Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ollie Days

Things have been busy around here.  Our daily routine has changed dramatically since Ollie's arrival.  It's been fifteen years since we last had to train a puppy and I must admit, I'd forgotten how time consuming it can be.

Aren't I just so cute?
Mr. Painted Quilt and I are both amazed at how well things are going.  Ollie has fit into our family seamlessly and it appears as though he doesn't miss his brothers and sisters at all.

Frankie and Ollie are getting on famously.  They went from this...

"You stay right there, Ollie where I can keep an eye on you."
to this. 

They might appear to be fighting but they're actually playing.  Frankie is really gentle with him but can only tolerate the 'abuse' for little bits at a time before heading for higher ground.

Round 1.  Take it easy boys.
Ollie is only eight weeks old and we're amazed at his progress.  Potty training is going really well.  When we take him outside, he knows why he's there.    

He's had a few accidents and they happened right at the back door which is where we take him outside and didn't notice his signal.  He just hasn't figured out how to ask as yet.

During the summer months, our local farmers' market is also open on Wednesdays.  I needed a few things so Mr. PQ, Ollie and I decided to head off and do a little shopping.

I picked up some home made bread, cherry and beefsteak tomatoes, wild blueberries, blackberries and green onions.  I can't wait until our own tomatoes are ripe enough to pick!

Last weekend we purchased some local peaches with the intent of eating some and using the rest to make a peach pie.  Even though it was another hot and humid day, I bit the bullet and decided that I'd better use up the rest today before they got too soft.

Here is tonight's dessert and the easy-peasy recipe follows.

It tastes like peach cobbler in a pie crust and is soooooo good!

Peach Pie

1/4 lb butter
1 C granulated suger
1/3 C flour

10 peeled and sliced peaches

2 - 9" pie crusts

Line a 9" pie plate with one of the pie crusts and cover the bottom with about half the peaches.

In a separate bowl, stir the flour and sugar together to combine.  Add the butter and cut it into the mixture until it looks crumbly.

Top the first layer of peaches with half the mixture and repeat this step second time until all the peaches and crumbly mixture are gone.

Fold the edges of the bottom crust under, just enough to frame the outside edge of the pie plate.

I decided to make a lattice top and to do this take your second pastry crust, roll it out and cut it into strips. 

Weave the lattice strips over the filling and trim the excess.  Press onto the bottom crust to seal.

Bake at 350F for about 45 minutes or until the crust turns brown and the fruit is bubbling around the edges.  Serve cold with vanilla ice cream.

Easy, huh?

The entire time I was making the pie, Ollie kept me company, sleeping on my foot.

Betty, Bea, Rue and Estelle are really making themselves at home around our property these days.  I wanted "free range" hens and that's what I've got!  

Here's their favorite my rose garden!

Mmmmmm...delicious bugs...and the roses smell good too!
Be careful what you wish for!

It goes without saying that I've had no time at all to spend in my studio.  Puppy training is a full time job and I wouldn't trade it for the world where Ollie is concerned.  

Mr. PQ said that he would Ollie-sit for a few hours tomorrow so that I can prep some hand work to do at the kitchen table while keeping an eye on our little guy.



  1. Puppies and fresh produce. It doesn't get much better than that. I'm amazed at how well frankie adjusted to Ollie. That will surely make your life easier.

  2. Looks like a perfect world up there Painted Quilt Land!

  3. Puppies and Pie. I'm coming to your house. May I bring Abby? I have tomatoes coming out of the wazoo to. I'll bring some.

  4. Ollie is just way too cute!!! Yummy looking pie (thanks for the recipe).

  5. Baby Ollie is so sweet!!!! What a good boy! We picked our first tomatoes here today----deeelicious!!

  6. Love seeing the sibs getting along! Dang cute!!

  7. Kaaren, that Ollie is so adorable I just want to snatch him up and squeeze. :D How precious is he, sleeping on your foot. :) And wrestling with the kitty---and all of those yummies to eat at your house AND free range chickens---Can I bring Bayley, Marlee and Homer Kitty and just hang out at your place.... ;)

  8. Isn't life grand! So peaceful and content your little Ollie looks...nice to know he feels right at home. I'm so happy for him, and for you. Such a bad beginning of the year, but such a great ending it is shaping up to be. I'm so glad that your life is getting back to a normal "harmony".

