Sunday, November 27, 2011

Trying to “Deck the Halls”

The weekend has been a quiet one spent at home sewing, knitting, rearranging a few things and T-R-Y-I-N-G to decorate for Christmas.  Read on and you’ll understand why…and it isn’t Mr. Painted Quilt’s fault either.

My vintage poinsettia quilt is now in it’s proper place…on our bed.


If you don’t recall the story behind this quilt, you can read about it here

Just scroll down through all the blather towards the latter part of the post to find out how it wound up in our home.


The hand quilting is impeccable and the appliqué work is absolutely stunning.


As of this morning, it will remain on our bed until the holidays are over, after which time it will be stored away in my quilt cupboard until this time next year.

I am so happy that this quilt ‘found’ me!


While I was changing the bedding and quilts this morning, we decided to add a little sitting area to our bedroom as well.  All we need to add is a little side table and light.


Yesterday, I gathered some fresh pine and fir boughs from the woods at the back of our property and made this little arrangement.

It was intended to be the centerpiece for our dining room table but Frankenstein Frankie just couldn’t get used to it there. Every time we introduce something new into our home, he becomes obsessively neurotic about it and meows incessantly.


Talk about a creature of habit!

So I decided to place the trencher that usually sits on top of the mantel on the dining room table instead and although this upset him, I think he’s finally accepted it.  He’s never been on the mantel and I’m hoping that it stays that way.


I was a little concerned about the miniature live poinsettia plants but after a few loud “NO’s” he finally got the message.

It looks like I’m going to have to cut down on my decorating for this year…after all,  he’s only eight months old and is still a kitten.   Hopefully by next year he’ll have outgrown his neuroses.  


We’re not snowbound any longer!

Here’s a picture of Mr. PQ shovelling the driveway after the storm on Thursday morning while talking to one of our neighbors.


By Saturday afternoon the temperature had risen to 60F…


and it’s almost all gone today. 

The weather forecast is for mild weather over the next five days with some rain as well so I think that nary a trace of the white stuff will be with us by week’s end.


I’m making some progress on Mr. PQ’s socks…


but found that I was more interested in sewing some Christmas gifts on my Featherweight, which meant that I had to do a little reorganizing in my studio.


So I shuffled some things around…


and guess who was right there supervising and moaning the entire time?


Is there such a thing as a cat psychiatrist?  I think Frankie needs some help and no, it’s not just the curiosity thing.  But ya gotta love him.


So, as far as ‘decking the halls’ goes…let’s just say that things are on hold for now.



  1. So much news from the Cottage of the Painted Quilt - you've been busy.

    I'm going to start decking the halls sometime today. :-)

  2. That quilt is so beautiful, what a wonderful find.
    Love your decorations and I have to watch what and where I put things and mine are older kitties, they never stop being pains, lol.


  3. Hehe, Frankie sounds like my Yorkshire Terrier "Emma". She is actually on Prozac cause she is just nuts. But she can be funny and sweet and at almost 2 she is finally starting to settle down. As you say we "gotta love her".

  4. Your pointsettia quilt is gorgeous, you are lucky it has found you Kaaren!
    Your bedroom looks a dream:)
    Great pictures of the snow, hope it doesn't leave to much slush behind.
    Your workroom is so lovely, you have to keep FF out of there lol.
    Thanks for the lovely post:)

  5. Gorgeous quilt and too funny about your kitty. I have been thinking about you hope you are feeling good. Hugs

  6. GORGEOUS quilt...and too funny about your cat!! Our Rylie barks at anything unusual in the backyard...bag of mulch, new bird name it!

  7. Your bedroom looks so festive with that gorgeous quilt.

    Yes, there is such a thing as an animal shrink! We had a ktten who adopted us and took to thinking our basset hound was her mother. She nursed off the dog until the dog developed milk and the vet recommended a psychiatrist for both of them. I seriously thought he was kidding, but he wasn't. Needless to say we did not take either of them for a visit!!!

  8. The poinsettia quilt is stunning and looks so "at home" in the bedroom. Glad it "found" you too! Your home looks so cozy with the festive decorations and I'm sure will inspire a few of us to decorate sooner than later. And don't you just love the sound of snow melting? Enjoy your day!

  9. Oh! the joys of cat ownership or subservience as the case may be LOL!!!! My Miss Mini (18mths old) is still a bit of a lunatic LOL!!! I hoping she will develop a more mature outlook soon too!
    Love your Poinsettia quilt, it is a very special piece indeed!!! Your Christmas decorations are just gorgeous, subtle, tasteful!!!!

