Sunday, June 12, 2011

Blogging friends are definitely the best!

I was expecting a little something in the mail because Candace asked me for my new mailing address…but all I can say is…WOW!  Blogging friends are indeed the best!

Because of the rotating postal strikes across Canada, the parcel took two weeks to get here from Washington state .  Trust me my friends…it was definitely worth the wait!


Candace made two of the most wonderfully lavender scented sachets which I mistook to be pincushions.  In response to my thank you note to her, Candace told me that they in fact were either drawer or closet sachets but that I certainly could use them as pincushions if I so desired.  Because they smell so heavenly, I decided to use them as they were intended.  Now I have one of the most lovely lavender scented lingerie drawers in Nova Scotia!  *wink*


Also included in the parcel were some tomato seeds that were developed at Rutger’s University in Mr. Squash’s home state of New Jersey.  (In case you are wondering why I referred to Candace’s husband as Mr. Squash, her blog is called Squash House Quilts and if you haven’t already, it is definitely worth a visit).

Inside the little hinged heart shaped tin was something that I’ve been meaning to order but kept on putting off because I couldn’t decide which one I wanted.  Have a look at the pieced log cabin block that has been made into a scissor fob.  It is approximately 1” square and yes…it is actually pieced!  Can you imagine working with such tiny pieces of fabric?  Yikes!


To do it justice, I just had to place it on my most FAVORITE pair of Dovo scissors.


I wish I could say that the rhododendrons in the photos were from our gardens but they’re not.  Yesterday my neighbor  brought me a lovely bouquet from her garden which she planted about 25 years ago.  Stunning, huh?

Thank you again Candace and Bob.  Your gifts came at just the right time and have certainly lifted my spirits.  I can’t wait until next spring when we can plant your tomato seeds in our ‘real’ garden.



  1. Blogging friends are definitely the best! Sweet gifts from Candace.

  2. Wonderful gifts from Candace. I guess it would be cheaper and faster to drive up and hand you the gifts, lol.


  3. Candace is the best. Given from the heart and received with great joy!

  4. What sweet gifts - that log cabin fob is AMAZING!

  5. Kaaren, maravillosos regalos,
    la amistad es maravillosa.
    Un gran abrazo

  6. Mr. Squash and I are so happy your goodies arrived! I'm with Debbie - we would have loved to driven them up to you in person! Enjoy!

  7. No doubt that blogging friends are extra special. Those are lovely gifts.

  8. Such wonderful gifts. Bloggers are great friends...I agree

  9. That's so sweet!
    You definitely found a great friend.
    The log cabin fob is amazing!
    Prim Blessings

  10. Definitely worth the wait! Have fun :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  11. Beautiful gifts from Candace. Where is the scissor fob from? I would love to have one.

  12. It's been a while since my last visit to your blog. A lot has happened since than.

    I wish you all the best. Hope that everything will be just fine. Get well soon...

  13. Hi Kaaren! Candace told me that you received your fob that she ordered from me. So glad you like it! It looks like you had lots of fun stuff in your package. I love surprises in the mail! Take Care!!

  14. What nice gifts you received Kaaren. I haven't stopped by for awhile and I was sorry to read that you have health issues. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. What lovely gifts. I am amazed at the size of the log cabin block on your scissor keeper....Blooms were beautiful too.
    Michelle rag-tag Sttichin'

  16. What a lovely bunch of goodies!
    I'm certain those lifted your spirits. How sweet.
    Hope you're doing well this week.
    We'll be thinking about you on the 20th ~ good thoughts!

  17. Hello Kaaren, I hope that having all these friends in blogland is giving you support. I am currently visiting your lovely "new" neighbourhood from Ontario and I can readily see what has stolen your heart and encouraged you to put down new roots here in N.S.

  18. I hope it all goes well for you tomorrow.
    From another blogger in wonderful Nova Scotia.

  19. What wonderful gifts from Candace! I hope you're recuperating well, Kaaren. Thoughts & prayers going out for you.

  20. Kaaren, Have really been bad at reading and commenting on blogs lately. The summer and life in general has taken over my house. What lovely treasures from Candace...I absolutely love that tiny log cabin square...amazing. Hope you are feeling much better from your biopsy and get positive results with the Dr. tomorrow.

  21. Special gifts to brighten your day - so very nice.

  22. I can't think of anyone who is more deserving of those lovely gifts.
    I loved hearing the McGuire sisters on your blog. It really brightened my day. They were my favorite singers when I was a little girl. They always looked go glamorous when they were on the Ed Sullivan show.

  23. My prayers are with you today. May it be a good report. I miss your company everyday, hearing about your exciting move, your gardening, hooking and quilting. A well rounded person. Not to mention you are an artist, also! I just know it will be good news. You can't hold a great person down!

  24. Thank you for this excellent & thoughtful post, so full of ideas that I have printed it out so i can read again & your post motivated me.I wish you all the best. Hope that everything will be just fine. Get well soon..
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