Monday, November 30, 2009

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like…


At long last!  I’m sure I’ll be regretting these words in a couple of months but this is our backyard at 7:45 this morning…




It took until the last day of November to arrive…the snow, i.e. and not Santa…at least not yet!  As you can see in the background beyond the fence, the farmer has yet to harvest the corn so I guess the deer will be plentiful this winter enjoying the feast that was left for them.


Yesterday I started to decorate for Christmas.  Although I haven’t completely finished, the tree is up, a few of the other decorations are in place and the outside is done except for a string of lights in one of the urns that needs to be replaced because it decided not to light up this year.  That will be done later today after my trip to the store to buy a replacement set.


There’s nothing more beautiful than a Christmas tree shining brightly with  hand made ornaments displayed for all to see.  I can sit and stare at it for hours.



Can you see the reflection of the Christmas lights in the glass panes of the quilt cupboard?


And now the sideboard in our hallway has been changed to display it’s Christmas finery...


as well as the hunt table…


and the island in the kitchen.  Did you notice the sheep chocolate mold?  That was a recent birthday gift from my friend Lucie.  I absolutely love it and it will be a welcome addition to my sheep collection.


The quilt on the bed in the spare bedroom has been changed to the antique red and white one in anticipation of Christmas visitors.


And I couldn’t forget the feather tree on the corner cabinet with it’s pipe cleaner santa ornaments atop the corner cabinet in the kitchen .

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I still have some fresh greenery to add here and there but for the most part, the holiday decorating is done.  Soon the baking will begin and the house will be filled with familiar aromas, synonymous only with Christmas.


And if you can believe it, this Friday, the 4th of December, is the First Friday of the month…already!  You know what that means!  Don’t forget to come back because that’s when the 4th FFF (First Friday Freebie) will be made available for you to download and enjoy.  Until then…

Happy stitching…and decorating…and baking…and wrapping gifts!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Hi Kaaren! I am jealous of your snow. We rarely get any here. I miss that from Ohio. And you are so ready for the holidays. I am so not ready. I am sitting in the midst of boxes needing unpacked after having our upstairs floor redone. I so need to get them cleared away. It is time to get my tree up as my quilt group's Christmas party is coming soon. My tree is big and takes days to put up. I love your tree! And fun that all the ornaments are handmade. Can you come put my tree up??? LOL!

    That sheep mold is wonderful. We have them here for butter which is a tradition at Easter.

    And then the guest looks so warm and inviting. I love the quilt!

    Hugs ~

  2. I would love to come and stay in that guest room, the red and white quilt looks so inviting. you have snow already...we have lots of pouring rain.

  3. Is it too much to wish for us to have one good snow on Christmas morning only? Your home is lovely and certainly reflects the people who live there.

  4. Kaaren, see what happens when you decorate for snows!! So I think I am going to decorate around the 24th after everyone has arrived you think that would work? Love all your decorating...your rooms could go into a magazine or a blog...!! Thanks for sharing and can't wait till Friday!

  5. What a treat for the eyes today! Your decorating that is! The snow, it can wait a few more weeks.
    I had to go back and click on each picture to see it better and ENJOY it more. I did see the lights reflected in the glass - almost as pretty as the quilt collection. But my favorite is the island in the kitchen. Just love that and what could be more homey and welcoming than Christmas smack in the middle of the heart of the home!

    Enjoy your snow and please do keep it for awhile!! :-)And enjoy the rest of the week as well. Looking forward to Friday!

  6. I have enjoyed your decorations. You are quite inspiring. Your decorating style is the one I have chosen for our new home(should we ever find a buyer for this one. I will be watching for ideas.

  7. Your decorations are lovely!! Your home looks so welcoming and warm and -- well, beautiful!
    Here we are celebrating the first November since 1937 with no snow! While that first snowfall always is gorgeous, I would be happy to have a winter with no snow. The chances of that are, of course, miniscule!

  8. Kaaren..........everything looks just
    beautiful. More inspiration for me as I am tackling my decorating too.
    We have only had "snowflakes" so far but they were so pretty to see.
    Looking forward to Friday.

  9. Your home looks cozy and wonderful. I would like snow, just one time, here in Arizona. I miss a white Christmas.. but don't want to drive in it anymore!

  10. I may be cold and snowy outdoors but your home is beautifully cozy. I love all your decorations and especially your red and white quilt. My favorite.

