Thursday, April 29, 2010

Back to Normal and a Thank You

By 10 a.m. yesterday morning, the snow was completely gone.  Hooray!


Everything is back to normal and my gardens are very happy to be basking in the warm sunshine once again.


As a matter of fact, everything seems a lot greener.  We’ve had a relatively dry Spring thus far and I think the gardens welcomed the moisture, even though it came down as snow.


Do you see the tall white birdhouse on the pole?  The housewrens are back again this year building another nest.  They are the cutest birds and I witnessed seven babies leave the same nest last year all within 20 minutes from when the first one spread it’s wings.  I wonder if they are the same ones as last year? 


A few weeks ago Stephanie had a giveaway of some wool and vintage buttons, rick rack and thread.  Well, she had me at the word vintage so I just had to enter my name.  Well guess what?  I won!!! 

Look what arrived yesterday!



And unwrapped…


Scrumptious!  Thank you sooooo much Stephanie. 

I have plans for some of this yummy wool already.  I’m not going to tell you what it is but what I will tell you is that it will be a gift of thanks for one of you who have chosen to follow my blog.  The winner will be selected at random sometime in the future…after I have made the                      .  *wink*

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Very pretty wool and other vintage items that you won. i can't wait to see what you make. i love the blue plaid wool-so soft and inviting. it snowed yesterday in NH with bushes and flowers already blooming.

  2. Wonderful goodies from Stephanie. Nice to see the garden back to normal. LOL

  3. It was hard for me to imagine anyone getting snow, but it has even been a lot cooler down here in LA. Congrats on the win.

  4. How lovely to receive such a delightful gift.

    I finished my March stitchery at last and this morning it became a pillow.

    I am enjoying the one you gave us for April. I hope to have it finished before May is on offer. Thank you for designing them.

  5. Your yard is looking so nice! We're expecting more snow today so spring is slow coming to my house! We have birds nesting right near the front door and every time I go outside they fly off and scare me to pieces! Sure is fun to have them around though! Lucky you to win that great giveaway!

  6. See what a great thing snow is??? The grass and flowers are smiling happy today. :-)

    You winning wool is a good thing. I will look forward to seeing what you make with it.

    We are off tonight to Cranberry Cottage as it is a holiday weekend. It is Queen's Day here in Holland. Going to have to pack my bag with some hand quilting items to keep my busy. Have a great weekend!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  7. Oh boy is it nice to see that sun shining down on your garden once again...much preferred! :-) Enjoy the warmth!!

  8. Oh! The little wrens are so cute - and chatty! Thanks for the reminder, we had them at the edge of our woods last year and I wanted to look for a nest box for this spring. Enjoy your lovely winnings, Kaaren.

  9. Love the wool and other things! The wool will definitely make a pretty something. Glad that the snow is gone. I find it hard to believe that people are still seeing snow, but I guess it could happen here if it got cold enough (which it did last night).

  10. I'm glad to see that everything is back to normal in your world, Kaaren! ;) Nice goodies from Stephanie!

  11. Nice goodies Kaaren and the garden looks so fresh, we are heading into Winter and it's been raining for six days - yuk. On the upside it's great for stitching.
    hugs = Miche'le

  12. You have a really nice garden. Congratulations with your win

  13. What a difference a day makes. The snow was pretty too.
    Congrats on winning the wool.
    I can't believe how many followers you have. Well yes, I can because you are such a sweet gal and have a very nice blog. I just became a follower even though I have reading a long time. Don't want to miss out even though I don't think I have a chance. lol

  14. What lovely gardens, I also love your patio walk way. We will be finishing up the re-do on our porch this spring, and finally will get a front walk way and new steps.
    I can't wait to put in some more flower beds. Have I told you I realy like reading your blog, pure inspiration.

  15. Love yougarden and that was a nice win! Glad you sun is back and the snow is gone. Have a Great week in!

  16. Kaaren, I can't believe the weather you are having, but you know the old wise tale. If it thunders in Febuary there will be a cool snap in April. I think that's how it goes. We had thunder down this way. Congratulations on your win and can't wait to see what you make.

  17. Wasn't your late snow amazing? Glad its helped green up the gorgeous garden. Beautiful winnings xo

  18. We've had a dry spring too, and any little bit of moisture seems to send things exploding into new growth. Seven baby birds, my goodness! What a great thing to witness. Congrats on your lovely win!

  19. Just popped over from Stephanie's blog. Just love the photos of your backyard through the different seasons. I just love birdhouses.How lovely that you have the wrens make their nest and raise a family.

  20. I know you'll make something very lovely with the wool. A Spring garden just isn't right with snow. So glad it's melted.

  21. You won the vintage goodies, how cool is that! Congratulations. The snow had a silver lining and the garden looks spring like again.

  22. I have your blog up everyday to see what you are up seem to be able to get so much done. I am very impressed with your love of nature, country decor,animals, needle working on and on..........
    We just adopted a rescue dog from a friend, he is an Astralian has been very rewarding to give him a home.
    I also have a young man (27 y) that has a severe disability still at home and a daughter that has moved from Louisiana to Dallas, TX, I miss her so.
    Anyway..........with all of this going on.......I am supposed to be a quilter, I belong to a wonderful quilting group.........but I can't seem to finish anything. That is why I read your see what you have done lately. One day it will be my turn to finish something. lol
    Thanks for all of your FF that you create, you are so talented!

    One of your followers, Karla in Louisiana

  23. I just found your blog today and I LOVE IT! Bookmarking it to return often. Looking forward to see what becomes of all that yummy wool!

  24. Very pretty gifts. My mother always says that a spring snow is a poor man's fertilizer. That's why everything seem so much greener to you. :^)

  25. I saw that you won that great giveaway from Stephanie! Glad you are going to have fun with it.


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