Friday, February 3, 2012

Two weeks down…

and ONLY four more to go!   Woo hoo!

calendar clip art 2

I’m home for the weekend and never has home looked so good!

I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but I can assure you that no matter how badly one feels after chemo and radiation, I count my blessings each and every day because there are too, too many people who are so much worse off than I am. 


How can I possibly thank you all for your support while I travel this bumpy road?  A simple thank you just doesn’t seem to cut it but please know that I read each and every one of your comments…and more than once. 

Whenever I’m feeling down, I turn on the computer and read through them again because your words provide me with the encouragement that I know will help see me through to the end of my treatments.

Unfortunately, I was not in the greatest of shape when Mr. Painted Quilt came to pick me up last Friday.  I am hoping that this weekend will be better because so far this week, the nausea has been kept at bay for the most part.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

And just look what was waiting for me on our dining room table when I arrived home!


Mr. PQ never mentioned a word about there being packages and envelopes waiting for me and I can’t wait to see what they are and who they’re from.  My excitement knows no bounds!

Frankie hasn’t left my side from the moment I walked in the door.  He just about broke my heart with his outpouring of affection. Mac is never too far away either.


I tried some hand quilting and stitching last week but my heart just wasn’t in it.  Since then, I’ve read three books and just started on my fourth.  If that is what it takes to ‘fill the hole’, then I’ll just accept it and enjoy the written word.

cupids divider

As strange as it might seem, the creative juices haven’t stopped flowing.

Since Monday night…attributed perhaps to the ‘chemo fog’ which they keep on warning me about…*wink*… I’ve had a few design ideas floating around in my head which I committed to paper on Wednesday morning.  If I didn’t do it right then, I knew the images would disappear as quickly as they surfaced.  I didn’t think that I would be able to offer a new First Friday Freebie design until I was finished with my treatments, but I’m happy to say that I did come up with a design that I’d like to share with you.

Unfortunately I can only provide you with the line drawing and a few suggestions as to how to incorporate the design into a project but I’m sure that you’ll all be able to figure something out.  And because I didn’t arrive home until just a short time ago after my 7:30 a.m. treatment and a two and a half hour drive, I’m a little late in getting it out to you this month.   *wink*

easter chicks

So without further ado, my 25th FFF is entitled, Easter All Around. 


Although Easter is not until the first weekend of April, perhaps this ‘extra’ time will allow us all enough time to complete our projects in time to enjoy them this year.

To download the PDF file which includes the line drawing and some general instructions only, please click HERE.  

I can’t promise you anything for next month but if another design emerges, you know that you’ll be able to find it here.


In closing, please understand that my computer time is very limited and that as much as I would like to visit and leave a comment on all of your blogs and to reply as I usually do to your individual comments, it is just too physically demanding for me to do so at this time.  What I will tell you is that I miss you all more than you’ll ever know and the strength that I take from your words is immeasurable.



hope said...

Just a short note to say thank you. I am working on your Raggedy Ann Quilt and every time I pick it up I say a short prayer for you. i fell in love with this quilt and began it for me. My daughter saw it and wanted one too, so now I'm doing two at the same time. Take care of yourself. Hope

Liven said...

Thank you for another nice FFF - it is impressing that you are able to use your creativity during your treatment.
I look foreward to sew something out of your pattern - and will be thinking of you in every stich:-)
BIG hug from Norway!!!!

JessicaSews said...

The sun is out...Just For You!

Hope it's a glorious weekend for you and Hubby!

I pray for your healing, I pray for your strength.
~ Jes

Monica said...

It sounds like it was a happy reunion for everyone. Mr. PQ must be missing you pretty terribly too when you're gone.

I hope the next four weeks fly by for you with little incident so you can be back home for good!

NancyB85374 said...

Oh, Kaaren; so nice to hear from you. Hugs and prayers continue to go out to you and your family. Thank you so much for the cute Easter project.

Donna~~ said...

Darling design--perfect for Easter! I just have to think up how I'd like to use it! Thanks so much for thinking of us when you have so much else to be doing. Hope the next 4 weeks goes as quickly as the previous 2 and that you have an easy (as possible) time and get lovely results. Will be thinking of you--a BIG virtual hug is on the way to you!

~Laurie~ said...

Woohoo!! You are on your way - after next week you will be 1/2 way done :) We love you here in blogland - so glad the packages are arriving - I think everyone just wants to be sure you are smiling and feelin' the love :) Take care sweetie - we'll be here waiting for you and sending positive thoughts.

Maria McCabe said...

You are truly amazing! Thank you for this First Friday Freebie...I feel so blessed to have found your blog way back when. Not only are you sooo talented, but you are so kind and thoughtful. To share this with us now is truly wonderful! We love you here in blogville and miss you! I continue to pray for you and Mr. PQ.

Marsha B said...

It's good to hear from you and that you are managing well. You are in my prayers for an easy time of it and a wonderful recovery. Thank you for the new FFF design, it amazes me that you feel up to it. Good for you, keep doing what you enjoy. Have a wonderful weekend, rest and relax!

Sherry said...

Thank you so much for the new FFF design. I have almost completed the Winter FFF and will share it with you as soon as I can. My prayers are with you.

Joke said...

Thank you for another nice Freebie. I collect them all and enjoy them. I hope things are gointg to be okay for you. Enjoy your stay at home.

Janet O. said...

You continue in my prayers. Thank you for sharing an update with us, as you know we are all concerned for you. Bless you, Kaaren!

susiloci said...

Es maravilloso que tengas fuerzas para diseñar. Todo va a ir mejorando con el tratamiento y tu recuperando fuerzas . Feliz fin de semana en casa con tu familia.