  10. Hi Kaaren,

    Love the new header for your blog. It certainly puts us in the holiday mood. Glad to hear your snow did not stay around yet. We have had rain here all day, but glad the snow is holding off. Our cat likes to visit me in my sewing room, but as he is now almost three, he usually just sleeps. The socks are coming along. Someone will be happy when they are done, to keep warm when out dealing with the snow. Looking forward to Friday and hearing about your Etsy store.
    Enjoy your day.


  11. The house is looking lovely, be careful with the pointsettia plant they are poison to cats!

  12. Glad to hear you are keeping busy, and your quilts are truly beautiful. I have a suggestion that has worked with my cats, and my son's. It's a squirt bottle, squirt gun, anything with water. Whenever he's up to no good, say "No" loudly and positively, and squirt him. After awhile, they get the hint, and then after awhile, every time they see the squirter, they just run, or hide.

    The snowfall was nice, but glad to see it go again.
    Your neighbour in NB

  13. Oh, I chuckled so all the way thru. Sounds so like my furry queen - hates change! Lovely new banner, too.

  14. The furbabies can certainly make you wonder why we love 'em so much at times eh? Our girls really tell put that to the test last year when one or both of them (I wasn't there) climbed out 8foot Xmas tree. I came home and found it on it's side with ornaments, some broken but all well and truly played with and two sleepy cats curled up on the sheepskin rug, LOL.
    Yep I can laugh about it now but then was a different matter.
    Love that quilt Kaaren.
    keep warm, hugs, Miche'le

  15. The furbabies can certainly make you wonder why we love 'em so much at times eh? Our girls really tell put that to the test last year when one or both of them (I wasn't there) climbed out 8foot Xmas tree. I came home and found it on it's side with ornaments, some broken but all well and truly played with and two sleepy cats curled up on the sheepskin rug, LOL.
    Yep I can laugh about it now but then was a different matter.
    Love that quilt Kaaren.
    keep warm, hugs, Miche'le

  16. Loving your post and beautiful just might get me in the Christmas spirit yet! Frankie and Max must be related, Max is a Siamese cat and exhibits many of the same qualities as Frankie...I had to laugh! Love your cozy sewing room...thanks for sharing!

  17. That is so funny!

    The quilt looks fantastic on your bed. As far as decorating, hubby got the Christmas things down from the attic and I'll work on that this coming week.

  18. Es precioso el cobertor de cama. Disfruta de la decoración de tu casa para estas fiestas.

  19. Lovely Christmas touches. The quilt looks just so beautiful on your bed.

    I think Siamese cats are 'high strung' by nature. Maybe you need a 'cat whisperer' lol.

  20. lovely decorating Kaaren.
    We had a 1/2 siamese and she was a 'constant talker' (came from the siamese mother) She also liked to be with me all the time. It may just be the nature of the beast. She was great company and would have great conversations, don't know what she was saying though?
    Can't believe all that snow just melted away!

  21. What a fun post, you have such a beautiful house. Your white and red quilt is spectacular!! What a treasure. And I love the stories of your kitty, still miss mine.

  22. Kaaren,

    Your pointsetta quilt is just lovely one your bed, what a delight to share with us all.

    Your other decorating despite Frankie is also lovely.

    Glad that your snow disappeared so quickly, I'm sure it will stick around soon enought.

  23. Isn't it just the way.
    SNOWBOUND one day
    the next, the temps are up
    and, a few days later, it's like it never happened.
    Well, this scenario may not happen in a couple of months - but at the beginning of winter - it happens.

  24. Well, Frankie is just especially forthcoming with the commentary about your beautiful things, I feel! My cat has only a few words to say most days as she's used to things being moved around a lot but she does constantly supervise.

  25. I love your decorating for Christmas and the snow! We don't ever see snow at our place and it looks like so much fun (well, maybe not the shovelling!). My puss Otto needs "mogadon for moggies" too, he has numerous psychotic episodes too.

  26. It sounds like your inspired to create again so we'll be patient for the decorating!!
    No kitties here to worry about but I am curious what a certain 2 yr old will think when she gets here tomorrow. I think a few no's will be in order here too!

    Have a great week and enjoy the sewing, knitting or whatever feels right that day!! Big hugs!!

  27. Your Poinsetta quilt is stunning Kaaren. I love Frankie! Wait till you get the tree up. Our Max was a little kitten on his first christmas and he went missing Christmas day. After searching everywhere for him we found him asleep on a branch halfway up the Christmas tree!

    Good luck with the decorating.

  28. I LOVE that quilt Kaaren, and the story behind it! Your little sitting area looks darling. I'm laughing so much at poor Frankie - he's not going to enjoy the holidays, is he! Your home looks so pretty! Do you put up the poinsettias at night, so he can't get them while you're sleeping?

