Friday, November 27, 2009

Olde Fashioned Christmas Swap

When Char of The Pickled Pepper Patch announced the she was hosting her first Olde Fashioned Christmas Swap, I decided that it sounded like too much fun to pass up.  So, without a second thought, I threw caution to the wind and sent her the email to “sign me up!”


Just last week, my swap partner, Nerina, received the goodies I sent to her.


My gifts from back to front in the photo included a pillow which I stencilled with authentic cream paints and then  hand quilted. 

In the upper left is a snowman that I made from a vintage bobbin.

To the right of the bobbin is a old world style santa that I made from a vintage pint milk bottle.  Can you see the original bottle cap? 

Coming forward and on the left is a primitive snowman ornament and to the right of him are two snowmen ornaments that I made from styrofoam balls covered with crinkled tissue paper.  The noses are made from the same sculpting clay as the santa beard and fur.

Hiding behind the snowmen is a candle in a glass votive and right in front is a battery operated tea light in an candle holder with some pears around it to add interest.


Today when I went to the post office, there was a card in our box indicating that there was a parcel waiting to be picked up inside.  Lo and behold, here’s what was waiting for me.


A parcel from Nerina!

And inside the box…


All these wonderful goodies…a framed stitchery with the words, “It’s a wonderful life”, 3 star-shaped bowl fillers, 2 glass votive candles,  a Christmas scented room freshener, a wooden placque and a garland with made made hearts, snowmen and stockings! 

Thank you so much, Nerina and a special thanks to Char for hosting the swap.


Do you realize that Christmas is less than a month away?  I hope to start my holiday decorating this weekend but I’m having a difficult time trying to get into the spirit with the unseasonably mild temperatures we’ve been experiencing lately.  The grass is still green and the ground hasn’t frozen yet either!

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Kaaren, so glad that you received my package, hope they fill your home with Olde Fashioned Chrismas Joy!! This was a fun swap and I love all of the wonderful goodies that you sent me, they will be displayed for many Christmas's to come!! Enjoy the rest of your day!! xOxO Nerina :)

  2. I know it is hard to get in the mood to decorate for "Christmas" when it is warmer out--but I have come to realize that Christmas is still on Dec 25th whether we have snow and cold or if is still in the 50's and the grass is green--so now I take the couple days after T-day and leave everything else and just do the decorating--and you know what--it then feels like Christmas from then on--even if it is still warm outside!!! Hugs, Di

  3. Looks like your swap was a lot of fun Kaaren!

  4. Wow! What a great swap. I love the itms you made . They are beautiful and the ones you received are gorgeous too.

  5. My goodness, the gifts you sent AND recieved are wonderful!!!!! They should really help you get into the Christmas spirit. Such beautiful gifts!

  6. Hi Kaaren!

    Wow - I am feeling full of Xmas cheer after reading your post! What beautiful gifts you both sent and received! I really love your style.

    Warm winter wishes!!!
    Vikki xoxo

  7. what gorgeous swap packages :)

  8. Lovely gifts sent and received! We had our first snow yesterday morning for Black Friday. Although it melted, this morning it's 26*! Our house lights are up and next weekend is the tree (a mini version to keep Abby out of trouble.)

  9. lots of chrissy yumminess happening there kaaren. that santa is to die for!
    merry christmas!
    julie xox

  10. Oh.. I love what you made.. so clever using the old things for bodies... and what a package you got too.. lots of wonderful christmas things!!!
    A month.. are you kidding!!! Oh no.. it happened again... I lost a month.. somewhere!! lol...

  11. Oh Kaaren, you two did a wonderful job for each other, what a fun swap!

  12. You both sent absolutely wonderful swaps to each other. I have one of those bobbin snowmen that a friend made me years ago...I think they are adorable! I sit here as boxes surround me of Christmas about overwhelming at moment. Once it is up and house cleaned I can sit back and enjoy for the few weeks before taking it all down for storage again. Vicious cycle! LOL

  13. A good swap for sure. You are so creative when it comes to making things.

  14. You made some wonderful gifts for the swap, I love them all and so many very clever ideas. The gifts you recieved are wonderful too. Sorry can't relate to the snow when we are still having heat waves, lol.

  15. Lovely gift sent and received. You are so very clever!!!

  16. Such cute gifts you made and recieved. What a fun swap.

  17. What a great swap and lovely gifts!

  18. Great stuff you sent and great stuff you got too. I love those little stars.

  19. WOW what a great swap too bad I missed out :( you gave such adorable quilty little balls of goodness and you received some - such a great exchange.


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