Friday, February 5, 2010

First Friday Freebie #6 - February

Where did January go?  Yikes!  But that’s okay because that means only two more months of winter and have you noticed that here in the Northern Hemisphere, the days are getting longer?  Bring on Spring!


And here it is, the First Friday of February…already.  Freebie day!  In keeping with Valentine’s Day, I just had to design something related…and red and white, of course.


This month’s design is adapted from a painting that I did on the lid of a box about eight years ago after returning to Canada from south Florida where we lived for many years.  It was a commissioned design for a decorative painting magazine and was one of my Mom’s favorite pieces.  It is pictured in the photo below.

Be Mine    

February’s FFF (First  Friday Freebie) is entitled “Be Mine” and you can access the PDF file which includes the photo, line drawing and instructions by clicking here.


If you’d like,  please grab the First Friday Freebie button (by right clicking and saving) from my sidebar and place it on your sidebar with a link  back here in order for us to share it with those who might not otherwise find their way here.  The button will also serve as a reminder that on the First Friday of each month there will be another new Freebie design available for you to enjoy.


I wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day and hope that cupid pays you a visit.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥



  1. this " en plus" it is in red and white...I love red and white!
    and just this morning when I brought all the Kids from our street to kindergarten I realized that the days are getting longer and this is so good :)

  2. It is just beautiful. I love roses and so appropiate for February. Thank you so much for another beautiful design.

  3. Hi Kaaren,
    such a lovely design!
    I like roses and redwork.
    Thank you so much for sharing ist with us.
    Yeah, the days are getting longer, isn´t it beautiful?
    I like snowy winters, but i hate the early darkness in winter.
    Today the sun is shining, it´s like a promise from spring.
    kind regards from snowy germany

  4. I heart Valentine's. What a beautiful design.

  5. So lovely, thanks for this design and the pattern.
    I will work it for the 50th wedding day of my parents this month.

    greets from germany


  6. Once again, a beautiful design. Sorry I have been MIA but I seem to zonk out lately. I think it the high amount of medication I am on. I have not forgotten you though dear Kaaren. I just don't spend a good deal of time on the computer so blog reading is cut back.

    Hugs ~

  7. Hi Kaaren,
    Again, thank you for sharing your lovely work with the world.

  8. Love it!!! Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great day!

  9. A sweet, sweet design for February. Thank you!

  10. I love your design, I already have transferred it to my fabric, ready for stitching. Roses are a wonderful favorite of mine. Thank you again!!

  11. Another delightful design. I love it, Kaaren. Thank you again!

  12. Beautiful, Kaaren, thank you!!! This will be perfect for my mum! And yes, I've noticed the days are getting longer and I'M SO GLAD.

  13. Happy Valentines day to you too!
    Beautiful, perfect for this time of year
    and for me nothing better than red and white@
    always fun to visit your blog

  14. Oh, another beauty!! and yes the days are getting longer, Yippee!!

  15. Just lovely!! You are SO talented!! Thanks you so much!

  16. It's adorable Kaaren and thanks for sharing this with us. Yes it's definetly staying lighter here longer - thank goodness cuz it was starting to get me down. Bring on spring :). Have a great weekend.

    Hugs- Karen

  17. Love your website. Please add me to the freebee. Thanks! Pat

  18. Thank you ~ the rose is beautiful

  19. Beautiful Kaaren! A perfect February design!

  20. Love the design.. Great for Feburary.. Have a great day.

  21. Thanks so much for the great pattern, Kaaren. Because of your generosity, I always look forward to the First Friday!

  22. SO pretty, thank you for sharing :)

  23. Hi Kaaren, gorgeous rose! Thank you for sharing it!!! And warm Valentine's day to you too;)

  24. Oh thanks so much. This is simple and very pretty. Finally added your button for First Friday.


  25. I believe I have the painting magazine that your original design appeared in! Now I can also do it in redwork - thank you!

  26. Thanks for the lovely freebie design - this one may inspire me to tackle stitching one more time.

  27. Thanks Kaaren... so sweet... love it..:o)

  28. Very sweet. Thanks for another lovely design.

  29. Beautiful! I haven't tried redwork yet, but this is a great incentive. Thanks.

  30. Love it!! Thank you so much for the FFF!


  31. Thank you for the free patterns. I have enjoyed them so much.

  32. Beautiful and elegant!
    Thank you once again!

  33. Hi Kaaren,
    thank you, I love your FFF's !!!!
    Hugs from Germany, Jutta

  34. Wow Kaaren, that is beautiful! Both the box and the freebie. Thanks!

  35. Sweet. Great idea to share freebies.

  36. I love this one too!!! If only there were more hours in a day, more days in a week and more months in a year. I might get a few projects caught up. Thaanks so much for sharing your wonderful talent. Hugs.

  37. Kaaren, it is so pretty. And the original painting is just lovely. I can see why it was one of your mom's favorites.
    Thanks again for sharing your talent with us.

  38. Best thing about the first Friday of every month...your blog post! Another gorgeous design but one very talented blogget!

  39. Your gift is gorgeous.
    Unfortunately when I downloaded and then opened it I got a page of Japanese, no pictures etc.

  40. That's a super Valentine's design!!
    We're definitely coming out of the dark tunnel -- it seems like every day is lighter longer. Now if the cold weather would only go and winter would exit!

  41. I LOVE this pattern because I love roses! I'm not too good with my hand sewing yet, but with practice it'll get better.

    Thank you for having the First Friday Freebie. :)

  42. Hi Kaaren,
    Please stop by my blog as I have given you an award :-)

  43. What a pretty design! I have really been out of the loop too long. I just noticed your 'First Friday Freebie' and have added your button to my sidebar for others to find you.


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