Monday, June 6, 2011

Retail Therapy

Thank you, my friends for all your well wishes, thoughts and prayers.  They mean the world to me. 

Bright and early this morning I went for my pre-op blood work and ekg and now I’m just counting the hours until Wednesday.  I can’t wait until this is all over so I can deal with whatever is waiting for me down the line.


I was out of the hospital by 9 a.m. and before I knew it, we were heading up the road to Avonport, our ‘local’ quilt shop about 60 miles away which I spoke about HERE.  Mr. Painted Quilt decided that I needed some serious retail therapy to take my mind off things and who was I to refuse an offer like that!

I purchased over 25 meters (39 inches = 1 meter) of Civil War reproduction fabric for under $75.  The fabric I selected was in their ‘reduced’ bin and was priced at $3 per meter .  Every bolt of fabric that they stock is of quilt shop quality and brand name.  The ones I purchased were from lines designed by Julie Rothermel for Windham and Nancy Gere for Marcus.


I also bought 5 meters of the fabric pictured below to use as backing for a ‘future’ quilt.   At $2 per meter, it had to come home with me.


The price was right so these two packs of charm squares made their way into my shopping cart as well.


Avonport Discount Fabrics has a supply of notions and quilting supplies second to none.  I picked up some extra bobbins for my Bernina and another  donut bobbin saver.  If there’s one thing I hate it’s having to wind a bunch of bobbins while I’m in the middle of piecing so I try to prepare a whole bunch in advance.  I also bought some glass headed quilting pins which I’ve wanted for a long time.


Mr. PQ was right…there’s nothing like a little retail therapy to warm the soul…and so much better than chicken soup…right?



  1. Retail therapy is fun, fun, fun! Hey Kaaren...please know I am praying for good news and quick sorry you are having to go through this!!

  2. Mr PQ is a treasure. But then, you already know that. God be with you through what is ahead. Will be praying for you. B.

  3. Sending you armfuls of positive thoughts interlaced with huge virtual hugs and a ton of prayers for a successful outcome to this temporary freckle in the contastant balance of everyday life in which we seem to have little control over. Will be waiting to hear from you. Judy C

  4. So glad you had some retail therapy and what better place to do that than Avonport , that store is amazing . All the best on Wed. , hope the tests will be negative and you can deal with whatever is the problem .

  5. Hi Kaaren,
    Every year, mid-summer, my quilt guild has a special luncheon and we make a special something as a gift exchange. I've been working on the "I love 2 sew" sewing caddy--and I want you to know I just have you in my thoughts and prayers too. The caddy turned out wonderful! Your talents are so wonderful and you touch many people with your kindness!

  6. Wow scored some truly awesome deals!!! I must agree...nothing like a bit of retail therapy!
    Warm wishes and prayers.

  7. Sounds like you have a very thoughtful husband.
    Hopefully those fabrics will do their job and keep you thinking about creative things.

  8. Yes it's great to get out and shop. Retail therapy helps. Thoughts and prayers go your way..

  9. What a bargin hunter you are, I am so green about the prices! As an Aussie I buy in metres and cut in inches, so to get 25m at that price, bargin, bargin. Glad you treated yourself to some notions, they are my favorite thing because they last and you use them regulary! Thinking good thoughts, prayers and karma for your results, happy quilting Sue SA.

  10. What a great find and a better pick me up! Congratulations on having a hubby to drive you around for retail therapy.

    I adore the Clover silk glass headed pins. Enjoy!

  11. Shopping for fabric always make you feel better! :) Praying for you! I just went through surgery this morning and am home now recovering. I will be thinking of you while I am healing up.

  12. Wow great shopping adventure! Love all of your finds.

  13. Mr. PQ is awesome! Mr. QD should take lessons. I'll be praying for you, and hope everything turns out well.

  14. Avondale sounds like a store you could spend hours at....and with the bargains like you found you don't break the bank. Your DH sounds like a gem..... mine would do the same. Hoping this hiccup in life you are facing will be minor...sending you good thoughts and prayers your way.

