Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Next Chapter

Should everything go as planned and the new house passes inspection, we will soon be turning over the page to the next chapter in our lives. 

The day we take possession of our new home will mark our fifth year anniversary since moving to Nova Scotia, Canada's 'almost' eastern most province.  So much water has passed under the proverbial bridge since then.

As many of you already know, I was diagnosed with cancer five months after moving here.  We are so grateful that so many of our dreams have come true but because of the cards we were dealt, many will never come to fruition...and that's okay.  I am still able to sew, quilt, create and even design a new fabric collection!  I couldn't ask for more.  But now, because of my physical limitations, I can no longer do so many of the things that a house and property of this size requires.

Sadly, we were left with no alternative but to pass the reins of this old and stately gal to someone who can give her the love and respect that she so deserves.  

We listed our house in September and a short two months later, a couple from western Canada fell in love with and wanted her, just as we did five short years ago.  We'll be handing over the keys to them on the 14th of December.

Although I don't have any photos to show you just yet, we found and purchased a truly charming small, three bedroom bungalow in the town of Digby, about twelve miles away from where we currently live.  

Our new home is located a block away from the waterfront where we'll be able to watch the local fishing fleet come and go.  

Now begins the horrific job of packing and moving.  Both Mr. Painted quilt and I are dreading it.

I will again be fortunate enough to have my own even larger sewing studio and soon after we're in and settled, the work will begin on my next fabric collection!

Happy stitching!


  1. Dear Kaaren,
    I wish you all the best. I don't envy you the packing, it is never easy, but I hope your move goes well and you will be in your new house before Christmas.
    It takes a while to make a house into a home, but I am sure you will have it sorted in no time :-)
    My thoughts are with you,

  2. Dear Kaaren,
    an end is always a beginning.
    I looking forward to read, whats happen in the next weeks (if you got time) and I wish you all the best!

  3. I have enjoyed reading your posts about the house and all you did with renovation and decorating. And all the things you added to the very large yard. I never could have taken care of the house and yard but it was nice to read about what you and Mr. Painted Quilt were doing. I hope you have room in your new home for all that you have acquired. Sounds wonderful to live close to the water.

  4. Hi. I enjoy your blog and am sorry you have to leave your beautiful home. A gentle correction though, Canada's easternmost province is Newfoundland and Labrador!

  5. Good health and strength to you as you begin this new chapter of your lives.

  6. You and Yours are in my prayers! A safe and happy move, new neighbors, and new friends are a good adventures to be on. I love the name of the town, Digby. It makes me want to break out in song.

  7. As you have coped with the health issues on your plate I have wondered if you would be able to keep up with the home and yard you have loved. You have done some wonderful things there, but I'm glad you will be in a more manageable situation now--and a larger sewing studio? That is a good thing. Looks like a lovely area!

  8. It is so hard to give up the home that you love, but wonderful that you found the perfect new owner for her.

    Good luck with all of the packing. It is not a fun job!!

  9. I wish you well during this chapter of your life. It looks beautiful where you are going, though. I hear Western Canadian people are good folks!!;-) Take care.

  10. What a hassle to be packing again so soon. But a bigger studio sounds like a good trade-off!

  11. New beginnings--am sure your new home will be just as charming. It will be fun to watch! Moving--ugh!

  12. YIKES! I downsized and moved here two years ago after my DH passed away with brain cancer. It was AWFUL going from 3600 sq feet to under 2000 and I said then I will never do that again of my own free will! That was my 8th move in my adult life and next time it'll have to be the kids' doing. Hope it's mainly hassle free and that you get lots of assistance!!

  13. Congratulations on your new nest ...I'm sure you'll soon be settled in . (I remember moving with my Mom and Dad a few weeks before Christmas in youngest brother was worried Santa wouldn't find him . .) here's hoping Santa finds you in your new sweet home . :)......

  14. Congratulations on your new nest ...I'm sure you'll soon be settled in . (I remember moving with my Mom and Dad a few weeks before Christmas in youngest brother was worried Santa wouldn't find him . .) here's hoping Santa finds you in your new sweet home . :)......

  15. Hi Kaaren, Your new home sounds lovely and Digby is a such a nice place to live. My brother-in-law grew up there and retired there for quite a few years. Good luck with the packing and moving. I have a feeling we will be doing the same thing before too long.

