Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Keeping Busy!

Never a dull moment around here…well maybe in the afternoon for an hour or so when I catch a few zzzzz’s in order recharge my batteries!  *wink*

I don’t know about your house but things sure seem empty around here after we packed all the Christmas stuff away.


I had moved a few things around to accommodate some of the Christmas things…


but everything is now back in place…


and Frankie’s happy again!


I love my wool cushion and even though it has an autumn theme, it stays out all year.


This is the third year that I participated in  Chookyblue’s Secret Santa Christmas Swap.  My partner was Sandy and these are the gifts I sent to her.

Kaaren for SandyC-730368

Jo was my secret Santa and here are the lovely gifts that she sent to me…


along with these two Australian quilting magazines.


I have Jo’s ornies and Christmas tree wall hanging in my studio where they’ll remain throughout the year.  Thanks again, Jo…and Chooky too for hosting the swap!


With everything that’s going on in my life at the moment, I’m having a great time making mini quilts.  Kathie from Inspired by Antique Quilts had a little tute on her blog the other day on how to make a ‘wonky’ pinwheel block.  I decided to make this scrappy version out of some of my Civil War scraps and will start the hand quilting later today.


We’re up to day 9 on the Temecula Quilt Co. 12 Days of Christmas mystery quilt.  Only two more blocks to go after today  for the mystery to be revealed!


I’m making mine in pinks and chocolates from my CW stash.


And remember that this Friday is the First Friday of the month when I’ll be releasing another FFF design for you to make and enjoy. 

See you then!



  1. Hi Kaaren, You're certainly not having any problems keeping busy!! Thanks for the links today. I (didn't) needed something new to play with!! :) ~karen

  2. Kaaren your home looks so warm and cozy. I love how you have it decorated.

  3. Hello Kaaren... I enjoy reading your blog. If I had a beautifully decorated house like yours, my home wouldn't seem so empty and boring right now! Christmas leaving has left a great void. Maybe my New Year's resolution will be to spend more time finding treasures to decorate with. The last few years have been spent traveling with little emphasis on spending time at home! Thank heavens I took up quilting... There is plenty of space here to fill up. ;)

  4. Hi Kaaren!
    Your home is lovely...and so welcoming with all your lovely quilts and wool projects!! I had fun visiting!! Also seeing the Temecula squares done up pink and brown makes me want to jump on the band wagon!! Thanks for the push!

  5. I always love putting the Christmas things up and then enjoy it when the house is back to normal again.

    You sent and received some lovely items in the Santa Swap.

    Love the mini in those fabrics!

  6. You have plenty of lovely things to fill up the space from the Christmas decorations. I love your new little fabric tree! I still need to do Day 9 of the Temecula quilt. Better get busy. Yours is going to be beautiful.

  7. Your house is so lovely. Thanks for sharing the link for the cute little block. Thinking about you! Take care! X0

  8. My house feels nearly bare now that all my holiday decor is down. Normally I would leave out all my snowman through the Winter but with the house being on the market I just boxed it all up as though we were moving or it would go into storage...here's hoping the house sells right?
    Your little civil war number is darling!.....where's Frankie? Did I miss seeing him in the photos? You know I will be needing my Frankie fix!!!

  9. It's a good feeling to get things back to normal after all the Christmas decorating and hub-bub isn't it? Your home is always so warm and inviting and it just gives me a glimpse that the people who live there must be the same way. :)

  10. I like the penny mat you have on the chest in front of a sofa. Did you make it?

  11. You have a lovely home! Still putting away Christmas here. DH helps with the outdoor lights and big stuff. I do the rest little by little through the week. I am always a bit sad when the house looses that warm holiday glow.
    I just posted about the mini twister top I am working on, but I haven't sewn the little wonky blocks together yet. Think I will be machine quilting mine.
    Lovely gifts given and received in the swap. What a fun little tradition to brighten the holiday!
    Your little "12 Days" blocks are cute. Can't wait to see the finish revealed.

  12. When the Christmas decorations come down the house always feels a little "empty" for a while but it is nice getting everything back to normal. Your home is so beautiful, I just want to move into your guest room and live there, too. Your 12 Days blocks are so pretty done in pinks and browns. I'm making them, too and can hardly wait to see what the next ones will be. Have fun!

  13. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you have the warmest and most welcoming home I've ever seen.

    And, your post is incredibly inspirational.

  14. So organized!!! Your house looks all ready for a busy month of January in the sewing room - I should keep your photos opened on my laptop as a motivation to start returning Christmas items to storage. Our tree is still fresh and green but it must come down! We have a pinecone garland that runs around all the windows in our sunroom/dining room - it has tiny lights and when it gets put away, the room seems so dark at night and I miss that glow.

    Your pinks and browns go straight to my heart - one of the best combinations ever. And what a striking red and white quilt you have displayed!
    Wishing you Happy Hours of Stitching.

  15. Kaaren, your house looks so cozy! I just love when you share pictures of it with us. I could just curl up and stitch there with you.

  16. I see a lot of Jo Morton fabric in your wonky pinwheels, a designer that I have a lot of also. I'm following along with the 12 Days of Christmas and using mostly Jo's Crimson and Clover reds/greens/yellows. Since the blocks are so simple, I'm making two of each. One for me and probably one to give away. I have no CS pinks and browns, but your blocks may cause me to buy some. Best wishes in the new year, Kathie L in Allentown

  17. Warm, cozy, inviting. Lovely home. Great new project you have in the works.

  18. I love your home. Can I come live with you?

    And I can't wait for the last three blocks of the Temecula Quilt project! How fun! Thanks again for telling us about it!

