It’s been almost three months since I last worked on my Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt. Swaps, other starts and Spring gardens are only some of the excuses as to why I put it to bed for awhile, but in all honesty, I was getting a little bored with the repetitiveness as well.
This past weekend, when I decided to change the quilt in our spare bedroom, my favorite one called out to me. I wrote about it here if you’d like to have a look.
After seeing it on the bed and falling in love with it all over again, I just knew I had to get back to my WIP.
It was like visiting with an old friend that you haven’t seen for a while. The rhythm returned quite easily after a few stitches as did the familiarity with the process. The first of nine rows was already done and I have since completed two more. Only six left to do.
I ran out of the pathway hexies this morning which put an abrupt halt to my piecing.
In order to continue, I cut out an additional 150…
then ironed on the freezer paper…
and now I’m ready to baste. I reckon it’ll take me a good two days to finish the basting and then the piecing can begin again.
When I started my Grandmother’s Flower garden last summer, I allowed myself two years to complete it. That gives me another twelve months.
Do you think I’ll reach my goal?
Happy stitching!
Kaaren ♥
I personally have never really liked that pattern, but seeing it on your bed and also what you had done thus far, almost made me want to make one. Maybe I will some day soon. What a good way to use up scraps. Yours doesn't look to busy with the white in between, but pleasant
Just read your comment on my blog and had to run over to check out your GFG. I was not disappointed! I love your quilt on your bed too. :-) Well, hey, I love your bed! LOL! What a gorgeous bedframe that is. I am making a hexagon stocking and really need to pick it back up. I just cannot seem to stop stitching since I got so sick. It is easy to do and rest at the same time. Keep up the great work as you are encouraging me to finish my little stocking.
You asked about the worm garden and its size...I think it is about 6 x 12 inches when it is done but have not really measured it. I am planning a fun way to finish it but it will not be framed. More later on that...
Hugs ~
You can do it.
There's something about GFG quilts -- they always look so nice finished but getting there can be a tough slog. Yours is going to be gorgeous and worth sticking with it!
I love what you are doing with the quilt! It is charming! It is going to be a quilt you will treasure forever.
I know you can. And you working on yours keeps me motivated to work on mine too. They really are so enjoyable once you get going.
oh kaaren, you make me want to drag mine back out. i'd love to relax and do some mindless stitching, especially in winter. i must concentrate on gifts etc first.
you're doing a lovely job. if you keep at it and stop picking up other WIP's, i guess you'll definitely have it finished by your deadline. easier said than done, i know. LOL
big hugs,
julie xox
I want to do a grandmother's garden one day and yours is very inspirational!
You can do it!
This is looking very beautiful and yes, you can do it! One stitch at a time...
in the time I have come to know you, YES, I just know you will finish it. And then the rest of us will be so lucky to see it all done! I know I am looking forward to it!
hugs, Linda
Looking lovely Kaaren. I think you will reach your goal.
I've always loved GFG quilts and they look so gorgeous on a bed. Isn't it great to get back with renewed enthusiasm!
It's going to be gorgeous...and 150 is a lot...that should keep you going for awhile! Thanks for sharing...I need to get working on mine again!
wauw Kaaren...It looks absoutly stunning...what a wunderful quilt..looking awesome on your bed it!!!
greetings Francien.
I know you will, I know you will.. karen it is just gorgeous!! nice blog updates as well.. it is always nice to pull out an old friend..LOL
Oh, it's stunning - I love it. You can do it; in fact I know you WILL do it. :-) I must get back to mine.
I think those quilts are so sweet and pretty. However I'm not sure I have the patience to finish a bed size one - but with 2 years to complete, I'm betting that you do.
Hugs - Karen
I need to get back to mine too. My quilt ADD is getting the best of me. I love hexagons.
Go for it! My first quilt took me 7 years! What a beautiul pattern too. Best wishes Kaaren.
Oohhh! Its beautiful! Keep up the work.
Your quilt is looking beautifull and yes you can do it.
Happy Canada Day Kaaren.
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