Thursday, May 26, 2011

I’m still here!

You all are just too much!

Over the last couple of days, I’ve received several emails enquiring about my whereabouts, welfare and absence.  Thank you all for your concern, for keeping tabs on me and for making me accountable.

I have been experiencing some health issues and was not going to mention anything until I absolutely had to but I have had to undergo numerous tests, which will include a CT scan this coming Monday.  We are hoping that what has been found is as a result of a condition that I was diagnosed with about 30 years ago which manifests itself in many different ways when it decides to rear it’s ugly head and take me out of remission for unknown reasons. 

It would mean the world to me if you could please include me in your prayers.

crow divider small

Although I haven’t been doing too much in the studio, I did manage to complete a new design on paper for a quilt which I hope to work on over the summer.  It is my intention at this time to release it either as another free BOM or as a FFF (First Friday Freebie) in September.  Having said that and because I have a lot on my plate and mind at the moment, I will be taking a break from my FFF’s over the summer.  Thank you for understanding.

Sunflowers 1[4]

Today I received just what the doctor ordered…a wonderful surprise in my mailbox from my friend and fellow blogger, Pat.


Our tastes are virtually identical and there’s never been a second thought as to whether we will like what we have made or bought for each other.  Did you notice the funky padded mailing envelope?


It came wrapped and tied up with string….with a card, of course.


How perfect is that?  A pillow/pincushion including three of my favorite stitching styles…wool-on-cotton, button hole stitch appliqué and of course, cross stitch…with my initials and year that it was made.

Thank you so much, Pat.  Your gifts, friendship and kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face and .

Sunflowers 1[4]

Mr. PQ and I have been working like beavers on the grounds and in the gardens around our home and when we call it a day, the only thing I have any energy left for is to shower and read before dozing off to sleep. 

When I mentioned the books that I was reading in my last post, Laurie, in her comment, told me that if I liked those kinds of books then I must read…


The Seamstress by Sara Tuvel Bernstein.  I called our local library right away and they ordered it in for me from another branch and I picked it up yesterday.  Guess what I’ll be doing tonight?  I’m sure that it will be another great read.  Thanks for the heads up, Laurie.

And thank you all for caring. 



  1. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers my friend!! I hope you get some answers - and the ones you want!! Big hugs!

  2. Hi Karen~

    Sending prayers your way.


  3. I hope things work out well for you and you will certainly be in my prayers. I have those type of days, so I understand, just have to go with the flow till it is over.

    Wonderful gifts and that book looks good, will have to look it up at our library.


  4. Kaaren,

    Thanks for updating us about your absence. Let us hope and pray that things will be resolved quickly so you can enjoy all the hard work you and Mr. PQ have put into your lovely new home.

    best wishes,

  5. You are in my prayers, of course!! Many hugs, and yes, a break is definitely in order...wishing the best for you!

  6. Take very good care of yourself kaaren!!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    I am sure everything will be fine soon.

  7. Get better soon, get some R & R. God has you in his tender care.

  8. Will keep you in my thoughts Kaaren.
    Your gift is just wonderful.
    Enjoy your new read!

  9. hope you are feeling your ole self soon.

  10. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope everything turns out well for you. You deserve a break from the FFF's. I am almost finished with my Raggedy and Friends.

  11. I hope everything works out well and you're back to normal soon. Take care of yourself!

  12. I have been missing you Kaaren. I hope that everything will be well with you and your tests. I will certainly be thinking of you. {{{{}}}}


  13. I will keep you in my prayers. Hope you feel better soon. :-D

  14. take care of yourself. Darn health issues!

  15. keeping you in my prayers, Kaaren.

  16. Hoping for a speedy recovery thoughts and prayers.

  17. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
    What a nice gift you got and perfect timing.
    Prim Blessings

  18. Well Miss Kaaren, yep you are definately in my prayers but I sure wish you had been able to share this sooner so we could get the prayers up and running earlier - consider yourself told off, but in the nicest possible way.
    Take care and God bless

  19. Kaaren my love I am with you in thought and I've always said you'll be fine. Your Christine

  20. Will definitely add you to my prayer list and keep the positive thoughts coming your way. The pincushion is a lovely gift, like a hug in the mail!

