Friday, October 12, 2012

This & That

Fall has definitely arrived and with it, the cooler and shorter days.  Not that we need an excuse to spend time in our sewing studios but this weather seems to draw me like a magnet to either stitch, knit or do some patchwork at my machine.

Just this morning, I finished piecing the top to my version of the Wish quilt by Bronwyn Hayes of the Red Brolly.  Actually, I should have said almost finished because I still have to add an outer border and applique some additional wool elements.

I took the liberty to change a number of things and still have a ways to go before I can call it finished.  My apologies for the poor photo but it is so dark and overcast today and no matter where I tried to take a picture, the light was very poor...even with the flash.

A closer look at the bottom two rows...

and the top row with the middle row repeated.

I just love the combination of stitched and pieced blocks and thoroughly enjoyed making this quilt.

Ollie was very bored with it all and fell asleep cuddling with his stuffed dog, right next to his bucket of toys.

We had lots of turkey left over from our Thanksgiving dinner so guess what is simmering on the stove right now?

Why turkey soup, of course!  Turkey soup and fresh crusty rolls for dinner...yummo!  Are ya coming?

I would like to thank those of you who emailed me with respect to the results of my latest CT scan.  Unfortunately, the results weren't as positive or conclusive as we had hoped for.  When the latest scan was compared with the last one from five months ago, there appeared to be an increase in the size of a couple of the lymph nodes in the general area where the cancer was found. After consulting with the radiation oncologists, it was decided to rule out a PET scan at this time.  A follow up with another CT scan has been scheduled for the beginning of December.  Only then will they be able to recommend further treatment if it is warranted.

I have the utmost trust and faith in my doctors and I can confidently say that they have my best interests at heart. 

Life indeed does go on and I'm grateful and thankful for each and every day...especially when quilting, stitching and you all are a part of it.  *wink*


  1. That is one gorgeous quilt! Seeing it all together like that is like magic! lol! Ollie is making me want to nap... ;-) Continued healing prayers for you and your family. Hugs!

  2. Kaaren, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are such an inspiration and I love seeing what you are working on next. Your work is amazing and I can tell you love it. Take Care!

  3. Your quilt is looking gorgeous!!

  4. Your wish quilt is beautiful! I wanted to make this one but I just have too many other things going on right now. I hope your next CT scan gives you better news.

  5. Your soup looks delic! Best part of a turkey dinner is the left overs. Yes, this is definitely quilting weather, get the yard winterized and hit the sewing room!
    Love the combo stitching, this is a great piece. I'm doing the MRI comparisons, we have to keep positive!

  6. I absolutely love your Wish quilt Kaaren! I really want to make some version of it, but I seem so scattered lately helping out with the grandbaby and big sister. Maybe next year. Sending you healthy thoughts.

  7. Oh, I'm sorry to read your scan wasn't as positive as wanted.
    Enjoy all the things you're doing, it all looks great!

  8. You have a great attitude, Kaaren! Good for you! Your quilt is stunning and little Ollie is growing like a weed! Such a sweet picture! The soup looks good...we are having turkey the left overs!! haha.

  9. Kaaren, I am so in love with your perfect sings to me! Your little rascal looks so contented....can tell he's loved...hahaa.
    Please do stay positive about those lymph nodes....had all of mine removed in the one underarm, as a precaution, and am now 5 years free of breast cancer.
    You will remain in my daily prayers....blessings from a very chilly England!

  10. Very fun quilt--lovely to look at!
    And isn't Ollie sweet (and innocent looking) as he sleeps?
    So sorry your results were not more positively conclusive. You will be in my prayers.

  11. Your red quilt looks really sweet :-)
    Good luck with your scan!

  12. Thank you for the update Kaaren. I love the picture of your sweet pup sleeping with his toy. Praying your tests will bring better news.

  13. I can't believe you were able to keep up with Bronwyn's wish quilt. I had to archive most of it for later. It's beautiful!! Fingers crossed for your next CT scan. You are always in my thoughts. ~karen

  14. Your stitched blocks are simply darling and I wish I had a pot of yummy turkey soup simmering on my stove - it looks so good! Know that you are in my daily prayers sweet girl!