  11. Love your snow pictures. I am in Aust and it is the beginning of summer. Love you decorating too

  12. Your place looks so cozy and warm! I love all the decorated corners throughout the home...and that red and white quilt is really beautiful!
    we just decorated our place this weekend too, however, i have a new kitten and a 3 year old, so the fancier items stayed in the box :) i also posted the latest FFF on my making Christmas gifts out of them, so again...thank you for sharing your lovely designs!

  13. OMGoodness - look at the snow! I"m in Illinois and we do not have any yet, but it's coming! You have a beautiful home!

  14. Your home feels so warm and inviting and especially with that white stuff outside! OMGoodness! I'm not much of a Winter person and don't mind snow for a day and while pretty...once it is ugly and messy I'm done.
    Once again Friday already....can't wait!

  15. Oh I know this is bad, but I am so glad you got the snow and we did not!! I am such a summer girl!!!
    I love your home!! It is so warm and inviting! I would love to be a guest in your room and enjoy all the wonderful sights and smells your home will have to offer!!

  16. Oh God, lots of snow, I was wondering if there was any snow in the world! lol... Here in the island I live at the same time you took your pic we are at 75F!!!!!!

  17. Kaaren, all your decorations and the christmas tree look absolutely beautiful. And having snow in your back yard, how fabulous. It is something I have always dreamed of, having snow at christmas. Maybe one year we have to celebrate on your side of the world.

  18. Beautiful, Kaaren! Everything looks sooo nice. Can't wait to see Friday's post too! --Jen

  19. My goodness Kaaren you are SO ready for Christmas!!! Your house looks so festive, I really love your decorating! But oh not the's coming my way this week....*sob*

  20. are inspiring us all to get moving on our holiday decorating. Your place looks lovely! No snow in Brighton, On so husband played golf just last week...can you believe it, so I was surprised to see your early morning dusting of snow!

  21. Great job Kaaren, the house looks wonderful and I can just imagine the cooking smells will add the whole atmosphere. The snow looks very pretty.

  22. Kaaren, The first snow sure is beautiful isn't it. I'm certainly not ready for snow, but know its on its way. Your home sure is beautiful! I'm about half way done with my decorating.


  23. You are ambitious getting the Christmas decorating done already. I would love to visit & see it all and experience the delicious aromas of your holiday baking. I think you live just a bit too far away.

  24. Snow!!! :) !!! :)

    Snow is a novelty for me, living in my corner of Australia!

    I baked my Christmas cake today,but no decorations here yet.

    I love how you have decorated your home. Very cosy!

  25. xmas sure has sprung at your house..............we will start ours by Sunday at the lastest a bit on before then.........

  26. finally pretty snow! lets just hope you don't stack it on that deck again! i'm still LMAO! looks like you might have a white chrissy after all.
    your decorations look lovely also.
    merry christmas!
    julie x

  27. Kaaren, what a beautiful home. It truly should be featured in a magazine. You have a very speical talent for making it appear warm, inviting and, oh, so pretty.

    I went through your wonderful photographs three times! Just so beautiful.

    And the snow just fits with your post - Christmas decorating.

  28. I, too am so jealous of your snow. I'd love to spend a day or two just gazing at snow while plying my needle and thread.

    The decorations look fabulous, Kaaren! Someday I'm going to ring your doorbell and have a cup of tea with you. :-)

  29. Gorgeous decor Kaaren!
    We are having a few snow showers here today but certainly not anything "sticking" to the ground.
    Your snow pictures are lovely thanks for sharing.

  30. Its absolutly very cosy in your house are such an inspiration for how to decorate the lovely Christmas goodies...just love that wimsycal country look...your tree is superb...and you got snow!!would love to see that with Christmas...when everyone is save at home and dont have to drive...just for a few days..but you have done a very good job...!!go and look some more at the pictures....
    greetings ♥ Francien

  31. Lovely decorations, thanks for sharing.

  32. I just love the way you decorate. They are all so pretty. Yes, it does look like Christmas with that snow and your decorations.
    Can't wait to see what you share with us on Friday. I have just a little bit more to finish on last months.

  33. Fun Stuff Kaaren. I'm catching up with you. I've been a bad blogger lately but I'm trying to keep up with my friends even if I don't leave a Hi. Looks like your house is getting merry and bright.

  34. Beautiful Kaaren - like some others I'd like to see a little snow here, but only a little. :) blessings, marlene

  35. I always enjoy your house tours! Your home looks so festive.

    The antique red and white quilt is beautiful in all its simplicity. I LOVE two color quilts, but I'm not sure if I'd have the patience to make one. I seem to need more variety in my projects.


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