Saturday, July 31, 2010

I got to thinking…

About how fortunate I am and how my life has changed over the past year and a half since I started blogging.  I guess the biggest change…or the one that has had the greatest impact on me…are the friends I’ve made, not only from places that I’ve only dreamt about, but from countries and cities that I’ve visited in the past…BB (Before Blogging). You all know who you are and I consider it an honor that our cyber paths have crossed.  And for those I’ve yet to meet, I’m looking forward to making your acquaintance as well. 

I know…I’m a big sap.


I also got to thinking that just a short eleven days ago, I released the first block of a ten month BOM of my first ever quilt design, Raggedy & Friends.  If you missed it, just click here and you’ll be able to see it.  As of this morning, just shy of 2,200 people have downloaded Block 1.  I am completely humbled and I want thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your overwhelming support.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Allow me to share a few photos of some of the completed first blocks.

Here is Belén’s first block…


And a closer look…


Margie is making Raggedy & Friends for her granddaughter and here’s her completed first block.

Annie and Andy block 1

And Catherine’s Block 1.

Cath Block 1

I just love how everyone has made their blocks their own!


So, while I’m in this happy, sappy mood, I got to thinking…

How can I say thanks to you all?  Why with a little token of my appreciation, of course!


I painted this Autumn-themed still life on a little sewing box a few years back and I’d like to share it with one of you.  No jumping through hoops…just leave me a comment at the end of this post if you’d like the opportunity for it to come and live at your house. 

NOTE: If your email address is not included in your blog profile, then you’ll appear as a “no-reply” blogger and I won’t be able to get in touch with you should you win.  If you would like to keep it that way then just include your email address in the body of your comment.    

The inside…


See the little drawer that pulls out?  Sorry, but the props aren’t included.


My buddy, Mr. Random Digit Generator, will select the winner on Wednesday,  August 4th.  Everyone is welcome to enter and I will ship internationally.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Blogging has changed my life in the same ways so I totally understand your sappiness!

    Good luck to all who enter your giveaway. Someone is going to get a priceless treasure made by an extremely talented and wonderfully kind hearted gal!!

    Big HUGS!!

  2. Ohh! adorable and how fun to use something so creative for such a practical purpose. would make needlework that much more fun and special, of course.

  3. I love blogging too, I've met so many lovely people, and saw so much beautiful thing to create.
    I love your BOM, I downloaded it, and make it later. I have so much on my hands now.
    But I like to take a chance in this give-away. It's adorable and I can't imagine that you would give it away!!! Thanks for the chance to win it.

  4. I've just ordered my fabric to do the first block and am really looking forward to getting started. What a lovely box, it will be a great addition to someones workplace

  5. hello Kaaren
    What a marvellous box ! Now I dream about it , I could put siggies in it if I'd be the lucky winner . You just know me because last week I asked you to make a siggie swap and since I received your answer , I have put your blog in my favorites .
    Best regards from France

  6. You've been a blessing in ways I can't explain via the written word. Blogging brought you to my corner of the world and for that I'm very thankful.

    Wonderful giveaway, Kaaren. Thank you!

  7. Karen, thank you for the chance to win this lovely box painted by you. I would thoroughly enjoy it in my home.

  8. Nice block! I've downloaded.
    I would love to win this gift!
    Carla from Argentina

  9. I totally understand how you feel...I cannot believe how many people I've met and how my life has changed because of them. We sure are blessed aren't we?
    I love your painted box, props or no props...I'd love to win it!
    Peggy in New Jersey

  10. I downloaded it too but haven't been able to work on it yet. I wish I could paint so beautifully!

  11. what a pretty box...and i was just thinking how i would love to have it keep my company in my studio

    *fingers crossed*

  12. What a very sweet thing for you to do. I'd love for your sewing box to come live with me!

  13. What a wonderful little box! It would look so-o-o good on my little table by my sewing chair.

  14. I love the little box and would love to have a chance to win it. Love the quilt blocks so far!

  15. Oh gosh!!!!, I'm participating in your BOM and certainly I'm not amazed the file has been seen for more than 2000 people, I love your art work and I'm sure I'm not alone in this one, I'd feel really blessed if you enter me in the drawing, and be picked of course, :), lol I loooooooove love LOVE your sewing box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I'm sure I can give it a good caring home :)!!!