  9. Congratulate yourself for getting a puppy now instead of say, January. He should have it all figured out by the first snow.
    He is so adorable! Glad Frankie thinks so too!

  10. Your entire post had me smiling, and grinning, and laughing...what a wonderful little Ollie you have! Love the pics...he is totally is that pie...and those tomatoes...and berries. You really embrace living in market country and even the girls look so happy and content! Enjoy dessert!

  11. I am so glad Ollie is finally home.
    We have friends that hung a bell on a lanyard from the door knob of the door their puppy went out of. The puppy figured out how to ring the bell very quickly.

  12. Oh, I love seeing and hearing about Ollie!

  13. Absolutely the most precious puppy, love hearing all about him! Enjoy~

  14. Ahhh, Thank you for sharing Ollie. Ollie and Frankie are going to be life long buddies!

    The girls are smart--I would choose searching for bugs in rose garden versus alternatives.

  15. Your peach pie looks absolutely delicious, but the star of the post is Ollie. He is just so adorable!

  16. One day he will be a grown up dog and you can get back to sewing.
    Good shopping at the market. I made a peach pie this past weekend too. So juicy and sweet.

  17. I'm so happy things are going well with Ollie and that Frankie is enjoying his new pal! He is just too cute for words! Will his hair curl up as he gets a bit older? I see you named the girls after the Golden Girls - perfect! You won't ever have any bugs on your roses at this rate! Our peaches are just coming in, Kaaren - I can't wait to try your pie recipe!

  18. Well obviously Frankie has great taste in best friends! I love that they have taken to each other so quickly!Pies, puppies, and produce...I do believe that life is good!

  19. Ollie is too, too adorable!!! The puppy training will pass quickly, he sounds very smart and like a quick glad that he's fitting in so well!

  20. Ollie is so precious! He is a cutie! Sounds like he is catching on fast so training will go quickly. That pie looks so yummy, I gotta find some good peaches and try your recipe! Enjoy that furry little babe.

  21. Ollie is just adorable! I hope he continues to do well with the potty training.
    Our yorkie is sort of clueless. She will sometimes go when she's outside, but she never asks to go out like our pom did.
    However, she faithfully uses the puppy pads so we can't really complain. She's 2 years old.

  22. Ollie is is just the cutest pup! I love seeing pictures and hearing about him.

  23. Ollie is so precious, and I love that Frankie is okay with him.
    Oh, that peach pie looks like something DH would love to have me make when the peaches come on around here. Thanks for the recipe and detailed instructions.

  24. How adorable is he?! We're going through the puppy training too, but ours is now 7 months old and we've had her for 3 months. I wish the cats loved her like yours seems to. :)

  25. Just LOVE the pix of him sleeping on your foot!! Priceless!!

  26. Glad things are going so well for all of you.

    My cousin hung a little bell by the door and would ring it each time they took their puppy out. Eventually the puppy rang the bell when he wanted to go out and it worked so well.

  27. I love watching little Ollie! he is so precious! I am going to have to put my 14 yr. old Border Collie down just any day now and it is breaking my heart. I keep putting it off. Dogs can sure wrap around your heart strings, can't they? Hank has been a working farm dog for all these 14 yrs. and never ever wanted inside...he had work to do. Now he lays in my laundry room and watches me do my housework and would sleep in my bed if I would let him. If he wasn't so grungy (he's a farm dog!) I'd let him.
    I need a Border Collie Puppy!!!
    Gmama Jane

  28. Yup, looks like Ollie fits right in!
    Congrats and thanks for sharing the tasty peach pie - I can smell it and am savoring tastes with ice cream!

  29. So cute--I am coveting your puppy!

  30. I'll second what Needle Mom said. Both my parent's and I used a bell on a ribbon on the "go outside" door. We'd walk to the door, lift their paw and hit the bell, take them outside and then they'd do their business. First week was take outside and second week included the bell and that was it. All trained.

    But, Ollie is sooo cute. Sure makes me miss my Tyler.

  31. I can't even express how happy I am for you to have Ollie to love - and he to have you!!
    The love just oozes from your blog, hon.

  32. Oh he's soooo cute! Glad that you're enjoying your little bundle! Your pie looks awesome, peach is my favourite!

  33. Ollie is soooo cute!!!
    I love your little puppie..


  34. Almost makes me want an Ollie!! So cute. I'm a siamese cat person!! No pets now, though. Just where do free range hens lay their eggs?? I can picture you looking all around the property to find their 'stash' each day:)!

