Friday, February 8, 2013

Frankie update and more...

Thank you all for your kitty thoughts and prayers for Frankie.  Although he's still not 100% back to his usual self, he's pretty close.  He sure had us worried though.

The vet spent a lot of time examining him on Wednesday.  He said that he wasn't dehydrated nor was he in any pain.  Prognosis or best guess?  He could have a common cat virus…as in a cold…or he could have eaten a bug or fly which he always does when he catches them that could have upset his stomach.  

He gave him two injections, one to stop the vomiting and the other, an antibiotic.  He also gave him a liquid medicine between his shoulder blades to deworm him, just in case whatever he ate had worms or parasites.  His temperature was normal and so was everything else.  Whew!  

What scared us the most was when he vomited on Tuesday night and there were spots of blood in it.  The vet explained that when your stomach is empty and you're retching, spots of blood will appear from the wall of the stomach or intestine because it's in stress.  He said that he didn't think it was anything serious but to keep an eye on him and if he doesn't show any signs of improvement over a couple of days then we'll have to bring him in for further tests.  He's been sleeping alot but thankfully ate and drank a little last night and again this morning.  It just breaks my heart because you want to help them but they can't communicate what is wrong.  Thank you Doctor Neil!   

And where is he as I'm writing this?

Asleep on Mr. Painted Quilt's lap!  Both of them are sound asleep in the family room.  Mr. PQ is also coming down with a doozy of a cold.  Guess I'm next.

And poor handsome-with-his-new-haircut Ollie? He's lost without his best buddy.

I miss my best buddy.  Get well soon, Frankie.

I started to cut and piece my February challenge quilt on Wednesday and finished it yesterday morning because I wanted to take it to my guild meeting last night to work on the hand quilting.  I did manage to start the hand quilting while at the meeting but didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped because I did more schmoozing, talking and laughing with the gals than actual stitching.  We sure have a great group and I so look forward to the meetings every month.  

If you'd like to find out more about the one-a-month small quilt challenge, I spoke about it in my previous post which you can read about here.  There's still lots of time to join in! 

The white masking tape that you see is what I use as my guide when hand quilting.  I forgot to take it off when I took the photo.  Duh!

And have a look at what the brown truck dropped off at our place on Wednesday, just as we were leaving to go to the vet.

Can you see the photo of what's in the box?

A new iPad mini!!!

My birthday isn't till November so it must be a belated Christmas present!  Yay for me!

I'm apprehensive about learning how it works so it's still in the box just waiting for me to fire it up.

And it's personalized too!  Can you make it out?

I'm so spoiled!

According to the weather forecast, we're in for a "monster" snow storm starting sometime this afternoon or evening.  Thirty to sixty miles per hour gusts of wind are supposed to generate blizzard-like conditions and we could receive from 15-20+" of snow by tomorrow afternoon.  Yikes!

So what's a gal to do?  Why put on a pot of chili and hunker down!  At least we won't be hungry and we'll have the fire in the stove to keep us warm.

Would you care for some?  Come on over...but don't forget your snow shoes!

Note to Barb of Fox Point...

I was not able to answer your question regarding where I purchased the twill tape measure ribbon because your settings are set as a "no-reply".  I purchased it in the notions/ribbon section of Atlantic Fabrics in Greenwood but I'm sure that all the Atlantic Fabric shops in the Maritimes carry it or can bring it in for you.  Also, one of my blog readers from Alberta wanted to ask you where you purchased yours in Calgary but had the same problem of not being able to reach you.

A few of you asked about the tomato pincushion that was affixed to my sewing machine.  I purchased it at Avonport Discount Fabrics in Avonport about two years ago, not too long after moving to Nova Scotia.  It is my second most favorite sewing notion, having been demoted to #2 because my newest toy, a telescopic pin magnet, is now #1.  It came with a peel-and-stick adhesive on the back and it has never fallen off my machine once.  I don't think I could live without it now when I'm sewing on the machine.

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Hi Kaaren. So glad to hear that Frankie is doing better. Enjoy your new IPad. We are getting that storm right now. The snow is falling and the wind is blowing. It is a great day to stay inside and work on my stitching. Lasagna soup in the crock pot. A perfect day. Enjoy yours.

