Friday, July 24, 2009

I’m Back!

My new modem arrived about 20 minutes ago!  Woo hoo!

berrydividerxToday is the 8th day I’ve been without internet service and let me tell you, I don’t know whether I would have lasted another day without losing at least part of my sanity.  I tend to be a creature of habit and my ‘schedule’ has been severely altered and interrupted over the last week.

However, there is a silver lining to every cloud.  I did manage to complete a quilt top and I also received a most awesome swap package, both to be talked about in a separate post.

I’m also the proud and elated owner of a new laptop.

So without further ado, I’m outta here to read and catch up on all your news.  Y’all come back soon!

Happy stitching!



  1. Wahooooooo - I've missed you soooooo much!!!!! I'm so glad you're back!!!

    Did I mention that I've missed you!!!!


  2. Welcome back, you have been missed. I'm looking forward to seeing your new quilt. A new lap top sounds way fun.

  3. oh goodie!! i've missed my regular email laughs from you.
    i'll be away over the weekend, so we'll catch up in a few days.
    biggest hugs
    julie xoxoxo

  4. Oh...can't even tell you how much you've been missed! Seriously...missed ya! Now hurry back with a post of this new quilt.

  5. Glad to have you back. YOu were missed. I understand completely about liking schedule. What kind of computer did you get? I might be getting one next year. Right now I use my daughter's lap top.

  6. Welcome back! I really did miss you! Your blog is so wonderful and it is so interesteing to see what you are working on. And your quilts are beautiful. Did I mention your wonderful tutorials? AND I love Patti and her beautiful "Allegany Moon"!!!

    So, here we are waiting to see the new quilt top! (No pressure..LOL!)


  7. Oooh yes, being far away from the internet makes me jumpy, I know what you mean. Welcome back to the virtual world!!! xo

  8. We are creatures of habit, aren't we? Welcome back!

  9. So glad you are back! I was thinking about you and I just knew you would finish something wonderful since you had no computer time. Looking forward to seeing the quilt top.

    We just got home from our date with Liliana. She was almost cooing!! My heart is about to melt.

    Welcome back!!

    hugs, Linda

  10. I'm so glad you're back!! I've missed you!
    Can't wait to see your quilt and swap goodies!

  11. Yah!!! You have been missed.
    Have a great day.

  12. Welcome back! It sure was quite around here!

  13. Hi Kaaren--it looks like alot of friends missed you--and I hope that if you lose Internet in the future I can also say "I missed you"--My name is Diane and I have joined the Sig block swap and I am going around to all the other bloggers and getting to know everyone so that when my blocks come back I can say that my friends signed them!! I have a site as you can see and you are more that welcome to visit and to get to know me. Love your site and your work--So as the others have said--WElcome back!! Hugs, just, Di have a great weekend

  14. Sooooo glad you are back!! we missed you!!

  15. Welcome back. Enjoy your new laptop

  16. Kaaren, soooo glad that you are back to the land of blog :-)

  17. An official welcome back..and congrats on the laptop!

  18. Welcome back Kaaren!!! Whoo-hoo!!!

    Doing the happy dance!!!

    Hugs sweetie,
    Vikki xoxo

  19. Glad to see you back online! Looking forward to seeing your quilt top and swap gifts!


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