Cheryl Willis said...

I love this block, I can see enlarging it and using as a center medal-an on a Spring Quilt. Each of the characters would make cute focus blocks on their own. Bless you and your recovery. cw

Brenda said...

Kaaren... You are one incredible lady! :) I pray that the time passes swiftly for you and that this becomes a memory soon.

This design is splendid. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful designs! I need some Spring items in my home and am so happy to see you still creating your lovely art. You are so generous with your talents.

God is guiding your treatments... I am certain. I look forward to you being healed. Take care of yourself. :)

Anneke said...

Just yesterday I was thinking about how you would be, if the treatment was too demanding or not. I guess it is. I can't believe you have a FFF, but I like this one very much.

Hope you have a nice weekend at home and that you're feeling better to enjoy it. To fill your battery for the coming weeks.

Take care for now. Enjoy the packages and hopefully some stitching.

burnttoast said...

I was surprised and delighted to find an entry from you, I had thought you would be "busy" until your treatment was completed. I think of you often and send best wishes to you. Enjoy your home time, and rest during the rest.

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

Thank you for the is beautiful. I love it. I wish you the best during these treatments. I will still be praying for you. I would do the next week of treatments for you if I could so you could have a week of rest! I was in the fifth grade when my mom had cancer of the thyroid gland. They took part of it out and killed the other side with treatment. Back then they had cobalt much better meds these days. She is now 80 years old and going strong! You are on my mind daily! Praying you have less side effects during the next four weeks! Hugs, Karen

Lindah said...

Kaaren, what a special treat to find your post on my reader this morning!!!

Hard to believe you had the time and energy to come up with any design; this one is beautiful. If you are this creative in your current circumstances, there will be no holding you back when you're done. Look out blogdom, here comes Kaaren!

You continue in my prayers!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Blessings and prayers will be sent with each stitch on the new FFF.

Siobhán said...

Kaaren, it was so good to get online and see an update from you!! I think about you every day and pray for you and Mr. PQ, Mac & Frankie daily, too. Lots of hugs going out to you.

barcord said...

You are a star Kaaren. I was so encouraged to see your blog. You have been in my thoughts regularly, and when I think of you I pray for Gods peace in your heart as you receive treatment.
Lots of love and blessings to you and Mr PQ. I love your easter design. Thanks for thinking of us.

julieQ said...

You are quite loved and so many people are praying for your journey...thank you for being you!!

Darlene said...

I think about you every day, dear Kaaren. I try very hard to send lots and lots of healing thoughts.

Thank you for thinking about us while you're facing this challenge in your life.


Sunnybec said...

Kaaren you never fail to amaze me, even with everything you are going through you think about us and do a FFF. Take care and an extra big ((hug)) from me. Thanks for the pattern. xxxxx

Annelies said...

Thank you so much for this beautiful pattern. I hope you have a very lvely weekend together ! Take care.
Greetings from a country with snow.

LONA said...

Blessings and hugs coming your way:)

Shelley said...

Hi Kaaren! good to see you here and don't worry about replies :) I expect your brain will be thinking of lots of ideas over the next few's amazing how quieting the mind and body can do this. One tip on the nausea from a nurse...sometimes when the anti-nausea doesn't seem to cut it, try regular old Gravol. You can use it safely with your meds, can get drowsy or non-drowsy. David had to resort to this a couple of times. And I cannot impress upon you enough to drink at least 2-3 litres of water each day. The study that David is in shows that extra hydration reduces the bad side effects of chemo. Enjoy your mail! Hugs prayers everyday from all of us, Shelley

Kathleen said...

it is so good to hear from you....I hope you continue to do as well as you sould like you are doing..prayers and hugs are abounding for you...thank you for the FFF...

Kathleen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sunny said...

I'm shocked to see a post from you, and a FFF!?!?! You should be resting. I'm sure no one out here is expecting a comment from you at this time. Relax and take good care of yourself.

Diane H said...

There's no place like home. What a lovely picture of your little ones by the fire. Thanks for letting 'us' know how your doing and the wonderful pattern. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hi Kaaren...I'm glad to read that you are feeling a bit better and you are enjoying being home with your 'family'. Sounds as though you're not the only one happy that you're home :) What a sweet pattern you came up with...isn't it wonderful how the creative mind works even when it has other things on it. ((Hugs)) to you...enjoy your weekend home.
Maura :)

Anonymous said...

Kaaren, you are truly amazing. I have checked the blog each day, hoping all is going well. But a FFF!!! Thank you. I am getting it ready tonight so I can take it on holiday next week. I continue to pray for you every day. Keep up the good spirits and enjoy your weekend at home.
Beth in Alberta

Saskia said...

1/3 already done! I hope you can relax a bit when your home for the weekend. Great that your inspirations for new patterns still keep popping up! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Big 'knuffel'

Kate said...

You are a remarkable woman!!!! It was so nice to see you feeling up to posting on your blog and unbelievably incredible that you provided us with a FFF. Hang in there. Cheers.

Kris said...

Dearest Kaaren - It is sooooo good to hear from you and please know that you are in my prayers!! How fun to have a bunch of goodies to open upon your arrival home and to have Frankie right there by your side!! Please thank Mr. PQ for taking such good care of you and take care until we have the opportunity to hear from you soon!! Warm regards, Kris

My Life and Quilting said...

Hi Kaaren... WOW!!! I did not think there would be a FFF because of the treatments you were undergoing.... Thanks... You are amazing and my prayers continue to go your way in hopes all goes well for you... Dogs do know when there is something is wrong with their owners and will continue to cling to you and try to heal you...Hugs :)

Darlene said...