  16. What a gorgeous box and what a thrill it would be to have an original "Kaaren" in my house!

    P.S. Blogland is better for having you in it. *hugs*

  17. I love your sewing box. i would love for it to come and live at my house. Thank you for being so generous. Blog land has great people in it. i love visiting different blogs and getting to know some of the people.

  18. Kaaren, I (once upon a time) enjoyed decorative painting as a hobby. Still have many, many books, brushes and some paints (most I've had to toss). Your painting, however, is ART! I would love a chance to win the sewing box. I even have the perfect spot for it! Thank you for your generosity.

  19. Everything that you said in that first paragraph could not have been said better from my own lips. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a quilt blogger retreat? My blog friends are truly my best and gosh I wished they were right here in my hometown. The wonderful thing is if anybody moves it doesn't matter. I hope bloggers share with a family member the information needed to post to their blog should something happen to them. (God forbid) But...we have all become such wonderful friends that it is important. Just because we aren't face to face we still rally around in support of each other whether through quilting or in some of life's challenges.
    It has been a real pleasure Kaaren. I think we all should be gifting you for the wonderful pattern!
    Many hugs.

  20. Blogging is a connection to others that I'd never imagined making with people all around the world. As always your talent amazes me, good luck to all who enter the winner will get a precious memento.

  21. Mary couldn´t have said it any better..:o)
    I am so happy to have found all the wonderful friends here in blogland.. all I can say is .. they are the best... and you my friend... have a little more golddust on you.. so generous and shares of all your heart... Big hug to you!!!
    And before I forget.. your little box is just amazing... talk about being talented.... you are amazing!!!

  22. I would love the opportunity to win your beautiful little box - how nice it is! Thanks for the chance.

  23. Kaaren,

    Love the Raggedy & Friends and I did print off the patterns, but being a novice at this, how do you transfer your pattern onto the material?? thanks much for your help!

    and....would love the chance to win your beautifully painted box.

  24. I would love it to live in my house. It would be made very welcome. I am about to assemble block 1 and will send pictures once its complete my email is

  25. Your beautiful box would be most welcome at my house. I believe that functional art is the best of everything and I would enjoy making good use of that little piece of art.

  26. Sweet box, Kaaren. What a thoughtful idea. I, too, have been having a little give-away to thank my blogging friends. It's fun, isn't it? I was just thinking of your block #1 this morning, and thinking I have cleared enough away that I could get started on it. I've had so many projects going at once, I was making myself crazy! Love what some of your readers have done with their blocks! ~karen

  27. That little box is just adorable. You are so talanted! I would love to win that box. Hugs Ullis in Sweden

  28. Dara aka MaxineQuiltsJuly 31, 2010 at 6:15 PM

    Me! Me! Me! Pick me!! This adorable little box just has my name all over it! Can't you see it?!?!

    I totally understand your sentiments about blogging. I feel the same way about my quilting forum 'friends'. Isn't technology wonderful??

    My email is quilts at riverbluffquilting dot com!!

    Heading now to download the first pattern...haven't done embroidery for a long time, but this is too adorable to resist!! Thank you so much!!

  29. WOW, that is BEAUTIFUL! A fabulous painter you are, my dear, and fall is my fav so anything fall for me! Thanks for your blog, sharing your talents AND your super-duper giveaway.

  30. Oh Kaaren, I would love to win your lovely piece of art in this sewing box. It would be perfect in my sewing room to bring my notions for stitching in the living room in the evenings.

    Thank you so much for this give-away.


