Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Musings

Finished my 50 (+ 1 for good luck) hexies yesterday for the Hexagons of Hope and they are all packaged and ready to be sent off to Australia tomorrow.

I am diligently working on my Easter swaps. One is ready and will also be sent off tomorrow and the other is still being worked on. I can't post any pictures til I hear that my swap partners have received their packages because it would spoil the surprise but I'm pleased to say that I used everything from my stash on hand to make everything. Yippee!

I've been on a roll this weekend, or so it seems. I also completed the first block of the Tisket-A-Tasket BOM in wool. I'll probably prepare the February block later today and work on it tonight. I enjoy working with wool on cotton and find it works up very quickly and is very forgiving.

My Christmas cactus is coming into bloom again for the third time since November. This is the second year in a row that it's doing this and I just love the flowers that it produces. The buds start on the side first where it faces the light so I give it a slight rotation every second or third day and it's fun to watch the buds form and then open.

Here is a little pillow that my friend Lucie made and gave to me for Valentine's Day. It measures about 4" x 4" and is made out of wool with different sizes of red buttons sewn on. It fits in with all my other little pillows that I keep as a gathering in my trencher.

Happy stitching!


  1. What a wonderful thing to make 50 of those. I Love seeing how others give of themselves!

    Your little pillow is so cute! What a sweet gift.

  2. Hi Kaaren,
    A question I have about making these hexes, do you take the paper out after basting? I asked Robyn, but she's pretty busy and I haven't heard from her yet.

    Love your pin cusion!!

  3. You have been productive.. 50 hexies done already.. they will be happy..I love Xmas Cactus.. I have a couple that are very droppy they don't get watered enough.. even for their standards..LOL.
    Lovely gift you got.. very thoughtful friend.

  4. Your Tisket-Tasket block looks great! I haven't started mine yet but I'm thinking of trying it in wool. And my Christmas cactus is blooming again too! Aren't they so pretty?

  5. I love your applique' block in wool!!! Also 51 hexagons...that's terrific...I'm sure they will be much appreciated!

  6. That is so great you are doing those hexagons. I went to the site and got the pattern. I know they are wanting them pretty quick and I am not sure if I will be able to do them. I guess I should email the girl in charge and see what the deadline is. Your basket block is very cute.

  7. hi kaaren,

    loving your basket block, those colours are so perfect!
    christmas catus-love the name. we don't call them that here in oz, actually can't remember what they're called. we have them outside in hanging baskets and they put on a lovely show through winter.

    just as an aside to must leave the papers in the hexies!

    julie :)

  8. I have been downloading the Tisket Tasket Basket patterns but haven't started them..I need to get to that...before I get

    My Christmas cactus is still having blooming fits too...I wish it would bloom at every tip all at once...Wouldn't that be a show of red!


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