What a wonderful surprise to see a post from you! I'm glad the 2 weeks are over - 1/3 of the way there :-)

Love your design! Amazing that you were still able to put that together.

You are awesome - I think and pray for you daily. May God grant you comfort, healing and peace.

Blessings to you,

Bertie said...

Fantastic to hear you do not feel to bad after your treatment Kaaren, you must be so glad to be home with your loved ones!! Mr P must be delighted to have you back. Hopefully the next session will be good too, my thoughts have been with you:)) Enjoy your stay home!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Enjoy all of your special packages and cards. I know they are sent from the heart. Amazing that your creative juices are flowing so freely with a gorgeous new design. Be well.

Heartsdesire said...

So good to hear from you, Kaaren. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend with your tray full of goodies. The Easter design is so cute. Thank you for thinking of us when I'm sure you have many other things on your mind. Take it easy, read more books, and take very good care of yourself. And don't worry about answering all of our comments. We know that you would if you could.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

What a pleasant surprise to see you in my reader! I'm so glad you are able to be home for a short bit. Your continued creativity is amazing to me. I'm so happy you feel up to it. I will continue to hold you in my thoughts and hope you and hubby have a great weekend together. Hugs and squeezes from my neck of the woods to yours!

Sheila said...

I was pleasantly surprised to see your post as I have been thinking about you and wondering how your treatments have been going . Thank you ever so much for this FF , it is just delightful and I will stitch it with many thoughts of you . hugs Sheila

Anne said...

My prayers are with you. Be strong. :o)

edyB said...

Another sweet design! Thanks so much. How you keep coming up with these goodies just amazes me. I think it must be good for the heart so keep up with it and stay strong.

quiltgrammy said...

Hey Kaaren, glad to see you felt a little better this week, thoughts and prayers continue for you and your family. Enjoy your weekend at home and being with your loved ones and get plenty of rest.
Thank you so much for the new FFF, I'm going to prepare mine this evening and have something pretty and handmade for Easter.
Hugs coming your way get well soon!!

Lori said...

Kaaren, you do not cease to amaze me. A FFF even after all you are going through!? And if book reading is going to get you through then that is a good thing. Thinking of you and sending my prayers.

Markirhen said...

Dear Friend, may the good Lord bless you today and every day.

You will always be in prays.

Big hugs


Mad about Craft said...

It is lovely to 'hear' from you, I didn't expect to have contact with you until your treatment was over. It is very unfortune that the treatment is worse than the disease. I hope it isn't too bad for you and you soon get back to feeling reasonable well quickly as soon as it is over.

Thank you for the pattern. If that is what a 'chemo fog' does for you, you will achieve miracles.

God Bless you!

Yesy said...

Hola Karen, te envío un fuerte abrazo de apoyo en este momento, sé que el tratamiento es difícil y que los ánimos se van al suelo, lo mas importante es ser positivo y darnos un tiempo para descansar y así tener una recuperación satisfactoria, te lo digo con el conocimiento que me da el compartir este tratamiento con mi esposo, en ese momento fue muy difícil, pero ahora después de 10 años lo recordamos como un momento difícil que nos hizo crecer como personas, un fuerte abrazo y oraré como por tí y tu familia.
Tus diseños son una belleza y creo que a todas nos encantan, pero en este momento lo más importante eres tú.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the design.
And nice to hear from you. Thinking of you often and wishing you wellness. ttyl Marilyn S

Annie said...

Kaaren - you are nothing less than awesome! Thank you so much for thinking of your blogging buddies with your FFF. Enjoy your weekend home with Mr PQ....I have a feeling he may spoil you muchly :) And you are a much better person than I....I would have opened all the little parcels BEFORE blogging xoxoxox

Merilyn said...

I have been thinking about you over the past couple of weeks, hoping that the treatment isn't taking too much of a toll, but I know that it does, more for some than others. As a nurse who has worked in a medical/oncology unit I am familiar with what patients have to endure, it's not fun, dealing with the nausea and they get very tired, I guess that is the 'fog' you are talking about.
I really didn't expect to see a post from you so soon, but delighted that you have checked in with us, it's so nice to hear from you and that you still have the energy to draw and share with us your beautiful Easter design, you are a champ my dear girl, and we appreciate it so much!!!
I'm not surprised that your little four legged mates were happy to see you, they might not understand completely, but they sense something and are not shy about sharing their feelings, who says they are dumb aye!!!!
I'm sure Mr PQ was happy to have his best girl back home too, and to come back to such a lovely little collection of mail.....
Enjoy your home time, continued prayers and good thoughts to you Kaaren, I sincerely wish you the very best and lets hope the remaining weeks of treatment go by quickly and successfully.. Big, big hugs from Downunder!!!!!!

barb's creations said...

Glad to hear you're home and you arrived home to some lovely surprises hope they keep you smiling through the week.
I'm constantly amazed at your generosity especially at this time so I want to say thanks for being you and may you be truely blessed for it.
I hope things improve for you over the next few weeks and you continue to gain strength,all the best :) Barb.

pinsandneedles said...

It is good to here from you and that you are doing better this week. Thank you for the cute Easter stitching pattern. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Jeannie Marie said...

So glad to read you are doing a bit better than last week. A break from everything and slipping into another world is comforting at times like this. No one expects a response and truthfully will feel honored that you know your readers will continue to keep up with you even without acknowledgement. Hugs!

ShirleyC said...

I'm just so glad that you were able to come home and post an update. I'm sure everyone understands completely about the replies.
You are in my prayers - daily.

