Saturday, February 21, 2009

Auction Saturday

Today was auction Saturday in our little town. I love auctions, not only for the treasures that might accompany me home but it's always a great place to meet with friends and acquaintances who share a common bond.

Today there were so many things that I would have liked to take home with me but alas, my budget just couldn't justify some of the prices. There seemed to be a lot of dealers bidding today and their pockets are much deeper than mine. To tell you the truth, I placed two orders for fabric and other goodies this week so I'm not as hard done by as I'm leading you to believe. Priorities, right? (wink)

But, I did manage to pick up a treasure. A stitched sampler dated 1939 that's already found a home in the spare bedroom.

Here's a closer look.

From what we could determine, this is not a biblical verse. Because of the date...December 25, 1939...and the fact that it says, "from the King's message", my husband and I think that this is a part of a message that King George VI gave to the British troops who were going off to battle in WWII. In any event it doesn't matter because I love samplers!

I have always wanted to stitch a traditional sampler and that is still on my "to do" list. Perhaps this will tide me over til I can find the "perfect" one .


  1. Hi Kaaren,
    Such a great find. Looks perfect in that spot. I haven't been to an auction in years...I always went with my mom.
    Talk to you soon,

  2. Hello Kaaren,
    I think the quilt patterns have found a perfect home! I hope you post about making one ~ I would love to see one completed.
    Please email me your address. The option to email me is in my profile.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Wow, 1939. What a treasure. Was it in that frame too?

  4. This is a poem written by Minnie Louise Haskins in 1908 and read by King George VI in his Christmas message broadcast at the beginning of WWII. The poem is entitled, "God Knows."


  5. It was the King's message (King George VI) read over radio to the entire nation and indeed the British Commonwealth, who had just embarked upon the second world war - Britain was facing possible invasion ahnd nightly air raids. My mother stitched this sampler and it was in our home as I grew up.


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