  35. Oh my goodness! Mr. Ollie is stealing hearts all over! :-) I'm so happy for you!!! Peach pie is my favorite! I hope to try your recipe soon... sneaking the crumble in with pie crust sounds heavenly! The hen's are cute too... can almost hear them giggling! ;-)

  36. So happy for you about sweet Ollie, the chickens, and all the rest. Just love how Ollie and Frankie are tussling, so cute.

  37. Good Golly Mr Ollie! He is one cute pup! Don't doesn't take long for them to get you trained. Thanks for sharing!

    Cheery wave from


  38. Looks like Ollie is a good fit.
    Too bad they don't come trained.

  39. adorable! I love Siamese cats too - you are are having such fun!!

  40. Ah, so jealous of your precious little guy - sleeping on your foot was the magic elixir for me today. Thanks for sharing the pie recipe, it definitely has potential for my table. Judy C in NC

  41. Congratulations, he is such a cutie pie. All the best. Our dog came to us as a rescue. I will admit I missed the puppy cutness but we really didn't miss the house training. Glad its going well for the 3 of you.

  42. Ollie you are just so cute and I am pleased you have settled in with your new loving family.
    Looks like playing with Frankie s very tirering. LOL

  43. As awesome as your peach pie looks, the photos of all of your furry and feathers family are just too cute.

  44. Keep those Ollie stories coming! He is so how Ollie and Frankie play. And your peach pie looks delicious☺

  45. Ollie is second to none in the cuteness department!! What a sweet little guy! And the peach pie?? priceless!

  46. Ah yes, I do understand how we forget about puppyhood! It took us some adjusting to Ms. Shelby's arrival in our household too. It's good when you have someone to puppysit so you can get things done. LOL! Keep those Ollie-tales coming. He's such a sweetie! Love it!

  47. Oh, I can't tell you how much I love the Ollie photos and the updates! And, I'm so glad he and Frankie are getting along - whew! They are a lot of work!! Oooh, that pie looks good!

  48. Ollie is such a wonderful puppy. Looks like you are a big happy family again. The pie looks yummi, thanks for the recipe.

  49. Oh my gosh I could just hug your puppy. he is so incredibly sweet. Love the hens, too. We have a big pen for ours but basically they are free range in there. We have more eggs than I know what to do with. Our peaches are on too. I made a fresh peach pie yesterday but I want to bake one this weekend, as well. You make yours exactly like mine, if mine was pretty.

  50. That 'sleeping on my foot' bit gets me every time. Such a cuddly puppy. You are def the chosen one in his eyes.

  51. So good to see Ollie settling in so well, and that Frankie is enjoying some four-legged company!! The girls obviously enjoying the outdoors!! You doing some wonderful cooking Kaaren, this latest pie looks wonderful!!!!

  52. I'm impressed that Frankie has accepted Ollie so quickly. I think that is wonderful!!

  53. oh my goodness - he's so sweet! I'm glad he and Frankie are getting along. The farm produce looks yummy, as does that pie!
    Have a great week with your little guy!

  54. Frankie will be a big help in training Ollie on the "in house" rules....we found our cat did :) The "girls" in your roses is a good thing...they are eating the bugs that destroy your roses....besides, what girl doesn't like roses lol! I freeze my peaches....been doing it for 25 years. I just peel them, slice them up and into an airtight freezer bag they go for peach cobblers and crisps and peach melba sauce.

  55. You sound so happy and it appears that you are having so much fun...Ollie is so sweet....

  56. He is so darn cute!! Yes, would love to have another puppy when our older dog passes, but don't know if I will have the stamina. Your pie/cobbler looks wonderful. Thanks for the easy recipe....I like those kind.

  57. I just love your "little man"! Lot's of warm, happy, funny, naughty moments are just around the corner with him.
    Enjoy every moment with him,and have lots of good conversations, because he will listen, understands and give lots of good advices. I have them too, with my " old snorring furry black man"....

  58. Ollie is such a cutie! What a great addition to the family. And that pie looks delicious!!

  59. OMG!!! That makes me want a puppy again... even when I know all the cray things puppies can do LOL arent westie pups the best!!

    We trained our Westie, Samson to ring a bell we hung to the door he went out to go potty 11 years later he still smacks it to let us know, most of the time its cause he just wants outside LOL



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