  15. Looks like a great way to perk up your day, beautiful fabrics.


  16. Good for you, Karen--shopping is the best therapy and just think what you have to come home to and play with while you recover??

    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers Wednesday.


  17. What a wonderful man...but you already knew that! The very best to you and Mr. PQ during this worrisome time.

  18. Oh GOODY for you - you got some great deals and some wonderful fabrics! I too love those bobbin savers. Keeping you in prayer!

  19. Glad to hear that you have been keeping very busy. Stashing away some more fabric is a great way to keep busy!!!!!!LOL! But it was a great you just had to do it.

    You are in my prayers every night, Kaaren. I pray everything is overwith on Wednesday. I will be waiting to hear.


  20. Mr. PQ picked just the right therapy! You got some fabulous prices, especially for Canada. Best of luck tomorrow.

  21. Kaaren, you will be in my prayers and I will send positive thoughts your way. Mr. PQ sure knew what was best at a time like this! You HAVE to get better! You have new fabric and pins to work with!!!! What a great way to spend an afternoon.
    Big Hugs from the "no coast" (well unless you count Lake Superior!).

  22. Aren't the gals at Avonport just the best?
    I love the discount bins and do most of my sopping in them - there's always something there to make your heart beat faster - I bought some fresh long glass headed pins not too long agao - heaven!
    Thinking good thoughts for you for Wednesday.

  23. Mr. PQ sounds like my kind of man!! haha
    Nothing like retail therapy to lift the mood!! Hope all goes well with the tests! My turn tomorrow...must be our age?? :o(
    Take care!

  24. wow, i love judith r's fabric. glad the morning went okay....your going to have a beautiful quilt as usual.

  25. What lovely purchases! If you didn't already have a doctors appointment, one should definitely have been on the cards if you hadn't purchased Best wishes and happy crafting, Jenny

  26. Oh Kaaren, you just have to love a husband who knows that retail therapy has a calming effect and love him twice over when he actually knows where the retail therapy locations are.
    You are in my thoughts
    Be always in stitches

  27. That is some serious retail therapy!! Well done on such bargains!

    All the best for Wednesday. I hope the procedure is a complete success and you make a swift and complete recovery.

    Take care, Kaaren. ((hugs))

  28. Hi Kaaren

    Mr. PQ is just great. What a thoughtful thing to do. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.
    Thanks again for recommending the novels. I have read the Union Quilters. It was special. Have you read Sylvia Tyson's Joyner's Dream.
    You might enjoy it too.
    Thoughs and prays for tomorrow.

  29. thats absolutly right!
    now you can think of the things you can make whit your new fabrics.
    it`s not nesesery to do that, but its nice to know that you can because you have the fabric.
    take care, and i`ll think about you.
    greetings miek

  30. Keeping you in my thoughts! What a great guy Mr PQ is...nothing better than the man that understands!

  31. What a wonderful Hubby who understands the positive benefits of retail therapy!! Gotta luv those deals too!!!!! Praying Wednesday come quickly and with positive results!!!!! <3

  32. Wow! Such terrific prices! Glad the procedure is over and hope all is well from here on out.

  33. What a thoughtful man Mr.PQ is and such beautiful treasures you will create with your purchases. Prayers are with you throughout the next days .

  34. Mr. PQ was spot on with this one, Kaaren! Your deals are incredible, too! Best wishes tomorrow - Mr. Squash and I will have you in our hearts and thoughts!

  35. You will love those pins. Best wishes, Kathie L in Allentown

  36. My heart is full of prayers and good thoughts for you, my dear, dear friend. Please give Mr PQ a big old hug.

    I'm glad you had some fun with retail therapy.

  37. Best of luck Kaaren, I'm thinking, praying and sending you lots of hugs, from Sunny Queensland

  38. Nothing like long term planning and dreaming to take your mind off the present. Keeping you in my prayers while you await the results. Hope you left a little of that Civil War fabric for me as I hope to visit Avonport myself next week on my swing through NB and NS.

  39. Keeping you in my prayers so that all will go well. What a wonderful husband you have!

  40. What a guy......You're in my prayers...


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