Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wool Crazy Round Robin

I received Lori’s pincushion base on Tuesday and I got to work on it right away.

Lori's WCRR

I had an idea of what I wanted to add to it after seeing Lori’s initial blog post about what she had appliquéd and I took my inspiration from that.  She chose a Summer theme and loves to decorate with an Americana flair.


If you recall, there are four of us who are participating in the Round Robin…myself, Lori, Karen and Paulette.  We each designed our own base, selected a theme and appliquéd the first design.  All the elements and background must be made from wool.  Once we completed our initial design, we then sent them on to the next gal who then adds her magic to it.  The Round Robin is complete once all four of us have appliquéd something on each of the four pincushion bases.


Here’s Lori’s now after I got done with it.


Then I decided that the heart ‘needed’ a little button and added some ‘extra’ fancy stitching.


Later today it will be in the mail on it’s way to Karen.


Don’t forget to come back tomorrow because it’s the First Friday of the month which means another Freebie for you all to enjoy!

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. I can't wait to see all of the pincushions finished. Such a fun and original idea.

  2. How wonderful! I love what you've done, it's perfect. We are all going to want pincushions when we see them all finished.

  3. This is are so creative!! I'm all jazzed up and looking forward to seeing others done and what you receive back!

  4. This is so darn cute Kaaren!! What a fun project! Can't wait to see all 4 of them done. I hope you will be able to post pics or link to all of them later. And what a good way to spend some indoor in the a/c time. In one way I miss all the time I used to have for my projects. I miss being to sit down and stitch all afternoon - I am too tired at night. But I love my time with Lili and my family and I need that time with friends more I guess so I am not complaining. But when I see all your latest creations, I look forward to a time in the future when I can once again whip something up whenever I want. Keep those goodies coming cuz they keep me inspired!!

  5. Oh my word, Kaaren. What WONDERFUL creations you're all making. Your work is exquisite!!!

    I truly admire such talent. It's a gift.

  6. How cute is that! Love the rooster and a square pincushion! I made one of my own and plan to make more. Thank you again for the inspiration and tutorial. I am anxious for the freebie tomorrow!

  7. The watermelon and chicken are cute as can be! A very good addition and Lori will love it.

  8. Delightful little creations! Love those little "extras" that make them so darn cute! Will be watching for the finished masterpieces!

  9. Kaaren, Your addition to Lori's pincushion is so adorable. Your right too...the little button in the heart was the perfect touch! It is so much fun following the progress of the four pin cusions and I can hardly wait to see them all finished. Hugs...

  10. OMG, that's adorable. It's been fun to watch these pincushions come to life.

  11. Once again, I love what you have done! Your pin cushions are such an inspiration....who wouldn't love to have one of those little cuties sitting on their sewing table :)

  12. Kaaren, I LOVE what you did!! It's PERFECT!! I am still waiting for the first round to get to me! YIKES!! I feel behind before I have even started!! Oh will get done!! Just hOpe it's not lost!
    Take care!

  13. This could not be any cuter. Love the work! Lizzie

  14. Ahh.. this is so much fun.. just saw what Karen had made on yours.. :o)) ANs oh you are going to have lovely pincushions everyone once finished..:O)) And the memories attached to it..... even better..:O))

  15. Love that rooster! Eager to see the completed project.
    BTW ~ your garden is beautiful!

  16. The splash of colour and humour you have put into the cushion is just too darned cute. I'm really looking forward to seeing all four completed.

  17. I love your addition to the pincushion! I can't wait to see all of them when they're done. Great work.

  18. That is so cute and clever. I think a round robin would be really fun to do.

  19. So cute.... Wool looks like fun to stitch with, can't wait to see the finish piece.

  20. How gorgeous!
    It's great seeing the different ways you are adding detail.

  21. Kaaren, I've been out of town for a couple of days and finally got my chance to see what you did! I love it!!! Watermelon was one of the other first things I thought of when I thought of summer. Fantastic!
    PS, I coulnd't get logged into Google, that's why it says Anon....


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