  31. The sewing box is absolutely beautiful, you're so good with the painting. I totally agree, the best part of blogging is the wonderful friends I've made. I would love for your sewing box to come live with me. Your stitchery designs are fun and I enjoy them very much. I hope to have time to start the Raggedy Friends sometime very soon.

  32. Hi, I just stumbled on your blog. I love that block! I am going to go download it now. You are an amazing painter! I am so impressed. Best, Stephanie

  33. You overwhelm us with your talent, generosity and especially your kindness, dear Kaaren. Thank you.

  34. Karen~

    I have also made new friends thanks to blogging.

    I love reading your blog & have gotten lots of inspiration from you.

    I just love that sewing box & would love to be entered for a chance to have it find it's way to my home should I win. Good luck to everyone.


  35. Muchísimas gracias Kaaren, me ha hecho mucha ilusión ver mi bloque en tu blog.
    Me gustaría participar en el sorteo.

    Muchísimas Graces Kaaren, has done me a lot of illusion see my block in your blog. It would like me take part in the draw.

  36. Wow, Kaaren...please enter me too. I would be so honored to have some of your artwork in my home. Thank you for your generosity!

  37. It's lovely to see some finished blocks with your design already..... the box is so pretty... and useful...
    I'm enjoying blogging too - I am amazed at the talent shared.. Hugz Fiona

  38. Since I finished Annie and Andy I thought of a way to use the Sewing Annie. So I got busy on her and today found some buttons for her eyes. She is about half finished. Love the little sewing box and would love for it to come live with me. Take Care All!

  39. Hi Kaaren - I would love to win your giveaway. I have followed your blog for quite a while now and really enjoy you. Thank you so much for everything you give to your readers.

  40. I'm not surprised that so many people would download the pattern. It is so very generous of you to share your talent with all of us on 1st Friday. I love the Annie quilt and look forward to working on it. It would be wonderful to win this lovely little treasure you have painted. Thanks for all you do. I enjoyed looking at all your quilts on your last post. Blogging has been so much fun. What wonderful people quilters are!

  41. The internet makes the world a really small place. To think we can instantly interact with someone on the other side of the world is fantastic.
    Amazing to see the first blocks already posted they are just so wonderful and inspirational.Thankyou for your beautiful pattern.

  42. Blogging has changed my life too Kaaren. And I count you as one of my blogging friends :-)

  43. Kaaren - You are one in a million! I absolutely love your painting and quilting ... it's just my style. Not only that, I love your decorating ideas! Everything about your blog is just delightful and I appreciate tons your willingness to share with us those things that make you happy!

  44. I have been blogging for a year now and its great to meet and talk to new friends.

    Love your work.

  45. Kaaren, I've been reading your blog for quite some time now. And, as you know, I've loved your music selections from the beginning and have used several of them as my music - because I just had to have my own music :^}
    I've downloaded your Freebies.
    My quilting bud has finished your first Raggedy block already.
    I must encourage her to send you a photo of her finished block.

    I've tried to win one of your giveaways before
    NOW just might be my lucky try.

    Hugs & ♥♥♥s,

  46. Sappy or not
    Blogging has brought lots of us together into a warm, caring community.

    Hugs & ♥♥♥s,

  47. I totally agree,I've meet some lovely people through blogging and quite a few of them have gone on to become good friends.I've also downloaded your block and hope to get it traced out this weekend.I wanted to use fabric just from my stash for this BOM :) Barb.

  48. more lovely Raggety blocks! Your design has hit a soft spot with a lot of us. I am looking forward to getting my embroidery started for this one...and decide definitely on the era of fabric I want to use.
    You are so right about the joys of meeting other talented quilters via blogging about something we love. Go ahead and be sappy....I feel exactly the same way!
    Oh- and don't let me forget to tell you how beautiful the painted sewing box is. You are such a talent. It will be a very lucky girl who gets to call this her own.