Jeannie Marie said...

* Slipping into another world of books and stories is what I meant to say!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Kaaren, your Easter drawing is beautiful! And I like, when going through something not-so-fun, to remember what our Pastor told us years ago, "It didn't come to stay. It came to pass."

Phyllis said...

So wonderfu to read your words today. I think of you each and say a prayer that you will get through this chemo. Bless you, Kaaren. Thank you for the darling FFF.

Karen said...

Sending you hugs and prayers. May find comfort in knowing we care about you and are praying for you. God bless.

GerryART said...

Your FFF is such a very special gift from you, sweet friend. It will have a very deep spot in my ♥Heart♥, forever.
Mr. PQ, I'm quite sure, was busting to tell you of your mail but wanted to be part of your surprize upon seeing it on the dining room table.
Just know you are on all our minds and in our hearts.
Speedy travels so that you may spend your days at home with your Furry Babies and Sweet Hubby in front of a toasty fire with a project in hand to fill the quiet moments.
Kaaren, Love, hugs, and plenty of Positive Energy thoughts for you and yours.


Brenda said...

Praying for you as you go through your cancer treatments. Thank you for sharing a design with us with all that you have going on. Hugs sent your way.

Joan said...

Thank you for the lovely FFF. I have been thinking about you so I was so glad to see that you had posted. Enjoy your weekend with your husband and your furry pets. I'm sending healing thoughts your way. Take care. X0

Marge said...

I've been thinking of you and was happy to see a post from you today. Hope all is going well, and that your weekend at home is great! Yes, read. If all else fails, read. The sewing can wait. But I'm impressed that you got out a FFF during this time!


Oh Sew Addicted said...

Wow! I am so shocked that you found the time, strength and energy to put together a new design for all of us. Thank you for sharing. Our love and prayers go out to you during this difficult time!

Amy said...

So wonderful to hear how you are doing! I'm glad you get to be home for the weekend with your husband and pets. We are all thinking of you and praying for your healing. Your Easter drawing is fabulous.

Sandy said...

Oh Kaaren, it is so good to see you writing to us and sharing with us! Thank you so much for this is precious. Maybe I will have enough time to stitch this for this year. ;o) Take care and get strong! Reading is good...I love to read. Blessings on you until we hear from you again!

Sandi said...

Just lovely, brought tears to my eyes to think you did it while undergoing treatments!

Congratulations, miss you, stay strong.

Sandi in New Westminster B.C.

Janet said...

It is just WONDERFUL to hear from you. I check everyday hoping and today it happened, a post. Take care of yourself and know you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.

Anonymous said...

Easter All Around will keep us busy for at least two months. You stay busy resting and healing... and then come summer we can all play at something FUN. Prayers for endurance and healing.

Me and My Stitches said...

You are such a thoughtful and caring person - it just makes me sick to know that you are going through such a rotten time. As always, thoughts, prayers and hugs are coming your way. Thanks for giving us an update!

DebbieM said...

Thinking of you, Kaaren, and wishing you the very best. I'll be praying for ya!! Hugs. Debbie and Dixie Too!

LesQuilts said...

Hi Kaaren!
What a sweet post! Your strength will get you through all of this. Our love for you will be a ray of sunshine thru the dark hours!
Don't worry about your reply! Thanks for the wonderful FFF design, I'm going to enlarge it and hand applique your wonderful design!
Here's a hug!
Take care, Leslie

Betsy said...

Thank you Kaaren for another work of art by you. When I stitch it I will think of you and keep you in my prayers.

Jackie said...

It is so good to hear from you - My prayers every day include your health! I am quilting one of my students Raggedy Ann quilts and it reminds me of you! Thank you so much for your generous and creative soul!

WoolenSails said...

I am glad to hear that this week is better than last, it is always nice to feel progress in your treatment. I am taking cats claw to help combat my lyme and have heard that it is proven to help during chemo treatments, it lessens the symptoms and boosts the immune system, so something you can look into.


Stitched With Prayer said...

Dearest Kaaren, How do we say thank you for your beautiful gifts? I'm at a loss because I don't think I can convey through how you touch my heart and I know so many others with your beautiful work that you so generously share with us, in spite of all your going through right now. All the same, thank you so much for this truly lovely FFF, I can't wait to find some time to get started on it. I never fail to smile when I think of you and your beautiful heart. Please know that I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always, along with your hubby. Sending you Big, but very gentle hugs along with this message...
*Isn't it wonderful to have a sweet pet by your side, watching after you and wanting to reassure you and just plain love you. My pets too won't leave my side when my health throws me a curve. It is a feeling that can only be fully understood when you have experienced it. Hugs...

Hands Sew Full said...

Kaaren, I am thinking of you and praying for strength for you and wisdom for your doctors. I travelled this road with my husband last year and I know how rough it can get. Wrap yourself and Mr. PQ. in all of our love and "quilty" hugs and know many prayers go up for you each day.
Thank you for this precious Easter FFF it is delightful!

Kristen King said...

Holy amazing design...boy are you talented and we are so blessed! Thank you so much for this design, I can't wait to get working on it.

You are in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. Hugs!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Kaaren, you are one amazing woman! I can't believe that during this you're releasing a design for your readers. Wow! Wishing you a great and restful weekend at home and hope the remaining treatments aren't too hard on you. I'm also glad that your creative juices are still flowing. Thinking of you and sending you hugs!

lynneUSA said...

Thrilled to know you have felt well enough to do this, I was thinking about you this week and decided to make another of your huswif needle cases. The last one I did in black thread for my friend in NZ, this time I am doing it in red for myself. Keep your spirits up, sending you lots of positive thoughts

Mimi said...

