Monday, March 9, 2009

Wool Version - Tisket-A-Tasket Block 3

We spent a quiet Sunday at home yesterday. My DH has a nasty head cold and we all know what men are like when they're sick..."Can you bring me?...Can you make me?...I think I'm going to lie down...I'm all stuffed up." Honestly, he's a SUPER guy but I hate when he catches a cold.

On the brighter side, I was able to complete the wool version of the third block of the Tisket-A-Tasket BOM. I know I've said this before but I just love working with wool on cotton. I never tried this before my Primitive Garden quilt and now I'm hooked! Not only do I get to buy fabric to feed my habit but wool as well and that collection is starting to grow by leaps and bounds.

I altered the position of the bunny somewhat and I kinda like him better this way. Now we've gotta wait a whole month til the next block...darn!
Happy stitching!


  1. Looks great in wool and the bunny does look nice that way.

  2. Kaaren, your Tisket-A-Tasket blocks look great. I've never tried working with wool fabric before, but I'll have to give it a try. Hope your hubby is feeling better soon.

  3. Good morning Kaaren,
    both your blocks are so darling. The wool for the clover is perfect. Just wanted to let you know to that I have mentioned your giveaway on my blog today. Hope your hubby is better and you have warmer weather today.

  4. Hi Kaaren,
    Hope you had a great weekend and don't catch your husband's cold. Your wool block is so pretty, love the fabric. Hope your weather is getting warmer up there. We're 40* F today...not bad, I'll take it. Off to work.
    Talk to you soon,

  5. hi kaaren,
    i agree - the bunny does look much nicer in that position.

    hope you 'big baby' is well again soon!
    julie x

  6. Another great job. I love your basket done in wool. I think it's a great idea to try different things. I guess if you are doing one in cotton and one in wool, you are probably not doing the redwork version.

  7. Love your basket.
    I need to go over and print mine. totally forgot about it,

  8. Your basket is beautiful. I have never tried wool before. I need to. I hope your DH is well soon and please don't catch it from him. Stay well.

  9. Kaaren - I hope your hubby is feeling better! I just love your wool blocks! I'm gonna have to get busy on mine soon! Mentioned your giveaway on my blog today!

  10. Oh your block is lovely. I like the way you tilted the bunny up, too. He looks springier.
    haha - I agree with what you said about sick husbands. Mine gets all mopey and grumpy when he's not feeling well. It makes me want to hide in my sewing room. So I do!

  11. Kaaren how cute is your bunny basket! I still have to prep mine, a bit behind this month

  12. CA-uuuuuuute Bunny Block!!

  13. Beautiful in wook Kaaren!!

    You've inspired me to collect more wool. I've just 'won' a few pounds of wool off of Ebay!

  14. I love what you did with the bunny's position. Wish I had done that with mine, you trend setter you!! It looks great.

  15. Cute block...I may have to start this bom...hmmmm can I fit one more thing in?


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