  2. So good to hear Frankie is on the mend. Ollie needs his companion.

    Ooh, sounds like some serious snow might be coming your way. Time to put wood in the fireplace, get nice and cozy and bring out some handwork.

    I LOVE my iPad 2. Hubby got it for me about 10 months ago - oh my word - it's wonderful! DD's computer went "out" so all she uses now is her iPad 2 - for everything!!! We are quite blessed.

    Your small quilt is so pretty, Kaaren. Hugs

  3. So glad that Frankie is feeling better. Enjoy your iPad. We just bought one also and it's great. I just downloaded a past issue of Australian Homespun with a Red Brolly pattern. What a wonderful device! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I'm glad to hear Frankie is on the mend. I know Dapper Dude Ollie will be happy when Frankie is back to 'normal'. :-)

    A new toy - woohoo!!! Have fun.

    Your little quilt is adorable. Very sweet indeed.

    Stay warm and safe. Chili looks yummy!

  5. Stay safe and warm and give Frankie and Ollie extra belly rubs for me!

  6. Wonderful, wonderful news that Frankie didn't have something terrible! It is so awful when they don't feel well and they can't tell you. Poor Ollie looks lost without his little buddy cuddling next to him. Love your pictures of your little guys!

  7. I'm so glad your baby is okay. I hate it that they can't talk to us and say "it hurts here". Ollie looks so handsome with his new haircut. Praying for you that your electricity stays on during the storm and that you are all safe. Last blizzard we had I had to tie a clothes line onto the dog's halters so they could go out and then I could drag them back in and they didn't get lost in the snow.

    Cheery wave!

  8. Our kitty got a cold once, and I thought we were going to lose him. Thank goodness he got over it, but it took about a week.

  9. Glad your Frankie is on the mend. Meds and naps are a good thing. Stay safe with that nasty storm coming your way. Lots of stitching will get done while stuck in the house.

  10. I am glad that Frankie is doing better. My dog was shaking his head so I looked and it was full of puss, so he went to the vet yesterday. The vet said they are getting a lot of cases, guess our furry guys are getting the flus too.

    It has been snowing since 8 this morning and this is just the beginning, we are going to be knee deep in snow, lol.


  11. Aww i'm glad Frankie is ok. I have to laugh tho, we had snow at the beginning of the week and thought we had a lot with 3"-4"!!! Plus it was all gone by the next day! xx

  12. Glad Frankie is feeling better, hope he feels well enough to play with Ollie soon - poor pup looks so lonely!

    Take care in that storm - it will be a pain to deal with, but will be pretty to look at!

  13. Good news that Frankie is feeling better. He looks like he is enjoying some one-on-one time with Mr. Painted Quilt, and that's probably just what he needed. Sounds like quite a storm heading your way, but it will give you a chance to work on that sweet little quilt. I've pulled fabric for the same quilt, but got a little sidetracked with the blue and white quilt on Inspired by Antique Quilts. The chili looks delish, if only I lived near you. Instead, I'll be making my own tonight, what a good idea.

  14. Glad to hear that Frankie is on the mend...he looks very content snoozing with Mr. PQ! You will love your iPad...I have the second generation one and love it,,,the mini is probably even better! I adore your February quilt! Fabrics are scrumptious! I am almost finished quilting the centre blocks, then will start on the setting triangles. Wish we were quilting together! Stay warm!

  15. Hi Kaaren.
    I'd hop on a plane and come and enjoy some of that delicious looking chili, but all the flights are cancelled due to this storm.......LOL.
    I am so glad that Frankie is feeling better. Poor little kitty.
    Your new IPAD........well, you lucky lady.
    Enjoy all of this snow, I know I am :)

  16. Thanks for the Frankie update. It's always better to hear it from the vet, isn't it!

    And congrats on your new toy! I love my regular iPad but the mini's are such a handy size!

  17. Hi Kaaren,

    Thanks for the information about the tape. I will try Atlantic Fabrics in Bridgewater. I bought the tape/ribbon in Calgary at "Out of Hand" they have amazing ribbons and several different measuring tape ribbons. Their fabrics are wonderful too!

    I have no idea why you couldn't reply to me, I haven't set anything that I know of..

