Friday, April 17, 2009

Pay It Forward

I have joined my first PIF from Khris’ blog Sew Prim Khris.

The concept of a PIF occurs when acts of kindness are performed without expecting anything in return and are passed on, trusting that the recipients will do the same and Pay It Forward, resulting in a never ending chain of kindness.

By signing on, my commitment is to make and send a gift to the first 3 friends who post a comment to this post requesting to join this exchange and who promise to Pay It Forward to 3 other persons, and so on.


At this time, I don't know what my 3 gifts will be, but I can promise you a gift made by me and from my heart that I will send to you within the next 365 days.  By signing on, what YOU then have to do in return is to Pay It Forward by making the same announcement and commitment on YOUR blog.

Isn’t this concept sooooo cool?   Won’t you come and play?

Happy stitching!




  1. Hi Karen....never have done this before....365 days....I'm interested and will play along.

  2. I have seen this and alot of other "swaps" and such...I've never had the pleasure of being involved. I would love to be a part of it...especially with no pressure..I am sure I can come up with something in 365 days!
    ohhh..I'm getting all excited, this sounds fun!!

  3. p.s..I have to go to work but will post my committement to this over the weekend.
    Have a good day : )

  4. oooh, bugga! i'm already in 2 pif's, otherwise i'd happily join yours!
    julie :)

  5. I'd love to play along with you but I've done a few already. I'll let someone who hasn't play with you. :-) You're going to have so much fun.

  6. Congratulations on joining your first PIF. I am involved in two right now, so I'm sorry I don't know if I can make the commitment to join another one...

  7. I have done several PIF's the last year. I love the concept! Looks like you have your 3 participants!! Have fun!!

  8. Hey Karen...have you received my PIF gift yet?
    Hugs Khris


I try to reply to all comments and would love to reply to yours, especially if you have a question. However, I can't unless you have your email address visible in your settings.