Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tisket-A-Tasket Block 3

Yesterday was a blah day weather-wise. It rained for most of the day and the temperatures soared to a high of about 38 degrees. I was really having trouble motivating myself to do something constructive. After catching up on paperwork and blogging for a bit, I decided that it was time to start on the third block of the Tisket-A-Tasket BOM that was released on Thursday.

Not only are these designs soooooo cute, they work up quickly and leave you with a great sense of accomplishment. Before dinner, I did all the prep work like choose the fabric, trace and cut the design elements out of freezer paper and make the bias strip for the basket handle. I sat down at around 7:00 last evening and it took about three hours to complete.

The doo-dads won't be added til after it's assembled and quilted. I can't wait!
And a little reminder that there's still time to add your name to my first Give Away if you're interested. Just scroll down to the next post to read all about it. Happy stitching!


  1. Hi Kaaren,
    I just love seeing all your new creations. This one is beautiful, great fabric too. You must have a good stash!

  2. Oh that is soooo pretty! I love your fabrics. Can't wait to get started on mine.

  3. While you're proudly showing off your finished blocks, I'm merely building a file of neatly stacked pattern sheets! of these days I'll really surprise you!

    Looks wonderful Kaaren!

  4. Kaaren,

    I agree the block is so cute and a fun project that gets finished easily. Your basket is very cute.

  5. I really like that basket block, with the little bunny. You did a great job on it!

  6. You are so quick. This is the first one I have seen that is completed. Wonderful job.

  7. Love your March basket Kaaren! The colours are wonderful. I just finished the prep work. Can't wait to start stitching. :)

  8. Your block looks great. I love the fabrics you've used. They are so cute and do work up pretty quickly.

  9. hey kaaren,

    i'm seeing lots of these T.A.T blocks in blogland. some really pretty versions. i must say though, that i think yours are the nicest!
    i haven't even begun mine yet! i bet if they were chooks i'd have them done the day the patterns were released! LOL
    keep up the fantastic work,
    julie :)

  10. Oh, it's so pretty! I love it!

  11. Pretty. I love seeing all the different fabrics everyone uses. All so pretty yet so unique.


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