  15. Your quilt is gorgeous Kaaren ,I love it ! My thoughts are with you and I hope by December they can say things are much better . Hugs Sheila

  16. Your quilt is just gorgeous!! I love all the elements in it - the applique and the redwork! Very nice.

    I'll keep you in my prayers for good news on your next CT scan!!

  17. Your quilt is beautiful!!! I love red work and I just finished a quilt and am in the process of deciding whats next. This may be the one for me!!! Keep smiling and doing what your love!!!

  18. Hi Kaaren, This news is good, considering they don't want to do anything till December. Keep thinking positive thoughts and we as well. Cute wee quilt.

  19. The Wish Quilt is looking great. I love that pattern and hope to work on one "soon".
    I hope the next scan will be encouraging - has to be hard to see things change in a not positive way. Your faith and your outlook is such a blessing.

  20. Was hoping you'd post pictures of the quilt soon, it looks great! Enjoyed being with you so much yesterday! I'll continue praying for better test results in December!

  21. Your Wish quilt is looking lovely and I particularly like those leaping deer.
    Keep enjoying all those healthy and delicious meals that you show us and keep busy producing all the beautiful work that you do.
    What is your assessment of the Apple computer? Do you like it or do you regret the change?

  22. I've enjoyed seeing your Wish quilt come together, it's looking great. Being an Aussie(who loves redwork,Bronwyns in particular) I've been able to meet Bronwyn at several retreats. She's such a lovely giving lady.
    Keep up those positive thoughts. We're all behind you.

  23. Hello Kaaren, You are such a brave and strong woman and that is only a couple of the things that I like about you. December will be a good month and I shall pray every day for a good outcome and good news.

    Also, your wish quilt is gorgeous! I always say that to you but honestly is. What do you do with all of the quilts that you make? Family?

    Keep your chin up and carry on and know that many of us are praying for you.

  24. Always have you in my thoughts. You have a winning attitude and are an inspiration to all of us.
    That Ollie is too cute! Love the quilt...

  25. A positive attitude is so important. Busy hands and puppy love also are very helpful. Thinking of you...

    Your quilt is gorgeous.

  26. Love, Love that quilt!

    I personally think the turkey leftovers are the best. Your soup looks scrumptious and who can resist crusty rolls? Ollie looks quite content in his bed with his toys nearby.

    In my thoughts and prayers always!

  27. Well, you seem too tough to me to be shut down by anything! I do think you need to check with your doctor about your brain working won one of my giveaways and I've been trying to get you to send me your address. It was a giveaway for a Lori Holt Polka Dot Stitches charm pack (my birthday giveaway). Write to me at: But if you don't want it...

    hehehehe-right...a quilter turning down free fabric...hahahahahah

    Cheery wave from

    Praying for you always!

  28. I'm sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for you fervently over the next months that God heal you and make all this worrisome stuff disappear. I got my letter yesterday in the mail, time for my full blown routine again next month. After 12 years they should just stop looking but they are so apprehensive especially with all the meds I have to take to stay somewhat healthy. Hugs Kaaren and best thoughts for you all the time. Hugs to cutie pie (Ollie)

  29. You got the quilt together quickly. I have been tempted by the patterns but am not in the mood to do all the embroidery at this time.
    Is Ollie all house broken now? A cute guy!
    I hope your next test gives you the results you would like to hear.

  30. Sorry the news was not as positive as we had all hoped. Lets look forward to the next review, hoping it will be better. So important to stay positive, and keep on living.
    Your hubby, mr ollie, mr frankie, the gals in the coop, and us in blog land all look forward to you each day. What could be a better reason to march on with a smile.
    Wishing you the best...K

  31. I will continue to pray for you and positive results. You are an inspiration to all of us with your positive attitude...yes, each day is a blessing and we all should remember that! I really think your quilt is darling...I, too, love the combination of stitchery and piecing.

  32. Ah, shoot, Sorry the news isn't better and more conclusive! It's nice that you trust your team of doctors.
    Ollie is so precious! He really fit right into your lives and home didn't he?
    Love the red stitchery! Beautiful!!

