Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's Done!

Well, it's done...my first block of the Tisket-A-Tasket BOM can now be put to bed. I'm going to take it to my stitching group tonight for our show and tell. We all "show" what we've done during the past week and "tell" about it before we start to work on current projects. I usually take along my Grandmother's Flower Garden hexagons to stitch as they're portable and easy to transport....not to mention that I only have a gazillion more to make.

Here's a photo of my completed block.

I hope to start the next one tomorrow. Now that I know what's involved, it shouldn't take as long as this one.

Yikes! I just heard the timer go off which means that the cranberry upside down cake that I made for this evening's snack is ready, so I'd better get a move on before it burns. It's an easy and excellent tasting recipe which I'll post tomorrow for those who'd like to try it.


  1. I love the colors that you used- very pretty


  2. hi kaaren,
    your block is gorgeous. most definitely my colours!
    love your fur babies too.
    julie :)

  3. Love it! The berries and the way you did the stems. Wonderful.

  4. Love what you've done with this block! Very Pretty!

  5. Kaaren,
    Your block is adorable......You are to creative.....Amy


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