  49. I was so excited to start this stitchery. My Raggedy Ann and Andy are not so patiently waiting for it. I finished the first two blocks and spritzed them with water to remove the markings before I went to bed. I was looking forward to sewing the block together when I got up. Then, disaster! The red embroidery thread bled during the night and I was left with an orangish halo around my stitcheries! ARGH!! So, I am re doing them this long weekend. And, for those of you who were wondering, I did rinse the thread before using, so I don't know what happened, but we (Ann, Andy and myself) are not too happy about this whole mess.
    Thanks for your inspiring posts, Kaaren. I look forward to reading them.

  50. Lovely giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.


  51. Kaaren

    Blogging has blessed me with so many new friends. I really feel a friendship for each of these people that I have gotten to know so well.

    Hugs - Marie

  52. Hey Kaaren! I know what you mean. I've blogged for a long time (2003), but it wasn't until the past year that I realized there was a blogger community; and it's wonderful! Thanks for sharing your appreciation of this special world with us! :)

  53. I can't wait to complete the first block! I love your designs. I hope your treasure can find its way to my home! Hugs!


  54. Karen, you sound like a kind soul, it would be an honor to meet you some day.Happy quilting.


  55. This painting is amazing! I paint as well in somewhat the same style, you do wonderful work. Thank you for the opportunity to share in your gift. Blessings, Vic

  56. Hi Kaaren You are so right.. Blogging is like having pen pals all over the world. The first thin g I do in the morning is start up my computer, and sit and read all my messages and then I go to my followers and read every ones post.
    Your gift to us is very special because it comes from your heart.

  57. You are such a sweetie!! We should be THANKING YOU for all your generous FF and here you go and have a lovely give away for us!! Thanks so much Kaaren!!
    I totally understand where you are coming from in the blogging world!! Right back at you!!

  58. I have met so many nice people online and even met some in person, so it has opened doors to people I would never have met, otherwise.


  59. You are so kind and generous Kaaren! I would be so honored to own one of your originals as you are a true artist. Thanks for the opportunity.

  60. I'm sappy about blogging too, Kaaren, I'm so happy I finally took the plunge and joined the party.
    That is a LOT of downloads - my goodness!!!! I hope every one of them shows their quilt!
    Your little sewing box is too, too darling - what a treasure!

  61. What an adorable and beautiful little box!
    I love blogging and reading blogs. I've gotten a little behind this summer, but I'm trying to get back on track.
    I enjoy your blog also.

  62. Wow!!!! That is amazing!!!! That is a lot of downloads!!!! It is a wonderful quilt!!!! I love it and I guess everyone else does too!!!! I am looking forward to getting to see how different they all will be!!!! I do love blog land too, I have made lots of very sweet friends!!!!! hugs

  63. Kaaren
    Love your new BOM! Cant beleive it is your first! Thank you for sharing with us all! The box is beautiful would love to have it for my hand embroidery.

  64. What a beautiful box to put little sewing treasures in!
    Your Bom looks very nice and I have strated to collect the blocks and intend to sew it a bit later. There is so much to do right now that it will have to wait for a little while but it will be done.
    Keeping my fingers crossed, hoping to win,
    Lotta in Sweden

  65. Kaaren how generous of you... not only are you giving us a free BOM but you are having a giveaway because of it... far to generous and seeing you will send internationally I am playing hahaha xxxxxxxxxxx

  66. I love how blogging has allowed me to meet so many wondeful crafters around the world. Thank you for the BOM.

  67. Man - and you paint too! You are way too talented!

  68. I just got caught up on your blog, can you come to my house and decorate for me?? All your quilts look so nice throughout the home, thanks for the tour. And congrats on the 2200 downloads. Blogging is fun, isn't it?

  69. Please include me in your draw. I am a new reader of your blog, but have not marked it as one of my favourites.


  70. I just reread my comment, what I meant to say is, I have now marked it as one of my favourites rather than not. So sorry.