  33. Kaaren, stay postive and stay busy, God will do the rest. Your quilt, is very pretty, the soup and bread sound good, and little ollie is resting really good. A * wink* back to you...Will kept you and my prayer for a great report in Dec.

  34. Kaaren - Your quilt is absolutely wonderful!!! You have inspired me to try it one day but it seems that my handwork right now is a knitted sweater for a dear friend of mine who is 94 years old!!! With many prayers, I hope I can be making you a sweater when you are 94!! :-))

  35. I love your Wish quilt. I've been saving the pattern for the future, after I finish a few other things. As always, I'll keep wishing for nothing but the best of health for you.

  36. I will keep praying for you, and that your next scan results will be a positive one. Always enjoy seeing your work, and love seeing little Ollie. Yep, a dog lover, and Ollie is the cutest thing I have ever seen. We still haven't found our German Shepard puppy yet, we hope soon to find a purebred little boy. Take care, you are in my prayers.

  37. Hola Kaaren!!!! un gran abrazo para ti...te envío Confianza, Amor, Alegría...
    Besitos Lily

    Precioso te va quedando tu obra de arte.


  38. Your quilt looks great, Kaaren :) Good luck with the tests in December. Best wishes, and happy crafting, Jenny

  39. I wish I could come for the Turkey soup :)I do hope next scan have better news for you.
    Ollie my favorite is just as cute as the quilt is fantastic!

    Hugs from a autumn cold Sweden

    Karin på Ösäter

  40. Hi, Karen, always thinking of you and so sorry to read about the scan results. I had hoped you were out of the woods. Ollie looks so adorable; what a good home he has.

  41. Kaaren, you and your PQ family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Your quilt is soooo pretty!

  42. Beautiful quilt. We're keeping you in our prayers.

  43. Love your Red Brolly quilt - adorable.

    Sending lots and lots of positive healing thoughts and prayers, Kaaren. (((HUGS)))

  44. Just hate that you didn't have better news, but prayers are always with you! Your quilt is really beautiful, I just love all of the stitchery and detail. And Ollie is adorable as always. Your soup looks so good - I love leftover turkey.

  45. Kaaren, the quilt is beautiful! Makes me want to get right on with finishing my redwork quilt - stitcheries and blocks are done - just have to put it all together! Ollie looks quite comfortable amongst all of his stuff! I am praying for you. Hugs o:)

  46. The quilt is beautiful, Ollie is adorable, the soup looks yummy and I sure hope your test results come out on a positive note.

  47. Kaaren:
    When you might be feeling a little down....visualize this. (I always say VISUALIZE). Think of all your little angels riding on your coat-tails, praying for you, and all these tall, short, fluffy, skinny women.......that you drag around with you all the time. We are your angels praying for you to have a 300% speedy time of healing. Now, doesn't that make you smile. Can you just see us kicking, squirming, vying for our own place, close to you? Go ahead and laugh! We will get you thru this. And, no, I am not making totally light of this. I do my serious praying in the quiet of night. During the day ---- I go out of my way to make people smile.

    Love your qorgeous quilt. I have no idea how you have the patience to sit and do all this work. Especially with Precious Ollie at your side. That quilt just takes my breath! I am almost speechless over the beauty of your work! I knew I should have been a quilter. :-)

    Kiss Frankie and Lil Ollie....oh yeh, and Mr. PQ too. xoxoxoxo

  48. Kaaren love your quilt. I am sorry to hear the scan was less than expected. Will continue to pray for you and hope for a better scan in December.

  49. Would love to come for some turkey soup. I was sick last weekend, so no turkey for me. Your quilt is lovely, red and white together is always refreshing. Keep up your good spirits, positive thoughts are always healing. And you have my positive thoughts and prayers as well.

  50. Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could pop by for some of your yummy turkey soup. Sorry to hear the results weren't positive. Will be thinking of you. Take care.
    Ali x

  51. Love your version of the Wish quilt! Ollie is so cute. If I lived down the road from you, I'd certainly stop by for soup! No turkey leftovers for me until our Thanksgiving in November. Hah! Sending you healing thoughts!

