Tom offered his santas to someone who would put them to good use. I contacted Tom and offered to paint them and sell them with 100% of the proceeds to go to a hospice that is being built near to where I live that is scheduled to open in the Fall of this year. Tom was good enough to send me 5 samples of his santas which I received last week.
Yesterday I decided that it was time to bring them to 'life' so I dusted the fabric lint off the brushes and began to paint.

They average about 2 1/2" tall and are carved in the old world or Belsnickle style. The detail on these little gaffers is amazing. Painting them involves 5 steps...sanding, basecoating, detailing, antiquing and finally sealing with a spray varnish. The next photo illustrates the second step, the basecoating or initial application of color.

And below are the finished santas. The second and fifth ones from the left are ornaments, complete with hangers and the first, third and fourth ones are pins with the pin backs already attached.

I am offering these for sale at $10 each including shipping and handling for shipments to the US and Canada. International orders will be $15 including S & H. My best guess is that close to half of the sale price will go towards postage and shipping materials. All proceeds after costs will be donated to the hospice.
These first 5 which are signed and dated, will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Just let me know which one you would like when you leave your comments. I prefer payments be made through Paypal and you can pay with a credit card using Paypal, even if you don't have a Paypal account.
This first group I painted traditional red but if you'd like to have your santa in another color, I'd be happy to comply. More santas are on the way, so "reservations" will be accepted and you'll be contacted when they're done. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

ok girly, my name is on one of those! any idea how much in oz dollars?
julie xox
Hi Kaaren,
These are wonderful! Are there many available? How do I go about ordering one?
Darn, I wanted to contact you before everyone else got their hands on them. Could you send me your address and I will be sending my money in pronto. I would dearly love an ornament - the fifth one in the photo please.
Hi Kaaren,
I've been waiting for these. Oh my gosh they are great and your painting is just wonderful. If the first one on the left hasn't been claimed, I would love to buy it. Let me know the details of paying you through paypal.
Those Santa faces have so much personality! What an awesome pairing of talent and for an important cause. My favorites are the 2 on the right and would like one for an ornament when there is enough to go around.
Kaaren, you've done a wonderful job painting these Santas. I'd love to purchase an ornament, if possible the one on the end.
Kaaren count me in . They are just lovely. I would like the fifth one please. Linda
Looks like I'm to late for this batch, Kaaren! I'm going to start reading my blogs from the bottom up so I don't miss out on the next batch!!
Kaaren, could I please place an order for one each of the Santa at beginning and the ending of the row? Is it possible to leave the pin-backing off? They are all so gorgeous! Thanks!
dfuller55 at verizon dot net
I came over from Tom's blog. Those Santa's are amazing. You have done an awesome job on them. Also in the previous post, I love the baby quilt you are making. That is so cute. Glad I came over here to check out your blog.
Kaaren, I would take TWO when they're available if you have any left or plan on doing more in the future. They're beautiful and from the heart.
Thank you. Blessings.
Kaaren - Those are so amazing. And I"m going to Tom's blog to let him know! I can't wait for the next shipment. My name better be on one!!!!!
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