  18. I just want to pick up Frankie from Mr PQ's lap and hug him. I hope he continues to feel better - and the same for the mister! Love the little mini-quilt, Kaaren, that's a lot of teeny pieces! I just got Mr. Squash's old iPad as he got the new one, but I also have a little Google Nexus like your mini-iPad. LOVE IT! No more lugging around something bulky - just make sure your reading glasses are up to date - lol!

  19. Oh... thank goodness Frankie just has a bug.... either figurative, or literal... lol! So glad there is a vet that covers all bases. Poor Ollie though... all dressed up and no place to go... We are having the storm here today. So far, in central NJ it is mostly ice cold rain... which is fine because I really don't like huge amounts of snow... Easter is soon, isn't it?!?!? ;-) Beautiful quilt you have there! Stay healthy!

  20. Ollie looks so sad! I'm glad to hear though that Frankie is feeling better. He is really sleeping hard in that photo. Your two little guys are so sweet!

  21. Such a worry when our fur babies are out of sorts. And your Ollie does look lonesome without his buddy next to him.
    We have family on the New England coast & everybody is stocking up on basics.

    Enjoy your iPad - I have really bonded with mine - a Christmas present - on the back it says "From your boys" - that would be my husband & son! I downloaded Blogsy and can now post direct to my blog. The old laptop is gathering dust.

    Stay warm and be well.

  22. I'm so glad Frankie is doing better. DH would LOVE an iPad Mini but we have a house to sell first. :-)

    We're safe from the storm but are anxiously watching the New Jersey news. Somebody is going to get it bad! Stay snug!

  23. Good news about Frankie!
    What a fun "just because" present for you!
    Your mini quilt is so sweet. I want to do that SAL, but I have over-joined things this year and will probably not keep up at all well already, contrary to my good intentions as the year began.
    I also put a pot of chili on the stove this morning. House smells so good, doesn't it? : )

  24. Stay warm. Eat soup. Drink tea. Snuggle up. Glad to hear Frankie is on the mend.

  25. Hi,
    I'm glad to know Frankie's feeling better, Ollie sure missies him.
    It's cold here but no snow where I live only on the north part of the country.
    I have an Ipad and it's wonderful I'm sure you'll love your mini version.

  26. So glad to hear Frankie is going to be fine.

    Have fun with that new mini. I can't wait to read your review on it.

  27. Poor little darlings, if only they could talk! I hope that Frankie continues to improve and that this is just a small hiccup in his life, we all have them right?!
    Ollie does indeed look a little lonely without his furry bed warmer and 'bestie' (best friend), I'm sure they'll be snuggled up together before too long!
    Your February challenge quilt is just lovely Kaaren, I'm still trying to complete the January one LOL!!!! Hope that snow storm didn't wreck too much havoc in your neck of the woods.

  28. Still asking for healing for little Frankie....Ollie will keep his space warm, I'm sure, lol. We have more snow on the way, too, but I'm pretty sure we won't get the blizzard conditions that you'll have...stay warm and safe....and keep that pot simmering, hahaa!

  29. Poor babies, I hope Mr. PQ and Frankie get better soon. Maybe you'll have to make chicken soup for both of them!

    We are getting the same monster storm as you are, I think, but we are in the 24-30 inch band near Boston. Yikes! I made Mulligatawny soup and chicken salad figuring if the power went out, we'ld at least have something nourishing to eat! Your chili looks awesome...wish we could share!

  30. Ollie looks so lonely and forlorn. Stay safe as this monster storm hits your area.

  31. Hope Frankie is doing much better. We get so attached to our pets. They become a part of our family! They bring so much joy! Thank you for sharing your many talents. I so enjoy reading you blog. Snow day for me, so I decided to just relax and catch up on blog land. Cheers!

  32. So happy to hear that Frankie is on the mend. I'm sure the two buddies will be cuddling up in front of the wood stove in short order! Love your mini quilt!

  33. Love the quilt piece.... glad to read that Frankie is doing better. Ollie looks very dapper, and yes a bit lonely for his buddy. Hope the storm is not too bad in your neck of the woods...