  21. You've got my prayers, hon. Such a perfect gift from Pat - love it! I imagine many blogs are taking breaks for summer fun, and garden work, I know for myself it's easier to blog when there's snow on the ground and I don't want to go anywhere! You just don't overdo in the garden. Thanks for the book recommendation, I've just put a hold on it at our library - hope they get it soon!

  22. Sorry to hear you are not so well - best wishes for a speedy recovery.... a lovely cushion to recieve...

  23. Kaaren, of course I will keep you in my prayers. Wishing you good health and comfort.
    I love your new little bird pillow...he's gorgeous.

  24. Hope you are feeling better soon Kaaren

  25. Praying for you Kaaren. Please keep us updated. Hugs, Karen

  26. Fingers crossed all goes well for you. Best wishes, Jenny

  27. Thinking and praying for you. Hope the results will be for the better.
    Best of luck and make some time for a lot of rest. We will be here, wainting patiently, and supporting you all the way!

  28. What a lovely 'cheer you up' pincushion. Hope your health issues are temporary. Get well soon.

  29. Kaaren, good to hear from you. Let's get these pesky health issues behind us. Am sending Positive Thoughts for a speedy resolution.
    hugs & ♥♥♥

  30. Be sure to take good care of yourself and do what the doctor orders! Relaxation, reading, gardening, and sewing are certainly to be his top 4 orders!!!

  31. Thinking of you Karen with love and prayers,your a remarkable woman! No matter what the answers are you will be strong in mind and get through it, look at all the support and love that is poured outto you from just blogland-take care my friend. Big hugs, Marie

  32. Will keep you in my prayers, Kaaren and my hope is that all works out well for you.

  33. Hope all goes well and sending T's and P's your way. Summertime is the best time for kicking it back with a good book and a lemonade. Mr. PQ needs to add a hammock to his list of new things at the new house!

  34. Hi Kaaren,
    Sorry to hear that you've been facing some health challenges. These things are so un-nerving - I think partly because of the unknowns. I hope you get answers that will help you move forward in comfort. I'll be praying.

  35. I pray for the best outcome for you and I'll keep you in my prayers. :)

  36. Your in my thoughts and prayers girlfriend. I figured something was up because you've missed all the posting I did of your Raggedy Ann Quilt I just quilted for Mary. How fun to see the little quilt I quilted for you on your table....with such a wonderful gift of friendship!

  37. Hoping your medical problem is soon resolved. You are in my prayers.

  38. Keeping you in my prayers.Have been worried about you Think of you every time I move my Stitching Annie pillow to dust. I think I will rename her Stitchin Kaaren. Hugs to you.

  39. I've been watching for a post from you too but I assumed you were on a little vacation. So sorry to hear you are having health problems. I'll be praying for your quick recovery. Thanks for the book referral.

  40. What a sweet pin cushion. I bet you are getting a lot done around the new house.
    Prayers are with you. I am hoping for an easy fix;)

  41. Prayers being said here, Kaaren. Hoping all with be alright and back to normal soon.


  42. I'm sorry to hear of your health concerns. I'll keep you n my thoughts and prayers.

  43. Above all else, take care of you and your needs. Life is so fragile . Judy C sends her best.

  44. I hope the investigation turns up nothing too serious - my thoughts are with you as you face this challenge. The improving weather must be a cheering sign to you and the gift your friend sent you is sweet!
    Stay well!!

  45. Prayers for sure! Thought maybe you did build that ark and sail away lol! Calling my library now to see if I can get my hands on that book. Get well soon and hope the scan shows nothing serious.

  46. Kaaren, I'm so sorry your experiencing some health challenges - sigh! I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself, you're an important part of this world.

  47. My heart goes out to you Kaaren and I will be sending lots of positive energy your way! What a lovely and thoughtful gift from Pat which surely must have made your spirits soar! I'm happy to hear that you're able to work in the garden - good for the body and soul during a difficult time. Please take care!