You just concentrate on getting yourself well. That's all we care about right now. Prayers coming your way from Michigan. ingsa

Sheila said...

Thank you so much for the FFF. Been thinking of you and hoping your treatments were going well. Take care Kaaren. Hope you and Mr. Painted Quilt have a great weekend.

lorene said...

bless your pea pickin heart!!!! thank you so much for all you do!!! just love your patterns, they are right up my alley. you are so very generous. thank you and god bless.....


Deb said...

I'm so glad you posted. I have been praying for you. My husband and I have been on this 'journey' for 9 years. There are many bumps and fears, but there are also great blessings and character changing moments. Hang in there Kaaren. You are doing great!

Candace said...

How wonderful to hear from you, Kaaren! Just as I thought you are braving your treatment with good humor and your boundless creativity! Mr. Squash and I think of you each and every day! I'm blown away that you are able to offer a very special FFF this month! I think this is a very good indication that you'll breeze through the rest of your treatment with flying colors! Here's to a short next few weeks and lots of good days ahead!

Laura said...

Welcome home Kaaren! Hugs to you! May God bless you with a full recovery!

Pat Smith said...

Sooo glad to hear from you! I'm amazed that you thought of us during your treatment, but then that's what I would have figured you'd do! Thank you for the wonderful FFF! Love and prayers, Pat

Rhonda said...

Glad you are home for a bit - I'm sure that does feel wonderful! I think of you every so often, and pray your treatments are going OK, and that they'll accomplish their purpose. I hope your days have blessings that help the time go quickly. *hug*

Diane said...

Hoping your time at home is as peaceful & restful as possible! I'm praying for you.

Jubama said...

très joli !!! je partage sur Facebook !
Bonne journée !

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Kaaren -- Yay for being home !! We don't want you to post back to us -- just keep your energies headed in the direction of healing -- we'll keep sending blessing and love your way. So nice to hear from you and thank you for the beautiful design.

With love.

Christine said...

Thank you so much for the darling spring project...I invision it in pretty spring wools. Good to hear you are home for the weekend.....I can only imagine how good it must feel. Continued prayers in your treatment and recovery.
christine from washington

AnnieO said...

Yay for coming home and feeling more "normal" being surrounded by your beloved people, pets, and comforts. Glad the nausea has been okay. Thanks bunches for the lovely Easter drawing, its a beauty! Rest easy and follow your instincts. Peace!

Sue-Anne said...

Hi Kaaren, so glad to get an update from you. I bet you are pleased to have a little respite at home with Mr PQ and your babies. You take care and my fingers and toes are crossed that you get through the next four weeks without too much discomfort.

Thinking of you, Sue-Anne xxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the sweet Easter design. It is amazing to me how talented you are, and how generous you are as well. Take care of yourself and know that many thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sue from Cyprus said...

Kaaren, you are truly AMAZING. I just can't believe how self-less you are. Praying for you and your family.
Big hugs, Sue from Cyprus XXX

Jenny of Elefantz said...

You are a treasure to us, Kaaren, and it is with great relief I am assured that you are safe in the loving and Treasured Hands of the Father during this time of chemo and separation from your beloved.
Praying for you, and with you,
Love and hugs

Jenny's Place Online said...

You truly are amazing, Kaaren! Glad to hear of your progress. Have been tempted to email, but please know, although your inbox may be empty, everyone is thinking of you, and wish you well. Best wishes for the future, and happy crafting, Jenny

Ulla said...

What a nice surprice to see a new blog post from you. The FFF is so sweet, thank you! I hope you can rest and enjoy the books you are reading. Taking care of yourself is your main duty now.

Sunbonnet Sue said...

Kaaren Thank you so much for another adorable design. I'll make this one to decorate my home in next Easter holiday.I think it's time to say also HAPPY EASTER TO YOU:o).Love all your FFF designs. Best wishes from Brazil

Ady in Israel said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are amazing!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Im glad you have such a positive attitude! It is so important! I spent 5 months going through chemo every couple weeks. I still taught my second grade class as they were part of my motivation to stay positive. Attitude is EVERYTHING!! When you are feeling down think of my moto that became my mantra -Just Live. Two very important words. BTW each time it took longer and longer to recover. Partly because the build up of side effects I experienced from my particular chemo drugs including a constant sinus pain in my right ear. But you can get through! I learned to bead and made stretchy beaded bracelets with the color of my cancer in glass beads and a charm that said-LIVE. Keep your touchstones with you. I had a chemo bag with all my necessarys. And dont feel bad making requests of those who support you. It gets you what you want or need and makes them feel useful when they feel helpless. Again positive attitude is everything! Remember if you have the energy to be negative then you have ten times the energy you need to be positive!

Colleen said...

Kaaren, so nice to see your post! I certainly hope that your weekend home is a good one with your pets and your husband. You are truly amazing and much loved out here in blogville!
Thank you for the lovely FFF, they are always great.
You are forever in our thoughts and prayers!

Candle Barn Crafts said...

I got so excited to see your post I have been praying for you and even my husband has ask (how is your blog friend)even thought he has never blogged or read a post he is thinking of you too.I read your blog and love all of your creativity. Your strenght will come from above to get threw this.A big hug from Kentucky.

Anonymous said...

What a treat to find a post from you and a FFF as well!
Praying for you and Mr. PQ always. Trust in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. Many hugs!

OneOldGoat said...

It was so good to see your new post pop up in my google reader! So many prayers and so much love going out to you and your family from this list. I'm happy to have found your blog because you are such an inspiration.

