Friday, August 20, 2010

Raggedy & Friends – Block 2

Where has the month gone?  I can’t believe that it’s time for Block 2 of the Raggedy & Friends BOM.  For those of you who may have missed it, you can find the link to Block 1 here or on the right sidebar under the Raggedy & Friends button.  And speaking of the button, please feel free to grab it and place it on your blog with a link back here for anyone who might visit your blog and not know about it.

raggedy ann and andy - 2

To date, there have been just under 3,000 downloads of Block 1.  It is so neat to have photos of completed blocks sent to me from all over the globe.  Some I’ve already shared with you and today I’d like to show you three more.

Here is Sharon’s version.

Sharon 2

Here is Pamela’s…

Pamela Owens

And here is Wilma’s from the Netherlands done in what else but Dutch blues!


No two that I’ve seen have been even remotely the same.  Thank you all for sharing!

heart divider

So without further ado, here is Block 2.


You may download the PDF file including the picture, line drawings and instructions HERE.  Once you are there, please remember to click on the blue download button on the left and then simply follow the instructions.

Oh and before I forget, Darlene from Quilting Daze has tried a new-to-me product called Transfer-Eze which she talks about and demonstrates here.  For those of you who don’t like to transfer patterns, perhaps this might become your new best friend.

raggedy ann photo

See you on the 20th of September for Block 3.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Oh, I just couldn't wait for the release! It is like a child waiting for Christmas morning...This is so much fun. Thank you Kaaren, again, for sharing this with us!

  2. I have just finished the first block last week, and I feel I'm ready to start the second block right away. Thank you!

  3. Lovely Kaaren. Love the blue version!
    So many different colour selections, it's wonderful.
    Thankyou for block 2.

  4. I love seeing the blocks made by other quilter/stitchers. Very sweet new block. I did read Darlene's post on transfer eze. It's great to learn of new products--tested by crafters.

  5. You're so generous Kaaren, I'm not stitching it but I'm enjoying seeing the blocks and all the ones that are being stitched.

  6. I have just downloaded Block 2 and can't wait to start stitching. Kaaren, thanks again for sharing this with the blogging world. Also, enjoy seeing all the other finished blocks that have been done. Interesting to see all the different versisons. The all blue one is way different but very nice.

  7. Hello Kaaren, a lot of graces by the second block, love me your works. My enhorabuena by your colchas. Kisses

  8. Thank you, Thank you! I've even set my lotus notes calendar to remind me to come here every month to get the patterns, they're so cute! The blue version is beautiful! I haven't started mine yet, but will soon - can hardly wait to get started!

  9. Oh, Kaaren, I'm so excited! Thank you so much. I have Block 1 pieced and transferred, brought it with me to work on as I travel, but happily I am having too good a time to work on it! Guess I'll be busy when I get home! I love seeing everyone else's versions! ~karen

  10. Woohoo - block 2 is ready!!! I'm like Elzaan, an anxious child waiting for Christmas morning. LOL

  11. All the Annie stitcheries are lovely.

    I am collecting them for now as I have a lot of UFO's I need to finish before our Tri-Annual Hanging on the 10-10-10.

    Thank you Karren for kindly sharing.

  12. Thanks Kaaren for block 2. Loved seeing the versions of the first block, they're all so lovely.

  13. Oh Kaaren.... this inspires me so much to make a small quilt for my new grandaughter born yesterday. That was my idea when I downloaded block 1 ... I'm just finishing another stitching project and then I am on my way.... you are a gem! Tks for sharing your wonderful talent! Yvonne New Brunswick Canada

  14. Many thanks for sharing your lovely block 2. I'm ready to start and I'll prepare my fabrics for my holidays the next week. Have a nice day.

  15. Hola Kaaren,tengo que decirte que estaba ansiosa porque llegase la fecha del segundo bloque con ganas de comenzar hacerlo,espero que este me quede mucho mejor.Saludos Paula

  16. The Dutch Blues is a very good version of your quilt pattern.

  17. Another DARLING block, Kaaren, oh thank you so much - I love seeing everyone's finished blocks, this is the sweetest quilt ever!
    That transfer-eze sounds amazing - I'd love to try it!

  18. I am making the 20th of each month a celebration of all things Raggedy Ann. This is so much fun all ready. I posted my first block today. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  19. Thank you Kaaren! I,too,am just collecting at the moment because I have over extended myself this year. So when things calm down, I hope to make this darling quilt! Thank you so much for sharing the pattern.

  20. Gracias por el bloque 2, en cuanto termine el bloque 1 te envío la foto.

  21. Thats a lot of downloads - welldone! Thanks for another lovely block - great to see what others have done... Hugz

  22. Thank you dear Kaaren!! I have it printed out...and have decided to make it monochromatic...I can't wait!

  23. This is my first visit to your blog. Your primitive gatherings quilt is luscious! I will be following the progess of Raggedy and Friends.

  24. Very cute, Kaaren :) I still haven't started block one!!! Happy crafting, Jenny

  25. Thank you,Kaaren. This is so exciting to read your blog and also to receive a gift from you.

  26. Thank you for visiting my new blog. You are quite a busy lady! Brigitte

  27. Thanks Kaaren for sharing your cute quilt pattern with us!

  28. I ordered my Transfer Eze on Friday so I can get started as soon as it comes. Do you have a suggestion for the type of material to use for background for the embroidery? A white on white cotton material, muslin?


  29. Oh, I know it must be so fun to see the different versions of your design. I am enjoying them.

  30. hola Karen

    ya descargue el segundo block gracias por compartir saludos

  31. They are all gorgeous no matter what colours they are done in :) How generous of you to offer this free :)
    I found your site on another blog I follow and as I love raggedies I had to join in too.
    Need to download last months one too and get cracking :D

  32. I would love to send you a picture of my completed block 1. I took the artwork and using the Bernina embroidery software digitized it so I could then stitch it out on my embroidery machine. It was great fun.

  33. LOVE your blog, I have just recently found it and I am in Love. Thank you so much for doing this Raggedy & Friends. LOVE IT. I am two months behind but I will be sending you pictures once I get this all printed and figured out what colours I will be doing this in.
    :) Shauna

  34. Hola. acabo de conocer tu blog y veo mis muñecos de la infancia en un sal que organizas, he logrado bajar el primer bloque, no así el segundo ya que me muestra un error , mi pregunta es...Como puedo conseguir el 2 bloque?.
    mi email es
    Le agradesco cualquier informacion.

  35. Hi Kaaren I have the pattern for 1 and 2 finished the first one now ready to start the 2nd tried to download the 3rd but came up with an error Thank you for your generosity in giving us these lovely patterns

    Hugs Val x

  36. I've only just "discovered" your blog and the Raggedy blocks -- I'm in love! I've downloaded the first block, but I can't seem to get the second one to work for some reason. The download page appears, but the file won't download. Can you help, please? Thanks!

  37. This is my first visit to your blog i love it

  38. I love your raggedy ann blocks, just started downloading them today. I was able to download blocks 1 and 3 with no problem, but I tried several times to download block 2 and it says the file has been damaged and can't be loaded-can you check? thanks--and thanks so much for sharing these Kathy

  39. ciao.
    I'm Annapaola from Tuscany,Italy. Thanks for your Bom.
    I think that I make a quilt this year ... perhaps ehehehe
    sorry for my english!!


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