Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I’m Going On A Diet…

A stash diet!!!

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I figured that while I still have lots of enthusiasm and energy, I’d start packing up my studio.  Although I’m no where near finished, I have managed to pack all my fabric and folks…it’s major confession time…

I think I have enough fabric to open a small shop!  Yikes!  If I am still quilting by the time I reach 100, I’ll probably still have some fabric left over.  Is there a group called Fabrics Anonymous in Nova Scotia because I think I need help?  *wink*

The hoosier is empty.


The second cupboard is also empty…


And I’m working on the third and final one.


And I haven’t even started with the bins of wool.  Gulp!  By the time the packing is over, I think I’ll be drowning in a sea of boxes.


And the boxes that you’re seeing here contain only fabric and batting.  Yikes!


Our house is in a total state of disarray which I am NOT used to and it’s making me crazy.  But I keep on telling myself that it’ll all be over in just five short weeks and I’m refusing to allow myself to even think about the unpacking at the other end.

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The moving company rep is stopping by later this morning to drop off more boxes and tissue which we’ll need in order to pack the breakables.  I’ve set goals for myself and I hope to have my studio completely disassembled and packed up by the end of tomorrow.  Wish me luck!

I don’t know about you all but when I’m under a lot of stress, my creative juices completely shut down.  Needless to say that since the packing started, I haven’t been designing, sewing or even stitching for that matter.  However, every time I pick up something to place in a box that either I’ve made or that I received as a gift, a warm and fuzzy feeling comes over me which helps to keep things in perspective and get on with the task at hand.

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To take my mind off the packing…if only for a few brief moments…I’d like to share with you something that I designed and made just a few short weeks ago.

Wool Crazy Sampler Pincushion

This is my “Wool Crazy Sampler Pincushion”.  Keep an eye out here because as soon as I can free up some time, you just never know what my next post will be about.  *wink*

The boxes are calling…


Happy Stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. What a crazy time this is for you. It will all be worth it in the end, especially when your studio is set back up and your creative juices start flowing again! Hope it all goes well!

  2. Good luck with the packing - good job your new home has tonnes of room and it will be so lovely to unpack all of your belongings at the other end.

  3. I can only imagine the work ahead of you. But it comes with such a huge reward at the end - something many of us only dream of. I am so glad your dream is coming true - and in the meantime, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers amid the work and chaos!! Big hugs!

  4. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. It will be so nice for you to be settled again and get unpacked!!

  5. I can't imagine packing up my house!! Keep reminding yoruself how much it will be worth it!! If I was close by I'd come and help:)

  6. If I was close, I'd come and help if only to fondle all your fabric! Keep telling yourself this packing will help you actually remember all that you have (I would be afraid to pack for fear of what I would find that I haven't seen in years in my sewing room). Hope it goes well!

  7. That is the tough thing with moving, all the packing and unpacking. I make up a box of stitcheries for trips, that might be good to keep your hands busy when you need to sit and relax. All you need is the designs on the backing and some floss.


  8. I never expected to see a McKesson box with fabric in it. Good luck on your move.

  9. I know exactly what you are going through but the move will be over before you know it Kaaren.

    When we moved two years ago, I just about died when I saw the number of boxes that came out of my quilting room. More boxes came out of my room than any other room in the house. My husband just about had a heart attack when he saw the boxes.

    He keeps telling people that I have so much fabric that if I buy one more piece the Fire Marshall is going to require that we install fire sprinklers...as if.

  10. I always thought the unpacking was the best part of moving! I was always on a mission to get rid of those nasty cardboard boxes as soon as possible!! LOL

  11. Hang in there Kaaren! The reward will be well worth it - and the treat in the packing/unpacking is you get to see all the beautiful fabric and wool you have! How often do you get to just experience it? Love the pincushion ~ can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

  12. Just think how much fun it will be to re-discover your stash in your new home. It will be like Christmas morning!

  13. Just stumbnled upon your lovely blog, I'd never heard of crazy wool patchwork before, what a delectable pincushion that is. Good luck with your move, I'm now off to browse through your archives.
    florrie x

  14. Packing for a move is such a chore. I've done a lot of it during my life. But once you are all settled in your new place, it will be wonderful! And it's fun to have all those memories while packing your beautiful things. Best wishes for a smooth transition and enjoy your new place!

