Friday, July 16, 2010

Blogging Friends Are The Best!

When I first started blogging about a year and a half ago, I didn’t know a soul and it was like charting unknown territory…both scarry and exciting at the same time.  Not only was I virtually computer illiterate but at the time I had been quilting for just over a year so I was really a newbie in both areas.  And as for taking photos, the digital camera that I had purchased years before had never been out of it’s original box.


Through the patience and generosity of fellow bloggers, it certainly didn’t take long to learn the ropes and to make new friends and acquaintances from every corner of the globe.  I learned about swapping, giveaways, BOM’s and a host of other things too numerous to mention.  But what was all this talk about Schnibbles?

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Here a Schnibble, there a Schnibble…everywhere I looked, there was all this talk about Schnibbles.  Then one day I read about  Sherri hosting A Year of Schnibbles and a monthly Schnibbles parade and it was only then that I found out what in fact a Schnibbles was.  They are the cutest little quilt patterns designed by Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co.


One day Mary from Quilt Hollow was featuring a Schnibble quilt that she had just made and quilted and in my comment on that post I told Mary that if ever I made a Schnibble, she would be the one to quilt it.

Remember this?


Well here it is again…


Quilted by Mary and bound by me!  But I’m not sure whether I should leave it on our kitchen table or…


on the dough box.  Which do you prefer?

Included in Mary’s parcel were these wee gifties as well…


A charm pack of Jo Morton fabrics that Mary cut herself, an antique bobbin to add to my collection and a package of 100% cotton stuffing that I’ve been wanting to try forever!  Thank you SO MUCH again, Mary!


But this is not the end.  To find out the rest of the story, click here.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. I like the dough box....actually there is a nifty little area in my house that it looked fantastic in. Hee! It was fun Kaaren. Thank you.

  2. I just saw Prudence over at Mary's and she looked very happy there! Love your quilt too! :0)

  3. wow! what a lovely story from mary. how lucky is she to have your doll! and she did a beautiful job quilting your schnibbles. it definitely belongs on your dough box, but does look pretty on your table.
    i know what you mean about blog friends.. i've met some lovely people through blogging, but i have one special blog friend in particular who warms my heart & makes me laugh on a daily basis. *wink*.
    love ya!

  4. I love the quilt on the dough box! Of course, it would be lovely anywhere.
    Popped over to read Mary's blog. I think you both made wise barters.

  5. I love the dough box, too. Your Schnibble is beautiful, Karen. Perfect 'deal' between friends. This why blogging is so much fun.

  6. Isn't Mary great! I like the Schnibbles on the dough box the best. :)

  7. Such a very pretty quilt. I like it on the dough box. A very nice swap too!

  8. Very nice. I like it on the dough box.

  9. I think it looks great either place but it seems 'safer' on the dough box. It is just delicious!

  10. I like the dough box too. Your quilt is beautiful. You both made a great barter.

  11. love the quilt! I must make a schnibbles.

  12. Dough box for sure! What fun posts you and Mary had today!

  13. The dough box looks perfect. Pity the girls are separated but you can't keep them at home forever.

  14. It looks wonderful in both places, but I think it looks especially sweet on the dough box! :)

  15. Kaaren, that is a hard call the quilt looks great either place.

  16. I think you both got a great deal!!and I saw Prudence she looks so happy.
    Now other than my table, I like it on yours. You can see more of the quilt.
    and you are right blogs friends are so dear!

  17. Love your schnibble on the dough box. It looks just perfectly at home.
    It is really beautiful.

  18. Your quilt is gorgeous, and I think I like it better on the dough box...

    So are you now officially addicted to schnibbles?? :)


  19. Oh wow! Gorgeous! I love it on the dough box! :)
    So nice...
    You sound like me. I just jumped in and had no idea. So, so amazing, this blogging community. It's been a real blessing for me. HUGS! XO

  20. Sweet friends in blogland! Thank you for sharing your talents and kindness. I am off to bed with visions of quilts, friends and their talented hearts.

  21. Your quilt is lovely, looks great either place but probably safer on the dough box. The barter story was just precious!

  22. Dough box for me :) to check out the links in your posts. Happy crafting, Jenny

  23. - and you introduced me to schnibbles but I didn't realise it was a whole tribe! I feel like you felt 18 months ago - new to blogging and also only been quilting a year or so.......... as you say so much help and ideas out there in blogland........... Hugz

  24. Your quilt looks fantastic on the table but I personally like it on the dough box. I have just been to Mary's blog and read the story - so cute! And I agree, Blogging Friends are the Best!

  25. Your schinibbles looks so beautiful. You also get so beautiful gifts. I didn't know that you are quilting justa few years, because you make such beautiful things.

  26. This precious quilt is so adorable and I think it looks right at home on the dough box. kelley secrest

  27. I love it on the dough box.
    What a great idea to do the barter!

  28. Definetly the dough box. Looks like it was made for it.

  29. Such a sweet a beautiful exchange for both talented friends.
    The quilt can move around Kaaren!

  30. love it on the dough box..actually I love everything on the dough box!!
    Very nice- Mary did a beautiful job on your schnibble..and I love the story about Prudence. I saw her over at Mary's blog, and didn't have time to read the story then...glad I took the time to grab a cup of coffee and do so today!
    I have to agree blogging friends can be something very special.

  31. I love it on the dough box too Kaaren...and isn't it funny, the impressions we get when blogging?? I began just under a year ago, and when I came across your blog, I thought you were one of the original bloggers you were so professional!!! (and if it makes you feel better, I thought the same thing about schnibbles too!!LOL) I loved your story Kaaren...keep up the blogging....I love it!
    XX sugary hugs Wendy :O)

  32. I've just been visiting with Mary and Persephone. How wonderful that you're both so happy with the bartering. I love the quilt on the dough box but hey, you could end up with more of the Shnibbles and swap them around.I hear they're addictive.

  33. Going against the it on the table. I like the way the table "frames" the quilt.

  34. Your schnibble is beautiful and looks lovely in both places.Love the barter story.

  35. I don't know if it's the light of the way you have it decorated but I like the dough box better.

    Persephone seems to be real happy at Mary's. Next time I visit her (in person), I'll give you an update on how she is enjoying her new home!!

  36. wow! your home is PERFECT for quilts! I think it looks great in both places.....absolutely beautiful!

  37. Hi Kaaren! I am finally home and trying desperately to touch base with everyone... besides posting on my own blog!

    I can't wait for the Raggedy & Friends BOM!!! It is just lovely. Got home just in time, it seems! And I've printed the July FFF, too. Oh, I have soooo much sewing and stitching to catch up with.

    There are lots of quilts (and more to come) from the Sisters, OR Quilt Show on my blog if you are in need of some "eye candy." It was overload for me!

    Thanks for the info on your blog also. I, too, have learned sooo much from the friends I've made since only beginning to blog earlier this year.

    And I purchased the Schnibbles book at Fabric Depot in Portland... oh, my! I've heard they are like potato chips! ;-)

    Have a great Monday. ~Karen

  38. Oh how wonderful. Excellent trade! I do love it on the dough box!!!

  39. New to blogging myself, I know exactly what you are writing about. Your blog is certainly a big inspiration.

  40. I love the quilt on the dough box..It is just gorgeous!

  41. Mary did a great job on your quilt. They look good in both places.
    I saw the little doll you made for Mary and you are so talented. Her face is so pretty.

  42. What a beautiful little quilt.. It looks great on the dough box :)

  43. I'm so happy to have found you! I printed out your oh so creative needlecase and it will be my next project...Thank you so much



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