  71. Because of distance, please don't take this as an entry....I just wanted to say I too enjoy blogging, and visiting you :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  72. You give us wonderful designs and then do a give-away. Amazing, just like your designs. Good luck and thank you.

  73. The first thing I do when I get up is turn on my laptop and check the blogroll! I'm always trying to think of something new to post.
    Blogging has been a great way to meet people that have some of the same interests I have.
    I love to paint also, but haven't done anything in a while. That's a beautiful box and I could fill it with great sewing treasures!

  74. Even though I have only started blogging recently, I have also realised how it is changing my live! And I am very happy because of that.
    Please enter me in your draw. I have a sewing box that is overflowing and a box made by THEE Kaaren (one of the many people that inspired me to blog), sitting on my sewing tabe...that would be amazing!
    Elzaan (

  75. When I first retired (due to a medical condition)my sweetheart was concerned I'd be bored with too much time on my hands.Then came blogland :) Now, I don't have enough time!!!I've downloaded almost all your freebies and of course your Raggedy Annie.Thanks for the chance to win your sewing box :)

  76. What a wonderful gift !Thank you for all the inspiration and boms you give.

  77. I was thrilled with the wonderful block you were offering, and the setting of the entire quilt is just perfect for a country raggedity. Now your generousity is extended to a beautiful box. You are a gifted person who shares so willingly. I am not a blogger, but love following those who do. I love to just leave your blog on to listen to the music while I stitch.

  78. This is an adorable sewing box,thank you for this opportunity.
    I love your work and I love your blog!

  79. It's great for you that your BOM is succesfull. But what a great give away do you have!! Please enter my name. It would be a great birthday present for me ;o) ( my birthday is 25 th of august)

  80. I think we must be thanking you for your wonderfull BOM, I just love it so I say THANKS:-)
    What a sweet little box, so nice of you that you want to give it away.
    Hugs Anneke ^..^

  81. thank you for thinking of all your friends worldwide. I do hope this litte box will live in this small dutch town where we live.
    big hug


  82. Just too too cute. I am right there with your sappiness....alot of us crafters are like that! It's a kinship I guess. Your giveaway is too adorable as is your site. I always enjoy checking out your posts. Please include me. Robin

  83. I am so excited about your Raggedy Ann and Andy! I've started my first block too! Your work is beautiful! The pattern has some wonderful detail too! I've made two Stitching Annie pattern books--one of my favorite gifts for quilting friends! Thanks much!

  84. Congratulations on so many people downloading your annies! And thanks so much for the giveaway! That little sewing box is beautiful! :0)

  85. I found your blog a few weeks ago and am loving it. I have downloaded the pattern and it is on my to do list for this week.

    The box is beautiful and I am sure it will be appreciated by whom ever receives it.


  86. Kaaren , what a lovely box with a beautiful design , I would be very happy to have it sitting in my sewing room ;-) Thanks for your wonderful designs as well .

  87. Kaaren,
    if just amazes me to see the talent you have. The box is just beautiful and whoever wins it is going to be very lucky.

    I really love reading your blog and can't wait to see what's next.

    Robin in VA

  88. More beautiful work by a very talented and big hearted lady.

    Although I don't have a blog, I enjoy reading them and yours is the first on my reading list.

    I would love to give your sewing box a new home.


  89. What a nice sewing box. I would love to win. I enjoy reading your blog and agree that blogging has changed my life also.

  90. I would love to win this wonderful box! I've downloaded your block and I like it. And I like to read your blog, it's very interesting.

    Saule from Lithuania

  91. I just found your blog and I agree that blogging has opened up a whole new world to me, too!

    Love your giveaway, please enter me to win!


  92. How beautiful and my favorite season is autumn. I can't wait for it to get here. Summer has been one very hot day after another. What a wonderful way to welcome the cooler season winning this wonderful box. I'm hoping...thank you for offering it and thank you for doing the BOM. I can't wait to get it done.
    Debbie P.

