Sunday, June 28, 2015

New Project

Supplies all gathered and now the fun begins!

Can you guess what it's going to be?

Stay tuned...step by step tutorial with photos to follow as soon as it's done either later today or tomorrow.

Guess I'd better get busy, huh?

Happy stitching!


  1. NEW PROJECT!! Music to my ears...and LOOK at that wool!! I'll be waiting! :o)))

  2. I am hoping for something with sunflowers! :0)

  3. I'm intrigued...will be waiting to see what magic your work with that nice wool.

  4. A pincushion on a spring maybe? Like your colors. Will definitely tune back in.

  5. I have some bed springs waiting for something to fill them.

  6. Oh hurry...the surprise is driving me crazy!!!!

  7. When I saw the wool worms I thought you were going to hook a rug. But, with the bed spring also in the picture, it's going to be a sunflower pincushion. Yeah! I want to make one.

  8. Everyone loves a new project . . . me included.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you are up to:)

  9. I am a faithful reader who just doesn't always take the time to comment but seems this quiet Sunday night I do. I just did checking up on your last few posts and am looking forward to what your new project is. So nice your were able to enjoy your excursion with "ralph". Pix of the harbor are beautiful! Love your work in the garden and thanks for sharing the photos of your yard and gardens. It find that those of us who enjoy stitching and sewing also seem to be the ones that enjoy are gardens and yards too.

  10. I guess a sunflower wool pincushion on a metal spring! Hugs,

  11. springy thingy, sunflower or such, grin!

  12. I'm very curious--and I have no guesses. : )

  13. We are all waiting on tender hooks. I'm sure it will be something fun and beautiful.


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