Sunday, February 1, 2009

First Block Started

After doing a bit of housework this morning, I decided that it was time I started the first of the free BOM designs from Bunny Hill Designs. In all fairness gals, I only found out about it a week ago since I started blogging. A couple of you have been teasing me that the second block comes out later this pressure here, huh?... and I hadn't even begun the first. And then I had to say that I was going to do two at the same time, the other as a Christmas 2009 gift for my friend Lucie. I'll never learn to be quiet.

Here's what I've accomplished thus far today...

I was doing the applique at my kitchen table so I can look out into the backyard and watch the birds at the feeders while I work. I love to watch the chickadees who have become so tame this winter. They don't even fly away now when we go out to fill the feeders.

Back to the BOM. I made the snowman out of wool and reached an impass when I realized that my white Pearle Cotton was downstairs in the studio, so I decided to take a photo of my progress before coming down. My computer is down here too, so I'm posting this before going back upstairs to continue. My goal is to complete this one by tomorrow.

Having said that, I'd better get back to work. Here's hoping that the next photo with be the finished block. BTW, I'm loving the new thread! No tangles and very easy to work with.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging. I am also new to the whole blogging thing. It sure is nice to know that I am not the only newbie out there.

    Your Bunny Hill BOM looks great! I have also decided to make this. It has been a lot of fun to see all of the different fabrics that everyone is using.

  2. Welcome to blogging...I came over from "A Passion for Applique"...I'm starting the Bunny Hill BOM this week...not that I haven't known about it...but it took me a whole month to decide on my background! Love your Primitive quilt as well!

  3. Hi Kaaren, welcome to blog-world! Your work is fantastic! We have bird feeders as well - our goldfinches have stayed all winter for two years now and our birds stick around when we feed them, too - I think they know we serve the best dinner in town!


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