Take care, rest easy!


Linda said...

Oh Kaarren I am also in shock to see FFF especially knowing what you are going through. Maybe this helps to keep your mind off the issue. I keep you in my thoughts daily. I check your blog to see if mr pq has written on your progress. Hugs go out to both of you. Knowing how dh's react to us being sick I hope MR PQ is ok.

Anonymous said...

Hugs. Thinking of you often on your journey. It must be wonderful to be home again if only for a few days. Hope the next few weeks aren't too hard on you. Warmest wishes - Shell x

Annaleena said...

Thank you for another lovely FFF. It has been sunny and cold (-25 in celcius degrees) here in Finland so a thought of easter and coming spring seems nice. I'm hoping that everything goes well and happy thoughts for coming weeks. Big hug from Finland!

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Oh you sweet lady! Here you are blessing all of us in the midst of your treatments! Continued daily prayers for complete healing. Glad to hear that Mr. PQ and your fur babies are surrounding you with TLC on your weekends home. Please don't feel obligated to reply to our comments or worry about us - just concentrate on YOU and getting well.

Elzaan said...

Hi Kaaren!Glad to know you are still going on and keeping strong. All the best with the treatments - and I do mean ALL the BEST.
Don't worry about the computer time, we understand and will be very patient. Just know that we are here...when ever you need us!

Elinor said...

Hi Kaaren !
It's so great to hear from you !
Thanks a lot for the FFF. Very, very cute, I looooove it !
All my thoughts are with you. Take care of yourself and enjoy your weekend at home !
Big hugs from France,

Karen said...

Thanks for the update, you've been in my thoughts. So glad the creative juices haven't stopped flowing - you are a very talented and generous lady. Hearing about your pets made me smile. It really is the little things in life that bring us joy.

Sylke Feldhusen said...

Thanks for this nice pattern. Good wishes to you!

Sharon said...

What a great post, So glad you are enjoying the reading, it's something that fell by the wayside when I started quilting. I too, marked the days off the calendar, I knew exactly when my last treatment was and I just kept that focus. It also helped me no skip a day. Big hugs being sent your way!

Allie said...

I can't believe you even posted, girl, let alone came up with a darling design! You are ever in my prayers hon, it must feel so good to be home if just for the weekend. I knew Frankie and Mac would miss you terribly....

How lovely to have so many packages and envelopes waiting for you!

I know you took some projects with you, but I'm glad you took some books too, I think they're far easier to deal with when you're feeling poorly. I'd probably have audio books, too, in case I felt too badly to even turn pages, lol. Something soothing about someone reading to you.

Don't you even THINK about replying to comments or reading blogs. You have enough on your plate, we all know that. Even when you're absent from your blog, you're not absent from our hearts and prayers!!! Get lots of rest sweetie, enjoy your weekend, I'm praying the Lord gives you strength for this battle and that you'll be victorious!

Claddaughquilting said...

What a pleasant surprise! I now have your blog as one of my homepages so it comes up as soon as I turn on my computer. The music starts and my husband says "what's that? I like it!" I have been admiring your designs...mmmm...another hobby to add to my collection. I wouldn't know where to start, but I am inspired! Read the comments from your friends and know that there are so many people thinking of you, then rest. Thanks for an awesome blog, Teresa.

Hardin County Keepsakes said...

Kaaren,I am still working on the raggedy ann quilt.Hope to finish it this year.
You are an inspiration.Thanks for the FFF.I will add it to my to do list.
You and Mr. PQ are in my prayers.j

Sharon said...

Kaaren, I have a cousin who is going through extensive chemo treatments and want you to know that I am keeping you in my prayers also. May God give you strength and peace during this trying time. {{BIG HUGS}}

Ter'e said...

God Bless you're little heart. See, this is why we love you so.
We'll all be here for you, once things have calmed down a bit.
I'm thankful you have the weekends at a DH fix and a fur fix.
We are all so proud of you.
Love and hugs........

P.S. See, the prayers really do help..........I HOPED this week would be easier!

Anonymous said...

Was so glad to see your post. Have been hoping for an update on your progress. Keeping you in my prayers. God bless you and Mr. PQ.
Thank you for the adorable FFF.

Hugs, Darlis

Angie said...

You are AMAZING, Kaaren---sending healing thoughts and prayers of light and comfort....

Ginette said...

So glad to hear from you and to know that the creative juices are still flowing! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

I think of you often...glad home is so welcoming on the it brings a great amount of comfort.

Anonymous said...

KAaren, you are amazing to even think of posting at tis time, let alone reponding to comments, I'm sure no-one expects a personal reply. Stay positive and strong, I hope you are feeling better soon xxBrenda

Terry said...

It's so good to hear from you Kaaren, and to know that things are going as well for you as they can be. Thanks so much for another lovely stitchery pattern! Take care! :0)

Joanne Lavallee said...

Thank you for being so positive and inspirational! Hard times come and hard times go, but the lessons last a life time. Be well and take care.

vivian said...

Hi Kaaren, Love reading your blog and the projects and pics you post. Love seeing your snowy pics but am not homesick yet. I am also a bluenoser doing the snowbird trip in winter.
I will be thinking of you and wish you both enough warmth, sunshine and strength to get through this.
Thank you for another beautiful FFF and for letting us know how you are doing. Vivian

Rosa said...

It`s great hear from you and you`re better.Enjoy your stay at home with Mr.PQ.

Thanks for another FFF.

Warm wishes and big hug

Pat said...

You are one great trooper - talk about grace & courage under fire!

