Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall Decorating…cont’d.

For the most part, the downstairs decorating is done and I’d love for you to accompany me on a little tour of our home.

Let’s start with the heart of our home…the kitchen.  Here is where we enter into the kitchen from the mud room at the rear of the house.  We always come in through the back door and so do all our friends and guests.


The Hoosier rests between the back door and the entry to the pantry.  Can you see the little tree in the yellow ware bowl on the top right and the set of vintage Halloween cookie cutters?  It is so much fun to see all these things again.  I didn’t decorate last fall because of packing for our move to Nova Scotia.


Even the pantry needed a little hint of fall so I added an orange berry garland along the top shelf.


Lots more stuff can be found in the eating area of the kitchen too!


The kitchen also opens into the main floor den.  The living room is just beyond the stairway in the distance.


Here is where Mr. Painted Quilt and I spend a lot of time reading.  The fireplace two photos down is directly opposite…


and the loveseat is to the right.


I added some chenille corn and a Japanese lantern garland to the trencher.


The dining room is just off the den.


Lots of fun fall and Halloween stuff in here.


Even the restroom has a few reminders of fall.


It can’t be fall without candy corn…in all shapes and sizes.


Wool pumpkins and a little woollen pillow…perfect!


The air outside is very fresh and cool today but the living room is bathed in sunlight.


All I need now are some freshly cut flowers from the garden and potted mums to add  to the mix.


There’s still upstairs to do and that’s one of the many items on the agenda for this weekend.

I think it just might be cool enough to light the fire tonight.  Are you coming over for a cup of hot chocolate or tea?  The kettle is always on, you know.



  1. So pretty Kaaren! If I am ever in your neighborhood, you can bet I'll stop in for a cup! Glad to see you and glad you are feeling better :)

  2. dear kaaren,i am so glad ,you are feeling better,every room of your house is so beautiful decorated!!i would love to come and see it,and have a cup of coffee with you,susi

  3. How cozy and wonderful. I wish I lived closer.

  4. I'm on my way, coffee to hot chocolate for me. I'll bring some cinnamon rolls.

  5. Kaaren, you've done a beautiful job!

  6. So lovely! I am thinking you better put a pot of coffee on--you're going to have lots of company! :)

  7. I loved your tour - each room is so warm and cozy, just down right friendly - wish I could drop by. Thanks for sharing. Judy C

  8. Hi Kaaren,

    Everything looks great. I bought some small pumpkins and guords today to start my fall decorating. Your pictures are very inspiring. I wish I could visit too, but I do enjoy seeing your pictures.
    Have a great weekend.


  9. Thanks for the tour Kaaren! Let's sit down and have some virtual hot chocolate - ok?

  10. Your home is beautifully decorated Kaaren. Sit down with Mr PQ, some hot chocolate and a good book. mmmh! Then wait for the door bell to ring.........enjoy your company.

  11. Ohhh, hot chocolate, if you don't mind.
    Would it be okay if I bring some pumpkin spice muffins. You know the muffins, the ones with the big crispy tops. Well, not too crispy.

    See you later,

    ahh, I see Robyn is bringing cinnamon rolls, yum!

  12. I loved the tour.Your house looks so inviting and cozy. You have inspired me to get my decorating done next week. Take care.

  13. how you have made that wonderful house your welcoming home. Very nicely done Kaaren.
    Be always in stitches.

  14. Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy the tours of your beautiful home. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Your home is so beautiful and inviting. Enjoy the sunny days and the first cool evenings of the Fall!

  16. What a lovely "homey" home!!! I'd love to come for tea - might surprise you someday!


  17. You have some really nice fall items around. I love all the oranges, reds, yellows of fall.

  18. Your rooms are so welcoming and if I could come over I would bring you and Mr.PQ a cup of tea and a nice warm piece of apple pie.

  19. would stop by for sure! I will bring a bun to have with our hot drink. Beautiful pics of your home. Picture perfect!

  20. Kaaren, your house looks so warm and inviting! Fall decorations in and around the yard are fantastic! Glad to hear the last surgery is over! From the looks of your decorating it appears the anesthetic is wearing off! Yay!

  21. Everything looks wonderful, just the right touches in each room. Happy to see you can enjoy doing what you love and it is the perfect time of year to enjoy being outside.


  22. Karen,
    I'd love a cup of tea while sitting in your cozy den and doing some handstitching. Thanks for the invite.

    Love, love love that little rectangular pumpkin pillow on your setee in the den.

    P.S. Hope you are feeling better, you are an inspiration to us.

  23. Kaaren, your home is beautiful - very warm and cozy. Glad you are feeling better.

  24. It looks beautiful and I'm so inspired. hope to do that myself soon.

  25. Can I come and live with you!! Looks just so very lovely. If you ever need the money - your house would be a great B&B! If ever I could, I would love to come and have a cuppa with you!

  26. your home is just have accomplished so much in such a short time...I hope you are feeling better and I am still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...

  27. Your home is lovely. I am glad you are feeling well enough to decorate.

  28. I dearly love your home tours, Kaaren, your home is just the most cozy, inviting place ever! All the lovely little touches just make it wonderful. And I'll take tea, please!

  29. Hola Kaaren, la decoración va quedando preciosa...un abrazo para tí...

  30. A really beautiful home, thanks for showing it to us.
    Mª José (majogonga)

  31. Thanks for the invite Karen I will be right over even in my thoughts if not in person!! I love your posts and so happy your well enough to do all the things your doing. Your in my prayers daily as I feel I know you through your posts. Thank you for all the wonderful patterns and the beautiful post you give to us. HUgs, Marie

  32. Wonderful Kaaren!!!
    You are so talented."Perfect for Fall..."
    ¡Enjoy your day and your sewing!

  33. Thanks for the tour! It is lovely to see your decorated house. Bet you had a blast decorating again. Looking forward to some more pictures...