  19. What a cozy home. I love the wool cushion!
    Happy quilting, Cisca

  20. I love how you have the quilt hanging on your door. Your wonky quilt looks great; such a fun block.

  21. Lovely photos Kaaren, it's nice to do a bit of decluttering, as much as Chrissy decorations look great, I always love to get my house back into some sort of order, all ready for the New Year ahead!!! Your swap gifties look great, hope you enjoy your Aussie magazines.
    Love your progress on your 12 Days of Christmas and wonky stars. I'm off up to Brisbane for the day (2 1/2 hrs away), and will visit my favourite quilt store, my aim is to get some fabrics for this 12 D's of Ch'mas project!!!
    Hope you get some time to relax now that you have your home back in order LOL! Sewing should be the order of the day, Take care!

  22. Your house looks so nice and comfy, Kaaren--I love to see photos of it. The quilt and blocks are so pretty--I love the pink and chocolate combo.

  23. Kaaren, your house looks lovely! I love all the handcrafted treasures and how much fun that Secret Santa must have been! Your wonky pinwheel is gorgeous....it just makes me want to make one immediately! I love your choice of fabrics...and the mini-mystery is sure coming together well! Thanks for sharing!

  24. I've been stashing pinks and browns to make a quilt. I'm still a newbie at it so I have to find just the right easy pattern :)

  25. I like the black glass front cabinet where you have your quilts stored. Are those "big" quilts? I am looking for something like that.

  26. Kaaren, Love visiting your blog, always leaves me with a warm homey feeling and very very inspired (not only quilty inspired, but inspired by your attitude & outlook on life). The ppink & brown Twelve Days of Christmas is going to be gorgeous. I am downloading the instructions, but haven't started it yet...trying to pick my fabrics:)
    ~Many Thanks &Hugs, Terry

  27. The cabinet in which you have your quilts is beautiful. What a lovely way to display them!
    We've just put away Christmas decorations this afternoon. It feels rather empty around here.

  28. You have been so busy Kaaren, getting rid of Christmas!! here it will be on the 6th:) Must say that it looks great though being able to move in the house again LOL.

    Love your little quilt, gorgeous:) great pictures:)
    Keep well!

  29. Love your pink and brown blocks. I ordered the kit and have finished 10 block. It's the first time I've ever done a mystery quilt so I'm looking forward to seeing the last block (12 squares?). That might be quite small. Hope it's not to hard. Your wonky pin wheel quilt looks great with the Civil War fabrics. I might try that with my leftover scraps.

  30. I finished piecing my wonky pinwheels this morning before work! They were so fun to make! AND< I did twelve blocks too :) I will have to post it in a few days as tomorrow it's a sew day at my house with friends!

  31. Hi Kaaren, I know what you mean about the house looking empty. I pulled my trees down on New Year's day but had to leave some red stuff up so it didn't look too bare. Your home looks so warm and inviting, no matter what time of year it is. Love your little quilt projects, I might have to go play this afternoon and see what I can come up with.

  32. I love the feeling of the house after decorations are down. The simplicity is soooo January!

  33. I still have my Christmas up. Since I was working so much before Christmas, I am not tired of them yet. Just enjoying the season a little longer. Your house looks lovely.

  34. I love putting up Christmas decorations, but there's always a sense of relief and space when I put them away! Lovely gifts sent and received - I have that issue of Homespun, Carrie sent it to me, there are SO many projects in it that I want to make! Love your blocks for you little quilts!

  35. You home is so inviting and cosy. all the swap gifts look lovely, must try and join in next year.
    Your little quilts are wonderful, I love the scrappy one with Kathies instructions.

  36. Hi Kaaren, you certainly been busy, I too have started doing a minature dresden in pink colours it looks swell. Happy new Year to you and your family x.

  37. You are a busy lady. I always love your FFF, can't wait to see what you have for us this month. Take care!

  38. I love your quilt cupboard - everything looks so cozy and welcoming. Staying busy can make one very creative and I think you have been that. The CW mini pink and brown is going to be so wonderful. Thank you for sharing your wonderful home with us. Happy wishes to you. Judy C

  39. I love when you show pictures of your home. It looks as if you could come in and have a cup of tea anytime! Prayers are said for you daily. Stay Warm.

  40. I love seeing pictures of your cozy home! That cabinet full of quilts has me drooling a little. And I love the quilt hung on the door! I have one of those quilt hangers and now I am eyeing up the doors in my house to see where I might put it. :)
    I have to tell you that I read that it's FFF week and I just said to my husband that I just love your FFF's so I was watching for it to post.
    His reply? "You know it's Thursday, right?"
    Oh, actually, I didn't. (Red face.) I guess I'll go to school now... :)

  41. hi Kaaren, i love yuor pictures ;)
    ciao Maria

  42. Love your colors. Don't like mine but I'm going to do it again. I thought it was fun for my first quilt along.

  43. beautiful gifts sent and received in the swap.........thanks for being a regular participant in the SSCS.........I know Sandy loves what you sent to her........

  44. I stumbled across your blog when I was looking up decorating with quilts. Love all your quilts and how you have used them in your home.
    I love Siamese kitties and have one named Sophie, then I had to laugh when I saw the name of yours. That is my name!

    Frankie Ann


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