  93. And we thank you for being so generous with your many talents.

  94. I already feel like a winner by you giving us the BOM project. Your giveaway is very nice and I would love to be the winner.
    Hugs to you Kaaren

  95. Hi, I would love to win the little sewing box. I really enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for the chance. Sandi

  96. How sweet of you! Autumn is my favorite time of year and your sewing box is adorable! One of us will be blessed to win it.

  97. Love the Raggedy & Friends you've started!! Brings me back to a happy time of playing with my own Raggedy Ann & Andy. :)


  98. What a sweet gift! I would love to have it live at my house, front and center on my sewing counter!

    Thank you.

  99. I would love to win your giveaway. It is such a neat gift.

  100. hi Kaaren,
    what a lovely giveaway - that would be fantastic to be THE lucky winner! thank you for your wonderful blog
    Brigitte from Germany

  101. No, we all truly need to thank you...for generously sharing your talents! is a great big THANK YOU and lots of hugs from land of blogs!

  102. I'm a follower of your blog and luv it. I'm a new blogger of just 3 weeks. I'm catching on but I'm so slow. I may have to look for 36hour days or I'll have to give up something. It won't be quilting maybe it will to be cleaning.

    Where in Canada are you? I'm Canadian and eventually will move back to the Waterloo area.

    Luv your giveaway Kaaren and hope I win.

    Hugs from Pauline in Michigan.

  103. Thanks so much for your generosity, Kaaren!

  104. Wow!Congratulations on both the success of your blog and the phenominal participation in your Raggedy & Friends BOM. Thanks to you, I can participate too. As for the beautiful sewing box, I would love to give it a home. The painting really is amazing! The little drawer that pulls out reminds me of a sewing box my grandma had when I was a little girl. Thanks for a chance to have it and Good Luck to EVERYONE!!!

  105. I love the raggedy ann and andy. Have made the dolls before. I also love the thread box. You are very generous.

  106. Just discovered your blog and am now checking it every day! Love the topics and especially the music! Thanks! I'll be reading every day.

  107. What a beautiful sewing box! So generous!

  108. I do not blog, but spend a lot of time reading them for quilting inspiration. I am doing your Raggedy Ann and Andy quilt in red and white scraps. Will send a photo soon. LOVE the box.
    ggthacker at hotmail dot com

  109. I've enjoyed your blog for a while now. Thank you for sharing your talent and thoughts with us. And thanks for the quilty tour of your home; it's very warm and cozy.

  110. Gracia spor compartir tus ideas con todas las que nos gusta el patchwork y por este detalle del sorteo!! te mando un fuerte abrazo.Mercy

  111. I love your sewing box, It's gorgeous and your talent is amazing!

  112. Oh, what a cute box. I love boxes and would love to give this one a new home. What talent you have.

  113. What a beautiful box, You are very talented. I love your quilts.

  114. Thanks for sharing your BOM. I've printed the first block. Your giveaway is so nice and pratical too. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  115. I have loved meeting people from all over the world through my blog. You are such a sweetheart, and I am thrilled that we have met. The sewing box is lovely,a nd how nice of you to give it to someone.

  116. What a darling box that I would love to win! Blogging has changed my life also..I look forward to seeing what my "friends" are doing each day and I get such inspiration to create! Thank you, Kaaren to one such friend!

  117. Hi Kaaren! I just popped over to see what you have been up to. I have not been visiting too much lately. Since my friend Gypsy passed then we went on vacation. I would love to be included in your giveaway I see that there are over a hundred that feel the same as I. Good luck to everyone but especially for me LOL.
    Hugs Bunny

  118. Absolutely love the sewing box!! And I absolutely love your are so talented and I appreciate that you are so willing to share it with others!

  119. As everyone has commented, quilt blogging has enhanced, motivated, inspired, provided nurture and comfort. I so appreciate your sharing your expertise and creative journey. I love everything you do and your blog. Beautiful sewing box.