  34. Hi there Kaaren! How I enjoyed being invited into your home to see your autumn decorating. I am at Cranberry Cottage for a week of relaxation but have limited computer access. It is our last evening and then it is back to the city suburbs. *sigh*

    Do I see a Siamese kitten at your house??? Oh what joy! We will be getting Siamese when we loose our sweet Dagi. He will be 14 this December which is so much older than we were told he would become. Every day is a blessing with him keeping us company. I hope you find your sweet Frankie (do I have his name right?) is just the same!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  35. I would love to sit with you for an afternoon with a cup of tea and chat in your cozy home. Thank you for sharing.

  36. I love your fall decorating Kaaren! Your home looks so welcoming, I would have loved to come for a cup of tea :) I think your home would have been crowed if all of your blogger friends would drop in :D
    We don't have tradition for decorating for fall in Norway like you do in US. I visited my friend in St. Louis in fall 5 years ago and I loved how every corner of her home was decorated. I think some younger people in Norway are more interested in decorating and may decorate special for fall. I have a few items that I bought on my visit to US that is fall decorations. Enjoy your fall!

  37. Oh, your home is so cosy ! I love it !
    Of course, I'm coming for a cup of... chocolate, please !
    Well, the trip from France will be a little long...
    So, wait for me ! ;-)
    Thanks a lot for sharing your home with us, Kaaren !

  38. Your home is lovely and I love how you have decorated it. A peaceful place to be.


  39. Everything looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing your pics.

  40. You whole downstairs really is decked out for the season. I particularly like your pillows. Just wonderful. Kathie L in Allentown, hoping you are feeling well.

  41. You put the pot on and I'll bring a plate of scones and lemon curd. Your home is delightful and warm and inviting and and and.... wonderful.

  42. Thank you for the tour, how lovely. Looks like all of the boxes have been unpacked and the items now have homes.
    A huge job well done.
    How is your crafty room looking? Hope you have had some time to create. It feeds the mind.

    Best wishes....Karencg

  43. Hi Kaaren,
    I´d love to have some hot chocolate in your beautifully decorated home.

  44. Your home is so beautiful - thanks for inviting us all in.♥

  45. Hola Kearen, la decoración de su casa es hermosa; comparto una tacita de té desde Uruguay.

  46. I so wish I could come visit and share a cuppa with you! Your decorating looks fanastic, you have a beautiful home.

  47. Green tea, please with a side order of candy corn!

  48. I'd love to come and visit for a cuppa. Your place has special touches everywhere and I could judt settle down in a lot of those spots you've shown us.

  49. How very welcoming and attractive everything looks! You are doing a marvelous job.

  50. What a beautiful home you have, Kaaren! Thank you for 'hosting' us. :D Happy Fall!

  51. Your home looks so beautiful. You are a great decorator. Hope you are feeling well.


  52. Your home is so beautiful. I know that you are enjoying every minute if it there. I am glad you are feeling better and can decorate.

  53. A lovely home full of cozy things. Wish I lived a bit closer.

  54. You keep a lovely home Kaaren! You really have a flare for making things go together so well, did you ever do this professionally?
    When you're done with your place, you can have a free hand at my house LOL!!! Hope you are doing ok!

  55. Your home is so cozy looking. I would love to come for tea. I've never been to Nova Scotia before! My DH and I have a cup of tea every night - can I bring him along? :)

  56. What an inviting picture you paint with your decor!!

  57. Dear Kaaren,

    I'm just now catching up on some blog reading. Thank you for the treat/tour. I love your decorating. It inspires me to get out my fall stuff too!

  58. oh Kaaren i thoroughly enjoyed my visit,thankyou for sharing

  59. Love the decorating. Would love to have a cup! Wishing you well wishes.

  60. Hmmmm, so inviting! How long would it take me to get from Fort Worth, Texas to Nova Scotia I wonder? Lol! Well, it's a nice thought anyway....

  61. I so enjoyed the tour of your fall decorated home. It is simply beautiful.

  62. Every thing looks so pretty and welcoming. I hope you recover quickly from your recent surgery. I'm still working on my Annie stitcheries and hope to show you the finished quilt one of these days.

  63. I love how cozy and inviting your home looks ~ all dressed for Fall.
    Hope you've feeling much better this week.

  64. It is so beautiful and ready for fall! I just started taking down my summer decorations yesterday so my house is looking very bare at the moment.
    Youve inspired me!

  65. Hi Kaaren, Thanks for the tour. Boy, I need to get busy. I love all of your woolen things. You know how to make a house a home. I too wish I lived close to you. I could enjoy a warm cup of cocoa with you and just keep looking around soaking it all in. ;-) enjoy your day, Debby (Wisconsin)

  66. You have made the whole house so beautiful! Just take it easy and enjoy this season with a cup of tea.

  67. Oh what a gorgeous place. Love the Hutch. Just thought I would drop in in say hi - I see that you are in this years Secret Santa group - I am dropping in to all always nice to meet new people

  68. Just found you by way of Mimi's Passion - enjoyed the tour of your home touched with autumn. My Hoosier cabinet looks almost identical and you have inspired me to give it a spruce up for Fall! It has been neglected this summer...


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