Sunday, May 10, 2015

Quilt and Rug Hooking Show

I was invited to participate in Centerville's 6th annual Quilt and Rug Hooking Show that took place on Friday and Saturday of this past week in Centerville, Nova Scotia, and what an amazing show it was!

The venue, Centerville Baptist Church, was absolutely incredible.  

The church is relatively new and everything is on one floor and seems to go on for miles and miles.  There were quilts, rugs and related hand crafted items in almost every room and I believe there were over 500 items in total on display.  

It really was a sight to behold and totally overwhelming!

Only one of the many rooms displaying quilts and hooked rugs.
I didn't take anywhere near the amount of photos that I would have liked but I'll be sure to take more next year.

I can't imagine the amount of work that went into staging a show of this size.  It was very well organized and everything was presented so beautifully.

My "Safe Harbor" quilt, top center.
I had to go around several times just to make sure that I took everything in.

"Journey of a Quilter" by Leanne next stitching project!
A wonderful hot lunch was available to purchase on Friday and Saturday and dinner was available on Friday night as the show went until 8 p.m.  

Beautiful quilts, rugs and good there a better combination?  Oh, and I have to mention that there were 4 vendors there selling their wares as well.

Darlene from A Needle Pulling Thread Quilt Shop in Digby, NS...

Faye from Avonport Discount Fabrics in Avonport, NS...

Anne from Panier D'Art in Saulnierville, NS...

And Vicki from Hooking by the Sea in Brier Island, NS.

These four shops are must visit destinations when travelling through the Western Shores of Nova Scotia!

Mr. Painted Quilt (if you can believe it) and I had a great time.  Not only was it wonderful to meet up with old friends but I also had the good fortune of making several new ones as well.

Quilting and hooking are very alive and well in Nova Scotia!  

I can't wait till next year's event!

Happy Stitching!


  1. Sounds like an enviable outing!

  2. I know you want to make the Journey of a Quilter. I have a pattern set that I would love to trade for the Down in the Garden set. Would you be interested in trading?

  3. What a marvelous quilt show . . . so pretty and so many talented quilters. Wish I was there :)

  4. Looks like an amazing event!
    I'm glad Mr. PQ is happy to escort you to quilt related things. My DH does the same for me. Let's keep them, shall we? : )

  5. "Journey" is a great quilt too, it will be fun to see how you decide to personalize this one! I am still stuck on the lettering on DitG block 5. It seems to take five times as long as any of the flowers!

    Looks like an inspirational day!

  6. It was wonderful to have your beautiful work as part of the show. For those who missed it, it is the Friday and Saturday of Mother's Day weekend every year. It is in Centreville, Kings County, north of Kentville.
    I so enjoyed meeting you, Kaaren.

  7. Looks like a beautiful venue too!


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