  48. Sending good thoughts to you! Take good care and keep smiling.

  49. Hi Kaaren, I too was wondering where you were. Thought maybe you went on a small trip. Please know that I am thinking of you. Lori R.

  50. Take care of yourself Kaaren , I will keep you in my prayers and hope all goes well with your tests. I do want you to know that tomorrow is our quilt show and several of your Friday Freebies will be on display , so thanks for these wonderful patterns .
    hugs Sheila

  51. I had been wondering about the lack of posts but assumed you were busy with your yard work and all that is involved in transititioning your new home into what you want it to be. Good wishes coming your way!

  52. Kaaren, I am sorry that you are not well. I will remember you in my prayers for sure. I hope that your recent tests will turn out o.k. for you. Take it easy & know there are many of us ladies praying for YOU> Blessings: Dianne

  53. Sending all positive thoughts and prayers your way! Hope all goes well and here's to receiving good results from your tests. <3

  54. I will keep you in my prayers.

  55. Hugs Kaaren I didn't know you were having health problems. I've been so slow with blogging in my new blog to get back in touch with everyone. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

    What a wonderful cheering up present of Mr Crow. I am liking how Sue Spargo mixes wools with velvets and cottons. Great textures.

  56. Take good care of yourself Kaaren and start each day with a strong and positive attitude.
    You have my good wishes.

  57. Love your blog!!! Please check out my new blog!!

  58. So good to hear from you and you will be in my prayers. Pat's little surprise is so cute.
    I've been looking for a good book to pick up and this seems to be the one. Thanks for the info.

  59. Dear Karen:

    I've never commented on your blog before but have enjoyed reading it every few days. You gave me the inspiration to move and try a new place when it's time for me to retire. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  60. On bended knee with prayers to our wonderful Lord, our Healer. I also pry for you to have God's Peace.

  61. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Relax and take time for yourself. We'll all be here waiting for you when you're feeling better.

  62. I hope you're feeling better soon, Kaaren. You're in my thoughts & prayers!

  63. Get well soon Kaaren. I just checked in to see what you have been up to to read your news. Please keep us posted.

  64. Have prayed for you dear Kaaren, and will continue to hold you in prayer. {{{hugs}}}
    PS: Finally finished the Huswif. What a lovely pattern this was - thank you!

  65. Oh Kaaren, I am so sorry to read this. I will be keeping you in my thoughts. BTW, would you mind sharing your new address with me? Keep well! Hugs,

  66. Hello! I just encountered your blog, and I greatly enjoy it! I barely approached your site but you will be in my prayers. Stay positive no matter what! You have a lot of people that are here for you!

  67. Feel better soon! Prayers for you, too!

  68. Keeping you in my prayers. Get well soon.


  69. How lovely to have a friend like that! I have a friend named Kaaren, never thought I see another!

  70. Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    This one always picks me up on days I am feeling low. May God bless you and keep you!

    And thank goodness for friends who know our hearts better than we know it ourselves.

  71. Oooh Kaaren.... huge hugs, and prayers are winging their way from my place to yours. Here's hoping for good result!!

  72. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers. Just take it easy. Sending good thoughts.

  73. Kaaren, I've been out of the loop for a while, too, and didn't realize you'd gone missing!! I will be thinking of you and hoping everything turns out okay! I AM thinking of you because as soon a I arrived back in Cape Breton, I put together block two of the Raggedy quilt. It's almost all stitched, and block 3 just came out of the printer so I can put it together tomorrow. I hated leaving it behind for the winter, but thankfully (or not) we've been having horrific weather, giving me plenty of time to sew. With thoughts of you, karen

  74. Sending you warm hugs and your in my prayers.

  75. Get well soon Kaaren. I will keep you in my prayers.

  76. Prayers for you for this coming week and your biopsy!

  77. Hey Kaaren,
    I have been catching up on your posts. I am glad to hear you are doing well and I hope you get the answers you are looking for soon. Waiting can wear a person down.
    Your gardens look great.
    Nice gifts you have recived too. Bloggers are so kind.
    Take care, hugs, carrie p.


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