  52. I pray that you will get a good report on your next scan, hate that disease so much!! I know so many who are battling, and who journey this road that you are now traveling. Love and hugs!! Your quilt is stunning, what patience it took to finish such an undertaking..great job!!

  53. Love your wish quilt, I came across you while blog hopping. I've printed off most of the pattern, and embroidered one block into a wall hanging. Prayers for your health concerns.

  54. Love your Red Brolly piece ... mine is still in the "to do" basket, along with many others.

    Yum-O that soup looks delicious ... perfect for cool days and here in New Mexico we are into those! 'course ... I can eat soup any day! 8-)

    Postive and loving thoughts coming your way that the next scan will be more positive! Hugs by the bunch!

  55. Love your wish quilt. and Your in my thoughts!Hugs, Marie

  56. thinking of you and always sending positive thoughts your way. love your posts and love seeing your home
    Ollie looks so comfy and adorable of course!

  57. Hi Kaaren! Instead of my blog address, try my email. I don't know what was wrong with me...I guess i need my brain checked. I'll bet you never had to work this hard for a charm pack. So sorry. Try these:

    Could you try again? Thanks so much...I'm so sorry for the hassle!


  58. Hi Kaaren,

    Your Red Brolly quilt looks amazing.

    Keep thinking positive. How is your rug hooking coming along.


  59. First off, I'm going to think POSITIVE THOUGHTS just a little harder, if that's possible, toward a more conclusive result in December.
    Second, I know I've been absent from your blog comments and will attempt to improve my appearance here.
    That said, what time's dinner and could I pick something up from our favorite pastry shop along the way? Say, hmmmm some little Pumpkin Cheesecake tartletts, ?? graham cracker crust?????
    hugs and belated Thanksgiving greetings

  60. Well, Kaaren, your quilt is gorgeous! Love your stitcheries and those wonderful blocks joining everything together. It is such a stunning quilt and I can imagine you are pretty anxious to finish close! You will always be on my prayer list, so try not to worry...will hope and pray for positive results.

  61. Continued prayers for as long as necessary. Love keeping up with your blog.

  62. Continued prayers to you and your family!

    P.S that quilt is beautiful!

  63. Beautiful wish quilt Kaaren!
    So sorry to hear the scan didn't turn out as well as we all hoped.
    Hopefully the next one will.
    Will be thinking about you.

    Yum~ Turkey Soup!
    Take Care
    Prim Blessings

  64. Hang in there sweetie!!! You have had a long and bumpy road...hope faith and love...right !!!! I'm sending the biggest hug ever.... All over the ocean!!!! HUGS!!! Did you feel it!! Hope so...:0)
    Take care and do all the things you love...and be with your sweet companions....Ollie sure have grown into a beautiful boy!! My Molly says voff voff to him...:0)

  65. I'll be praying for you over the next 6-8 weeks with the hopes that the next scan will be more positive!

  66. Beautiful Kaaren! Hope the next scan shows better news.

  67. Hi Kaaren. The quilt is just gorgeous! You do wonderful work. Little Ollie looks so sweet all curled up.
    Sorry to hear about the scan. I am hoping your next one will prove to be better.
    Thinking of you.

  68. I've been trying to catch up with my blog reading over the past few months and have finally caught up with you - firstly it's so nice to see Ollie growing and becoming closer with Frankie, they look so awfully cute cuddled up together! You have not slowed down with your beautiful sewing either, love your red stitchery/wool applique quilt and your prim quilt too, you have been very busy over your very hot summer, I know how welcome those cooler days are feeling, we are just about to embark on our hot summer (sigh), I have enjoyed this past winter so much, although I have done little in the way of sewing, have had the knitting needles out though... and my blog, well...., it has been well and truly rested, I've been getting a few prods to get going again from friends LOL!!
    I also read about your latest CT results, I do pray that your December review will be favourable and that all will be well or at least favourably manageable Kaaren, you have been going so well, it would be a shame to have any big hiccups now, continued positive thoughts and prayers your way.... I have enjoyed catching up with your blog, you do everything wholeheartedly and so well, I wish you all the very best.....

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