  29. That is an incredible quilt! What a great piece of vintage holiday cheer!
    Doesn't matter the age of the animal, I think. When you bring a cat into the home you give up possession. : )

  30. Thank you for sharing the fabulous vintage quilt and for a peek into your festive home! Love the new look of your blog for the season too!

  31. Truly spectacular quilt. You have the warmest, most inviting home in blog land. :o) I only wish my sewing room could stay as neat. Frankie is a sweetie who just needs/wants your full attention.

  32. If Frankie is REALLY bothering you, you could try some plug in pheromone things for cats. But he may just be vocal. He sounds like a horse rather than a cat, as horses freak out about any new thing, even little things. Love the poinsettia quilt! And I just limit the tree ornaments to unbreakable ones. It's easier in the long run!

  33. Love the story - and that Poinsettia quilt! It looks gorgeous on your bed!!!

  34. I know just how you feel about the decorations and the cat(s)! Geesh! They are so darned curious. Callie is now 2 and last night, after I put the tree up, where was she? That's right...laying on a branch, more than halfway to the top of the 6' tree! Really!!???? And later I caught her walking around with an ornament in her mouth! She keeps me on my toes!

  35. Beautiful!
    I was reading your original post about the quilt and wanted to suggest, you probably already know and have washed the quilt, RETAYNE. Do you know about this?!?! It's wonderful! A capful in the wash keeps things from bleeding. Merry Christmas!

  36. It is so incredibly beautiful. I love the red and white together like that. Best quilt ever. Great photos too.

  37. I feel like decking the halls after reading your post! I think we've just about convinced my DH that next weekend should be decorating day!

    As an aside...I bought a proper snow shovel might think that's an odd comment, but it's a rare thing to see in a UK shop and after the wintery winters we've had the last three years I thought it was time I bought one. At least if it snows I won't have to clean the drive with a spade!

  38. Kaaren, there's nothing wrong with your cat - he's a Siamese - lol! I have had several, and they are all that way - enjoy him!

  39. Kaaren, there's nothing wrong with your cat - he's a Siamese - lol! I have had several, and they are all that way - enjoy him!

  40. LOve Frankie! I had to contact a so called "cat psychologist" a few years ago. My cat was attacking peoples legs, biting etc. We didn't want to get rid of him(?). This person told me to pick him up by the scruff of the neck and shake him till his teeth rattled!!! She claimed that this is what a mother cat does if kittens are bad,. Not an easy thing to do with your beloved cat but I did it a few times and it worked!! We had him for 17 years.
    His sins were much greater than Frankies though so I'm not advocating it for him
    It was interesting however.

  41. I think it's nice of Frankie to share the house with you in the first place. :)

  42. I'm so glad you put the poinsettia quilt out this year. It made me glad all over again that I was able to help you identify it last year. I'm still in love with your sewing room too. That Frankie is a character!

  43. Busy, busy. Don't you love it when you shovel and then the next day it rains and melts it all away! Thanks for the Cornish Pasties recipe. I made it and it was FAB and so easy. Store bought pie shells helped.

  44. Busy, busy. Don't you love it when you shovel and then the next day it rains and melts it all away! Thanks for the Cornish Pasties recipe. I made it and it was FAB and so easy. Store bought pie shells helped.

  45. I love seeing your poinsettia quilt again, Kaaren! It definitely found the right home! That little Frankie is so cute, but I do know "kitten syndrome" - lol! Crossing my fingers that he gets a tad more mature for you next year! Your pine centerpiece is gorgeous! Too bad Mr. PQ shoveled and shoveled only to have it warm up and melt! By the way - made your pound cake - call me in calorie heaven!!

  46. The vintage quilt is so stunning!
    Frankie is about the same age as Baxter, I think, and we've decided to not even try to put up a tree this year. An active and inquisitive kitten and a tree just don't seem like a good combination. We have a small table top tree that we'll put up on a surface that's too high for him to jump on to -- I hope!

  47. Love your new header. The picture should be in a magazine too! Sherry from Kentucky

  48. I think the decking you've done so far looks fabulous. I love the trencher with the small flowers in it.

  49. What a beautiful Christmas quilt!

  50. That quilt is beautiful. I love the way red pops off a white background.

  51. Like the vintage pointsettia quilt.
    Spend the time now setting limits
    and I would suggest you get use to Frankie's temperment. A Friend had a siamese and he was the most wacked out cat I ever met.
    He freaked every time the christmas tree went up. He would scale it and held on as it crashed to the ground. Only way to keep him off the tree was to put plastic wrap around the bottom.
    If you sat on the antique rocker he would make an odd noise, jump in your lap and have a fit until you got up.
    My cat is a 17 yr old calico and quite the priss. She spends most of her day being indignant over something. She came with our house and I like her.


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