  15. Indeed you are a busy gal these days. I have many military moves under my belt so know about the disorganization of living spaced for months on end. It doesn't end there either...at the other end you find new doctor, dentist, hairdresser etc....oh yes...joys of moving. BUT....imagine when it is all finished and the day comes with all in its place and you pull out that first project again...simply heaven!

  16. I hope your hint is about sharing your pincushion with us... I've been drooling over them and searching out wool scraps since you first showed them!
    Best of luck on the process of packing and unpacking. I last went through that 5 years ago and hope to not do it again any time soon!

  17. Just going to leave a BIG Old HUG for you! :-)

  18. You are making excellent progress on the packing! I enjoy the unpacking and finding "homes" for everything, I don't mind packing, but the mess it creates is stressful!


  19. Oh...it must be so hard to be packing and not sewing! Five weeks will pass quickly, though, especially with how busy you must be! Love the pincushion!

  20. Good luck with your packing. Save a small project to keep working on so you can have a moment of peace in all the chaos. I've done that before and then say to myself, I don't have time for this but then realize that the sewing moments keep me going.

  21. Thats a whooooole lot of boxes. Good thing some of us are not any closer else we might decide to "deprive" you of some of your stash so that you don't have to unpack it all ;)

  22. My Mother moved 6 years ago from Arizona back to Illinois by herself. She packed 63 boxes and 55 of them was fabric and books for quilting. She said never again. We moved 6 times in 13 1/2 months one year, but we were in town. I had velcro on my boxes. The next to last move was for 21 days. No FUN! Good Luck

  23. Your "heart" is not only in your pincushion "hand", it's also in the boxes.


  24. Congratulations on buying a house that looks as though it is a "dream house" for sure!! How exciting for you and I am sure you have your sewing room all picked out!

    Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful pictures!

    Carolyn :)

  25. I recently found your blog and love it. I am so excited that you are moving to NS as I am having a hard time finding Canadian quilting blogs.

    I live in Halifax so if you want to drop any of that fabric off on your way by, please feel free. LOL

  26. I don't envy you all the packing. On one of our moves, I got lots of comments about all my sewing machines, fabrics, and quilts from the packers and moving men. They just don't understand.
    Your wool crazy sampler is cute as can be.

  27. Dear Karen, I wish you lots of power for your project. The time will come, and your cupboards are full again. Thank you also for Grazy work. I have to laugh secretly, empty cabinets at a Nähfrau - is not at all. Dear greetings from Germany and good luck to you and your family, your Christine

  28. Every time we move, I'm apalled at how much stuff I have in the craft/sewing room. I get rid of tons, but I just seem to fill it all back up! sigh

  29. You are doing great Kaaren! I too went crazy when I was packing up my stash. As a matter of fact, I found more containers with fabric that I had completely forgotten about ;-) So I too have to go on a stash diet.

  30. I can't think of anything more awesome to be handling than wonderful beautiful fabric. It will be exciting when you get to open the boxes and touch it all again as you find a place for it in your new studio.

  31. In the blink of an eye these five weeks will pass and you will be unpacking in your new home. Oh how grand for you.........I am so happy about your finding the house you really wanted..........

  32. Good Luck with the packing - I too do not function as well with all the disarray !! Hang in there - Everything is for a season ;)

  33. Bless your heart. Moving is no fun. But it will be worth it when you are all settled in to your beautiful new home. Just keep telling yourself, I can do this! LOL

  34. I'm impressed how much you've gotten accomplished already.

    Remember to take regular breaks so you don't overtax yourself. The last thing you need is to strain a body part.