Love the sweet design for FFF.
I send you thoughts of happy stitching across the miles -you will know when you feel up to it. Take care of yourself.

gracie said...

Oh and here you are thinking about us! I think of you and your courage...I can only hope that you will soon feel much better. Sending {{{hugs}}} to you.

grandmarockton said...

This too will pass! God is with you Your in our Hearts & Prayers

sandi s said...

You are amazing. Thank you for the FFF, you are in my prayers. Sandi

Elyte said...

Thank you for your lovely gift to us all. Sending many thanks and good wishes back to you.

Anonymous said...

I was pleasantly surprised to see you had a written on your blog. I think of you often and send up a prayer for you. My sister starts her chemo this Wednesday. Love the Easter "drawing". Cris in western WA in USA

linny said...

It's great to hear you are doing well,keep thinking positive thoughts & I'm sure the next 4 weeks will go very quickly.
Thank you for another wonderful FFF.
My thoughts are with you.

Loredana said...

I am a beginner quilter and am far from doing anything like your patterns but I love to read your blog entries and I am praying for your healing. Believe in the power of prayer. God bless you.

Carol said...

So nice to hear from you Kaaren. I'm so happy that you're doing better this weekend. We're all so surprised that you still did a FFF, it's so cute too. I'm sure your little furry friends will help you feel better too.

Deb said...

I'm praying for you daily and hope that the next few weeks go quickly so you can return home, healthy and happy AND get back to quilting and working on your rugs. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Beverley said...

It is good to hear from you Kaaren. Glad you are enjoying your books. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the new design! It is wonderful if the miracle of creativity helps you forget yourself for a while. It is a lovely design. I am thinking of you, and hope the weeks ahead are easier, and you are soon back home with your family, and feeling yourself. Hugs from a fan in Texas.
Linda L.

Cathi said...

How wonderful to see a post from you. You are absolutely amazing! To see you've come up with a new design while undergoing treatment, and such a fun design, is truly inspiring!
I hope the remaining four weeks fly by and you're home recovering before you know it!

Gail said...

I'm so glad that you are able to post, even short posts. It helps us, your readers and followers to know that you are OK and hanging in there.

Books are good ways to pass the time and distract the mind when you're not feel 100% and at least if you fall asleep with a book in your lap, you don't end up with a needle sticking in your side, lol. Ask ME how I know this, ha, ha.

SueB said...


I just stopped in to see if you had put in an update and found this wonderful FFF. Thank you so much. I think of you every day wondering how you are doing. Frankie misses you very much..And so do we.

Anonymous said...

You, my friend are one strong and courageous woman! Keep it up! We are all behind you!
I was so blown away by seeing a FFF here the other day. Even on a good day I couldn't come up with anything as darling as that!
I have a sneaking suspicion that more packages will be traveling the distance to your home this next week....I'd love a peek at a few. (you know I'm a snoop right?) Stay positive, stay strong and whip this nasty thing!!! Love you!!

Kathy H said...

It was so nice to hear that you were home for the weekend. Your cute Mac andFrankie must miss you very much. Whenever I look at my blogs I think of you and say an extra prayer for you. By next weekend you will be half done. Beautiful Easter wreath. Thank you and it is so extra nice of you to think of all of us.

Carrie P. said...

YOu are so sweet to be thinking of all of us while you are going through your treatment. What a sweet design. thanks!
Hope the next 4 weeks go much better. Hugs!

PJ said...

You've been in my thoughts and prayers these past weeks. Thanks you for thinking of us with the beautiful Easter design for FFF. I've missed your postings so I was happy to see this new one.

Anonymous said...

First of all thanks for the Easter design for the FFF of the month! My prayers are continuing for your good health, let's hope that you continue to have more good weekends away from the hospital. Don't worry about your blog readers, just enjoy yourself with things you want to do for YOURSELF.
You will certainly get some reading done whilst undergoing treatment.


roccagal said...

So glad to see a post from you Kaaren-I have been thinking about you this week! It is soo generous of you to think about us during this time-I cannot believe you came up with such a lovely design

thanks so much and God bless!

Patty said...

Oh Kaaren it is good to hear from you. Think of you often and hoping this treatment will bring good, no excellent results. I'm sure home with Mr.PQ and the furry guys are the best medicine. I know it is always best to be home. Love the Easter design. Thank you and prayers winging their way to you.

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

It was so good to hear from you Kaaren and counting the days down with you.
Beautiful FFF pattern, the chemo fog must be adding to the creative ideas already in you.
Hugs sending your way,

Maribel said...

Thank you for your effort and all FFF.Love and prayers from Spain!!!

Jeannie Marie said...

I have nominated you for the Versatile Bloggers Award! Please check out my blog on Monday, February 6th. I hope this award will bring you many new followers to your wonderful blog.

suz said...

How sweet of you to do this FFF - it's really beautiful. We're continuing to keep you in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

This FFF will always be particularly special because I will always remember what you were going through when you shared it with all of us. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent. You are a very special lady. I continue to hold you in my prayers. I'm so happy you are able to enjoy some time at home.

MoeWest said...

You are amazing! You have a FFF for us all while you're sick from your treatments. It is just beautiful! Hugs to you {{Kaaren}}. If thoughts had wings, there would be so many good wishes flying your way. Stay strong.

I Quilt for Fun said...

You rock! This time will pass (eventually) and some semblance of normalcy is sure to return. Hang in there. Sounds like you've got the best medicine -- gratitude.


Cristina said...

Cara Kaaren ti stringo forte forte al cuore...
un bacio

Crochet Addict UK said...

Thank you for taking time for another beautiful design. Hope our healing thoughts help. Take care of yourself and I hope the next 4 weeks fly by till your back at home.

