and that would drive me crazy. I wish I could do it. I love hand sewing. Thank you for sharing all of this. I have spent a lot of time on here just going through everything. Maybe someday I will take some classes. Thank you for sharing. Jean

  69. Thank you Kaaren!! You are so sweet to share this with us!


  70. Gracias Kaaren, ya lo guardé y a coser se ha dicho, está preciosa la colcha.

  71. Hallo, liebe Karen,

    ich sage auch mal danke.

    Ich werde allerdings die Stickereien mit der Maschine machen. Da heißt es vorher wieder "digitaliseren".

    Liebe Grüße
    Margit aus Deutschland

  72. I love this quilt! thank you so much Kaaren for sharing this beautiful BOM, I really appreciate the effort that went into making this BOM available to us.Bless you!

  73. Thank you so much for your generosity!
    I am so excited to make this quilt! You are so
    talented and have such a big heart!
    Thank you thank you thank you!

  74. Thank you so much for sharing this pattern with all of us! My love for Raggedy Ann started when I was a little girl! I was never without a Raggedy Ann! I remember a horrible incident, I left Raggedy Ann outside on a deck chair while I went and played. That night, after a frantic search, we discovered that a dog had shredded my precious doll!! I still remember crying all night long! My Mother went as soon as the store opened and got me a new one! I loved everyone of my dolls! In fact, I had one hid in my suitcase when I had my first baby!! and my middle name is Ann...of course I married a wonderful guy named Andy!
    Thanks again for the memories!

  75. impossible de telecharger le numero 3 il ne s ouvre pas grrrrrrrrrr merci

  76. I just found this via another blog. I have seen the button around, but finally decided to click it. I am so happy that I did!! How cute this is!!

    I may not get to start until January, but then I will catch up real quick!

  77. Kaaren,
    I began too late. Sorry. I am almost finishing the 1 Block.
    I love Raggedy. Your work is pretty
    Ana Maria Coutinho - from Brazil
    20 february 2011

  78. Kaaren, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful project with us. The art work is really lovely.


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