    Hope the move goes smoothly, lots of luck in your new home.

  35. It has been one year ago this month since I made the big move and can feel everything you are going through as if it were yesterday. Wishing you the best with a safe and happy move!

  36. Well you convinced me that I am never moving. LOL. It will be fun to unpack, like finding old friend to visit with again.
    Your pin cushion is lovely but yours always are. You probably will lose your sanity moving but you will find it again. Good luck and safe travels. Love Lois

  37. My most unfavorite thing ...moving but good things are coming and you're making progress.

  38. Oh Kaaren! I know exactly what you are going through! I did the big move this summer - yikes what a process!! AND we didn't have movers - never again!! AND we are in a temporary house so I'll have to do at least part of it all over again in a year!!! Enough complaining from me - I just wanted to let you know it does get better!! We ate a lot of take out food during the process - pizza became a staple! Hang in there and keep venting on the blog - we'll all back you up with encouragement =D


  40. Just think...you will have fun setting up your new studio! Hope everything goes well for you!

  41. Wait til you get to UNPACK! You will be in sheer heaven. A new house. New surroundings. New exploring! And new juices that will arrive to tell you what you need to create next. Such fun. I love moving to new places and start my decorating juices flowing.......and my stitching and my hooking.

    This will be such a joy - 5 weeks from now. It will all be worth it. You are doing a great job!!!!!

    I love the pincushion. It comes with an ANGEL!!!!!!!!! and a black hand of friendship. So darn cute. (I sewed on mine today) OK, spill the beans. Let us go CRAZY!!!!!!

  42. Moving,,,poor you! I'm getting tired just looking at your boxes. Ignore them, find a happy place!!!!!
    It'll be fun to unpack.

  43. What a huge job. Good luck with the packing.

  44. Good luck with all that packing. When I moved 7 years ago, the movers could not believe my sewing room. I had more boxes of fabric than I had clothes. Love the wool sampler also.

  45. I can imagine how hard it will be to pack up the wool...running your hands along it and seeing all the lovely colors... :o) You can do it, though! Congrats on your new/old house. This is very exciting!

  46. You are doing so well with the packing..... I know the feeling of uncontrolled chaos all over.... but there is light at the end of the tunnel.....

  47. Hi, I am a fabri-holic living in Halifax so if you need support dont hesitate to get in touch. There's not much in city for the fabric fix so if you need help....

  48. what a busy girl! we've done the big move to the other side of the country twice, so i don't envy you all the work.
    loving your pin cushion.

  49. I wish you luck as I can only imagine my horror if I had to pack up my sewing room!

  50. I remember when we moved 10 years ago and I was packing up my craft room, I labeled everything craftroom...there were so many boxes that were labeled craftroom that it became a joke with my BIL..I think I had more boxes with craftroom than anything...good luck with the packing..as you said, you will be unpacking in 5 weeks...

  51. Boy are you an organized packer! I'm a dumper - I see a box, dump stuff in. I wouldn't be able to create either, I'm awful in chaos. Can't think if my environment isn't tidy. Won't be long now - you're doing great!

  52. My , what a lot of work, but rewarding when you are all unpacked and put away in your new home!! You can 'feel' all that fabric again!

  53. Oh don't feel bad. I think we all could fill boxes with fabric like that.

  54. That looks like chaos! I now the feeling! Not only did we move two houses at the same time (my house and my mother's house), but we had to move overseas! Oh, what drama!!!
    It is good that you are preparing long before the deadline! You will be very happy when it is all finished, and you are able to play in your new studio. Hope you will not suffer from QDS (Quilting deprivation Syndrome) before the end...

  55. Just a few more weeks and this is over. I have moved 3 times in 19 years of marriage and before that....4 times. It's a good way to clean and get ride of stuff.

