Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It’s Done!

I’m in love!  No, not ‘that’ mushy kind but this kind…

DSCN0859I can’t believe I finished my very first sampler and second ever x-stitch! 

everything about it…the design, the color, the simplicity and I’m tickled with the way it turned out.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever be able to stitch a sampler.  I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with it but I have a few ideas.

berrydividerxThis sampler is dedicated to my Mom who passed away in June of 2006 after a brief but courageous battle with cancer.  She never really had the passion for hand work but she always loved whatever I painted or made for her.  I know she would love this as well.  This one’s for you, Mom.

berrydividerxI thoroughly enjoyed stitching this project and I’m looking forward to starting another.  The beauty about x-stitch is that it’s very portable and it’s something that can be picked up at any time, even while working on other projects.

I know that there is still a lot I have to learn but I did find that it did get easier as I went along.  It seemed like I actually started to develop a rhythm and that the needle found it’s place almost by itself.  I was ‘almost’ sad when I completed the last stitch…like reading the last word of a good book….happy that it’s over but in the same breath, not wanting it to end.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Congrats on a wonderful finish. It looks wonderful and feels so "homey." I wondered about the date but you clarified and I could see it has more meaning than just a must have spent lots of stitches thinking of mom.
    I feel same about the last stitch taken on binding a quilt.

  2. simply stunning kaaren, and i know your mum would love it too.
    i'm so pleased you're enjoying cross stitch.

    huge hugs,
    julie xoxo

  3. Congratulations on your beautiful cross stitch finish! Looking forward to all of your future projects.

  4. FABULOUS KAAREN! What a wonderful job. It is very simple to stitch and you can do anything you put your mind to. I am sure your mother is smiling down on you! I am doing a series of red and white samplers with names of woman in my family. Did you see my version of this one dedicated to my grandmother? I can recommend a wonderful book of simple French school samplers if you are interested.

    Your Santa was great too. A new hobby has dawned for you I am sure.

    Hugs ~

  5. Congratulations on your first finish! There is no stopping you now! I can't wait to see what you stitch next.

  6. Congratulations Kaaren, it looks wonderful! Great that you personalized it!

  7. Geez Kaaren, did you take time to eat or sleep! Seems like you just started the border and now you are done! Very wonderful sampler. Your mom would have absolutely loved it!

  8. You did a wonderful job and quickly too. I know what you mean - I feel that way about anything that I finish that I love doing.

    Like missing a friend.

    Take care.


  9. Beautiful Kaaren. It looks wonderful. I would have never thought this was your second xstitched piece. It's perfect! I see a long of pieces stitched in your future!!!

  10. Hi Kaaren....WOW! There is nothing that you can not do! What a talented lady you are. You tackle a job and it comes out so beautiful. Good for you.

    In Memory of Mom? How sweet and thoughtful. When my Mom passed away..I made a quilt in her honor. She started me on it and after she was gone, I finished it. How proud I was of myself. And knew she would be so proud of me.

    Kaaren, as I have told you before....I just love your blog!


  11. Beautiful! Your sampler and the sentiment for your mom. This is something to treasure for sure.

  12. Well done Kaaren!!!...It looks absolutly awesome...those are my favorite samplers too...I made several...little ones...on pincushions or in little frames in several sizes and themes for on a little wall where one never could put anything else.....i am sure your Mom would be proud!!...isn,t crafting great??..could not live without it...
    greetings Francien.

  13. Congratulations, Kaaren!! It is fabulous!! Your Mom sounds a lot like mine -- she always encouraged me to try things!

  14. WOW Kaaren, you fixed this so fast!!! The result is wonderful! Renata.

  15. It's beautiful Kaaren, but most of all it's great that you found another pastime that you enjoy so much.

  16. Kaaren...Congratulations on your new work of art! I totally believed that you could do it and you did! I love that you made it in memory of your mom. Our moms are wonderful, aren't they?! I love the way you ended your post about being glad that it was done and yet a bit sad, too, like the ending of a book. How awesome to say it that way but I do feel that way whenever I finish I project that I am really emotionally invested ing! Thanks for sharing!

  17. It's gorgeous...can't wait to see how you finish it up...whether framing or using in a pillow or quilt! I'm sure your Mom has seen it as well...what a wonderful dedication.

  18. I love this one.. and yours became wonderful... have mine printed out ..but dont know when it will be done.. seems like everything is in my head and wont come out these days!! Sigh!! :o)

  19. Jumping up and down in cyberspace!!! Well done!

  20. It's beautiful! Your Mom would be proud. And you have an heirloom to pass down.....

  21. Your enthusiasm is contagious, I love samplers but have never done one. This is gorgeous, love that thread and what a lovely dedication.

  22. Kaaren, it's wonderful! And 'only' 135 days till Christmas!?! I think I feel a headache coming on...

  23. Beautiful work Kaaren! And I'm delighted that you derived so much pleasure from it! I'm sure that your mom will be smiling down upon you and admiring her gift. x

    Hugs and love!
    Vikki xoxo

  24. It's just beautiful. You did a great job, and your mum would be very proud.

    I know what you mean about how quick and simple it is. I've nearly finished my first one in memory of my Dad's mum.

  25. Great job. That is so sweet to dedicate your first sampler to your mom.

  26. Oh Kaaren your post brought tears to my eyes, it is beautiful and your Mom would be proud!

  27. Hi Karren,

    Love your blog. Wanted to let you know that your sampler is posted on my blog today. Thank you for sending me a picture of it. Wonderful!

  28. It's awesome and you mom will cherish it!

  29. A great finish and a lovely dedication to your Mom!

  30. Congratulations on your finish. You did a great job.

  31. Congratulations on a wonderful finish, Kaaren! How nice that you dedicate it to your mom, too!

  32. congrats for finishing your first sampler
    I love them but never made one
    I am tempted now!

  33. Kaaren, Good for you!!!! And, naturally, your work is beautiful. You just ooze talent. Can't wait to see how you finish your sampler, and what you tackle next. What a lovely talented lady you are. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Edie

  34. Good job Kaaren! It looks great.

  35. Congratulations on completing your sampler. I am a crazy sampler stitcher although Patchwork has become an obsession at the moment.
    I found you blog from Blackbird designs. you are right when you say cross stitching is so portable. Sometimes it is just easier to pickup the cross stitching than getting all the fabrics out for patchwork


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