Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Primitive Garden BOM - Cont'd

You all just have to look at how Karen from Sew Many Ways has organized her sewing room. Her creative use of pegboard has my imagination going wild. On our next trip to the BIG city, I'm going to buy some pegboard and molding and ask my DH to build a 3' x 2' framed piece of pegboard that I can hang on the wall where I sew. This would allow me to free up some space on my table and the things I use most often would still be within easy reach. What a super idea Karen and thanks for posting it on your blog to share with all of us.

Yesterday I spent part of the day cutting out about 250 - 2 1/2' squares to make the half square triangles for the outside border of my A Primitive Garden BOM quilt. This has to be added before I can attach the first appliqued border block which I'm expecting to arrive any day. So far this morning, I've sewn the squares together and cut them in half on the diagonal.

Now comes the part I really don't like...pressing them open. I find ironing with a dry iron much more difficult than using steam, but I've learned my lesson the hard way about ironing bias seams with steam. Let's see how much I can accomplish today.

I'm anxious to complete the top as one of the gals from my guild who just started longarm quilting in the Fall offered to custom quilt it for me. I've seen some of her work and it's awesome...and she does everything freehand!

Happy stitching!


  1. Hi Kaaren,
    Thanks so much for mentioning me in your post!!! I can't wait to see the finished board. I love the look of half square triangles, but not a fan of the work that goes into them. I make mine by cutting two squares 1/2" larger than the desired unfinished size. Sew down both sides of the center line, then cut in half. After ironing, I have to sqaure them up...I hate that part, but I always ends up with good results with the points. Have you ever tried the triangle paper? They look like it would save time.

  2. Have fun with those! I hate ironing ANYthing, let alone that many units!

  3. I know that it will be beautiful after all that work. It will be worth it.

  4. That's a lot of 1/2 square triangles. How great to get it custom quilted.


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