  16. Congratulations on the next chapter! I look forward to hearing about your moving adventure and your new home.

  17. I am sure your new home will be lovely. Best wishes for a happy new home.

  18. Your new house will be lovely and it sounds like a great location! You and the Mr. painted Quilt will have it ship shape in no time. I look forward to reading all about it. Hugs,

  19. Happy to hear that you have a nice new home near the water in the works. Tom and I spend a good deal of time enjoying our local shoreline of Lake Michigan. The packing part of the move is a indeed a big undertaking. I hope you have plenty of time for accomplishing that task. Rest often and remember, treasurers are often rediscovered during the packing and unpacking process. I hope you carry happy memories from your beautiful old house along with the many lovely handmade by you treasures are ready and waiting to furnish your new home. There are such exciting times ahead!

  20. All the best with your packing and moving. I've been in the same home for 33 years and even though I 'think' I purge, I dread the thoughts of ever having to pack and move. The location of Digby sounds great. Yes, one door closes and another a larger sewing room. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to sew how you set up your new sewing space! Best of luck

  21. If I was close I'd come and help you pack. It's such a job! Good luck with everything. God's plan for us isn't always the same one we have but he knows best. Your new home will be lovely after you put your finishing touches to it. Wishing you the best in everything! :)

  22. God luck at your new chapter in life... I wish you all the luck and hope it will be just as you want it to be! Take care!

  23. I wish I was part of the couple buying your house! I've always loved it. But it sounds like you have a great new place in Digby. A larger studio is always a good idea!

  24. I have enjoyed following all your adventures and the renovations. I am sure you will many new adventures in this next chapter. Thank you for sharing.

  25. Digby looks very picturesque! I hope that your move goes smoothly....

  26. I'm reading your blog as I'm taking a break from packing because I'm moving. I have SO much stuff and I too am moving to a smaller place. I want to move...I just don't want to pack! I can relate! I wish I'd done a few boxes every day but I waited. Just too busy. Sigh... Good luck on your move. Wish I was moving somewhere that I could see ships and the ocean! Hugs! Bev

  27. This will be fabulous for you and Mr P. No more looking around at what you 'can't' do in your current house, it will be so good. I have a house I struggle to keep up and am doing the same as you, except I haven't found the new smaller one level with room for the studio. I keep looking and know it will appear.

  28. How wonderful that you'll still be in the same area. DH and I stopped in Digby last year to catch the ferry, and it's a cute little town with a wonderful little quilt store! I hope you'll be very happy there.

  29. Querida Karen, te deseo mucha felicidad en tu nueva casa.
    Un gran abrazo.

  30. Your new home will be wonderful! Sounds like it has everything you need and more (that view!) Almost visited Nova Scotia in Sept when my granddaughter and I were traveling home from PEI. I wanted to travel back a different way from the way we traveled to PEI. But we were Racing against Time as we needed to get home for a shower for my first great-grandson......but we both love Canada and plan to come back again!

  31. We have been in our current home almost 28 years and the thought of moving sends chills up my spine. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to navigate the stairs to my downstairs sewing room, but I am determined to "stay in motion" as long as possible. Good luck on your move and do take care of yourself.

  32. Oh Happy Day! Good luck with the move and take time to breathe now and then.

  33. Good luck with the move. hope you will be very happy in you new home you deserve it.

  34. Another adventure begins for you!! Take one day at a time and everything will get done! Your new house sounds wonderful and Digby looks gorgeous! Oh the walks you will take and the sights you will see!

  35. Wonderful news. Good luck in your new home. Have fun adding your special touches.

  36. Kaaren - you will love your new home after you make it yours and you put your mark on it. We are now in our cottage home - three bedrooms, two baths and one long open living room, dining room and kitchen and enclosed porch all on one level and very easy to take care of. The five garage sales were not easy for me as there were so many treasures to let go of in order to down size. We have finally got a place for everything, except my sewing room ended up very small, so I scaled down the size quilts I am now making. I warned the kids, these are throws and not bed quilts. I really do like making smaller things for a change. You will live through it, you just might not look the same. Have fun and make your moving an adventure. Only way I got through mine. Judy C in NC

  37. Moving is on my s-t list as well as vacuuming is ;) but once you have everything in place and start making it your home, everything falls into place again. And the location of your new house is stunning! Good luck with eh clearing out and packing up!


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