  120. Your work is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to win this beautiful box. Laura

  121. Blogging is wonderful. I have met many nice people and hope to meet many more. I love to see what everyone is sharing. I just hope that what I have to share is just as interesting.

    What a wonderful giveaway. So good of you to share all of your talents with all in blogland.

    Have a super great sewing day.

  122. That box is so beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  123. What a beautiful box! You are a talented girl. I'd love to win and you can contact me at scarterenter(at)gmail(dot)com.:)

  124. I think blogging enriches our lives -- so many nice people, so many gorgeous projects and such inspiration!
    I love that sewing box but, as I have already won one of your gorgeous creations, please leave me out of the draw.

  125. Would love a chance at to win that beautiful sewing box!!! :o)

  126. That little box is as lovely as your Raggedy Ann block. Thank you for giving us the chance to win it.

  127. I worked on my stitching for Raggedy today and almost completed the first blocks. They are adorable and so is your sweet little sewing box. Would love to give it a good home. You are just too sweet, always giving! We are the ones indebted to you! Sending Big Hugs your way.

  128. I'm amazed of the amount of incredible things we find online, you're one of them, I'm glad I've found you, you're an artist, I love your work, I'm working in your BOM, and I'm delighted with it, it's such a cutie, I'd adore to have a chance to win your sewing box, it's so cute, please please pick me!, lol congrats and keep going Kaaren

  129. Thank you for the delicious eye candy I get every time I visit your delightful blog! The sewing box is just as gorgeous as everything else you sew and paint! Polly

  130. Sappiness is good :0)
    makes us all a bit more tender as a human.....and I've got it bad!

    thanks so much for a chance to win.

    I love the Anne and Andy blocks but I just can not start another brain might explode!

    Happy sewing

  131. I've loved looking through your blog and have decided I want to come live at your house! lol. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I got lots of good ideas from you 0:)

    Please enter me in your drawing.

    rodgerandjody (at) hotmail (dot) com

  132. I would love to win this sewing box, your paintings are always so pretty. You said a thank you to us but I really think someone should send out a thank you to you for all the Friday Freebies you have offered and now the Raggedy freebies. You are truly a generous person and you humble us all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
    Barbara in Amarillo

  133. Thanks for sharing this lovely BOM! I have very fond memories of my own Raggedy Ann. Poor thing, I wore her out!

    The sewing box is beautiful! I love the drawer. What brand are those scissors with the extra large finger holes??

    I would love to win the sewing box, it would be a great birthday present 2 days early. :o)

  134. Hello Kaaren...not sure how I came across your blog, but is on my favorites list. I love stitching and patchwork so have just downloaded your Raggedy & Friends pattern. Would love the chance to win the lovely painted sewing box and give it a good home in Australia! - Roslyn - my email is -

  135. Hello Kaaren, I am halfway through stitching the main redwork in block 1. Just love it and can't wait for the 20th of this month to come around. Just love the design on the box,very homely.
    Happy days.

  136. blogging has enriched my life...thanks for the BOM...your decorating is inspirational...cute box would be fun to win!

  137. I agree Kaaren, in all my years of quilting on my own, going to classes and shows, I have never learnt so much and been so productive as I have been in the six months that I have been blogging. I sew using machine and referring to computer these days.

  138. Hola Kaaren:
    Mi vida también ha mejorado desde que tengo mi blog.
    Ahora puedo conocer personas adorables como tú, que compartes tus diseños con el mundo.
    Me he divertido mucho haciendo este bloque y espero disfrutar aún más.
    Tu regalo para la celebración es muy bonito, y me gustaría participar.

    Mi email es:


  139. First of all...let me say you are a very multi-talented lady. Everything you do is amazing..your home is beautiful and I can't wait to see what is coming up next. I have printed off the Raggedy pattern and can't wait to get started on it. The sewing box is stunning and thank you for the opportunity to win it.


I try to reply to all comments and would love to reply to yours, especially if you have a question. However, I can't unless you have your email address visible in your settings.