Sandy said...

Kaaren you are such a dear! Thank you again for an adorable FFF.I just placed your work of art and put it in my Kaaren notebook which has filled up fast. Our prayers are being said daily that will continue for you as you travel this road. Rest and know that the world is holding your hand.

Maureen said...

You are doing great, two weeks down! If you can't be sewing, then reading and designing will keep you occupied during your long weeks away from home. I am so glad that you are able to design, and I thank you for this FFF. I think I will work on it as soon as I finish the block I am working on, very soon!

Cloudberry said...

Kaaren, I have been quietly reading your blog and reading the older pages for the past month. Along with everyone else here, I am praying for you and checking in to see how you are doing. You have a beautiful spirit as well as beautiful patterns and work :). I just downloaded the Easter pattern and will think of you while I work.

Sandra Henderson said...

Hello Kaaren. We have been moving all week (not too far from town, on the marsh. You'd love all the wildlife, I'll take some photos soon and send you), so I have just had time to get the computer turned on. SOOOO nice to have a post from you. You have been in my thoughts and prayers so often. I've wondered how you are doing and I'm so glad to see you home for the weekend and less than two weeks to go now! Will keep praying for you, know we are all here for you in spirit. I love your design! Just LOVE it! You are so talented. My Christmas, now "VALENTINE Goose" is snug in it's new home and I think of you when I see it. Just could not put it away after Christmas...So, the red keeps on brightening my days here. I love Easter, your design will be so pretty with all the colors of Spring. Thank you. You are a kind lady. BIG HUG from the S.E. Coastal GA area...XO

Trace4J said...

Praying for you sweet Friend.
(nothing nothing absolutely nothing is too difficult for thee..)

Love & Hugs Trace

KatieQ said...

I am amazed that you came up with this lovely block to share with all of us. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. The other day, we were riding in the car listening to the Frank Sinatra channel when they played the McGuire Sisters singing "Sincerely." I immediately thought of you and wondered how you were. I'm so glad you posted to let us know how things are going.

vernagrace said...

Wanted to cry when I saw your blog and your Easter FFF. Thought of what a huge heart you have thinking of others as you travel on this difficult journey. Thank you for the lovely pattern.
I continue to lift you and Mr PQ up in prayer and look forward to reading your blog on a regular basis again in March.
Stay strong.
Your NB neighbour.

PS Aren't our pets just the greatest encouragement.

Ronda said...

I checked your blog today just to see if maybe you had posted. I was so happy that the fisrt two weeks are done!!!! I cant believe while you are recooperating you are thinking of us out here in blog land! Thank you for another amazing FFF pattern!!! You are a strong women and one of the most giving women I know. I pray a speedy recovery from this treatment and may the next 2 weeks be better!! Hugs Ronda

Susannah said...

Hi Kaaren, what a darling design! I can just see it all finished in sweet spring colors!!!! You always do an amazing job. I have been saying my prayers for you every night. Blessing are wished for you.


KaHolly said...

WOW!! Just look at all the wonderful people sending warm thoughts your way! I was so pleased to see your post this evening. You are never far from my thoughts. I think you are amazing. The Easter stitchery is just adorable. Glad you felt up to it. Keep your spirits up!!

Andréa Brandão said...

Espero que as próximas semanas passem rapidinho e no final desse período você esteja melhor que em qualquer outro de sua vida!

Saúde e Paz.

Kathleen said...

You are so giving! It says a lot that you create a FFF when going through so much. I hope your creative juices continue to flow and help you to feel better.

Jan Thompson said...

Hope you had a fabulous weekend, and I certainly don't mind if you miss a First Friday....I love you patterns and eagerly await them, but they will keep. Just a couple more weeks left, and I like the others are praying for a complete recovery. Can't wait til you are back to yourself. Jan in North Dakota

Sew so crazy! said...

Thank you so much for opening up your beautiful home and life to us all in blogland. Your work is a credit to you. I wish you well.
XX Jenny

Cheryl said...

We are all behind you sending love, support and prayers. ((hugs)) to you!

nlcalendar said...

I hope things are going ok. Take care. Praying all will be well soon.

Sandra said...

Just thinking about you and wondering how you're doing...Happy Valentine's Day.

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I am so happy to read your blog today and how you are doing - Happy Valentine's Day to you! Hang in there and keep on keeping on. You can do this - you are a Can Do Woman! Gone through the "process" twice and there is life out there waiting for you. Ride it out a moment at a time, you are in my prayers. Hugs.

Kathy MacKie said...

Think of you lots and know there are many prayers and hugs sent your way.

Grammy said...

Wishing you strength for your healing journey.

lynneUSA said...

Hey Karen - I nominated you for a LIEBSTER award please go to starry starry night posting to see the details -- I know you have more than 200 followers but I thought you would appreciate it

Betsy said...

Your over half way there!! Stay marinated in the love and prayers of those that continue to lift you up. xoxo

Betsy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baloo said...

merci pour ce nouveau friday freebie Kaaren...prend le temps de te reposer.... ta santé est plus importante que tout pour le moment.
hug from France

Keep It Thimble said...

So glad to hear from you Kaaren! I have been thinking about you and praying for you. I can't believe you had time to put up a FFF!

Stina Blomgren said...

Lots of Love sent from Sweden.. wish you all the luck with your treatment!! BIG HUGS!!!!! :O)

Judy C said...

Karen, I think of you often, stay positive and know we will all be waiting here for you when you are able to post. It still amazes me that with all you have on your plate you still take the time to think of all of us. God Bless.