  56. Take it from someone who moved 3 times in 4 years.....don't even try to be creative while packing! And don't panic and feel guilty about the amount of stash you have!! Because, once you're settled, you'll be needing it again and hey, you have to have something to leave the relatives when you pass, right LOL! Or, a couple of boxes could "fall" off the moving truck on the way by my house LOL! Just let me know when they are "due to fall" so I can be there to catch them! All 4 times I moved, the packers made these hilarious comments about how many boxes were labeled "sewing room"...those boxes far outnumbered the rest of the boxes but, Oh well, a girl's gotta have her stuff! Have a great day Kaaren!

  57. Kaaren,
    I understand the stress of moving/packing/unpacking whilst living in a disorganized house but keep your eye on the goal which is that beautiful home waiting for you at the end of the drive that will be so marvelous when you get through with it. I look forward to reading through your journey. As for the pincushion, it's wonderful. I've been collecting wool, cutting up wool clothing and felting like mad to get enough ready to start on my own wool journey. Your stuff just inspires me to work that much faster. I also have the New Wool Crazy at Home book on it's way to my house for more inspiration.

    Take a good relaxing break and before you know it, the contents of your house will be on it's way to Nova Scotia.

  58. Hi Kaaren: I haven't of a stash diet group here in Nova Scotia. Maybe you and I will have to start one because by golly I've got enough here for three lifetimes!!!
    Janet in Hall's Harbour NS

  59. Kaaren, I am thinking only good thoughts for you! My hubby finally finished putting up the shelves in one side of the closet in my new sewing room. Four more shelves left to go on the other side, then I can start getting organized. That was when you popped into my mind and for the few seconds when I thought I might move a few things out of the way and try to do something creative at the sewing machine, I opened the door, saw the mess that has yet to be put away and organized and immediately shut it again thinking...this is just ONE room, what in the world is Kaaren going through? So I just wanted to let you know that you truly are in my thoughts and prayers. I know that stress is a major player in all things we do so I love you thoughts as you pack up the treasures you have made and received and how it helps you keep things in perspective. Please Kaaren, whatever you do, DON'T start to worry about the job that awaits at the other end unless it is in terms of how much fun it will be decorating your beautiful new and abundant wall space *wink*. Hugs...

  60. I don't envy you one bit with that packing. I hate moving, that's why after 32 years of marriage we've only moved twice. I can relate to the stash...you know those wooden cabinets that are about 6 foot tall, 4 foot wide? I have 3 of those stashed to the gills, another double door cabinet full, and 4 VERY LARGE storage containers FULL of kits and backs...oh forgot that I stole the storage room out of a pantry in the kitchen, it also has kits, and extra fabric. OMG! My hubby says I have enough material/kits to last 3 life times, and he's probably right! Good luck with the moving!

  61. Animo Karen pronto tendra sus frutos tanto trabajo
    Un abrazo

  62. Just keep telling yourself that the end results will be so worth it. Wish you, Mr.Painted Quilt and Mac good luck on your move.

  63. Good luck with the move..... I sure don't envy you and all that packing!


  64. Hi Kaaren, I have been catching up on all your news and your new home looks and sounds wonderful! If only you could click your fingers and have everything transferred from one home to the other without all that awful packing up. Good luck with it all and I can't wait to see more pics of your new home.

  65. OH-MY-GOODNESS! I just came across your blog and I can't tell you enough HOW-MUCH-I-LOVE-IT! You have so many wonderful ideas and yummy free patterns. I went thru all your archives and have so many new projects I want to do now~ that's not always a good thing ;) Thanks so much and keep up the great work.

  66. Looks like you're making great progress Kaaren. Packing is such a big job! Try not to stress too much, the chaos will end. This is a perfect time to dispose of the things you no longer want or need.

  67. Catching up with your blog. Oh, boy you have been busy. I love the snowy pictures.

  68. I could be the dietician. If anyone has fabric they need to "loose", our quilt group makes tops for victoriasquilts. We then send them to another guild and they quilt them and send them out to chemotherapy patients. We take all "weight loss"! Any interest, contact


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