Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I’ve Been Bitten…

by the swap bug!  C-H-O-M-P!

I’ve only been blogging since January and I’m still in awe with the wonderful people I’ve had the good fortune to ‘meet’ as a result.  Although I’m not particularly fond of computers…simply because I don’t understand them and as a result, they have this uncanny ability to intimidate me…it has become a sometimes stubborn ‘friend’ who has brought the world to my doorstep.

berrydividerxWhen I started reading about how much fun people were having with swaps, my curiosity got the better of me.  With some hesitation, I joined my first swap which was hosted by Julie in the great land of OZ, who coincidently, also happened to be my swap partner.  To make a long story short, she and I have become ‘best buds’, even though I need a translator because I don’t understand half of what she says…OZ-isms, you see.  VBG!

Since then, I have participated in 4 other swaps that have also sent me globetrotting.  My gifts have been made and sent and all but one have been received by my swap partners.  The most recent one was just posted yesterday and has quite a distance to travel.

berrydividerx So just when the last swap bug bite was healing quite nicely, I got bitten again…not once but twice!

GetAttachment Melissa is hosting a signature block swap.  For more details, click on the photo above and you can read all about it there.  Wouldn’t it be fun to make and receive enough signed blocks to make a quilt from friends and yet-to-be friends?  I think it’s a great idea and I’d love to have one of yours.  The blocks are really easy to make so be sure to have a look.

The second swap I joined is the Stitching Angel swap.  You may link to it here or just click on the button on my sidebar for more information.


Since yesterday, I’ve been unable to right click on photos to save them as I have done in the past.  When I right click on a photo…or in this case a swap button, the window appears to ask what I’d like to do with the picture and I click on ‘save as’ as I’ve done in the past.  When I check in my stored pictures, the photo is no where to be found.

Also, when I try to add a picture to my sidebar using the ‘Add a Gadget’ and ‘Picture’ feature, the ‘browse’ feature does not appear anywhere in the window thereby preventing me to upload pictures to my blog.

Can anyone P-L-E-A-S-E help me with my Blogger woes and computer illiteracy before I toss this machine out the nearest window?

Happy stitching!

Kaaren  ♥


  1. I am not going to be much help,but... I had the right click,couldn't find the picture problem once and figured it out. When you right click,save picture as.... Make sure it says my pictures. Mine were going into an obscure folder in my photo albums instead!

  2. I suspect some other folder popped up and you saved them to the wrong spot unknowingly.

    As for the gadget problem. I bet it is either a blogger issue, or you need to restart the computer and try again. It can be an AOL issue too. Sometimes I have to work on Internet Explorer instead of AOL when working on my blog.

    I had the swap bug about a year ago. I did so many swaps and sent dozen's of RAK's I think I burnt myself out for awhile. Now I am having troubdle getting my own projects done!! LOL

    I hope you can figure out the woes or some one else who is much more computer savvy than me can help you!

    hugs, Linda

  3. I am glad you joined the sig swap. I hope someone else can help you out.

  4. I have joined the block swap too! Your bug bit me! Pesky but fun little guy!

  5. Hi Kaaren!
    I wasn't able to arrange my gadgets on my blogger dashboard in Google's Chrome browser. I opened it up using Microsoft Explorer and was able to do what I needed.

    It's troublesome, but sometimes each browser becomes persnickety!

    I'm in the sig swap too and hope to get a lot of siggys!

  6. I'm doing the Stitcher's Angel swap as well...isn't blogging wonderful?! Wish I was a computer whiz sometimes...it sure would help a lot with blogging!

  7. The Swaps sound like a lot of fun.
    Blogging does open up a whole new world, I've made some good friends and contacts too.

  8. I am in that swap too!!!
    When you right click and select save as make sure you are saving it to the right folder. As for the gadget problem, check and see if blogger is having any other reports of that problem. If not I would shut down and re-boot, sometimes that really helps. let us know how it goes.

  9. g'day mate,
    stone the flamin'crows! LMAO!
    i'll email ya.
    fattest hugs,
    julie xoxo

  10. I know exactly What Julie is saying, eh mate, the chooks are in the dunny and the prawn snaggers are bonza.
    Love your blog Kaaren.
    I'm new to this blogging thing and have got so into swaps I've got way behind on my projects too.

  11. Swaps really are great fun, aren't they? I have been resisting so far this year, as I got involved in quite a few last year, but can feel myself wavering! :-)

    Sometimes it's Blogger that is having issues. I use Firefox as my browser and don't seem to run into too many issues. Maybe try a different browser?


I try to reply to all comments and would love to reply to yours, especially if you have a question. However, I can't unless you have your email address visible in your settings.