  34. I'm so glad Frankie is doing better. It's so heart breaking when they are sick. The two of them will be back together soon. Have fun playing with the new iPad.

  35. Pleased Frankie is getting better and I hope Mr PQ doesn't feel too bad with his cold..
    I should sent you some of our heat as it is 100 deg here at 11am..

  36. am so thankful to hear Frankie is feeling better. It breaks my heart when they can't tell us "Mom it hurts here." Ollie looks so sad without Frankie. Will continue to keep him in my kitty cat prayers and most positive thoughts.

    Looks like you have a great plan for the snow storm

  37. am so thankful to hear Frankie is feeling better. It breaks my heart when they can't tell us "Mom it hurts here." Ollie looks so sad without Frankie. Will continue to keep him in my kitty cat prayers and most positive thoughts.

    Looks like you have a great plan for the snow storm

  38. Speedy Recovery, Frankie and Mr. PQ!

    Thanks, also, for leaving the masking tape on, when you took the picture. I'd never seen that idea before. This is going to make my quilting life so much easier.

    We had the storm today, here in London, Ontario. Hunker down, get cozy, and stay safe!

  39. Yeay, I'm glad to hear that it's nothing serious with Frankie! I hope he's feeling better and on the mend--same with Mr. PQ! Enjoy your iPad Mini. We got the iPad2 at Christmas and I've not used it as much as the rest of the family, but it's very good. I love my iPhone, too.

  40. Great to hear about Frankie, I'm a bit jealous about your i pad mini ;^) have fun with it. I've been digging out from that storm a little bit at a time. Both my husband and son are working else where so it's just me and the pups. But we'll survive.

  41. Happy to hear that Frankie is doing better! I hope you don't lose power during the big storm... can you hand sew by candle light? Love your Civil War Doll quilt for Kathleen's February sew along- great fabrics!

  42. Yay for your new iPad - hubby gave me one for Christmas last year and I wasn't terribly thrilled about it. But NOW I can't imagine NOT having it - love the silly thing!

  43. So glad to hear Frankie is doing better. Poor little guy!

    Stay warm and cozy!

  44. good news about Frankie, be careful in that blizzard! I hadn't thought of using painters tape for hand quiiting-thanks for the tip

  45. Glad to hear the Frankie is doing better. Lucky you to get an iPad mini. Your quilting looks great.

  46. Please tell us about the snow storm. We get very little of that sort of thing here. Our weather is very temperate.
    Hope the kitty is feeling so much better now.
    Take care and keep warm

  47. Glad that Frankie is on the mend. He's found a good place to catch a few zzzzzzzs. Your little mini quilt is adorable. I'm hoping to get mine made soon.

  48. I am so far behind in my reading. Bless Little Frankie's heart. I sure hope he has a speedy recovery! Ollie is looking so handsome.

    You're gonna love your IPAD.


  49. glad you hear your Frankie is better!
    the chili looks delish
    have fun with your new mini, great personalization.

  50. Both Frankie and buddie, Ollie have my most Positive Furry Baby Thoughts, always. Treats for everyone

    Kaaren, you are going to love your Mini iPad!
    Hubby & I got our first iPads a couple of months ago and love them. You know, Ravelry has a grat group
    : i Love My iPad
    Ravelry membership is free and is a great resource.
    Also, the user's guide is easy to manipulate.

    Love ya
    And will bring a pan of my favorite cornbread.


  51. I'm so happy to hear that Frankie is doing better. It's so hard when you know they are sick or not feeling well and they can't tell you what's wrong. He looks so cozy all snuggled in with Mr. Painted Quilt. We just got done with a doozy of a snowstorm - 15" of snow. It was wonderful lol - we so needed it. I can't wait to see your new BOM - it looks wonderful from the snippets that you showed. I hope Ollie gets his playmate back quickly.
    Stay safe and warm - chili looks great.
    Hugs - Karen

  52. Glad to hear that Frankie is on the mend! So sorry that I couldn't stay for the meeting last week, and to think I missed your beautiful quilt reveal. :(

  53. Hope all is well with hope he have recovered...
    No fun to have sick animals... Poor little guy!
    Ollie sure is good looking guy...even on the before photo..:0))
    Take care...hugs!
    kviltstina at gmail dot com


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