Saturday, June 21, 2014

Need your help, please!

At the outset, I'd like to thank you all for the encouraging words you had to say about my new MAN QUILT design.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out and so is Mr. Painted Quilt.  I had to smile when I heard his comment, "It's about time!"

The 130 flying geese are made and are ready to be sewn on as the second to last border.  I've been having some mobility issues accompanied by severe pain over the past couple of days and it's just a matter of getting the pain under control before I can sit down at the machine and sew away.  *sigh*

Now, if I may bore you with the MAIN issue at hand and wonder if someone can help me? 

Okay, it's confession time.

I really am technologically challenged and I probably rate in the top 10 of the worst computer dummies that you'll ever come across.

Here's my dilemma.   I've had a "dot com" address which I've been dutifully paying for the past 3+ years.  I would like to change my current blog URL to my "dot com" one and even after having read the instructions on how to do it in the Blogger "help" section, I'm petrified that I'll blow it and lose everything on my blog.

I know bloggers who have done it but it's usually a friend or techie son or daughter who has done it for them and I'm too "shy" to ask for their help.  

If you think that you can help me, could you please email me personally?  I'd be eternally grateful...honest!

Update:  Thanks to Kathy and Karen, my dot com url is now functional.  I took their advice and called my domain host which happens to be "Go Daddy" and they walked me through it.  Now when someone types in they are directed to my blog.  I wish I knew it was going to be that easy.  I would have done it years ago!  

I'm happy!  Doesn't take much, does it?  *wink*



  1. Wish I could help you, but I'm that way myself!

  2. First, I am so, so sorry you are having to deal with this health issue. It is frustrating I am sure. How I wish I could assist in your teck problem but unfortunately I cannot. Best of luck in getting all this done. I have read other blogs where this was accomplished but it was a little complicated. Why can't this be one of those push the button and done things.

  3. So sorry to hear about your pain issues resurfacing...ugh...hang in there...thinking of you. As for the dot com, please take good notes when you find someone to help you with this. I actually purchased a new domain awhile back but have not made the change because, like you, I am afraid to lose what I have. I'm sure you will hear from someone who is techie enough to help out. And please send us the sun and the warmth if you have any over there!

  4. I can't offer technical help; I too have expertise below the age of 30 who are very capable. You'd be surprised how flattery works but also, I find they are happy to to help people who are creating good content to make the web an even better place. Kaaren, I am sorry that you are having problems again but can relate. May the right medicine help you so you can do more of what you love.

  5. I am not happy to hear about your pain issue. As for computer issues, I would be the last person to offer help. I am computer challenged big time. I do hope someone comes to your aid.

  6. Hi Kaaren! Sorry you are having problems, will pray for you....
    I cannot do this for you, but what if you set up a fake blog and website, then follow the info on You Tube or google, and see what happens?
    If problems, no loss
    If it works, great!
    Just be sure to back up your blog before you do anything!
    Good luck, take care, Leslie

  7. Kaaren, so sorry to hear about your pain issue - will add you to my prayer list. As to your website, I can't help but offer a bit of advice. If it's already got things on it, why not put a link on your sidebar to direct us to it. That way we can get use to going there to see what you have added. If not, just ignore this.

  8. I'm really sorry that you're having to deal with health issues, Kaaren! If you do find out how to do what you want with your blog, perhaps you could post how you did it? That might help many of us! ;)

  9. I don't see your email...can you email me? Perhaps I can tell you what I did with my blog name change...
    Sorry for your pain! Hope it gets better!

  10. Hi Karren, This is exactly why I do not have a blog! Oh yes, I really wanted one but our kids and their spouses work full time and have children and I hate to ask them. My 15 year old granddaughter is probably better than my own kids. I can not take the hassle so...for all these years...everyone has had to put up with me with no blog.
    I hope you feel better by the time this reaches you. Take it easy, ....heating pad or ice and rest!



  11. how I wish I could help but like you I am pretty bad with the computer, in fact do not even understand what you want to do. I am sure someone will be able to help. Sew at home mummy blog has been doing a series on beautify your blog, maybe you could check that out, it might help

  12. i love quilling art.... your blog is awesome...

  13. Sorry to hear of your pain , I do hope you can get that under control . As for the tech problem , I am probably even less computer literate than you :-(. Hope you find the help you need .

  14. My help? make a backup on your computer before transferring anything!
    Feel better soon! xoxox

  15. My help? make a backup on your computer before transferring anything!
    Feel better soon! xoxox

  16. Kaaren,

    If I understand you are paying for the domain name (your .com) but don't actually have a website associated with it yet.

    If so, you can contact the HOST (who you are paying now) and just ask them to establish a re-route of your domain name to your blogger address.

    When someone clicks on "" they will actually arrive at ""

    Hope this helps.


  17. I think the title of your new design should be "It's About Time".

  18. I agree with shawkl, that's exactly what I did when I established my dot com address. good luck, and I hope you get feeling better soon....hugs, Karen


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