Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Where do the days go?

Can you believe that there are only 10 more days left until the end of June?  Yikes!  And today is the Summer Solstice and you know what happens soon after, right?  The days start to get shorter and before we know it, autumn will be here.  But that’s not a bad thing.

This morning, Mr. Painted Quilt and I moved the girls to the chicken coop in the barn.  This will now be their permanent residence as they have feathered out nicely and no longer need to be under the incandescent heat lamp.

Aren’t they getting big?


It took them about a minute to settle in and start exploring.  They seem to love it there and are not at all skittish. 

Since day one, whenever I approached them, I made a kind of chirping sound to announce my arrival so as not to alarm them.  I find that they  recognize me both by the sound and my physical appearance and are not afraid.


On the way back to the house from the barn, I had to do a quick tour of our ‘back yard’.  The flowering dogwood is now in full bloom and the pastel peachy-pink color of the petals is spectacular!


The roses are finally starting to open, in spite of the very dry spring we’ve had.


I try to water our veggie garden every day but because we’re on a well, we have to be prudent until we get a significant rainfall.  If we thought that a rain dance would help, we’d be boogying from now until sundown. 


Yesterday I received two piles of 6”  shirting charm squares from a swap that I participated in on Kathleen Tracey’s Small Quilt Talk board.  There are close to 100 different pieces of fabric and not one is repeated.  I love shirting fabric and can’t wait to use them in a future scrappy reproduction quilt.


And for the first time since November, I went back to my hooking group that meets every Tuesday at our local rug hooking shop.  It was great to see all the gals (and guy) again and it felt so good to get back at it.

I made some progress yesterday and of course Frankie had to check it out…


and gave it his 100% approval!


Yesterday must have been my lucky day because I also received my gifts from my swap partner Pam (no blog) in Connecticut.  I also joined in on a pincushion swap on the Jo Morton Stitchers list. 

Pam read on my blog that we had chickens so she appropriately made me a hen and matching egg pincushion(s).  Her work is exquisite and I’m thrilled to bits not only with the pincushions but also with the other wonderful goodies that she included.


After moving the girls and then doing a little bit of weeding in the gardens this morning, I came in and baked this blueberry pie for tonight’s dessert. 

Do you think we’ll be able to wait that long?




  1. Your roses are beautiful and I know I wouldn't be able to wait to cut into that gorgeous pie!! Yum!! Also, just to let you know I'm half way done with two raggedy Ann quilts. I started one for myself to hang on my office wall and ,y 20 year old daughter looked at me and asked if it would be much harder to make two. Lol. Trying to finish hers for her birthday in October.

    Thanks so much for sharing your talents.

  2. You have been busy! The girls look like they are settling nicely. Your garden is doing wonderful. And stress in his life.

    Doesn't it feel wonderful to be doing the "normal" things you love?

  3. that pie looks amazing! I'll be right over.
    what a fun pot.
    the chickens are getting so big and look great - and I LOVE your hooked rug.
    great garden shots too, what a fun a busy post

  4. Yay Kaaren! I'm so happy to see that you're rug hooking again! The design is a fun one - kind of mindless for hooking - which is a GOOD thing! Looks like a nice big size too.....

  5. Everything looks wonderful Kaaren.
    I'll be right over for a piece of that pie :)

    Have a wonderful day.

  6. Your roses look better than mine :-) Ours have had a very long soaking... actually most of June and it has rained :-) Grey skies and no beautiful Summer sky to gaze into...
    There is always next year...
    :-) X X X

  7. I'm thinking I'll bring the vanilla ice cream! Your flowers are beautiful! It is so flippin hot here that they would droop and likely die quickly.

  8. mouth is watering, Kaaren. Spent the morning flash freezing 20 cups of blueberries. Your post was great today....chicks, fleurs, swaps, your hooking and Frankie. Maybe I'll go bake a pie now.

  9. Wonderful rug, will be lots of work, but worth it. The girls sure have grown.


  10. Your little chooks are growing beautifully, how cute they are!!!!
    What a lovely collection of shirting charms too, and I love your hooking project!!! All looks good in your garden, continued good health to you Kaaren!!!!!

  11. I would really like a piece of pie right this minute...with vanilla ice-cream on fast can you drive? Les Girls are huge! Did you give away those cute little chicks? It is amazing that they recognize you...And please keep hooking...that pattern is fabulous!

  12. I'd be into that pie so fast....with ice cream!

    I'll bet the girls are thrilled to have a new place to roam.

    The hooking is gorgeous and your gifts are lovely.

  13. The dogwood and roses are exquisite!
    What a special little gift of the chicken and egg cushions. So appropriate. : )
    Just made razzleberry and cherry (with cherries I picked) pies for Father's Day and we finally finished the leftovers last night. I never thought I'd say it, but I've had too much pie this week.

  14. The chicks are so pretty. I hope they lay lots of eggs. Your flower beds are looking good. I hope you get rain soon. I would love a slice of that Blueberry pie. Yum.

  15. Love your garden, your chooks and pie.
    Yesterday was also Winter solstice here in Australia and I can't wait for the days to be warmer. Where I live never snows and over night temps only go as low as -3 or 4C with days as high as 15C. I hate a bare garden my jacaranda's are the only thing that is still green and they are turning yellow now.
    Enjoy your summer and I look forward to mine to come

  16. My goodness, the girls are getting so big. The pie looks mouth watering delicious.

  17. Lucky you having a dry Spring! We've had one of the wettest Springs in 41 years, also one of the coldest ones.

    Good new our gardens are looking lush and our dogwoods are amazing. I hope to get some pictures soon.

    Today was the 2nd time in a week I woke up to sunshine since returning from 3 1/2 weeks of vacation away.

    The girls are looking lovely.

  18. Loved seeing the chickens and sure they like the extra room. Your yard tour was so refreshing. Came to a complete stop !!! with the rug hooking - all I can say is WOW that is beautiful... and looks like a good take-a-long project. I must look into that, I have approximately five more months of treatment afterall. Just need energy. Judy CnNC

  19. Soon you'll be able to name the girls. Can't wait so see waht you pick. It's so hot and dry here that the grass crunches. My tomatoes are thrilled with the heat but they would appreciate some rain. I made a blueberry ginger pie for my son's birthday. LOVE the fruits of summer (that's the only thing I like about summer) and LOVE fruit pies. Your hooking is so pretty.

  20. Those chicks think you're their mama lol! I'm afraid to say it but your "girls" aren't very pretty lol! That ugly duckling stage huh :) Sweet Frankie....he knows a good thing when he sees it..what a character:) Pie for supper?? it now! lol!

  21. Oh, I love your dogwood! The pincushions are adorable and the blueberry pie has my name all over it.

  22. Nice when a project gets a "cat scan" and it gets 100% approval :)

  23. I LOVE your hooked rug, Kaaren!! And your pincushion swap sounds great!! I would love to join that swap, is that still possible?? And did you ever receive the pink pincushion I sent you??


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